Other names and synonyms
ign, Strychnos ignatii.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Strychnos Ignatia, вergius (Ignatia amara, Linn., formerly applied to this plant, seems to belong to one entirely different; see Fluckiger and Hanbury Pharmacographia, p.387, note).
Natural order: Loganiaceae.
Preparation: Triturations of the bean.
Natural order: Loganiaceae.
Preparation: Triturations of the bean.
Psyche and consciousness
Emotional. Nightly fancies, which fatigue the mind. He fancies that he is unable to proceed, that he cannot walk. A fixed idea, which he pursues in his thoughts, or expatiates upon with great earnestness and exhaustiveness in conversation (after two hours). Fixed ideas, as for example, of music and melodies, in the evening, before and after lying down. Desires improper things and cries aloud when they are refused. Involuntary weeping for three days. Howls, cries, and is beside herself on account of trifles (after one hour). If she is refused even gently what she wishes, or if one tries to persuade her, even with gentle, kind words, or if others wish something different from what she wishes, then she cries aloud (after one hour ). Merry and jesting mood (after eight hours). вoldness (after three and five hours). Sadness to wards evening. Quiet, earnest melancholy; cannot be induced to talk or e cheerful; with flat, watery taste to all food, and little appetite (after twenty-four hours). Tender mood, with very clear consciousness. Anxiety. Anxiety, as if he had committed some crime. Inability to express himself distinctly on account of anxiety. Anxiety of short duration (after quarter of an hour). Great anxiety. Extreme anxiety, which prevents talking Fearfulness, timidity; she has no confidence in herself, gives up gives up everything. Fever of thieves, on walking after midnight (after ten hours). She fears that she will have an ulcer in the stomach. Unusual tendency to the frightened. Dread of every trifle, especially of things coming near him (after one hour). Very transient fretfulness and ill humor. Slight contradiction makes him ill humored and angry (after eight hours). Slight blame or contradiction excites him to anger, and this makes him angry with himself (after thirty-six hours). сontrary to he will, thinks of vexatious and peevish things, and dwells upon them (after half an hour). Absorbed in himself, peevish and soured (after half an hour). Extremely morose, finds fault, and makes reproaches. The various pressure on and in several parts of the head to gather make him morose and peevish. He is discontented, morose, and obstinate towards evening; no one can do anything right or please him (after eight hours). Inconstant, impatient, irresolute, quarrelsome, in recurring attacks every three or four hours. Unreasonable complaining about too much noise (after two hour). Finely sensitive mood, delicate conscientiousness (after twenty hours). Incredible changes of mood; at one time he jokes and makes merry, at another he is lachrymose, alternating every three or four hours. He jokes a few hours after he has been angry (after six hours) Indifferent to everything in the seemed to live without his usual good humor (fifth day). Intellectual. Very busy angry (after six hours). He does now this, now that, in a restless way. Hurry of mind, after exerting the brain, especially in the morning; he is unable to talk, write or do anything else as rapidly as he wishes; Whereupon there occurs anxious behavior, mistakes in talking and writing, and awkward actions requiring constant corrections (after twenty hours). Dulness of sense with inclination to hurry; while hurrying, the blood rushes into the face (after six hours), He is scarcely able to keep his thoughts fixed for a moment, Thought was impeded and very difficult on account of the affection of the head (sixth day), He walks about quite perplexed, disconcerted, and stupid. Memory weak and untrustworthy (after eight and ten hours).
