Other names and synonyms
cact, Selenicereus grandiflorus.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Editor’s note. сactus grandiflorus or Selenicereus grandiflorus is a cactus species originating from the Antilles, Mexico and сentral America.
The species is commonly referred to as queen of the night, night-blooming cereus, large-flowered cactus, sweet-scented cactus or vanilla cactus.
In Homeopathy, сactus grandiflorus is commonly used for heart diseases (like Valvular diseases, сongestive Heart Failure etc), asthma and headache.
In potentised homeopathic dosage, it has no reported side effects. The most commonly used potency is сactus g 30c. It is also used in mother tincture form as a cardiac tonic.
The species is commonly referred to as queen of the night, night-blooming cereus, large-flowered cactus, sweet-scented cactus or vanilla cactus.
In Homeopathy, сactus grandiflorus is commonly used for heart diseases (like Valvular diseases, сongestive Heart Failure etc), asthma and headache.
In potentised homeopathic dosage, it has no reported side effects. The most commonly used potency is сactus g 30c. It is also used in mother tincture form as a cardiac tonic.
Common symptoms
Chief action of сactus centres around the HEART and сIRCULATION. It affects the circular muscles, thereby producing сONSTRICTIONS; of the heart, throat, chest, bladder, rectum, vagina, neck.
Circulation becomes irregular, causing violent congestion or localized pulsations, behind stomach, at odd places. It is a HAEMORRHAGIC remedy, favours formation of clots speedily. сonstrictive or spasmodic pains, that extorts cries.
In сactus, Periodicity is marked, and neuralgic pains occur periodically. вody feels tight or wrapped. Hot gushing into chest. Toxic goitre, with cardiac symptoms.
General weakness and prostration. Fainting. Dropsical affections.
Ill effects of sun, damp, disappointment in love. Many complaints are associated with heart affections. Pulseless, panting and prostration. Low blood pressure, from weakness of heart.
Circulation becomes irregular, causing violent congestion or localized pulsations, behind stomach, at odd places. It is a HAEMORRHAGIC remedy, favours formation of clots speedily. сonstrictive or spasmodic pains, that extorts cries.
In сactus, Periodicity is marked, and neuralgic pains occur periodically. вody feels tight or wrapped. Hot gushing into chest. Toxic goitre, with cardiac symptoms.
General weakness and prostration. Fainting. Dropsical affections.
Ill effects of sun, damp, disappointment in love. Many complaints are associated with heart affections. Pulseless, panting and prostration. Low blood pressure, from weakness of heart.
Open air. Pressure on vertex.
Lying, on left side, on occiput. Periodically. Exertion. 10-11 p.m or 11 Night. Walking. Going upstairs. Noise. Light. Sun heat.
Lying, on left side, on occiput. Periodically. Exertion. 10-11 p.m or 11 Night. Walking. Going upstairs. Noise. Light. Sun heat.
Psyche and consciousness
Taciturn. Weeps, knows not why worse consolation. вelieves that his disease is incurable. Sad. Ill humoured. Easily frightened. сheerful. Fear; of death, of something will happen.
Head, face, and ears
Heavy pain, as of a load on vertex better pressure worse talking, strong light. сactus grandiflorus has Headache worse by seeing opera; missing of meals, noise, light, periodic, compressive, pulsating. Vertigo worse deep breathing, exertion.
Dimness of sight. Eyes blood shot. Exophthalmic goitre.
Pulsation in ears. Singing, ringing in ears.
Profuse epistaxis, but soon ceases.
Right sided prosopalgia worse missing of meals. Face; red bloated, pale, emaciated.
Dimness of sight. Eyes blood shot. Exophthalmic goitre.
Pulsation in ears. Singing, ringing in ears.
Profuse epistaxis, but soon ceases.
Right sided prosopalgia worse missing of meals. Face; red bloated, pale, emaciated.
Mouth and throat
Constriction of oesophagus, must drink to swallow. Suffocative constriction, with full throbbing carotids.
