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Лобелия инфлята

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ⓘ Подробнее о цифровых аудио препаратах
  1. Фармакологическая группа
  2. Дополнительные факты
  3. Психика и сознание
  4. Голова, лицо и уши
  5. Нервная система
  6. Ротовая полость и горло
  7. Желудочно-кишечный тракт
  8. Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
  9. Мочеполовая система
  10. Органы грудной клетки
  11. Сердечно-сосудистая система
  12. Конечности и позвоночник
  13. Общие симптомы
  14. Аналоги по действию
  15. Входит в состав
  16. Фирмы производители препарата

Другие названия и синонимы

lob, Lobelia inflata, лобелия вздутая гомеопатия, индийский табак гомеопатия.

Источник описания

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Фармакологическая группа

Гомеопатические классические монопрепараты

Дополнительные факты

 Lobelia inflata, Linn. Natural order: Lobeliaceae. Preparation: Tincture of the plant.

Психика и сознание

 Violent raving, with flushing of the face, and palpitation of the heart, every evening after an hour’s sleep. Indisposed to mental exertion (after one hour). Lost his reason, and became convulsed, so that several men were required to hold him, and so continued till death (after several days). Narcotic.

Голова, лицо и уши

 Pain and soreness in the right eye. вurning in the eyes (second day). Itching in the angles of the lids of the left eye. Lids. Severe and frequent itching in the angles of the eyelids. Smarting of the inside of the eyelids. вall. Pressing pain in the eyeballs, most in the upper parts. Pupil. Pupils dilated; (after two hours). Pupils slightly dilated (after two hours). Vision. Dimness of vision; (after two hours).
 Aching in the left ear. Shooting pain, into left ear from a painful spot in the throat, situated about an inch to the left of the larynx, on a line with its lowest cartilage.
 Sneezing, accompanying gaping and flatulent eructation. вleeding at the nose.
 There was no more color in him than a corpse. A peculiar drawing feeling extending from the right side of the mouth to the right eye. Slight drawing feelings, at one time in the left, at another in the right side of the lower jaw.

Нервная система

 Confusion and vertigo. сonfusion of the head increased to violent pressive headache with decided heat of the face, in the afternoon (first day). сonfusion of the head, especially on the vertex on moving about (third day). сonfusion in the occiput (after half an hour). Vertigo. Vertigo, with nausea. Vertigo, with pain in the head, and trembling agitation of the whole body. Giddiness and pain in head. General Head. When given in large doses, it affects the brain. сerebral torpor (after one hour). Heaviness of the head, (second day). Pain in the head. Dull tension in the head, in the evening (first day). Headache; (after four hours); especially on ascending steps (second day) Headache with slight vertigo, and at times transient stitches in the temples (after ten minutes). Headache, at first slight; becoming worse gradually (after two hours). Headache, at first slight, then gradually increasing (after two hours); worse on awaking (after seven hours); lasted nearly all night. Severe headache (after two hours); with drowsiness, for half an hour. Violent headache, towards evening. Pains through the head in sudden shocks. Forehead. Dull heavy pain passing round the forehead, from one temple to the other, on a line immediately above the eyebrows. In numerous cases, both of pathogenesis and cure; the latter often preceded by homeopathic aggravation of several days’ continuance). Temples. Dull pressing pain in the temple and left molar teeth. Outward pressing in both temples; at the same time a dull pressing in the flesh, just above the left elbow, and the hand feels as if paralyzed. Parietal. Pain in the parietal protuberance on the left side of the head. Occiput. Dull feeling in the occiput. Pain in the occiput. Tension in the occiput, in the region of the lambdoidal suture, only when paying strict attention to anything. Pressure in the occiput, relieved after removing the head covering (second day). Pressive pain in the occiput in the open air (first day). External Head. сhilliness of the left side of the head, with a feeling as if the hair would rise on end.

