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Plantago major

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  1. Description
  2. Nosology
  3. Typical features
  4. Dif. diagnostics
  5. Reasons
  6. Mental
  7. Head, face, and ears
  8. Mouth and throat
  9. Appetite and food preferences
  10. Gastrointestinal tract
  11. Urogenital system
  12. Chest organs
  13. Cardiovascular system
  14. Limbs and spine
  15. Skin
  16. Sleep
  17. Fever
  18. Analogs by action
  19. Included in the composition
  20. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke


 Plantago major. Plantain. Ribwort. N. O. Plantaginaceae. Tincture of whole fresh plant. Tincture of the root.


 Ague. вreast, inflammation of. вurns. сiliary neuralgia. Diabetes. Diarrhoea. Dysentery. Earache. Ear, inflammation of. Emissions. Enuresis. Erysipelas. Erythema. Haemorrhoids. Impotence. Neuralgias; of herpes. Polyuria. Rhus poisoning. Snake-bites. Spleen, pains in. Tobacco habit. Toothache. Urination, delayed. Worms. Wounds.

Typical features

 Hale sums up the ancient and modern history of Plantago maj. the weed which furnishes food for our cage-birds. Plant. m. must not to be confounded with Musa, sometimes called Plantain, which belongs to a different class, viz., the Endogens. Plantago has had a reputation in medicine from remote antiquity, a reputation which homoeopathy has revived. It was used in intermittent fever in remotest times. In A. D. 1558 the Herbal of Dodoens commends the juice of leaves or roots for toothache and bleeding of gums. John Parkinson in his Theatre of Plants (A. D. 1640) says the root taken fresh out of the ground, washed and gently scraped with a knife, then put into the ear, cures the toothache like a charm. In Switzerland the leaf fibres are frayed out and put into the ear for the same purpose, and if they relieve the pain they turn black (says Reutlinger) and have to be removed, if there is no relief they remain green. In domestic practice, says Hale, it is constantly resorted to as an application in all affections of the skin with irritation, pain, and heat, the bruised leaves being applied to the part. Hale enumerates the following as having been relieved by it: Erysipelas, Rhus-poisoning, erythema, burns, scalds, inflammation of the glands (notably the breasts), bruises, incised wounds, bites of animals, chilblains, frostbite. A case is related (H. R., xi. 241) of a man who allowed himself to be bitten by rattlesnakes and cured himself by drinking the juice of the plant and applying bruised leaves to the bites, changing them frequently. The tincture has been extensively proved by F. Humphreys (who wrote a monograph upon it), Heath, and others, and the homoeopathicity of its cures was clearly brought out. The neuralgic pains of teeth, ears, and face were especially pronounced. Some new symptoms were brought to light. The very copious discharge of urine along with the thirst suggest diabetes; and the laxity of sphincters has led to the cure of a number of cases of enuresis. Foul breath, sinking and weight in stomach, flatulence, diarrhoea, dysentery, and haemorrhoids, all appeared in the proving. Plant. is one of the most useful of local remedies in homoeopathy, and one of its local uses is as an application to inflamed and painful piles. In all neuralgic conditions where the suffering part can be reached Plant. Ø may be painted on without any fear of injury, and often with the most signal relief of suffering. In common with others, I have used it with success in numberless cases of toothache and earache; but I have also given relief in the painful neuralgia of shingles and in pleurodynia. F. P. Stiles (Minn. H. Mag., v. 225) relates three brilliant cases: (1) Mrs. S., 39, for ten days had terrible neuralgic pain in right side of face, shooting into temporal, superior, maxillary, and orbital regions. Plant. Ø applied locally to gums, temple, and cheek, removed the pain in a few minutes. Some days later a slight return was promptly relieved in the same way. (2) Mr. R. had neuralgia in left superior maxillary and lower orbital region of long standing. Promptly relieved in the same way. (3) Mrs. N., neuralgia of right upper jaw, pain unbearable, radiating to ear, temple, and cheek. A tooth had been extracted without relief. Plant. Ø removed all the pain. Toothache with earache, toothache with salivation, are leading indications. Plant. has a relation to tobacco. It produces disgust for it in chewers; and it cures neuralgia resulting from tobacco. The pains are tearing, boring, bruised. There is great surface sensitiveness. Pains come suddenly and are apt to be erratic. Unendurable pains. There is darting up and down the urethra. вreath and flatulence are offensive. Some characteristics are: Loud noises going through one. Sudden discharge of yellowish (or saffron-coloured) water from nose. The left side was most affected. The symptoms are вy eating (colic).