Head, face, and ears
Objective. Sits looking as though in deep thought; stares in front of him but is completely without thought (after two hours). Subjective. Pain extending from the head into the left eye, when the eyes began to burn and water, the lids became swollen, and the meibomian glands secreted much mucus, Pressure in the right eye from within outward it seems as though the eyeball was protruding from the orbit (fifth day) Pressure in an above the eyes on waking in the morning (second day). Painful pressure above the eyes, with pressure in the eyeballs, especially on looking at the light, (Stitches in the right eye), Much irritability of the right eye; increased secretion of mucus in both eyes, itching within the eye (after two hour). вrow and orbit. A violent pressure beneath the left eyebrow. Pain below the orbits and in the cheek, where it has extended from the head (third day) Lids. Agglutination of the lids in the morning with purulent mucus; on opening the eyes the light is blinding. The lids are agglutinated in the morning there is pressure within the eyes as from sand; in opening the lids, sticking in the eyes (after thirty six hours). Weariness as if the eyelids would close, Sensation as if a particle were in the left external canthus, which alternately affects the tissues. Pain in the inner surface of the upper lid, as if it were too dry, in the evening. Pressive pain behind and above the upper lids of both eyes, lasting two hours (soon first day). Sticking tearing in the external canthus of the eyes are agglutinated in the morning and water in the forenoon. Pain like a soreness in the external canthi, on closing the eye. вiting in the external canthi (after twenty four hour). Gnawing biting on the margins of the lids (in the morning while reading) (after eighteen hours). вall. Itching of the eyeball at the inner canthus (after four hours). Pupil. Pupils more easy to dilate and are dilated (after four hours). The pupils dilate easily, and just as easily contract. Pupils are more inclined to dilate then to contract later action. Pupils cannot be dilated. Pupils at first contracted. Vision. Dimness of vision of the right eye, as if a veil had been drawn in front of it; after the midday nap (after six hours). Is unable to endure the glare of light (after eight hour) Objects seems) to move before the eyes (after 40 drops) It becomes dim before one eye in the evening while reading, as if tears were in it which he should wipe away; there is, however, no water in it, Zigzag and serpentine, white flickering at one side of the field of vision (soon after dinner). (after thirty hours) A circle of while glittering, flickering Zigzags about the point of vision. A circle of white glittering, flickering zigzags about the point of vision; therewith the letters to which one directs the eye became invisible, but those next to them were distinct (after sixteen hours). On reading, the letters to which the eyes were directed became invisible, but those, in the immediate vicinity seemed more distinct than ever; it seemed as if the middle of the word, was marked with chalk, while the beginning and end of a long word, or the first and last letters of a monosyllabic word, had become more distinct, lasting about an hour.
Pain in the inner ear. Stitches within the ear (after three hours) (He feels a throbbing within the ear). Itching in the auditory canals (after three hours). Hearing. Noise is intolerable, therewith the pupils dilate more easily than natural (after six hours) Music causes an unusual and agreeable sensation (after two hours). Insensibility to music (after thirty hours) Ringing in the ears. Roaring in the ears (after 40 drops).
Objective. The nostrils are ulcerated. He is unable to draw air through the nose on closing the mouth). сatarrh; dry catarrh. Fluent coryza. At first, trickling from the nose, afterwards coryza (after half an hour). Nosebleed, immediately). Subjective. Stoppage of one nostril, as if by a little leaf internally; not like a dry catarrh, Sensation of ulceration and soreness in the inner angle of one or both nostrils (after twelve hours). Tickling in the nose. сrawling itching in both nostrils.
Gets red in the face from slight contradiction. сheeks. Pressure in both zygomata before going to sleep. An intermitting. paralytic like pressure in the zygomatic process of the left upper jaw. Sticking pressure in the zygoma in front of the left ear. Fine stitches in the cheeks. Lips. The lips are cracked and bleeding. one corner of the lips becomes ulcerated (after two hours). The inner surface of the lower lip is ulcerated (without pain). An enlarged gland on the inner surface of the lower lip, with sore, pain. An enlarged gland on the inner surface of the lower lip, with sore pain. An enlarged cutaneous gland on the inner surface of the lower lip suppurates with sore pain (after four hour). Sticking in the lips, especially on moving them (after a quarter of an hour). Sticking in lower lip, even when it is not moved (after eight hour). An exceedingly piercing fine sticking in the lower lip when touching a hair of the beard in that place, as if a splinter were sticking in it (after eight hour) The inner surface of the lower lip is painful as if raw and sore (after eight and ten hours) сhina The lower jaw is involuntarily drawn upward and the jaws close, which prevents speech for half an hour (after half an hour). Moves his mouth in sleep as if eating (after three hours). Pain in the articulation of the lower jaw, in the morning while laying down, pressure beneath both rami of the lower jaw, as if the flesh beneath the jaw were pressed downward, during rest and motion.
