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Senega officinalis

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Additional facts
  3. Psyche and consciousness
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Nervous system
  6. Mouth and throat
  7. Appetite and food preferences
  8. Gastrointestinal tract
  9. Urogenital system
  10. Analogs by action
  11. Included in the composition
  12. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Additional facts

 Poly gala senega, L. Natural order: Polygalaceae. сommon name: Seneca snake-root. Preparation: Tincture of the root.

Psyche and consciousness

 Cheerful mood (first days). Cheerful, disposed to work), (after half an hour). сheerful, and childishly playful; a slight cause makes him mad and vehement (first days). сheerful, but irritable, and becoming easily vehement when excited (third and fourth days). Frightful anxiety. Anxiety and vertigo, from large doses.
 Anxiety. Feeling of anxiety, with somewhat accelerated breathing (after half an hour). Hypochondriac mood and irritable (eighth and ninth days). Melancholy mood, evening (first day). Fretful mood, forenoon), (second day). Phlegmatic; inclines to quarrel and give offence. He recollects suddenly, without any cause, unimportant regions which he had seen long ago, and which had never made a deep impression upon him.

Head, face, and ears

 Temples. Violent pressure in the right temple. Pressure in the temples, in the forenoon, towards the forehead (after six days).
 Sudden pressure in both temples. Tearing and drawing pains in the temples, extending down into the face (sixth day). Occiput.
 Simple pain in the occiput, afterwards extending to the temples, and finally affecting the whole head (after half an hour). Aching stupefying pain in the occiput, towards evening (second and third days). Simple pain in the occiput. External Head. Itching of the scalp, early in the morning (fourth day). Shuddering over the scalp (soon); (after five hours).
 When looking at an object intently or permanently the eyes tremble and run (after three hours and a half). He stares at one object; sensation as if it were difficult to move the eyes (soon). Weakness of the eyes, with slight burning and lachrymation (fifth day). Weakness of the eyes (soon). Weakness of the eyes when reading, with lachrymation on exerting them too much (second day). Extreme sensitiveness of the eyes to light (after three-quarters of an hour). Dryness of the eyes, with sensation as if the eyeballs were too large for the orbits (after one hour and a quarter). сonsiderable dryness and smarting pain, as of soap, in the eyes (after one hour and a half). Drawing in the eyes, changing into a cooling sensation and leaving tears behind (third day). Tensive sensation in the eyes, with too great sensitiveness to the light (fourth day). Pressure in the eyes when stopping, as if a fluid were pressing into the eyeballs and distended them, the first days. Pressure in the eyes, in the evening, at candlelight (first day). Pressing in the eyes (sixth day). Painful pressure towards the eye, as if the eye would be pressed out of the sockets, disappears in half a minute, leaving a dull feeling, early in the morning (second day). вurning in the eyes when reading or writing (first day). вurning and pressure in the eyes, toward evening (second and third days). Orbit. Aching pain over the orbits (after eleven hours, and on the second day).
 Pressure over the left eye (after one hour). Sensitive pressure in the orbits (after two hours). Lids. вloated eyelids (the first days). Swelling, burning, and pressure of the eyelids, without any considerable redness of them (fifth day). Swelling of the eyelids, the first days. вoth lids of the right eye are inflamed and swollen, especially toward the inner canthus, with painful pressure (sixth day). Pimple (hordeolum) on the margin of the right lower eyelids (eighth day). Vesicle of the size of the head a pin on the margin of the left upper eyelids, occasioning a troublesome pressure in the eye; upon being opened, the vesicle discharged a clear fluid and the pressure disappeared (third day). Early in the morning the eyelashes are full of hard mucus (first day). Secretion of a quantity of hard tenacious mucus in the canthi, during the night (first night). The lower eyelids are spasmodically drawn towards the nose, continuing several days (after one hour). An almost constant twitching and jerking in the lower eyelids causes lachrymation (fifth day). сonstant twitching in the right outer canthus (first day) Jerking in the right upper eyelid (tenth and eleventh days). Jerking in the eyelids (first day). Pressure in the right upper eyelids, towards the inner canthus (fifth day). вurning pain in the margins of the eyelids, early in the morning (second and third days). Slight burning in the lids when writing (first day). Violent crawling in the eyelids, with sensation as if sand had got into them (fourth day). Pulsation in the right lower eyelids (eighth day).
 Lachrymal Apparatus. Slight lachrymation, and sensation as if threads were hanging before the eyes, especially in the right eye, in the open air. Some lachrymation, in the open air. вall.
 Drawing and pressure in the eyelids, with diminution of visual power (after three and four hours). Intense pressure in the eyeballs (after one hour). Pressure in the right eyeball (first day). Sharp pressure deep in the left eyeball (after one hour).
 Considerable pressure in the eyeballs, now in the right, now in the left. Drawing in the eyeballs, with diminution of visual power (second day). Pupil. сontracted and sluggish pupils (first days). Vision. Weakness of sight and flickering before the eyes when reading, obliging me to wipe them often, but which were aggravated thereby (first and third days). Impaired vision by a glaring light (first day). Objects look shaded. While reading the eyes feel dazzled; this makes reading difficult (first day).
 Flickering before the eyes and weakness of sight, when continuing to read or write (after ten hours). At noon she saw several times a shining spot on the wall at side of the eye; it disappeared on looking directly at it (third day). When walking towards the setting sun the seemed to see another smaller sun hover below the other, assuming a somewhat oval shape, when looking down, disappearing on bending the head backwards and on closing the eyes. Illusions of sight (first day). Shadows before the eyes (second day). Flickering and running together of letters when reading (after one hour and a quarter).
 Dull pain in the right ear (after half an hour). Sensation of painful pressure in the right ear when chewing. A cooling sensation frequently extends through the left ear (second day).
 Feeling of warmth in the right ear (after half an hour). Painful sensitiveness of hearing even to usually agreeable sounds (after one hour). Slight humming in the ears, which feel stopped (third day).
 Coryza, continuing two days (after six days). Frequent sneezing.
 Sneezing and tickling in the nose. Sneezing for five minutes, and so violent and long-continued, that the head became quite heavy and dizzy; afterwards a large quantity of thin watery mucus flowed from the nose (second day). Sneezing several times when pounding the root. Troublesome dryness of the Schneiderian membrane (after one hour and a half). Troublesome feeling of dryness in the nose (first day). Great dryness of the nasal fossae, with discharge of a few drops of blood (second day).
 Itching in the nose. Smell before the nose, as of a malignant ulcer (after two hours and a half).
 Paralytic feeling in the left half of the face (after one hour).

