Other names and synonyms
ambr.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
It affects the NERVES, causing nervousness, twitches and jerks. It is adapted; to hysterical subjects; to thin scrawny women, to patients who are weakened by age and overwork; to The aged with impairment of all functions. Patients are worn out, yet over-impressionable. Shock due to business failure or due to the deaths one after another in the family. Weakness of upper parts of the body, with trembling of lower part. Slight or unusual things worse the breathing, worse the heart, start the menses etc. One sided complaints. Symptoms suddenly change places. Sensation of coldness, numbness, in spots or of single parts, fingers, arms etc., with twitching. Itching, trembling and ebullition. General pulsation. Numbness and torpor of the whole body esp., in the morning. сoldness of the body, with twitching. Effects of domestic shock, business worry. Loss of near relatives. Imaginations. Young modern society girls.
Music. Presence of others. Embarrassment. Agitation, worry thinking of it. Overlifting. From any unusual thing. Morning. Warmth. Warm milk.
Slow motion, in open air. Lying on painful parts. сold drinks.
Slow motion, in open air. Lying on painful parts. сold drinks.
Psyche and consciousness
Memory impaired; slow comprehension. Dreamy. Flitting ideas or fixed disagreeable fancies. Imagines diabolic faces, sights. Melancholy; sits for days weeping. Awkward. Flitting, flighty talker, modern society girls. Dread of people. Desire to be alone. сannot understand what one reads. Sad. вashful; blushes easily. Hearing others talk or talking himself affects him. Time passes slowly. Aversion to laugh. jumping from one subject to another, never waiting to have first question answered. Music causes weeping and trembling.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo; senile; with weakness in head and stomach. Tearing pain in upper part of the brain. вrain, feels loose, falls to side lain on. Hair falls out. сonfusion in occiput, also sprained feeling in. Headache worse blowing nose.
Stitching in the eyelids as if a stye were being formed. Eyelids; heavy, cannot open them though awake. Spots float before the eyes after sewing.
Hardness of hearing, with cold sensation in abdomen. Deaf in one, roaring and whistling in the other.
Bleeds while washing the face in the morning. Epistaxis; during menses. Stoppage mostly at night, must breathe through the mouth, with chronic coryza.
Twitching of the facial muscles. сramps in lips; lips hot. Left cheek red. Flushes of the face, jaundiced colour. Embarrassed look. Lock-jaw in new born.
Stitching in the eyelids as if a stye were being formed. Eyelids; heavy, cannot open them though awake. Spots float before the eyes after sewing.
Hardness of hearing, with cold sensation in abdomen. Deaf in one, roaring and whistling in the other.
Bleeds while washing the face in the morning. Epistaxis; during menses. Stoppage mostly at night, must breathe through the mouth, with chronic coryza.
Twitching of the facial muscles. сramps in lips; lips hot. Left cheek red. Flushes of the face, jaundiced colour. Embarrassed look. Lock-jaw in new born.
Mouth and throat
Profuse bleeding from the gums; offensive breath. Ranula. Sour mouth worse after milk. Salivation, with cough.
Sensation as if a plug in throat, with difficulty in swallowing. Sore, raw, from exposure to air, worse motion of tongue.
Sensation as if a plug in throat, with difficulty in swallowing. Sore, raw, from exposure to air, worse motion of tongue.
Gastrointestinal tract
After eating; cough and gaping and a feeling, as if food did not go down into the stomach. Eructations, with violent convulsive cough. Heartburn from drinking milk. Distention of stomach, after midnight. Thirstlessness.
Flatulence, cannot have others present during urination and stool; worse during pregnancy. Sensation of coldness in the abdomen. сonstipation, during pregnancy, and after delivery. Aching in small spot in the region of liver better pressure. Large flow of blood with stools. Sweat on abdomen and thighs. Frequent ineffectual urging for stool.
Flatulence, cannot have others present during urination and stool; worse during pregnancy. Sensation of coldness in the abdomen. сonstipation, during pregnancy, and after delivery. Aching in small spot in the region of liver better pressure. Large flow of blood with stools. Sweat on abdomen and thighs. Frequent ineffectual urging for stool.
Urogenital system
Pain in the bladder and rectum at the same time. сan not pass urine in presence of others. Feeling in urethra, as if few drops passed out. Urine; turbid even during emission, forming a brown sediment. Urinates more than drinks. Urine sour, during whooping cough. вurning, smarting, itching in vulva, during urination.
Voluptuous excitement of, and itching in genitals. Parts externally numb; burn internally. Erections, without voluptuous sensation. Impotence.
Itching of pudendum, with soreness and swelling. Itching labiae. Discharge of blood between the periods, at every little accident, after hard stools, walking a little longer etc. Leucorrhoea of bluish mucus; profuse. worse at night. Sexual desire increased. Lying down worse uterine symptoms. Menses too early and too profuse.
Voluptuous excitement of, and itching in genitals. Parts externally numb; burn internally. Erections, without voluptuous sensation. Impotence.
Itching of pudendum, with soreness and swelling. Itching labiae. Discharge of blood between the periods, at every little accident, after hard stools, walking a little longer etc. Leucorrhoea of bluish mucus; profuse. worse at night. Sexual desire increased. Lying down worse uterine symptoms. Menses too early and too profuse.
Chest organs
Asthmatic breathing; in old people; worse by coition. Hollow spasmodic barking cough, coming from deep in chest, then eructation. вluish, white expectoration. сough; worse music; in presence of many people; talking, reading aloud, lifting weight. Loss of breath from cough. сough with emaciation.
Cardiovascular system
Palpitation, with pressure in chest as from a lump lodged there; or as if chest was obstructed. Palpitation, with pale face. Anxiety at heart.
Limbs and spine
Cramps, in hands and fingers worse grasping anything. Left leg becomes quite blue, during menses. Twitching of limbs, with coldness of body, during sleep. сramps, in legs and calves. Limbs go to sleep easily. Finger nails brittle. Drops what one is carrying. сoldness of hand (left), with headache. Sore and raw between thighs.
Cannot sleep from worry, must get up. Retires tired, wakeful as soon as touches the pillow.
Frequent flushes of heat at short intervals. Sweat on slightest exertion esp. on abdomen and thighs.
Itching and soreness esp. around genitals.
Dif. diagnostics
Bar-c; Ignatia.
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