Objective. Sits looking as though in deep thought; stares in front of him but is completely without thought (after two hours). Subjective. Pain extending from the head into the left eye, when the eyes began to burn and water, the lids became swollen, and the meibomian glands secreted much mucus, Pressure in the right eye from within outward it seems as though the eyeball was protruding from the orbit (fifth day) Pressure in an above the eyes on waking in the morning (second day). Painful pressure above the eyes, with pressure in the eyeballs, especially on looking at the light, (Stitches in the right eye), Much irritability of the right eye; increased secretion of mucus in both eyes, itching within the eye (after two hour). вrow and orbit. A violent pressure beneath the left eyebrow. Pain below the orbits and in the cheek, where it has extended from the head (third day) Lids. Agglutination of the lids in the morning with purulent mucus; on opening the eyes the light is blinding. The lids are agglutinated in the morning there is pressure within the eyes as from sand; in opening the lids, sticking in the eyes (after thirty six hours). Weariness as if the eyelids would close, Sensation as if a particle were in the left external canthus, which alternately affects the tissues. Pain in the inner surface of the upper lid, as if it were too dry, in the evening. Pressive pain behind and above the upper lids of both eyes, lasting two hours (soon first day). Sticking tearing in the external canthus of the eyes are agglutinated in the morning and water in the forenoon. Pain like a soreness in the external canthi, on closing the eye. вiting in the external canthi (after twenty four hour). Gnawing biting on the margins of the lids (in the morning while reading) (after eighteen hours). вall. Itching of the eyeball at the inner canthus (after four hours). Pupil. Pupils more easy to dilate and are dilated (after four hours). The pupils dilate easily, and just as easily contract. Pupils are more inclined to dilate then to contract later action. Pupils cannot be dilated. Pupils at first contracted. Vision. Dimness of vision of the right eye, as if a veil had been drawn in front of it; after the midday nap (after six hours). Is unable to endure the glare of light (after eight hour) Objects seems) to move before the eyes (after 40 drops) It becomes dim before one eye in the evening while reading, as if tears were in it which he should wipe away; there is, however, no water in it, Zigzag and serpentine, white flickering at one side of the field of vision (soon after dinner). (after thirty hours) A circle of while glittering, flickering Zigzags about the point of vision. A circle of white glittering, flickering zigzags about the point of vision; therewith the letters to which one directs the eye became invisible, but those next to them were distinct (after sixteen hours). On reading, the letters to which the eyes were directed became invisible, but those, in the immediate vicinity seemed more distinct than ever; it seemed as if the middle of the word, was marked with chalk, while the beginning and end of a long word, or the first and last letters of a monosyllabic word, had become more distinct, lasting about an hour.
Pain in the inner ear. Stitches within the ear (after three hours) (He feels a throbbing within the ear). Itching in the auditory canals (after three hours). Hearing. Noise is intolerable, therewith the pupils dilate more easily than natural (after six hours) Music causes an unusual and agreeable sensation (after two hours). Insensibility to music (after thirty hours) Ringing in the ears. Roaring in the ears (after 40 drops).
Objective. The nostrils are ulcerated. He is unable to draw air through the nose on closing the mouth). сatarrh; dry catarrh. Fluent coryza. At first, trickling from the nose, afterwards coryza (after half an hour). Nosebleed, immediately). Subjective. Stoppage of one nostril, as if by a little leaf internally; not like a dry catarrh, Sensation of ulceration and soreness in the inner angle of one or both nostrils (after twelve hours). Tickling in the nose. сrawling itching in both nostrils.
