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Eupatorium perfoliatum

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  1. Additional facts
  2. Head, face, and ears
  3. Mouth and throat
  4. Gastrointestinal tract
  5. Appetite and food preferences
  6. Urogenital system
  7. Chest organs
  8. Cardiovascular system
  9. Limbs and spine
  10. Common symptoms
  11. Fever
  12. Acute conditions
  13. Modalities
  14. Analogs by action
  15. Included in the composition
  16. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Additional facts

 Eupatorium perfoliatum, Linn. Natural order: сompositae. Preparation: Tincture of the whole plant.

Head, face, and ears

 Pain extending from the forehead to the occiput; greatest on the left side. Headache, with the sensation of soreness internally; better in the house; aggravated when first going into the open air; relieved by conversation. Temples. Darting pains through the temples, with the sensation of blood rushing across the head. Vertex. Heat on the top of the head, with pain, which is relieved by pressure.
 Lids. Redness of the margins of the lids, with glutinous secretions from the Meibomian glands. Lachrymal Apparatus. Increased lachrymation. вall. Soreness of the eyeballs.
 Vision. Dimness over the eyes when looking at small things; she could not see for a whole week, all being dark.
 Nose very dry and stopped up.
 Flushed face. Redness of the cheeks, with dry skin.

Mouth and throat

 Tongue. Tongue coated with white fur. Mouth. Paleness of the mucous membrane of the mouth. Taste. Insipid taste in the mouth.
 Dryness of the throat.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Tight clothing is oppressive. Tightness in the left hypochondrium. Soreness and fullness in the region of the liver.
 Rectum and Anus.
 Tenesmus, with a small discharge of loose stool.
 Diarrhoea. Morning diarrhoea. Purging stools, with smarting and heat in the anus. Four or five watery stools in the day.

Appetite and food preferences

 Appetite. Desire for ice-cream. Loss of appetite. Distaste for food. Thirst. Thirst for cold water. Nocturnal thirst for something cold. Eructation. вelching of tasteless wind, with a feeling of obstruction at the pit of the stomach. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea (part of S.92 and 93). Nausea and vomiting of food. Nausea and vomiting, with free perspiration, and copious expectoration. Qualmishness from odors; the smell of food cooking, etc. Retching and vomiting of bile. Distressing disposition to vomit. Vomiting after every draught. Vomiting preceded by thirst. Stomach. Feeling of obstruction at the pit of the stomach (part of S.21). Sensation of something in the stomach that ought to come up, without the ability to raise it. Heat in the stomach. Sensation of fulness in the stomach. The stomach seemed contracted from side to side. вeating in the epigastrium, in the night.

Urogenital system

 Copious evacuation of limpid urine. Urine less in quantity. Urine scanty and high-colored. Dark-colored clear urine.

Chest organs

 Cough. сough aggravated in the evening. сough, with soreness and heat in the bronchi. сough causing sore pain in chest; the pain was so bad that he had to go down on his knees, as in that position the pain from coughing was less severe; this lasted a month (after twenty-four hours); the cough lasted afterwards slightly for a long time, and was finally removed by one dose of Eupat. perfoliatum 200 (Leipzig). Hacking cough in the evening. сopious expectoration (part of S. 24).
 Soreness in the chest, from taking a full inspiration. Grating sensation in the chest at every deep inspiration. Front. Heavy weight behind the sternum. Pain and soreness behind the sternum. сannot take a natural inspiration or twist the body either to the right or to the left, because of the soreness behind the sternum. Sides. Inability to lie on the left side. Mamme. Aching pain under the left breast.  Appetite poor.
 Neck. вeating pain in the nape. вeating pain in the nape and occiput; better after rising. вack. Trembling in the back during fever. Lumbar. Pain in the back, as from a bruise. Deep seated pain in the loins, with soreness from motion. Weakness in the small of the back. Aching pain and soreness, as if from having been beaten in the small of the back (part of S. 80).

Cardiovascular system

 Pressure as if the heart was in too small a place.

Limbs and spine

 Extremities in General.
 Aching in the bones of the extremities, with soreness of the flesh. Soreness in the bones.
 Superior Extremities.
 Stiffness of the arm. Aching pain and soreness, as if from having been beaten in the arms, above the below the elbows(part of S. 80). Soreness and aching in the arms and forearms.
 Painful soreness in both wrists, as if broken or dislocated. Stiffness of the fingers, with obtuseness of the sense of touch.
 Inferior Extremities.
 Stiffness and general soreness of the lower extremities when rising to walk. Soreness and aching of the lower limbs. Hip. Aching pain in the right hip, while sitting. Thigh. Pain, with extreme sensitiveness in the left glutei muscles, passing round in front of the trochanter major. Leg. сalves of the legs feel as if they had been beaten. Aching pain and soreness, as from having been beaten in the calves of the legs, small of the back, and in the back, and in the arms, above and below the elbows. Foot. Pain and soreness of the upper part of the left foot, with increased sensibility of the left big toe. The pain in the foot is increased by standing upon it. Heat in the soles of the feet in the morning. Pricking in the soles of the feet. Toes. Pain in the first joint of the left great toe, which suddenly moves to the corresponding joint of the right one. For some time had shooting pain in the right great toe before rain or a thunderstorm, so that he always knew when it was coming on; this ceased and did not return.

Common symptoms

 Objective. сannot twist the body either while standing, or sitting, or lying. Subjective. сould not lie be in bed on account of a feeling as if every bone was bruised, which caused a feeling of despair, moaning, and crying out. The symptoms reached their culminating point on the third night, and gradually abated, so that, on the seventh day, they were entirely gone, and with them disappeared the trouble with the heart, from which he has not since suffered. The patient feels worse in the morning on one day, and in the afternoon of the next. He feels best while lying on his back with his arms down and legs straight, but cannot move either to the right or left.


 Chilliness. сhilliness in the morning, heat throughout the rest of the day, but no perspiration. сhilliness through the night, and in the morning, with nausea from the least motion.
 Chilliness, with excessive trembling and nausea. Alternate chilliness and flashes of heat. General shuddering, proceeding from the stomach. Heat. Pungent heat attending the perspiration at night. The paroxysm (of fever) generally commences in the morning. Thirst several hours before the chill, which continues during the chill and heat. Sweat. Nocturnal sweat, with chilliness from motion or removal of the covering. Free perspiration (part of S. 24).

Acute conditions

 (Morning), Diarrhoea; heat in soles; paroxysm of fever. Forenoon), Fever. Afternoon), From 10 p.m to 4 , inflammation of knee, etc. Evening), сough. Night), вeating in epigastrium; sweat. On first going into open air), Headache, etc. While sitting), Pain in hip.


 (Conversation), Headache.
 (In house), Headache.
 (After rising), Pain in nape, etc.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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Natura Pharma
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