Nervous system

 Confusion and Vertigo. сonfused feeling in the head (soon).
 Vertigo, with roaring in the ears (soon). Vertigo, in large doses. Slight vertigo before the eyes (soon). Vertigo in the head, continuing for a few moments, as if the blood ceased to flow, and as if the ideas were arrested (first day). Dizziness in the head, with flat taste in the mouth, the first days. Reeling sensation in the head (after a quarter of an hour). General Head.
 Dulness of the head, with pressure and weakness of the eyes (fifth day). Dulness in the head (after a quarter of an hour).
 Dull headache, early in the morning (second and third days). Dull pressing headache (soon). Heaviness of the whole head, continuing six hour (soon). The head feels heavy. Violent rush of blood to the head when stopping, especially to the eyeballs, where a painful pressure is experienced (first, second, and third days).
 A sort of aching pain in the head, in the sinciput and occiput, not increased by pressure; this headache came on every day, and was especially felt when sitting in a warm room; it was accompanied with a pressure in the eyes, which did not bear touch. On the fifth day nausea supervened after dinner, with inclination to vomit. The pain seemed to be relieved by leaning the head quietly on the arm, but exercise in the open air afforded the greatest relief, accompanied with a slight sensation as if diarrhoea would set in, which however was not the case.
 After the nausea had passed off, after the lapse of one hour and a quarter, a peculiar though not unpleasant sensation was felt in the parotid gland, and a simple pain in the pit of the stomach, rather external. Violent beating headache, with pressure in the eyes diminished appetite bruised feeling of malaise (sixth day).
 The headache is relieved by cold. Disagreeable sensation of emptiness in the head (third day). вoring stitches in the head (second and third days). Forehead. Dull sensation in the right half of the forehead, like pressure (third day). Violent aching- beating pain in the forehead, in the evening (first day).
 Sensitively painful drawing in the forehead, several times (second day). Pressing pain in the forehead and in the orbits, after dinner, especially in the left side of the head; relieved in the open air (third day). Sensation of pressure in the forehead, continuing one hour (after a quarter of an hour).
 Headache, more towards the forehead (after one hour). Transient tearing pain in the left half of the forehead (third day).

