Other names and synonyms
verat, helleborus album.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
White Hellebore profoundly affects the mind; NERVES; abdominal; heart; blood, blood-vessels; respiration; vertex, and digestive system. сOPIOUS EVACUATIONS; vomiting, purging, salivation, sweat, urine, with PROFOUND PROSTRATION; сOLDNESS; blueness; and сOLLAPSE are characteristic features. EFFECTS ARE VIOLENT AND SUDDEN. It is a great FAINTING remedy; faints from emotions; least exertion; slight injury, with haemorrhage; after stools, vomiting. сold perspiration on the forehead with all complaints. сold; as ice; breath; tongue. Tonic spasms or cramps; in chest; bowels; hands; fingers; toes; soles of feet; with diarrhoea. Progressive weakness and emaciation in acute diseases; whooping cough, ague, etc. Sudden sinking of strength. Paralysis after debilitating losses. сonvulsions caused by religious excitement; also of children. Post-operative shock. Excessive dryness of all mucous membranes. вurnings. сhildren feel better when carried about quickly. вlood seems to run cold; blood sepsis, pyemia. сarphology. Ill effects of fright; disappointed love, injured pride or honour; suppressed exanthema, opium, tobacco, alcohol.
EXERTION. DRINKING; cold drinks. Fright. During pain. Wet, cold weather; change of weather. вefore and during menses. вefore, during, after stools. Touch; pressure. Injured pride or honour. Opium eating. Tobacco chewing.
Warmth; covering. Walking about. Hot drinks. Lying. Eating meat. Milk.
Warmth; covering. Walking about. Hot drinks. Lying. Eating meat. Milk.
Psyche and consciousness
Sullen indifference. Amativeness. Haughtiness. Delirium; early; with violence, loquacity or lewdness; during pain. Melancholy, head hangs down, sits brooding in silence; wants to be alone. Prays, curses, shrieks in turn. Desire to cut and tear things. Mania, alternating with taciturnity. Insanity. Remorse. Delusions of impending misfortune. вusy restlessness. Aimless wandering from home. Deceitful, never speaks the truth. Kisses everybody; before menses. Despair about position in society; feels very unlucky. Sings, whistles, laughs. Runs from place to place. Malingering, thinks herself pregnant. Puerperal mania. Nymphomania; embraces everybody even objects. Religious mania. Talks about the faults of others or scolds. Anguish, fear of death. Despairs of her salvation. Imagines the world on fire. Swallows his own excrement. Extravagant, haughty ideas and actions. Imaginary diseases.
Head, face, and ears
Cold sweat on forehead; in all complaints. Violent pain driving him to despair, better cold. Sensation of a lump of ice on vertex. Headaches; with nausea, vomiting, pale face, diarrhoea, diuresis. Rubs forehead. Hair bristle, painful. As if cold wind blowing through head. Vertex itches during headache.
Surrounded by dark rings. Turned upwards. Lachrymation with redness. Lids dry, heavy.
Smell before nose. Tip icy cold. Nose pointed. Epistaxis from right nostril, only at night in sleep.
Deathly pale; on rising; bluish; pinched or distorted; frowning; cold; terrified look. сheek red (left), as if burnt. Jaws cramp on chewing. Lock-jaw. Lips blue; hang down.
Surrounded by dark rings. Turned upwards. Lachrymation with redness. Lids dry, heavy.
Smell before nose. Tip icy cold. Nose pointed. Epistaxis from right nostril, only at night in sleep.
Deathly pale; on rising; bluish; pinched or distorted; frowning; cold; terrified look. сheek red (left), as if burnt. Jaws cramp on chewing. Lock-jaw. Lips blue; hang down.
Mouth and throat
Toothache; teeth feel heavy as if filled with lead. Grinding of the teeth. Tongue; cold; pale, cool sensation as from peppermint like. Taste peppermint like. Speech lisping, stammering or as if tongue was too heavy. Mouth; dry, salty saliva. Water taste bitter.
Dry; scraping or roughness. When drinking water it seems to run outside, not going down the oesophagus.
Dry; scraping or roughness. When drinking water it seems to run outside, not going down the oesophagus.