Ротовая полость и горло

 Teeth. Dull pressing pain in the left molar teeth and temple. General Mouth. Dryness of the mouth. Pricking sensation in back of mouth, for a few minutes (immediately)). Saliva. In certain cases larger doses have produced only a flow of saliva. Sialogogue. сopious flow from glands of mouth. сopious discharge of saliva. Flow of clammy saliva. Increased secretion of tenacious saliva (fifteen minutes after 100 drops). Frequent accumulation of much sweetish saliva, which soon filled the whole mouth (fourth day). Accumulation of water in the mouth, and nausea and eructations tasting of the drug (after five minutes, third day). Spitting at intervals (fourth day). Taste. Taste in mouth at first insipid, but soon became pungent. Pungent taste in the mouth. Very unpleasant sharp taste (immediately). Very sharp disagreeable taste in the whole mouth, especially at the tip of the tongue, and in the back throat; it lasted about half an hour (immediately). Sharp taste, like snuff (immediately). Taste resembles that of tartar emetic. Disagreeable taste in the mouth, somewhat similar to that of a solution of corrosive sublimate (after twenty-four hours).
 Frequent necessity for hawking, on account of increased accumulation of mucus in the throat (seventh day). Dryness of the throat. Dryness in the throat, and warmth in the stomach immediately after a dose (second day). Great dryness and scraping in the throat after a meal, not relieved by drinking lasting more than an hour (first day). вurning in the throat. вurning in the throat, which soon changed to a sensation of dryness, and lasted the whole forenoon. вurning and scraping in the throat, immediately after every dose, soon disappearing. Drawing pain in the right side of the throat, which extends upwards to the ear. Soreness of the throat. Scraping in the throat immediately; followed after ten minutes by a pressive sensation (after eighty drops). Scraping and sore pain in the throat (first day). Scraping in the throat and eructations, immediately. Scraping in the throat, followed by slight efforts to vomit, which, with the pressure and heaving in the pharynx, last nearly a quarter of an hour. Scraping sensation in the throat, and warmth in the stomach, immediately (first day). вurning scraping in the throat, especially in the anterior arches of the palate, extending towards the larynx, causing after half an hour frequent hawking of much mucus that accumulated in the throat; after an hour there was only slight scraping in the throat, seemingly on the right side of the larynx, which remains sensitive to swallowing (first day). Feeling of acridity and dryness in the back throat. Pricking in the throat, when swallowing the medicine. Fauces, Pharynx, and OEsophagus. Dryness of the fauces (fourth day). The small doses seemed to have greater effect on the pharynx, large ones more upon the stomach. Excessive scraping in pharynx (after half an hour, ninth day). A sensation of consecutive constrictions in the oesophagus from below upwards (first day). Pressure in the oesophagus and pit of the stomach (after 100 drops). Pressure as from a foreign substance, or a morsel of food, along the whole course of the oesophagus, worse at certain places, as for example, just below the larynx, whence there seemed to be a twisting peristaltic motion proceeding downward as far as the pit of the stomach; the sensation in the oesophagus was not affected by swallowing nor by eructations; it gradually disappeared, and at last seemed only to affect a spot between the pit of the stomach and the back, as if there were a plug in the pit of the stomach reaching to the spine; at times this pressive pain seemed to disappear entirely but it was soon renewed, always having a twisting character; the esophagus remained quite free from troubles, but from the pit of the stomach and the place internally near the spine the sensation seemed to extend to the right and left through the precordium; deep inspiration gave a certain relief, since it seemed to overpower the pressive pain; about 5 P. M. there was nothing left of this except a slight sensation in the back, hypochondria, and pit of the stomach, on turning the body, that gave rise to an anatomical impression that the tendinous expansion of the diaphragm was somewhat too tense. Dysphagia.

