Other names and synonyms
plan.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
Affects the nerves, causing neuralgia of ears, teeth, face; of shingles. Pains are sharp, shifting; play between ear and teeth. Soreness. Produces disgust for tobacco; in chewers and smokers. Pyorrhoea. Ill effects of bruises, burns, cuts, punctured wounds, snake bites. сan be applied locally for neuralgia. As of a foreign body between ears; in the groins, etc.
Night. Warm room.
Sleep. Eating.
Sleep. Eating.
Head, face, and ears
As if brain turned over. Headache with toothache. Sense of something lying in the head, through one ear to the other.
Sharp pains in the eyes, reflex from decayed teeth. As of a hair before eye (left).
Neuralgic earache, pain goes from one ear to the other, through the head. Earache with toothache. Hearing more acute; loud noises goes through one. As of a body between ears.
Sudden discharge of yellow coloured water from the nose.
Periodical prosopalgia worse 7 p.m to 2 , with lachrymation, photophobia, pain radiating to temples and lower jaw.
Sharp pains in the eyes, reflex from decayed teeth. As of a hair before eye (left).
Neuralgic earache, pain goes from one ear to the other, through the head. Earache with toothache. Hearing more acute; loud noises goes through one. As of a body between ears.
Sudden discharge of yellow coloured water from the nose.
Periodical prosopalgia worse 7 p.m to 2 , with lachrymation, photophobia, pain radiating to temples and lower jaw.
Mouth and throat
Saliva flows with pains. Teeth feel too long. Toothache better eating. Dirty taste.
Gastrointestinal tract
Bowels seem cold. сolic better eating. Diarrhoea; with brown frothy, watery stools. Painful piles, can hardly stand.
Urogenital system
Frequent passage of large quantity of pale urine worse night, with thirst (Diabetes). Enuresis.
Neuralgia of nipples.
Neuralgia of nipples.
Limbs and spine
Throbbing between scapulae. сold sweat on sacrum.
Numb tremulous legs.
Numb tremulous legs.
Itching and burning. Sensitive.
Gloomy dreams exciting tears.
Dif. diagnostics
Amm; Ferr-p; Pulsatilla.
Included in the composition
- 1.7€ Tabacum compositum GF
- 1.7€ Эдас-961 (ЭДАС)
- 2.5€ Энурезан (Фитасинтекс)
- — Plantago-plus (Доктор Н)
- 3.2€ Tabacum-plus (2 firms)
- 4.9-5.8€ Viburcol (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Bioline Stop Smoking
- — Антитабак (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Пародонтин (Аспектус фарма ООО )
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug