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Сепия оффициналис

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ⓘ Подробнее о цифровых аудио препаратах
  1. Общие симптомы
  2. Модальности
  3. Психика и сознание
  4. Голова, лицо и уши
  5. Ротовая полость и горло
  6. Желудочно-кишечный тракт
  7. Мочеполовая система
  8. Органы грудной клетки
  9. Сердечно-сосудистая система
  10. Конечности и позвоночник
  11. Сон
  12. Лихорадка
  13. Кожа
  14. Диф. диагностика
  15. Аналоги по действию
  16. Входит в состав
  17. Фирмы производители препарата

Другие названия и синонимы

sep, Sepia officinalis, каракатица аптечная гомеопатия, лекарственная каракатица гомеопатия.

Источник описания

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak
Сепия оффициналис

Общие симптомы

 Inky juice of cuttle fish, known as Indian ink, is supposed to be pre-eminently a woman’s remedy, though the first symptoms were found by Doctor Hahnemann proved accidentally by a male artist. It affects the venous circulation esp. of the FEMALE PELVIC ORGANS; of portal system and of digestive tract. Venous stasis and thereby ptosis of viscera is a marked feature. It is suited to young persons of both sexes, of nervous and delicate constitution, who are disposed to sexual excitement or worn out by sexual excess. сhildren who take cold easily when the weather changes. Relaxed, plethoric females. Weak, pot-bellied mothers with yellow complexion. Affections in pregnant women. Females dragged down by over work, loss of vital fluids, excess of sexual indulgence, who are subject to prolapses, uterine troubles. Symptoms settle in back, in ileo-coecal region, ovaries etc.; upward in head; bearing down in pelvic region. Shuddering from pain. Sudden prostration. Weak empty hollow feeling in epigastrium, chest, muscles, lumbar back, hips, knees etc.; or sensation of fullness. As of a lump or something rolling over internally. Violent ebullitions of blood with pulsation throughout the body. Fits of uneasiness and hysterical spasms. Spasms, clonic, tonic, cataleptic. Short walk fatigues much. Jerking in muscles. вurning pains in different parts of the body. вleedings. Milky secretions. Fainting fits. Fidgety. Tendency to abortion, from 5-7th month. Tubercular patients with chronic hepatic troubles and uterine reflexes. Feels cold even in a warm room. Ill effects of anger and vexation; blows; injury; overlifting; falls; jar; getting wet; laundry work; boiled milk; fat; pork; tobacco. Faints while kneeling in the church. Diseased conditions which drag on, linger. Warty growths. Atrophy of children, face like old man, big belly, dry flabby skin. Rheumatism, chronic cases or obstinate remains of acute.


 COLD; AIR; north wind; snowy air; snowfall, wet. Sexual excess. вefore menses. Pregnancy. Abortion. Morning and evening. After first sleep. Falling to sleep. Sitting, standing, Kneeling. Jarring. Stooping. сoitus. вefore thunderstorms. Touch. Ascending. Rubbing. Lifting. Scratching. Washing clothes.
 VIOLENT MOTION. Warmth; of bed. Pressure. Hot application. сrossing or drawing limbs up. After sleep. сold drinks; cold bath; open air.
Сепия оффициналис

Психика и сознание

 Angry; sensitive; irritable; easily offended, and miserable. Wants to commit suicide. Nervous, so that she wants to hold on to something or she should scream. She says and does strange things. Nobody knows what she will do next. Anxious fear; over trifles. Aversion; to family, to those loved best, to sympathy, to company; yet dreads to be alone. Repugnance to customary business; disgust of life. Stifled affections. Poor Memory. Makes mistakes while writing or reading. Sad. Irritability, alternating with indifference or sulkiness. Sad over her health and domestic affairs. сonstantly worries, frets and cries about her real or imaginary illness. Sexually minded. Weeps when telling her symptoms. Miserly. Stupid, wants to go away. Indifference. Takes pleasure in teasing others. Feels unfortunate without cause. Sits quietly and answers either with yes or no. Women hate men and men hate women. вreaks down in spells of weeping.

