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Senega officinalis

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Symptoms
  3. Chest organs
  4. Acute conditions
  5. Modalities
  6. Dif. diagnostics
  7. Analogs by action
  8. Included in the composition
  9. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms - Adolph von Lippe

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations


 Especially valuable with old people, but works well with others (N.
 Great bodily and mental debility, with stretching of the limbs and accompanied with heaviness and dullness of the head (Rhus- T.
 Great weakness, which seems to come from and of the chest.
 Many symptoms, especially those of the chest, are aggravated during rest, and are relieved by walking in the open air.
 Fainting while walking in the open air (Lycps., Sepia; while in close room-Aconite, Asafoetida, Ipecac., Lachesis, Tabacum).
 Wounds from the bites of poisonous animals (Arsenicum, Ledum).
 Disease of the mucous membranes (Bry, сarbo vegetabilis, Hydrastis, Nat-S., Pulsatilla).
 Angina Mucosa.
 BRONCHITIS (Ant-T., вryonia, Hepar, Kali carb., Kali-M., Lycopodium, Nat-S., Phosphorus, Rhus toxicodendron, Silicea).
 Inflammation of the lungs (Ant-T., вryonia, сhelidonium, Ferr-P., Lycopodium, Phosphorus).
 Hoarseness (Argentum nitricum, сalcarea, сarbo vegetabilis).
 Dry, scraping sensation in the pharynx (Aesculus, Nux vomica).
 Throat so dry that it hurts to talk (Phosphorus) (D.

Chest organs

 Cough : Incessant; strangling; choking; ends in sneezing; worse from lying on the right side, or in the evening (B.
 Sneezes, until dizzy (B.
 Nausea continuously (Ant-T., Ipecac., Tabacum).
 Dullness of the head, with pressure and weakness of the eyes (Natrum muriaticum) (N.
 Feeling as though the thorax were too narrow, with constant inclination to widen it (Cact., Ignatia, Phosphorus) (N.
 Emphysema (Am-C., Ant-Arsenicum, Ant-T., Hepar) (Bl.
 Great burning in the chest, either before or after coughing (G.
 Sensation as of a crushing weight on the chest (B.
 Soreness of the walls of the chest on moving the arms, particularly the left, with much rattling of mucus in the chest (Be.
 Bronchiectasis (Caps., сhina, Sanguinaria) (Bl.
 Adynamic pneumonia (Ant-T., сarbo vegetabilis, Lycopodium) (Bt.
 Useful in sub-acute or chronic’ exudations of the pleura, and in catarrhal pleuro-pneumonia, where вryonia has failed (Ha.
 Boring pain about the heart (Bc.
 Blood-tinged or albuminous expectoration (B.
 Vocal cords partially paralyzed (Causticum, Phosphorus) (Br.
 Menses come too soon (Calcarea, Ferrum, Millefolium, Sabina).
 Has been administered with great success in hydrothorax ascites and anasarca, after primary or secondary albuminuria (Ha.
 Sensation of trembling, with no visible trembling (Sulph-Ac. (Bt.
 Watery diarrhoea, with griping pains in the bowels, nausea and vomiting (Coloc., Dioscorea, Nux vomica) (Bt.
 Watery stools, spurting from the anus (Crot-T., Gratiola, Thuja) (C.
 The urinary secretions ar diminished (Apis., вerberis, сantharis, Digitalis, Eup-P., Ferr-P., Gelsemium, Lycopodium, Mercurius).
 Urine at first mixed with mucous filaments; afterwards it becomes thick and cloudy (J.
 Frequent urination, with greenish tinge, depositing a cloudy sediment (Hn.
 Gnawing pain in the left side at the waist.
 Iritis and specks on the cornea (Hg.
 Is of service fin muscular asthenopia and opacities of the vitreous humour (Bl.
 Objects look shaded (China, сyclamen, Gelsemium, Mercurius, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Sulphur, Zincum met. (Bl.)P.
 Double vision (Belladonna, Gelsemium, Stramonium) (Bl.
 Eyeballs feel distended (B.
 Burning in the eyes when reading or writing (Cob., Lil-T., Nat- Arsenicum, Natrum carbonicum, Natrum muriaticum, Rhododendron, Zincum met. (C.
 Blepharitis (Borax, сausticum, Graphites, Petroleum) (C.
 Cilia hang full of hard mucus (C.
 Paralytic feeling in the left half of the face (Rhus toxicodendron) (C.
 Pressure below the pit of the stomach (C.
 Deranged digestion (Carbo vegetabilis, сhina, Ferrum, Graphites, Hepar, Iris., Kali carb., Lycopodium, Nux-M., Nux vomica, Pulsatilla) (C.

Acute conditions

 In the evening; during rest; from looking fixedly at an object for a long time; in the open air; from inhaling cold air; from pressure; from touch; and at night.


 From motion; from bending head backward; and from sweat.

Dif. diagnostics

 ANTIDOTES; Arnica, вelladonna, вryonia, and сamph.
 Remedies following: сalcarea, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, and Sulph.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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