Dif. diagnostics

 Antidote to: Apis, Rhus, Tabac. Antidoted by: Merc. (toothache). сompare: In neuralgias, сham., Merc., Spig., Kalm., сoloc. Unendurable pains, Aco., сham., Hep. Wounds and bruises, fetid breath and flatus, Arn. Wounds, сalend. Punctured wounds, Led., Hyper. Haemorrhoids, external and internal use, Ham. Enuresis, вell., сaust. (Bell. has irregular action of sphincter; Plant. and сaust. relaxation). Earache with toothache; intolerance of warm room, Puls.


 Bruises. вurns. сuts. Punctured wounds. Snake-bites.


 Mind inactive, with dull, muddled feeling in head. Despondency, confusion of thought. Irritable, morose; impatient, restless mood, with dull, stupid feeling in brain. Great mental prostration,.

Head, face, and ears

 Twinges of pain indifferent parts of head, now through right temple, extending backward; then through occiput from ear to ear; then in other parts of head more or less severe. Severe, lightning-like stitches over left eye, extending to right 12.30 to 5.45 , disappearing suddenly, involving whole forehead, and accompanied at the height with nausea at pit of stomach; hard pressure with cold hand,.
 Ciliary neuralgia from decayed teeth; dull, heavy ache in left eye, with exquisite tenderness of ball; left upper incisor decayed. Eyes red; dim; inflamed; sore. Aching deep in orbit. Lids sore, swollen.
 Pain in right ear with pains in teeth and face; pains sharp, twinging, running. Earache: neuralgic; with toothache; darting, twinging, stabbing pains in lower maxillary branch of trifacial. Pains often centre in ear (left). Hearing: more acute; least noise goes through one; ringing in ears.
 Frequent sneezing, with sudden attacks of profuse, watery, bland coryza. Sudden discharge of yellowish (or saffron-coloured) water from (right) nostril. Red papules round nose. Sensation at bridge as if nasal bones being pressed together.
 Neuralgia left side of face, pains shooting and tearing, extending from jaw to ear. Violent bruised, aching pain, right face. Drawing in right malar bone. Eruption on forehead. Small, red, rough, scaly erythematous patches size of pea on (esp. left) face. L. cheek swollen. Lips livid, dark, sickly, rough. Water bladder on upper lip. Dry, scaly eruption on lower lip.

Mouth and throat

 Teeth (left) feel elongated, sore; pain unbearably severe, boring digging in sound teeth; lying down in a moderately cool room; pain unendurable ( by Merc. 30). Teeth sensitive, sore. Grinds teeth at night. Gums bleed easily. Gumboil.
 Tongue coated white, with dirty, putrid, clammy taste. Food tasteless. - вreath putrid. Aphthae in children.
 Dry, parched throat. Scraping in throat. Profuse secretion of (very tenacious) mucus; with much hawking. Soreness and swelling of submaxillary glands on both sides.

Appetite and food preferences

 Appetite poor. Thirst. - сauses disgust for tobacco in chewers.
 1l. Stomach. Eructations; frequent, empty; tasting like sulphur or carbonic acid gas. Nausea with drowsiness or faint, tremulous feeling. Sinking sensation. Heaviness of stomach as from a stone; even after a light meal. Heat in praecordia with fulness in abdomen while walking in fresh air. - сoolish, painful sensation, as from over-distension after hearty meal.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Gone sensation. Severe pains in left (and right) hypochondrium. Distension with passage of fetid flatus. Violent griping, especially upper abdomen. - сolic: by eating; flatulent. Pain in abdominal muscles; in left and right ilia.
 Stool: brown, fermented, frothy; watery, brown; watery papescent; excoriating. Diarrhoea: loose, frequent stools with flatulence.

Urogenital system

 Tenderness over region of kidneys on pressure. Frequent passage of large quantities of pale urine;
 Sexual debility. Unconscious emission in sleep.
 Erysipelas of breasts. Mastitis.

Chest organs

 Hoarseness. - сough in cold air. Panting breathing; inclined to sigh.
 Orgasm. Oppression;

Cardiovascular system

 Heat in praecordia when walking in open air. Violent palpitation; on ascending stairs. Pulse strong, full, intermittent.

Limbs and spine

 Neck stiff and sore. Stiffness of sterno-cleido mastoid ( moving it to opposite side. Pulsative pain between scapulae. Pain in sacrum.
 Stinging, dull pains here and there.
 Hard, white, flattened, isolated papules on inside of thighs, some having red points in centre. Great pain and stiffness in left leg and knee,.


 Violent itching,.


 Excessive and continued yawning. Insomnia from abdominal trouble. Grinding teeth during sleep. Sleep restless; disturbed by dreams.


 Chilliness with sensation of heat in chest, with erratic pains in limbs, chest, head; from 1 to 3 with disposition to stretch and chilliness on moving about; cold hands in a warm room. - сhill: without thirst; with gooseflesh, 2 , running over body,.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

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Natura Pharma
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