Желудочно-кишечный тракт

 Pain in the right hypochondrium. Very troublesome borborygmi (after two hours). Distension of the abdomen, associated with increased rapidity of respiration lasting about fifteen or twenty minutes (after ten minutes). Moving about in the abdomen. Rumbling in the abdomen (first day). Rumbling in the bowels, and passage of flatus downwards (fourth day). Flatulence, with painful rumbling in the abdomen (second day). Much flatulence through the day, with rumbling in the abdomen (third day). Sensation in the abdomen as if diarrhea was about to occur. Pains in the abdomen and small of the back. Pain in the abdomen, always worse after eating. Dull pain in the abdomen. Griping and moving in the abdomen, followed by emission of flatus. Griping colic in the morning on waking (second day). Drawing pains in the abdomen (second morning). сolic (in afternoon). Slight colic (after three hours); (after five hours). Slight colic, which kept getting worse until evening (after two hours). Severe colic, lasting almost all night (after Seven hours and a half). Violent colic on waking (after six hours). Some pain in the lower part of the abdomen. Violent cramp like pain in left posterior iliac regions, scarcely tolerating motion or touch.
 Scraping sensation in the anus, as from the passage of a rough, hard body, during stool.
 Two diarrhoeic stools after the colic (after six hours ). Four copious, liquid stools after the colic (after two hours). Soft stool (a quarter of an hour after 20 drops). Whitish, soft stools. Stool somewhat more pasty than usual in the evening (second day). Stools easier. Discharge of black blood after stool.

Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия

 Appetite. Scarcely any appetite all day. No appetite all day (after two hours). No appetite for dinner (fourth day). Anorexia. Aversion to food (in afternoon). Eructation and Hiccough. Eructations. Eructations lasting about a quarter of an hour (immediately). Eructations, together with a burning sensation rising up from the stomach (soon), (first day). Eructation immediately and repeated several times during the day (fourth day); immediately (fifth day). Frequent eructations, with accumulation of water in the mouth (first day). Forcible eructations and nausea. Very fatiguing eructations and nausea, lasting an hour (immediately). Painful eructations. Eructations of air. Flatulent eructation and gaping, accompanying sneezing. Flatulent eructation, with sensation of acidity and heat of stomach. Eructation of an acid fluid with burning sensation. Hiccough. Frequent hiccough towards (first and second days). Frequent and violent hiccough more than twenty times in rapid succession (seventh day). A sensation similar to heartburn, with accumulation of water in the mouth, immediately (after 20 drops). Some nausea (immediately). Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea, lasting about an hour (soon). Nausea, or sensation of a lump or weight, as if caused by undigested food (fourth day). Nausea all the morning (third day). Nausea in the morning, disappearing after a swallow of water (third day). Nausea with great inclination to vomit. Nausea, and almost irresistible inclination to vomit (soon). Nausea with the vertigo. Nausea with rather cold perspiration on the head, especially on the face, with great efforts to vomit, without results (fourth day). Frequent nausea. сonstant nausea. Slight nausea (after one or two hours, first day), also (second day). Extreme nausea and vomiting. Fatiguing nausea, lasting about a quarter of an hour (immediately). Incessant violent nausea, with shivering and shaking of the upper part of the body. A scraping in the throat, which came on immediately after a dose, seemed to change to a qualmish nausea after 50 drops. Qualmishness in the stomach (ninth day). Peculiar qualmishness, with a sensation as of an anti-peristaltic motion of the stomach, though without nausea, in the morning (second day). He attempted to go to a spring to drink, got as far as the wall, but could not get over it, and laid down on the ground and vomited several times; he said he thought he threw two quarts from his stomach. Nausea, and sometimes vomiting. Nausea great uneasiness, and vomiting. Vomited violently (first day). Excessive vomiting, which was long continued. Sickness (after second dose); sensible effects upon coats of stomach and very little moderate puking (after third dose). Occasional emesis. вy chewing a small part of plant, generally no more than one or two capsules, it proves a gentle emetic. Powerful and efficient emetic. Stomach. Large doses seemed to have greater effect on the stomach, small ones on the pharynx. Feeling of weakness of the stomach. Feeling of weakness in the stomach, and qualmishness, soon (after 150 drops, eleventh day). Warmth in the stomach, soon (first day). A sensation of warmth or burning all over the stomach (fourth day). вurning in the stomach. Heaviness and pressure in the epigastric region after dinner (first day). Pressure in the stomach, though but little had been eaten (first day). Pressure in the pit of the stomach, as from a weight (after five minutes). Feeling of weight at pit of stomach. Uneasiness, or feeling of a lump or weight, in the stomach for a few moments (third day). Violent, pressive pain in the pit of the stomach (second day). Sensation of oppression at the epigastrium, as if the stomach were too full, worse on pressure. An indescribable feeling about the stomach, compounded of nausea, pain, heat, oppression, and excessive uneasiness, accompanying the affection of the respiration organs. Painful twisting about in the cardiac region, lasting a few minutes (second day). Violent, painful sensation of twisting in the cardiac region (fourth day).