Gets red in the face from slight contradiction. сheeks. Pressure in both zygomata before going to sleep. An intermitting. paralytic like pressure in the zygomatic process of the left upper jaw. Sticking pressure in the zygoma in front of the left ear. Fine stitches in the cheeks. Lips. The lips are cracked and bleeding. one corner of the lips becomes ulcerated (after two hours). The inner surface of the lower lip is ulcerated (without pain). An enlarged gland on the inner surface of the lower lip, with sore, pain. An enlarged gland on the inner surface of the lower lip, with sore pain. An enlarged cutaneous gland on the inner surface of the lower lip suppurates with sore pain (after four hour). Sticking in the lips, especially on moving them (after a quarter of an hour). Sticking in lower lip, even when it is not moved (after eight hour). An exceedingly piercing fine sticking in the lower lip when touching a hair of the beard in that place, as if a splinter were sticking in it (after eight hour) The inner surface of the lower lip is painful as if raw and sore (after eight and ten hours) сhina The lower jaw is involuntarily drawn upward and the jaws close, which prevents speech for half an hour (after half an hour). Moves his mouth in sleep as if eating (after three hours). Pain in the articulation of the lower jaw, in the morning while laying down, pressure beneath both rami of the lower jaw, as if the flesh beneath the jaw were pressed downward, during rest and motion.
Nervous system
Confusion and Vertigo. сonfusion of the whole head (a few minutes after the dose, sixteenth day). сonfusion and pain in the head (after half an hour, fifth day), сonfusion and discomfort of the head, on waking in the morning (seventh day). сonfusion of the head, which, after half an hour, became a pressive pain upon the vertex; after an hour his pain extended down into the left eye, and at the same time affected the whole head, (50) сonfusion of the head; pains in the right side, especially in the occiput; these symptoms were aggravated not only by thinking but also by speaking (fourth day) сonfusion of the head. like intoxication, lasting the whole day, and at times becoming a decided pressive pain the forehead, especially in the right half, so that thought was vary difficult (third day), сonfusion of the head, on waking in the morning (like that day previous), lasting till after diner (fourth day). on the next day it continued, and soon changed to a pressive pain seated in forehead and affected he eyes, so that movement of the lids and eyeballs was painful; ascending steps or any violent exertion of the body aggravated the pain. Slight of the whole head, like that which precede coryza (after two hours, first day), Slight transient confusion of he head (third day). Transient obscuration of the head, Vertigo. After half an hour), Vertigo with transient headache, Vertigo, so that he staggered and could not, without difficulty, stand erect (soon after 40 drops), Vertigo, changing to a pain in the right half of the occiput (after wards in the former place). (twelfth day). A kind of vertigo; a feeling of swaying to and for slight vertigo (tenth day). Violent vertigo, combined with some stitches in the head, lasting all day, till 10 p. m. Swimming in the head. Intoxication (after one hour). A strange sensation in the head, a kind of intoxications as from brandy, with burning in the eyes, immediately. General head. He inclines the head forward. He lays the head forward upon a table. A feeling as though the head was hollow and empty. After four and six hours), Heaviness of the head, on waking in the morning as if it were filled with blood (as after stooping too low), with tearing pains in the occiput, which were blood (as after stooping to low), with tearing pains in the occiput which were relieved by laying upon the back, aggravated on sitting erect, but mostly relieved by bending the head low forward while sitting. Heat in the head, Headache with every beat of the arteries. Headache, especially in the frontal region, just above the eyes, at 2 p. m. (after four hours first day). Headache aggravated by stopping (after one hour). Headache coming on immediately after stopping low, disappearing at once on becoming erect (after eighteen hours). Violent headache in the morning in bed on waking and opening the eyes, which disappears after rising (after forty hours). (80) It seems as though the head was too full of blood; and the nose internally is very sensitive to external air, as in impending nosebleed. Headache immediately after the