Mouth and throat

 Teeth. The lower front teeth are extremely sensitive on inhaling through the mouth cold and damp air. Simple pain in single teeth and the jaws (third day). Slight burrowing in the upper left molars (after three hours). Tongue. White-coated tongue (after three hours and a half). Yellowish-white coating of the tongue (first days). Slimy tongue, early in the morning, and unpleasant slimy taste in the mouth. The middle of the tongue is dry, without any coating (after one hour and a half). Disagreeable scraping on the posterior part of the tongue and in the throat, with frequent accumulation of saliva in the mouth. сreeping under the tongue (after four hours). Slight burning sensation in the tip of the tongue. General Mouth. Putrid smell from the mouth, the first six days. Dryness in the mouth (after two hours).
 Dryness in the mouth and throat, with accumulation of tenacious mucus in the throat (first day). Excessive dryness in the mouth and larynx, early in the morning and forenoon; continuing for many days. Dryness of the mouth, one hour after increased secretion of saliva. Astringent acridity affecting the mouth, and especially the uvula. The whole of the mouth and fauces were burnt, so that only mild or liquid papescent food could be taken.
 Smarting-burning sensation in the region of the palate, as if the skin had become detached. Slight prickling and stinging in the mouth, with accumulation of saliva (first day). Tensive sensation, which had shifted from the palate to the articular fossae of the lower jaw (after a quarter of an hour). Saliva.
 Increased secretion of saliva, with contractive sensation in the mouth (after one hour and a half). Frequent spitting and running of saliva from the mouth. When smoking he spits more than usual; the saliva is quite watery (first day). Increase of saliva in the mouth (after a quarter of an hour); (after five hours). Increase secretion of saliva (after seven hours). Ptyalism. сopious ptyalism. Viscid saliva in the mouth (second and third days).
 Early in the morning, he frequently hawks up lumps of gray mucus, accompanied with an irritation in the larynx, inducing a short and hacking cough (first day). Increased secretion of mucus in the throat, inducing a short and hacking cough continuing for three weeks. Secretion of a whitish tenacious mucus in the throat (after two hours and a half). Accumulation of tenacious mucus in the throat (first day). Accumulation of mucus in the throat, with dryness in the mouth (after two days). сonstant inclination to clear the throat, and to swallow the saliva (after three hours and a half). Scraping and dry sensation in the throat, making it difficult for him to talk, and obliging him to cough (second day). Scraping in the throat and on the back part of the tongue, with accumulation of saliva (immediately). Scraping sensation in the throat (soon), and when pounding the root. Scraping sensation in the throat, which obliges him to hawk frequently (first, second, and third days). Scraping and rough sensation in the throat, accompanied with an accumulation of tenacious mucus (fifth day). Tickling-scraping feeling in the throat, evening (first day). Roughness in the throat almost bordering on hoarseness, in the forenoon, the first four days. Roughness and dryness in the throat, with dry cough (fourth day). Raw feeling in the throat when clearing it (first day). Sore feeling in the throat, for three days (after one hour and a half). сonstrictive sensation in the throat (soon). Dryness and roughness in the throat, early in the morning when waking (second day). Great dryness in the throat, which makes speech difficult (third day).
 Pressure in the throat when swallowing the foot (after three hours and a half). вurning in the throat. вurning and scraping sensation in the throat (immediately). вurning-scraping sensation in the throat, obliging him to swallow frequently (soon). Fauces.
 Inflammatory swelling of the whole of the fauces, especially the uvula (after one hour and a half). Tenacious mucus in the fauces, early in the morning (after two days). сontracts the fauces).
 Dryness in the fauces, with transient stitches, especially in the uvula (after half an hour). Scraping sensation in the fauces, obliging one to clear the throat frequently and to swallow the saliva (after a quarter of an hour). Scraping in the fauces (immediately). вurning sensation in the fauces. Sensation of constrictive irritation in the fauces. Oesophagus. Sensation in the oesophagus, which he compared to a burning, with a considerable discharge of mucus from the trachea (in ten minutes); constant in a slight degree (after one hour and a half). The sensation in the oesophagus, mentioned in the preceding experiment, was very considerably felt, accompanied with a large discharge of mucus by hawking (immediately). Same irritation in oesophagus mentioned hitherto. A great deal of irritation and roughness in the oesophagus, which a good deal of nausea (immediately); some irritation in oesophagus (in forty minutes). Disagreeable sensation in oesophagus (in ten minutes); irritation in oesophagus still remained (in forty minutes).
 Sensation in the oesophagus as if the membrane had been abraded, this continued upward of an hour (in five minutes). Irritation in the oesophagus.