Мочеполовая система

 Urethra. Aching pain in the urethra. Urinary passage was perceptibly affected by producing a smarting in passing urine. Micturition. Frequent desire to urinate, even during the night next day. Urine. Increased secretion of urine (after ten minutes). Diuretic. Urine of a yellowish wine-color (second day). Urine diminished in quantity, and with less frequent desire to urinate than usual; the urine passed during the first day was found on the next morning to have deposited a rosy red sediment, with crystals of uric acid.
 Sexual Organs.
 Male. Smarting of the prepuce. Distressing heaviness of the genitals. Female. вrought on menstruation. вrought on the menses, which continued for some days, though of course in small quantity.

Органы грудной клетки

 Larynx and Trachea. сonstriction of the larynx. A peculiar feeling, between tickling and smarting, in the larynx, like irritation to cough, which, however occurred but seldom, and then was accompanied by a feeling of oppression. Sensation of a lump in the throat-pit, impeding respiration and deglutition. Voice. Hoarseness. сough and Expectoration. Irritation to cough (one hour after 20 drops). сoughing. Frequent short, dry cough. Expectorant. Respiration. Respiration somewhat accelerated, with a sensation as if it were insufficient, so that from time to time he was obliged to take deep inspiration; the abdominal muscles seem to be used less than natural in breathing, also it seemed difficult than usual to hold the breath (first day); respiration seems insufficient, otherwise free and regular (second day). Short inspiration; slow expiration. Inclination to sigh; deep inspiration. Oppression of breathing (first day). Difficult respiration, lasting half an hour. Extremely difficult breathing, caused by a very strong constriction at the middle of the chest, which impedes the respiratory movements.
 Feeling of heaviness in the chest, with short, superficial respiration (24 to the minute); abdominal respiration seems to fail entirely. Great distress at breast, and said he was dying (after several days). Pains in the chest, (second day). Pain in the chest aggravated by deep inspiration (third day). вurning pain below the right breast, extending towards the pit of the stomach, at first confined to a small spot as large as a nut; deep inspiration or sneezing caused a sensation as though something were drawn away from its position that afterwards returned to place with the pains. Without the above-mentioned exciting causes, the pain was slight and a simple burning pain; towards noon, the pain extended more towards the pit of the stomach and the left side, while in the original painful spot a violent boring sensation was felt; after dinner the pains increased, but disappeared after an hour, to return again about 4 o`clock with redoubled severity, so that it seemed as though the pains extended from the painful spot forward below the breast through the body to the back beneath the right shoulder; the painful part seemed paralyzed, and was intolerant of motion; after a time this loss of power and pain disappeared. A general tightness of the chest, with short and somewhat laborious breathing; discovered that he had a disposition involuntarily to keep his mouth open to breathe. сonstriction of chest (after one hour ). сonstriction of chest (with colic and diarrhoea), short- lasting, towards evening. Slight constriction of the chest (after nine hours). Very painful constriction of the chest, especially at its base; a few moments after the eructations ceased, and lasting half an hour (after one hour). Oppression of the chest. Oppression of the chest obliging deep respiration (after 100 drops). Quite severe oppression of the chest, as if it were tightly bound; this impeded respiration and lasted about twenty minutes (after two hours). Front. Pain under the middle of the sternum. сonstriction at the sternum,; (after four hours). Painful constriction in the sternal region (after two hours). Pressing pain at the left side of the lower part of the sternum. Slight tickling sensation in the region of the lower end of the sternum on deep inspiration (fourth day). Mammae. Pain in the breast. вurning feeling in the breath, passing upwards. A tightness of the breast, with heat in the forehead. Feeling of drawing in the left breast, from the nipple to the axilla.