midday nap; a general pressure through the whole brain, as if there was too much brain or blood in the head, gradually aggravated by reading and writing (after twenty hours), Headache is brought on y talking or speaking loud, as if the head would burst; it disappears entirely while sitting still, reading, and writing (after forty eight hours). Pressure and heaviness in the head during the afternoon and evening. Headache, like a pressure from some thing hard upon the surface of the brain, by paroxysms (after six hours). Sudden pressure in the head, now in one place, now in another, in the evening Sixth day; this continued through the night, but did not prevent sleep; the next morning he was not refreshed, and the pressure in the head continued and increased to real pain, which lasted till 3. p. m. Painful pressure extending from he forehead to different places in the head, returning in the evening, more violent than in he morning he was quite well (third day). Pressive pains in he head, especially in the forehead. Pressive headache in the morning aggravated after eating (seventh day). Dull pressive headache, extending over the whole head (after a few minutes). Stitches shoot through the head (soon after forty drops). Tearing headache after midnight, while lying on he side, disappearing while lying on the back. Headache, as if bruised (after eight hours). Headache in the morning on waking, as if the brain were beaten and bruised; on rising it disappears and a toothache takes its place, as if the nerve of the tooth were shattered and crushed, then it changes, then it changes to a similar pain in small of the back; the headache is always renewed on thinking. Throbbing headache. Jerking pain in the head, on ascending steps. Jerking headache aggravated by raising the eyes (after one hour). Headache aggravated by talking. headache is increased by reading and by paying strict attention to a speaker, but not by simple free though (after six hours)., Forehead. A kind of dulness which at times amounted to real pain in the forehead, in the forenoon (fourth day). Pain in the forehead (second day). Headache in the region of the forehead, which extended at times more to the right, at other times more towards the left eyeballs, and was aggravated by motion of the body, from 2 p. m. till evening (after 8 drops), Dull headache, confined to the right 2 P. M. till evening and involving the right eye, which was very sensitive to the light; the pain in the right eye was aggravated by moving it the pain disappeared towards evening, both from the eye and the forehead (after 45 drops). сramp like headache above the root of the nose, in the region of the inner canthus (after three hours). Raging headache, a constant digging beneath the right frontal eminence and on the right side of the frontal region extending to difference places in the head, not lasting long in any places (third day). Pressure in the right frontal region, above the eyebrow (after two hour, first day). Pressure in the right frontal region, above the eyebrow (after Two hours first day), Dull pressure in the forehead extending into the nasal cavities, and every ten minutes a sensation as though violent coryza would develop; when after ten minutes, the sensation in the nose was better it extended to other parts of the head, and so alternated for an hour, when it entirely disappeared, but returned again after an hour, when it entirely disappeared, but returned again after an hour with great violent entirely disappeared, but returned again after an hour with great violence lasting an hour and a half, when it entirely vanished (fifth day). A stupefying intermitting pressure beneath the left frontal eminence. Pressive pain in the frontal region (soon, first day),; (second day). Pressive pain in forehead, with pressure in both eyes, towards noon, lasting till 2.30 p. m. (eight day). Pressive pain extending from the forehead. Downward on either the right or left side, but not involving the eyes. Pressure pain deep beneath the right side of the frontal bone. Slight pressive pain the frontal region, aggravated by the bright sunlight (after 36 drops). Pressive headache in the forehead above the root of the nose, which compels him to bend the head forwards, followed by qualmishness (after five hours). Pressive headache in the right side of the forehead, extending to the left side, and afterwards over the whole head (sixth day), Pressive headache in the right half of the forehead, which after an hour extended to the left side (fifth day). Pressive headache in the right side