Other names and synonyms
tril.Description Source
Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics - E.B. NashPharmacological Group
TRILLIUM, from clinical use, seems to be a genuine haemorrhage remedy. The blood is bright red, whether of the active or passive kind of haemorrhage. It is especially useful in MENSES EVERY TWO WEEKS, LASTING A WEEK and VERY PROFUSE. Here a choice may have to be made between it and сALC., and NUX-V.,.
It resembles сHINA IN FLOODING, WITH FAINTING, DIM SIGHT, and NOISES IN THE EARS. Of course, сHINA would be the best for the after effects of such a haemorrhage.
There is sometimes with such flooding a relaxed sensation as if the hips, sacro-synchondroses and small of back would ALL FALL APART; wants to be вOUND TOGETHER. This should doubly indicate it in post partum haemorrhage.
It is also especially useful at the climacteric with the above symptoms. It has cured haemorrhages from other organs, but I have no experience with it there.
It resembles сHINA IN FLOODING, WITH FAINTING, DIM SIGHT, and NOISES IN THE EARS. Of course, сHINA would be the best for the after effects of such a haemorrhage.
There is sometimes with such flooding a relaxed sensation as if the hips, sacro-synchondroses and small of back would ALL FALL APART; wants to be вOUND TOGETHER. This should doubly indicate it in post partum haemorrhage.
It is also especially useful at the climacteric with the above symptoms. It has cured haemorrhages from other organs, but I have no experience with it there.
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