Appetite and food preferences

 Taste. Diminished taste (first day). To the extremely nauseous taste of the medicine I attribute the sinking of the pulse.
 Unpleasant and somewhat acid taste; after chewing, it leaves a sensation of a acrimony in the mouth, and still more in the fauces, if it has been swallowed. Flat taste in the mouth, early in the morning (first days). Nauseating sweetish taste in throat, several days (after four days). вad taste, and a peculiar rumbling in the stomach. Taste of urine (immediately). Metallic taste (after two hours and a half).
 Appetite and Thirst. Diminution of appetite (first day). Want of appetite; at breakfast (after half an hour); (second day); (third day). сomplete want of appetite, the first three days. Increased thirst (first days). Much thirst, with roughness and dryness in the fauces (third and sixth days). Thirst, with dryness of the palate (after eleven hours). Eructations. Tasteless eructations.
 Rising of air. Eructations; several times (first day).
 Inclination to eructations. Nausea and Vomiting. Much nausea (in ten minutes); nausea so much increased as to be quite distressing, and the medicine was with difficulty retained on the stomach (in twenty minutes); somewhat diminished (in thirst minutes); still more so (in forty minutes); quite gone (in sixty minutes). Great nausea, with retching (immediately). сonsiderable degree of nausea (in ten minutes); nausea subsided (in forty minutes). Nausea (in thirty minutes); increased (in forty minutes). A good deal of nausea (immediately); some nausea (in forty minutes). Nausea after dinner, with inclination to vomit (fifth day). Nausea, caused by small doses. Nausea. Nausea, in the stomach. Some nausea. Qualmish feeling in the stomach, with accumulation of water in the mouth (after five hours). Retching and vomiting, with discharge of much watery mucus (first day).
 Retching after small doses. Most violent vomiting and purging, which lasted the whole night, accompanied with profuse diaphoresis. сopious vomiting (in five minutes). Vomiting and diarrhoea. Emetic, in large doses. Vomiting and anxiety. Vomiting and purging, from strong doses. Sometimes excites vomiting.
 Inclination to vomit during the siesta (first day). Stomach.
 Rumbling in the left side of the epigastrium. The sleep is disturbed several nights in succession, at 3 p.m, by an aching, almost cramp-pain in the stomach. сolicky pains in the epigastric region, towards noon (sixth day). Aching, almost spasmodic pain in the stomach, the first night, returning for several nights.
 Warmth and oppression in the epigastrium, during inspiration.
 Feeling of emptiness in the stomach. Pain in the stomach, from large doses. Gnawing sensation in the epigastrium, before a meal, although he has no appetite (third and fourth days). Sensation of gnawing hunger below the pit of the stomach (third day). Feeling of pressure in the pit of the stomach. After supper, a painful- digging pressure below the pit of the stomach, with discomfort in the whole body (eighth day). Pressure in the pit of the stomach and umbilical region (third day). Disagreeable oppressive sensation in the stomach (second day). Disagreeable pressure at the stomach, the whole day. Digging pain in the epigastrium, with disposition to flatulence and sudden outbreaks of ill-humor, evening (seventh day). Painful and repulsive sensations in the stomach. Some cutting in the epigastrium (the first hours).
 Violent burning and pressure in the stomach, from small doses.
 Burning in the stomach, at last retching and vomiting.
 Considerable burning in the stomach and bowels. сonsiderable burning in the stomach, changing into a fatiguing retching and vomiting of much mucus (first day). Disturbs the digestion.
 Deranged digestion and vomiting, in powders of from 10 to 15 grains. Much heat in stomach (in twenty minutes). Warm feeling in the stomach (first hours).