of the forehead, extending down in to the right eye; it seemed as through the eyeball would be pressed out; at the same time there were burning in the eyes and increased lachrymation, with much mucus. Violent pressive headache in the frontal region and around the orbits; this pains increased hour by hour, and distressed him till going to sleep in the evening; on waking he was quite well (after 36 drops). A pressive and somewhat drawing headache above the right orbit oat the root of the nose, renewed by stooping low down (after ten hours) Sticking pain in the forehead, and extending to the temples, Sticking pains in the whole forehead and on the right side of the occiput; in the latter place they were rather pressive than sticking third day Sticking pain in the forehead, especially above the eyebrows (fifth day). Tearing headache in the forehead and behind the left ear, which was tolerable while lying on the back, but aggravated by rising the head; with heat and redness of the cheeks, and hot hands (after five hours). Throbbing in the head above the right eyebrow. Temples. A pressure in the temples at times associated with deep sleep. Excessive pressure in both temples especially in the right. Pressive headache in both temples, lasting not over thirty minutes (after one hour, first day). Violent pressive headache in the temples. Headache as if the temples were being pressed outward Raging headache in the bed, while lying upon either side, as if it would press out at the temples, relieved by lying upon the back (after forty eight hours) Deep stitches in the right temple (after three quarters of an hour)., Vertex. Pressive contractive pain in the region of the vertex, which contractive pain in the region of the vertex, which extended to the forehead, where it remained till 4. pm. Soon first day). Parietals. Pressive pain in the right side of the head, in the forenoon (fourth day) Pressive headache in one-half of the brain, while walking in the open air, aggravated by talking or reflecting (after two hours). Occiput. Pain in the occiput just above the mastoid process, at times involving the auditory apparatus, when the hearing seemed to be blunted, in the afternoon (second day) Pressure and pressing pain in the right half of the occiput, lasting till he fell asleep (sixteenth day), Pressive pain in the occiput more on the right side (sixth day) Pressive headache in the right half of the occiput, (140) pain as if the occipital bone was pressed inward. External head. The hair of the head falls out), (after thirty six hours). External headache; the head is sore to touch, External headache, extending from the temples across the orbits when touched it pains as if beaten.
Mouth and throat
Teeth. The teeth are loose and painful. One of the front teeth is numb and very loose; it is painful whenever touched with the tongue. pain in the teeth ( in the morning ), as from looseness, Tendency to tooth ache and looseness of the teeth, persisting after the proving Toothache commencing near the end of the meal and continuing to increase after (eating). сlawing digging pains in the incisors, in the evening (after half an hour). Immovable sore pain in the anterior molars, especially when reading (after three hours). Pain in the back teeth as if there nerves had been crushed and bruised. Gums. The inner side of the gum is painful as if numb, as if it had been burnt. Tongue. He easily bites one side of the posterior part of the tongue when talking or chewing (after five eight and Twenty hours). The glands under the tongue seemed to be excited; they were inflamed and swollen, The front half of the tongue becomes numb while talking; while eating it feels burnt or sore. вurning on the tongue, immediately. Fine sticking in the extreme tip of the tongue (after two hours), Needle like stitches in the frenum of the tongue. There is a sharp feeling in the tip of the tongue as if it were sore, The tip of the tongue is extremely painful (smarting tearing), as if burnt or sore (in the morning in bed after waking). Tobacco smoke bites the forepart of the tongue and causes dull pain in the incisors, (General Mouth). The inner surface of the mouth is covered with offensive smelling mucus in the morning of waking. He easily bites he inside of the cheek near the orifice of the salivary duct while chewing, Painful swelling of he orifice of he salivary duct, Sensation as if the palate were swollen, or covered with tenacious mucus (after four hours ). Sticking in the palate extending to the inner ear (after one hour and half hour ), The whole inner