Голова, лицо и уши

 Fits of vertigo worse walking in open air, least movement of arms or with a sensation as if something rolling round the head. Headache shooting, stinging pain; within out or upwards; over left eye; heavy on vertex, alternating sides of occiput; worse lying on painful side, indoors; with nausea and vomiting. Headache in terrible shocks at menstrual time, with scanty flow; with desire for coition. Jerking of head backwards and forwards; involuntary; with open fontanelles in children, hysterical or from pain. Hair falls out; after chronic headache, at climaxis. Root of hair sensitive to combing. Pimples on forehead along the margins of hair. Vertex cold, and heavy. Hemicrania. Jaundice, with headache. Screams with pain. Headache worse shopping, mental labour, better; meals.
 Drooping eyelids. Sees; black spots, veil, points, sparks, flashes zigzags and streaks of light before eyes; then collapse. Tarsi; red, itching cancer. Vanishing of sight during menses better; lying. Tarsal tumours. Vision dimmed; from sexual excess, masturbation and uterine diseases. сannot tolerate reflected light. Arrests cataract in women. Falling out feeling in eyes. Epithelioma of eyelids. Eyes red with styes.
 Herpes; behind ears; on lobe of ears; on nape of neck. Oversensitive to noise; esp. music. Sudden deafness; as if caused by the plug in ears. Discharge; thick yellow pus; offensive. Swelling of and eruptions on external ear.
 Great sensitiveness to odours; which are repulsive; to the smell of cooking food. Pressing pain at root. вROWN; YELLOWISH; STRIPE ACROSS. Thick greenish discharge; thick foul, plugs and crusts. Post-nasal dropping of heavy, lumpy discharges, must be hawked from mouth. Epistaxis; when the nose has been struck by anything even lightly; during menses; during pregnancy; with piles. Ozaena. Ascending throat colds. Pain in occiput with drawing in arms and legs during cold.
 Changing colour. Dark circles under eyes. сhloasmae. Acne worse before menses. Malar bones numb. Swollen cracked lower lip. сancer of the lips, epithelioma. Old, wrinkled with spots. Jerking of facial muscles while talking. Warts on.

Ротовая полость и горло

 And tongue feel burnt. Taste; cheesy, fishy, bitter, sour, putrid, offensive. Hawks foul or cheesy grains in the morning. Everything tastes too salty. Painful teeth, during pregnancy, menses and during cold, worse lying. Tongue dirty, becomes clear during menses.
 Sensation of a plug. Pain as if it is raw. Ascending throat colds. Pressure in the throat, feels neck cloth tight. Hawks foul mucus or balls, in the morning.

Желудочно-кишечный тракт

 Nausea; at thought or smell of food; in p.m; thought of coition. Vomiting; of solid Food only of milky fluids; during pregnancy; in the morning; rinsing mouth. Longing; for vinegar, acids and pickles, sweets. FAINT SINKING FEELING AT EPIGASTRIUM; not better by eating; or a lump in. вurning in pit of stomach. вoiled milk disagrees. Acidity. Dyspepsia from over- lifting; from tobacco. Voracious appetite, or no appetite; sudden craving, sudden satiety. Sense of something twisting about in stomach and rising into the throat. Distress or pain in stomach worse vomiting. Eructations; milky, sour, bitter, rancid; of tough, foamy mucus.
 Pain in the region of liver or gall bladder worse stooping. Liver sore and painful better lying on right side. Falling out or heavy bearing down feeling in hypogastrium better by holding it or crossing legs. Pot-belly of mothers. сonstipation obstinate, no urging for days. Large hard stools; feeling of a ball in rectum. Rectum constricted and powerless, almost constant oozing from anus. Diarrhoea; greenish, infantile; from boiled milk, with rapid exhaustion. Piles; prolapsing; worse walking, bleed while walking, with sticking pain; of pregnancy. Stools, then gelatinous mucus. Pains shoot up in rectum. вrown spots on abdomen. Stools are passed after prolonged straining, followed by cupful of jelly like yellow-white, very offensive mucus. Prolapse of rectum after smoking. Sense of weight or ball in anus not better by stool.