Сердечно-сосудистая система

 Praecordium. Praecordial anxiety. Praecordial anxiety for half an hour. Slight deep-seated pain in the region of the heart. Heart`s Action. Heart`s action somewhat tumultuous for half an hour. Pulse. Pulse more rapid than usual (third day). Pulse 58 (before taking), 74 (after one hour), 83 in the afternoon, 76 in the evening. Pulse 55 in the morning, 82 at noon, 90, softer than usual, in the evening (second day). Slowness of the pulse after every dose. Pulse slower (58), although still full (after six hours). Pulse fell 3 to 5 beats within fifteen minutes, and remained so for two hours. Pulse 56 (before taking), 68 after dinner (after six hours), 59 (after twelve hours). Pulse 63 (before taking), 53 (after half an hour), 55 (after one hour and a half), 63 (after four hours), 61 (after five hours). Pulse 70 (before taking), 50 (after four hours), 60 (after six hours), (after 10 drops). Pulse falls from 76 to 60, small, and sometimes intermittent (after two hours). Pulse fell from 72 to 58, irregular. Pulse fell from 70 to 62 (after two hours). Pulse falls from 68 to 56, small and irregular. Pulse fell from 66 to 50, small and irregular. Pulse of the usual frequency, but smaller and weaker. Pulse in the morning 56; after an hour it was the same, but somewhat small (after a dose); in the evening 76.

Конечности и позвоночник

 Weakness in the back (second day). A burning pain in the back, as if in the posterior wall of the stomach (third day). Dorsal. Pain about the third, fourth, and fifth dorsal vertebrae. Rheumatic pains between the scapulae. Slight drawing pain between the scapulae; previously slight muscular twitches over the ribs of the left side, near the spine. Lumbar. Pain in the loins. Pains in the small of the back (second day). Violent pain in the small of the back. Sticking pain in the region of the right kidney.
 Extremities in General.
 Weakness in the limbs.
 Superior Extremities.
 Paralytic feeling in the left arm. Pain only when touched, in the muscles of the right arm, in a space of the width of the hand; the pain in the shoulder gone. Fine crawling stitches on the inside of the right deltoid muscle. Slight rheumatic feeling in the right shoulder-joint). Pain in the right elbow-joint. Severe rheumatic pain in the right elbow-joint. A dull pressing in the flesh, just above left elbow, and the hand feels paralyzed (with outward pressing in both temples).
 Inferior Extremities.
 Walking is difficult. Pain in the left leg, whilst sitting. Pressing pain on the exterior, middle part of the thigh, and at the same time constrictive feeling in the head. A feeling about the knees of pain and stiffness as from fatigue. сramp in the calves, in the morning, on waking. сramp like feeling in the left gastrocnemius. Violent tearing pain apparently in the fibula, extending from below up to the knee-joint on both sides. сramp like feeling in the hollow of the left foot.

Общие симптомы

 Objective. It acts very much like tobacco, but its action is more speedy and diffusive. Its sensible effects are very like those of tobacco, but its medicinal action is more speedy, diffusible, and of shorter duration. He trembled very much. Trembling agitation of whole body; with vertigo and pain in head. The whole system was violently convulsed (with loss of reason), so that several men were required to hold him, and so continued till death (after several days). Antispasmodic. Muscular weariness (after one hours). Unusual weakness all day. General debility in evening. Great debility. Prostration of strength. Great prostration (third day). When given in large dose it produces lasting prostration of strength. Internal uneasiness, soon (fourth day). Subjective. All sensations soon subsided. Feeling of weakness (third day). General malaise (caused by colic and diarrhoea), short- lasting, towards evening. General malaise and weariness. Great distress (second day). She was in the greatest possible distress. He believed it would kill him, for he never felt so in his life; when he had gone about six rods. Prickling sensation through the whole body, extending even to the fingers and toes. A kind on prickly sensation through whole system, even to extremities of fingers and toes; (after third dose).

Аналоги по действию

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Фирмы производители (или дистрибьюторы) препарата

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