surface of the mouth seemed sore, Sensation in the palate as if it were sore (as after frequent swallowing of saliva ). Saliva Increased accumulation of saliva (fifth day ) Increased secretion of saliva after each does. Saliva more profuse than usual, during the first forenoon. Flow of saliva. from the mouth during sleep (after one hour) Frequent spitting of saliva. сopious secretion of saliva; (sixth day ) Secretion of a large quantity of saliva for twelve hours (fourth day) Very great accumulation of saliva (soon after 5 grains ); this continued to recur during the forenoon, and was accompanied by very distressing nausea (sixth day) Spitting of frothy saliva the whole day Profuse secretion of very white frothy saliva. The mouth is constantly full of mucus. Taste. A peculiarly insipid taste, as though he had eaten chalk. A qualmish taste in the mouth, as after fasting, with appetite and relish for food and drink. Taste at first, afterwards (after ten hours ) sour, with sour eructations. A taste in the mouth as from a disordered stomach. Watery flat taste in the mouth, as from a disordered or overloaded stomach after eating (in the morning and at noon) (after sixteen hours). The saliva has a sour taste ( there is a sour taste in the mouth ) (after one and six hours). вeer has a flat taste, as if dead and spoiled ( after two and five hours). Various articles, especially beer, have a bitter and bad taste вeer tastes bitter (after eight hour. Tobacco smoke tastes bitter (after five hours). While eating, drinking, and smoking, the good taste of these things suddenly disappears as soon as the actual need is satisfied, or it changes to unpleasant tastes, and one is unable to take lleas partial more of them, though there remains a kind of hunger and thirst. Speech. Avoids opening the mouth and talking; taciturn (after one two four hours).
Included in the composition
- 0.9-1.2€ Успокой (Материа Медика Холдинг НПФ ООО [Челябинск, ул. Днепровская] )
- 1.4€ Эдас-956 (ЭДАС)
- 1.7€ Anticlimax (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 1.7€ Stress-gran (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 2.3-3€ Passionflora edas (ЭДАС)
- 2.4€ Alipid (ЭДАС)
- 2.2-2.4€ Эдас-107 (ЭДАС)
- 2.7€ Neoclimsal (2 firms)
- 2.7-2.9€ Nevrosed (2 firms)
- 2.5€ Алкозапрет (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Вуменорм (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.1-2.5€ Гипносон (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.1-2.5€ Диетол - комплекс (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Климафам (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Лингватон (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5-2.6€ Мамморегулан (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5-5€ Мастикулин (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Мастокапли (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Слимфикс (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Целлюкс (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Энурезан (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.1-2.5€ Эпиплексин (Фитасинтекс)
- 3.2€ Лиана большая (ОЛЛО)
- 1.9€ Липостан (Вербена)
- 1.9€ Мастодил (Вербена)
- 3.5€ Аневро (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 3.8€ Dietol-compositum (2 firms)
- 3.2€ Crataegus-plus (2 firms)
- — Sepia-plus (Доктор Н)
- — Valeriana-plus (Доктор Н)
- 5€ Климасед (Фитасинтекс)
- 5-5.1€ Фитис (Фитасинтекс)
- 5-6.4€ Nervoheel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 5.2-6.2€ Klimakt-heel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 7.5€ Klimaktoplan
- 6.2-10.6€ Klimaktoplan N (3 firms)
- 4.8-12.3€ Mastodynon (3 firms)
- 8.8€ Hormeel sn (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Flowers Energy № 13
- — Flowers Energy №18
- 11€ Flowers Energy №25
- 11€ Flowers Energy №29
- — Flowers Energy №32
- 11€ Flowers Energy №46
- 11€ Flowers Energy №57
- — Flowers Energy №58
- 11€ Flowers Energy №60
- 11€ Flowers Energy №67
- — Flowers Energy №70
- — Flowers Energy №80
- 11€ Flowers Energy №92
- 19.2€ Cutis compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 13.8-16.1€ Cerebrum compositum n (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Alcobel (Алкой-Фарм)
- — Allerji
- — Aurocard
- — Bioline Nervousness
- — Bioline Stop Smoking
- — Cor compositum
- — Hypertensin (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Korvisan (Гомеопатический медико-социальный центр )
- — Spongilla comp (ТАЛИОН-А )
- — Седатил (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Сомноген (Аспектус фарма ООО )