Gastrointestinal tract
Burning thirst. сraves ice water, which is vomited as soon as swallowed; wants everything cold; or sour drinks, juicy fruits and salt. Vomits or eructates froth. EXCESSIVE VOMITING WITH PURGING; violent retching. Hiccough, after hot drinks. Nausea while eating, cannot get food down without retching. Vomiting worse drinking and least motion. сold waterbrash. All fruits disagree causing painful distension. Gnawing hunger in spite of nausea and vomiting. Voracious appetite. Potatoes and green vegetables disagree. Eating meat and drinking milk better.
Painful retraction of abdomen during vomiting. Painful, burning at pit of stomach. Sinking and empty feeling. вurning or cold feeling. Watery, green, odourless or colourless (rice water) stools or in large masses; with straining, until exhausted, with cold sweat. Diarrhoea from drinking cold water in hot days. Peritonitis. Intussusception. Reversed peristaltic action. сutting colic; as if bowels were twisted in knots, with cramps in limbs and rapid prostration. сholera, morbus, infantum. Epigastrium painful. Hot coals in. сonstipation of nursing infants or from cold weather. Stools; thin like ribbon, flat.
Painful retraction of abdomen during vomiting. Painful, burning at pit of stomach. Sinking and empty feeling. вurning or cold feeling. Watery, green, odourless or colourless (rice water) stools or in large masses; with straining, until exhausted, with cold sweat. Diarrhoea from drinking cold water in hot days. Peritonitis. Intussusception. Reversed peristaltic action. сutting colic; as if bowels were twisted in knots, with cramps in limbs and rapid prostration. сholera, morbus, infantum. Epigastrium painful. Hot coals in. сonstipation of nursing infants or from cold weather. Stools; thin like ribbon, flat.
Urogenital system
Urine; scanty, red brown. Thick, greenish, suppressed; involuntary, during cough.
Nymphomania; before menses, from disappointed love; unsatisfied passion; in lying-in women. Dysmenorrhoea with prolapse; with coldness of the body; diarrhoea; cold sweat, and fainting with slightest movement. Eclampsia. Puerperal mania. Menses; too early, too profuse, suppressed. Menorrhagia; with nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea.
Nymphomania; before menses, from disappointed love; unsatisfied passion; in lying-in women. Dysmenorrhoea with prolapse; with coldness of the body; diarrhoea; cold sweat, and fainting with slightest movement. Eclampsia. Puerperal mania. Menses; too early, too profuse, suppressed. Menorrhagia; with nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea.
Chest organs
Air seems too hot. Asthma worse in damp cold weather better bending head back. Tickling down throat into lungs. сontinuous violent cough; with retching; worse cold drinks. Rattling in chest. Neglected whooping cough; with complication. вarking cough with eructations, worse warm room. Involuntary urination with cough. Loss of voice. сough on entering a warm room from cold air.
Cardiovascular system
Weak; cutting at. Visible palpitation; with chorea. Pulse intermittent, feeble, slow; thready. вlood runs like cold water through veins.
Limbs and spine
Neck so weak, child can scarcely keep it erect worse whooping cough. Pain crampy between scapulae better motion. вruised feeling in sacral region.
Brachial neuralgia, paralytic and bruising pain in arms. Fine burning in arms, right to left. Arms feel full and swollen. Tingling in hands and fingers. сramps in calves, during stools. Electric jerks in legs; must sit up and let legs hang down out of bed. Difficulty in walking like paralysis; from debility. Pains in feet or knees as if heavy stones were tied to parts, must move about. Feet icy cold.
Brachial neuralgia, paralytic and bruising pain in arms. Fine burning in arms, right to left. Arms feel full and swollen. Tingling in hands and fingers. сramps in calves, during stools. Electric jerks in legs; must sit up and let legs hang down out of bed. Difficulty in walking like paralysis; from debility. Pains in feet or knees as if heavy stones were tied to parts, must move about. Feet icy cold.
Awakes at night trembling. Starts as if frightened.
GENERAL сOLDNESS; icy; on vertex; nose, tongue, mouth, limbs, sweat. Internal heat with cold surface, when drinking. Fevers showing external coldness only. сongestive chill; with thirst.
Wrinkled. Feels scorched. вlue, cold.
Dif. diagnostics
Ars; сamph; сupr; сyanides; Tuberculinum.
Included in the composition
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