Другие названия и синонимы
kali-s, Kali sulphuricum, сульфат калия гомеопатия, сернокислый калий гомеопатия, калиум сульфурикум.Источник описания
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakФармакологическая группа
Общие симптомы
This Doctor Schuessler’s tissue remedy affects respiratory, mucous membranes and skin where it causes desquamation. DISCHARGES ARE PROFUSE AND DEEP YELLOW, thin or sticky. Processes are torpid in nature. Suppurations. Stitching, tearing, festering pains, that shift about. Lack of reaction. сancer; epithelial. Ill effects of chill when over heated. Injury. Growth of nails interrupted.
Warmth; of room, air. Noise. сonsolation. Evening.
Cool air. Walking. Fasting.
Cool air. Walking. Fasting.
Психика и сознание
Hurried. Irritable. Desire to lie down, but lying worse, so one must walk for relief. Frightened at trifles. Desires and rejects the things.
Голова, лицо и уши
Yellow dandruff; moist; sticky. Scaldhead. вald spots (after gonorrhoea).
Ophthalmia neonatorum. Purulent yellow mucus in eye diseases.
Eustachian deafness. Watery, sticky, thin, yellow discharge; offensive; with polypus.
Engorgement of nasal and laryngeal mucous membranes, with mouth breathing, snoring etc., after removal of adenoids.
Aches in heated room. Epithelioma.
Ophthalmia neonatorum. Purulent yellow mucus in eye diseases.
Eustachian deafness. Watery, sticky, thin, yellow discharge; offensive; with polypus.
Engorgement of nasal and laryngeal mucous membranes, with mouth breathing, snoring etc., after removal of adenoids.
Aches in heated room. Epithelioma.
Ротовая полость и горло
Yellow, slimy tongue. Loss of taste and smell.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
As of a heavy load on stomach. Dread of hot drinks. сraves sweets.
Feels cold, during colic. Hard tympanitic, in whooping cough. Empty feeling in hypogastrium better passing flatus.
Feels cold, during colic. Hard tympanitic, in whooping cough. Empty feeling in hypogastrium better passing flatus.
Мочеполовая система
Oxaluria. Pyelitis.
Gonorrhoea; gleet, slimy yellowish green discharge.
Menses; with a feeling of weight in abdomen. Leucorrhoea; yellowish, watery.
Gonorrhoea; gleet, slimy yellowish green discharge.
Menses; with a feeling of weight in abdomen. Leucorrhoea; yellowish, watery.
Органы грудной клетки
Coarse rattle in chest. сroupy hoarseness. вronchitis. Asthma; with easily expelled yellow, slimy expectoration.
Конечности и позвоночник
Shifting, wandering pains. Rheumatism worse heat. Arthritic nodes.
Profuse easy sweat. Intermittent fever; rise of temperature at night.
Yellow_jaundice. Abundant desquamation. Ulcers, ooze thin YELLOW WATER. Psoriasis. Nettle-rash. Dry skin. Eczema; intertrigo.
Диф. диагностика
Puls; Tuberculinum.
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