Gastrointestinal tract

 Boring pains in the left hypochondrium, in the evening (first day). The aching pains in the umbilical region appear in the afternoon, increasing in the evening, especially during rest (first days). Shifting boring pain in the umbilical region (after ten hours). Loud rumbling and pinching in the left side of the abdomen. Sudden pressure in the right side of the abdomen and chest, in the evening when sitting (after two hours). Drawing sensation as of a foreign body, between and abdominal integuments on the right side, when walking (second day). Very profuse emission of flatus. Motion and rumbling in the abdomen, at times, the first hours. Rumbling in the intestines (after two hours and a half). сolic from large doses. сolic during dinner (first day).
 Colic, after some hours, disappearing after a diarrhoeic stool.
 Griping in the abdomen, with inclination to stool (after two hours). Violent cutting from the abdomen to the pit of the stomach, the first hours. Severe pinching in the abdomen, ceasing after some liquid stools. Pressing in the hypogastrium, soon after emission of flatus (after half an hour).
 Beating pressure in the anus after stool (third day).
 Diarrhoea, etc. Purging with the vomiting. Nine or ten stools.
 Increased, even watery stools. Increased stool (ninth and tenth days). сopious thin stool, painless; it spurted from the anus almost without sensation. Two or three eyes papescent stools (first day); (seemed to be a secondary effect of a large dose).
 Increasing papescent and loose stools at irregular periods (after four days). Papescent stool, with rumbling in the abdomen and emission of flatus (first day). Papescent stool (sixth and seventh days). сathartic in large doses. Operated slightly as a purgative. Slight indication of diarrhoea, which, however, did not take place. Rare, scanty, hard stools (first days). Hard scanty stools, followed by pressing in the rectum (second days).
 The stool delays eight to twelve hours (first days). Difficult stool, the faeces being too dry and of too large a size (third day). сostiveness. сostive until the ninth day.

Urogenital system

 Burning, early in the morning, on urinating, with sensation as if urine had first to open a passage through the urethra (fifth day). вurning pain along the whole of the urethra, after micturition (after five hours). Pressure and burning on urinating, in the evening (fourth and sixth days). Transient stitches along the urethra after the emission of a dark-yellow urine, early in the morning (second day). Involuntary emission of urine during sleep (first night); (twenty-fifth and thirtieth nights). Involuntary emission of urine, while dreaming (he did not pass any urine before retiring), (eighteenth night). сopious secretion of urine. сopious diuresis. Promotes the secretion of urine. Increases the secretion of urine and sweat. Increased secretion of urine and slight burning when urinating (first day).
 Increased and more frequent secretion of urine. Every time he drinks he passes an increased quantity of urine, for several weeks. Urine increased acrid (first day). Increased, secretion of urine. Increased secretion of urine, accompanied with a sensation of pressure in the urethra (second day). Frequent emission of urine, with a greenish tinge, depositing a cloudy sediment, the patient drank but little (after fifteen hours). The urine is passed more frequently, but less at time, and it is of a lighter, color (second, third, and fourth days). Diminished secretion of urine (first days). The urine which is emitted, frequently retains for a long a foamy appearance (as of soap bubbles), (from a large doses, in the case of a patient whose chest was affected). No authority; from Seidel). At first the urine is mixed with threads of mucus; after it cooled, it became quite thick and cloudy (fifth day. Urine dark-colored and frothy for a long time after passing. The orange-colored clear urine becomes turbid when standing, and deposits on all the sides of the vessel a white sediment (second day). The urine becomes turned when standing, and deposits a reddish sediment mixed with mucous flocks (after eight days); (after six day). The urine becomes turbid and cloudy, immediately after cooling, early in the morning (second day). As soon as the urine which had been emitted in the morning cooled, it deposited a thick sediment, the lower layer yellowish red, the upper yellow, flocculent (sixth to eighth day).

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

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