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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Symptoms
  3. Head, face, and ears
  4. Acute conditions
  5. Modalities
  6. Dif. diagnostics
  7. Chemical name
  8. Analogs by action
  9. Included in the composition
  10. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms - Adolph von Lippe

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations


 Bad effects of Mercury and Alcohol (Podophyllum, Sulphur) (A.

Head, face, and ears

 Headache: Violent after light vexation; painful on the slightest touch, right- sided (A.
 Heaviness in the limbs (Plb.
 Paralytic tension in the limbs and twitching of the muscles.
 Burning in internal parts and quivering in external parts.
 Neuralgic burning pains after zona (Arsenicum) (A.
 Sensitiveness to cold air (Hepar, Silicea).
 External chilliness associated with internal burning.
 Desquamation of the skin (G.
 Eczema and itching eruptions after vaccination (Silicea, Thuja) (A.
 The head is covered with a thick, leather-like crust, under which thick and white pus collects here and there; hair is glued and matted together; pus after a time is ichorous, becomes offensive and breeds vermin (A.
 Eczema with intolerable itching; worse in bed and from touch; with copious and serous exudation (A.
 Eczema with intolerable itching; worse in bed and from touch; with blood; eruptions moist; itching worse at night (A.
 Inflammatory redness of the face (Belladonna, Stramonium) (A.
 Pruritus of the aged; there is itching after getting warm in bed (Bl.
 Boring, pressing pains, coming like lightning, which leave the parts numbed (G.
 Collection of water in the mouth (Mercurius) (G.
 Roots of the teeth decay (Am-C., Thuja) (A.
 Dull pain in the teeth when biting on them and when touched with the tongue, aggravated at night and ameliorated with mouth open and drawing in air (A.
 Violent nightly toothache (Mercurius, Rhus toxicodendron) (Bt.
 Toothache in carious teeth (Calc-T., Kreosotum, Mercurius, Staph); teeth elongated (Alumina, Am-C., вryonia, сalcarea, сausticum, Gloninum, Hepar, Kali-I., Lachesis, Lycopodium, Mercurius) (A.
 Deep, hard, painful ulcers (B.
 Linen or charpie sticks to the ulcers; the bleed when it is torn away (A.
 Shining, fiery red areola around the ulcers (A.
 Vesicles appear around the ulcers; they itch violently or burn like fire (Hepar) (A.
 Vesicular eruptions on the nose, with excoriations and formation of thick scabs (N.
 Sensation as if the ears were too open and air were pouring into them (N.
 Herpes zoster, with intercostal neuralgia, worse at night and in warmth of bed (N.
 Gonorrhoea, with haematuria (Cantharis, Hepar, Acid nitricum, Thuja) (Br.
 Biting, burning in the fore part of the urethral at the close of urination (Sulphur) (Br.
 Enlargement of the testicles (Pulsatilla, Rhododendron, Silicea) (Br.
 Sleeplessness from itching (Anacardium, вar-C., Gelsemium, Mercurius, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Raph., Zincum met. (K.
 CILIARY NEURALGIA (Arsenicum, Spigelia) (D.
 Neuralgia of cheek-bones with numbness (Chamomilla) (D.
 Pressing and tearing pains in and about the eyes. (R.
 Sharp, constricting pains transversely across the abdomen, especially about the heart (R.
 Burning in the pit of the stomach (Arsenicum, Phosphorus, Sulphur) (C.
 Loud flatulence (Aloe, Argentum, сausticum, Nat-S. (C.
 Constipation (Causticum, Nux vomica) (C.

Acute conditions

 In the evening; at night; from cold air; from cold washing; from touch; from motion; from warmth of bed; and suppressions.


 From wrapping up; from eating; in the open air; and from radiated heat.

Dif. diagnostics

 Compare: Arsenicum, сausticum, Guaiac., Kreosotum, Lycopodium, Mercurius, PHos., Phytolacca, Rhus toxicodendron, Silicea, Staphysagria, Sulphur, and Thuja.

Chemical name

 Antidote: Mercurius.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Available only when using PRO account
Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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