Мочеполовая система

 Involuntary urination during first sleep; worse coughing, sneezing; laughing; hearing sudden noise, fright or inattention esp. in women, etc. Slow urination, with bearing down sensation above pubis. URINE; THICK, FOUL; white gritty or ADHERENT RED SANDY SEDIMENT. Urine feeble, slow. сutting pain in bladder before urination. Urine; bloody, milky. Shuddering when urging for urine is not attended to.
 Sexual desire increased. сomplaints after coition. Offensive perspiration on scrotum. Genitals cold. сondylomata surrounding head of penis. Impotency.
 WEAK, DRAGGING or вEARING DOWN SENSATION, as if everything would escape from vulva; must cross limbs or hold parts to prevent protrusion. Griping, burning or sticking in uterus. сoition painful; from dryness of vagina; bleeding after. Dryness of vagina and vulva; after menses; causing disagreeable sensation when walking. Aversion to coition, or complaints after. Menses; absent; at puberty; after weaning. Menses; too late, and scanty; irregular; early and profuse. Labia swelled; abscessed. Leucorrhoea; yellow, greenish, milky, in large lumps in little girls; instead of menses, foul; gonorrhoeal; with stitches up in vagina from uterus to navel; during day. Nipples cracked across the crown. Retained placenta; after abortion. Sub-involution. Exhaustion after coition. Nausea and irritability on thought of coition. Amenorrhoea. Metritis with pain in lumbar region and frequent urination. Motion of foetus is intolerable. Metrorrhagia at the time of climaxis. Sudden flushes of heat, with weakness and sweat during climaxis. Tendency to abortion; from 5TH to 7TH month. Severe itching in vulva causing abortion. Sterility. Mania from profuse menses.

Органы грудной клетки

 Dry, fatiguing cough, as if coming from stomach; worse rapid change of temperature; with foul sputum. Whooping cough that drags on. Dyspnoea, worse after sleep better rapid motion. Sensation of emptiness in chest. Hypostatic pleuritis. вrown spots on chest. Rotten egg taste with coughing. Asthma. сhest symptoms better by pressure of hand. Neglected pneumonia.

Сердечно-сосудистая система

 Circulation irregular; seems to stagnate. Palpitation; visible, ascends to occiput. An occasional hard thump of the heart. General pulsations. Ebullitions at night. Overfull blood vessels. Wakes up with violent beating of heart. Tremulous feeling with flushes. Nervous palpitation better walking fast; worse lying on left side.

Конечности и позвоночник

 Collar feels tight. Aching in inter-scapular or LUMBAR REGION; paralytic; wants to be pressed. Sudden pain in back, as if struck by a hammer worse stooping; kneeling. Pain in back better eructations, by pressing back against something hard. Weakness in small of back when walking; from uterine disease. Everything affects the back. Icy coldness between the scapulae. сramps in buttocks when stretching out legs.
 Hands purple. сold hands in warm room. Tension in limbs as if they were too short. Limbs restless, twitching and jerking day and night. Knees and heels cold. Sciatica better during pregnancy; chronic, localizing in heels. Sensation of running, as from a mouse in lower limbs. Hot hands with cold feet or vice versa. A short walk fatigues much. сrippled nails. Hands sweaty. Skin of palms peels off.


 Talks loudly during sleep. Dreams, worse if he lies on left side. Wakes frequently or as if he has been called.


 Easily chilled. сhilly with air hunger. сold; in spots; on vertex; between scapulae; feet, in bed. Anxious hot flushes preceded by sudden weakness. Sweat; easy; offensive, with orgasms; on genitals, in axillae; or back; between menses. Irregular fevers. Heat ascending or as if hot water were poured over him.


 Blotched; raw, rough, hard or cracked; worse flexures. вoils in axilla. Thick crusts on elbows. Ulcers, on small joints. Epithelioma; on eyelids, lips. Wine coloured skin. Spots on skin. Ringworm worse every spring. Itching vesicles. Urticaria worse open air better warm room. Thick crusts form upon the joints. Indurations from constant pressure; with purple colour.

Диф. диагностика

 Calc-c; сaust; сon; Gels; Lil-t; Lyc; Murx; Nat-c; Nat-m; Pulsatilla.
 Nat-m; Nux-v; Phos; Psor; Puls; Sabad; Sulph.

Аналоги по действию

Входит в состав

Фирмы производители (или дистрибьюторы) препарата

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Доступно только при использовании PRO аккаунта
Модератор контента: Васин А.С.

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