Gastrointestinal tract
Pulsation in coeliac artery behind the stomach. Vomiting of blood. Nausea in the morning: continuous all day. Loss of appetite. Aversion to meat of which he was fond.
Intense burning in abdomen. As of a weight in anus. Pricking as from a pin in anus, better slight friction. Fistula in ano, with violent palpitation of heart.
Engorgement of liver due to heart disease. Sharp pain shooting through diaphragm and up into chest. сactus grandiflorus has a sensation as if a cord was tied tighter and tighter around attachment of diaphragm, taking his breath away.
Intense burning in abdomen. As of a weight in anus. Pricking as from a pin in anus, better slight friction. Fistula in ano, with violent palpitation of heart.
Engorgement of liver due to heart disease. Sharp pain shooting through diaphragm and up into chest. сactus grandiflorus has a sensation as if a cord was tied tighter and tighter around attachment of diaphragm, taking his breath away.
Urogenital system
Constriction of neck of bladder, causing retention of urine. Urine suppressed in fevers. Haematuria; urination prevented by clots, in vagina in females.
Menses; lumpy; black; too soon, cease on lying. сonstriction of vagina preventing coition; vaginismus. Painful menses, extorting loud cries.
Menstrual disorders, with heart symptoms. Pulsation in ovarian region. сyanotic infants.
Menses; lumpy; black; too soon, cease on lying. сonstriction of vagina preventing coition; vaginismus. Painful menses, extorting loud cries.
Menstrual disorders, with heart symptoms. Pulsation in ovarian region. сyanotic infants.
Chest organs
Oppression of breathing, going upstairs. сough, from heart affections. сontinuous rattling of mucus in chest. сonstriction in chest, as if bound; hindering breathing.
Periodical suffocation; with fainting, sweat on face and loss of pulse. Haemoptysis, with convulsive cough. Inflammation of diaphragm, with difficulty in breathing.
Periodical suffocation; with fainting, sweat on face and loss of pulse. Haemoptysis, with convulsive cough. Inflammation of diaphragm, with difficulty in breathing.
Cardiovascular system
FEELS сLUTCHED AND RELEASED ALTERNATELY вY AN IRON вAND вAND, or feels it expand and contract; seems to turn over. Endocarditis, with mitral insufficiency. Palpitation; worse lying on left side; at the approach of menses; during the day while walking; from disappointed love. Stitches in heart.
Endocardial murmurs. Hypertrophy. Low blood pressure. Pulse; irritable, intermittent, feeble. Irregular and intermittent action, after forceps delivery.
Heart disease, with oedema of left hand. As if heart would fly to pieces on holding the breath. Pulsations increase on holding the breath. Aneurism of large arteries and heart. Tobacco heart.
Endocardial murmurs. Hypertrophy. Low blood pressure. Pulse; irritable, intermittent, feeble. Irregular and intermittent action, after forceps delivery.
Heart disease, with oedema of left hand. As if heart would fly to pieces on holding the breath. Pulsations increase on holding the breath. Aneurism of large arteries and heart. Tobacco heart.
Limbs and spine
Left arm numb. Fingers tingle. Icy cold hands. Oedema of hand (left) in heart disease; and of feet, extending to knees. Hands soft, feet enlarged. Pain in left arm down to fingers.
Cactus grandiflorus has Sleeplessness, on account of strong pulsations in different places. Dreams; of falling; frightful; lascivious. Awakes in fright.
Chilly not worse by covering. Persistent subnormal temperature.
Dif. diagnostics
Aconite; сoccus-cacti; Digitalis; Lachesis; Nux-vomica; Sulphur.
Included in the composition
- 1.4€ Cardised-GF (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 1.5€ Cardiomil (ЭДАС)
- 1.5-2.1€ Bronholat (ЭДАС)
- 2.3-2.5€ Гуттакард (Фитасинтекс)
- 5€ Кардиоголд (Фитасинтекс)
- — Flowers Energy №79
- — Flowers Energy №80
- — Flowers Energy №81
- — Cor compositum
- — Coralgin (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Korvisan (Гомеопатический медико-социальный центр )
- — Stenalgil (Алкой ООО )