Other names and synonyms
lappa.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
This remedy chiefly affects the skin; liver, joints and uterus. Heavy, sore, aching, as if lying uncomfortably. Numbness; lumbar region, of aching calves. сonstriction.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo, with nausea and vomiting. Weight on vertex.
Redness about. Styes; crops of.
Red across.
Inveterate acne; worse touch.
Redness about. Styes; crops of.
Red across.
Inveterate acne; worse touch.
Gastrointestinal tract
SOURNESS; sour taste to meat; all food turns sour, vomits it. Diarrhoea alternating with rheumatic symptoms.
Urogenital system
Profuse and frequent urination, urine, milky, phosphaturia.
Bruised, sore, heavy feeling in uterus; with great relaxation of vaginal tissue. Uterine displacement worse standing, walking, a mis-step, sudden jar.
Bruised, sore, heavy feeling in uterus; with great relaxation of vaginal tissue. Uterine displacement worse standing, walking, a mis-step, sudden jar.
Chest organs
Trembling in.
Limbs and spine
Front of thigh week. Old sores about joints.
Eruptions; sticky on head, face etc. Moist foul eczema; of infants. Many small painful boils. AXILLARY SWEAT сOLD; runs down chest; foul.
Cloudy weather.
Cold; wet. Shaking. Lying on right side. Violent exertion.
Cold; wet. Shaking. Lying on right side. Violent exertion.
Dif. diagnostics
Included in the composition
- — Flowers Energy №84
- 19.2€ Cutis compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )