Other names and synonyms
con.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Additional facts
Conium Maculatum. Poison Hemlock. N. O. Umbelliferae. Tincture of fresh plant in flower.
Asthma. вladder, inflammation of. вreast, affections of; painful. вronchitis. вruises. сancer. сataract. сhorea. сough. Depression of spirits. Diphtheritic paralysis. Dysmenia (membranous). Erysipelas. Eyes, affections of. Galactorrhoea. Herpes. Hypochondriasis. Jaundice. Liver, enlarged. Melancholia. Menstruation, disordered. Numbness. Ovaries, affections of. Paralysis; Landry s. Peritonitis. Phthisis. Pregnancy, painful breasts during. Prostatitis. Ptoses. Scrofula. Spermatorrhoea. Sterility. Stomach, affections of. Testicles, affections of. Tetters. Trismus. Tumours. Ulcers. Vertigo. Vision, disordered. Wens.
Typical features
According to Hahnemann сon. is one of those drugs of which it is exceedingly difficult to distinguish the primary and secondary effects. He thinks, nevertheless, that the primary action is one of rigidity, condensation, and constriction of the fibres, with swelling of the glands and diminution of the senses. In this Teste concurs, adding that the action is primarily inflammatory, and that this accounts for its suitability for persons of a lively, quick, sanguine disposition, with a marked development of the glandular system; and explains why it is characteristically adapted to painful glandular affections, principally such as result from a strain or blow, but the precise cause of which may have escaped our recollection. Teste places сon. at the head of the analogues of Acon. It is to the glands and capillary system what Acon. is to the heart and arterial system. In many cases сon. may be regarded as the Aconite of chronic diseases. The other Aconite analogues, according to this author, are сham., Seneg., сanth., and Phos. ac. сon. corresponds to chronic or subacute inflammation with sanguineous engorgement of the parenchyma, induration, and even subsequent ulceration of the tissues. Thuja represents the slow and progressive hypertrophy of certain tissues, certain constituents of our organs. Stoerck used сonium in his heroic fashion and made with it some notable cures of scirrhous tumours, ulcerating and otherwise; but it was Hahnemann who first showed how the remedy could be used safely as well as effectively. Guernsey writes: This remedy is characterised by a great dizziness, brought on when lying down, and moving the head ever so slightly, or even the eyes-all the contents of the room appear to whirl around; patient wishes to keep the head perfectly still. In urinating the water flows at first in a full stream, then stops, flows again, again stops, &c. Nash illustrates the modality: In the dark; from letting the affected limb hang down; from moving; when walking; by stooping. Aversion to open air. Desire for warmth, especially that of sun. Liability to take cold from least exposure of feet. Great liability to take cold. Night and morning sweat, with offensive odour and smarting in skin; or offensive odour without sweat. Touch on external pressure, on lying down, and on closing the eyes. Attack of tearing headache, which forces the patient to lie down. Obstinate shooting pains in the sinciput, which seem coming through the forehead. Hot flush in occiput; later in head. Heaviness, and squeezing, as from a claw, in the forehead, and as if proceeding from the stomach. Apoplexy with paralysis (in old people). Falling off of the hair.
Head, face, and ears
Aching of the eyes when reading. Itching below the eyes, with burning and smarting pain when they are rubbed. Itching, shootings, or smarting in the internal canthi. Sensation of cold, or burning, in the eyes, when walking in the open air. Pain, as of burning in the eyes, with aching in the orbits in the evening. Inflammation and redness of the sclerotica. Hordeolum. Specks in the cornea. - сataract from contusion. Short-sightedness. Yellow colour of the sclerotica. Eyes dull. Eyes prominent. Tremulous look. Obscuration of the sight. Momentary blindness by day in the brightness of the sun. Myopia. Presbyopia. Diplopia. The lines seem to move while reading. - вlack spots and coloured bands before the sight, in a room. Red appearance of objects. Dazzling of the sight by the daylight. Aversion to light without inflammation of the eyes. Photophobia, with pale red colour of the ball of the eyes.
Tearings and shooting in the ears, and round the ears, especially when walking in the open air. Accumulation of cerumen, which resembles mouldy paper, and which is mixed with purulent mucus. - вlood-coloured cerumen. Roaring and humming in both ears. - вuzzing, tinkling, and rumbling in the ears. Painful sensibility of hearing. Diminution of hearing, ceasing when the cerumen is removed, and until it is renewed. Swelling and induration of the parotids.
Swelling of the nostrils. For several days tip of nose thick red, hot, painful,.
Heat in the face. - сomplexion sickly, pale, and bluish, sometimes even with swelling of the face. Fissures in the skin of the face, with pain as from excoriation after washing and wiping. Nocturnal pains in the face, tearing and shooting. Itching, eruptions, tetters and gnawing ulcers on the face. Moist and spreading herpes in the face. Eruptions of pimples on the forehead. Dryness and exfoliation of the lips. - вlisters and ulcers on the lips. - сancerous ulcer on the lip (from the pressure of the pipe). Spasmodic clenching of the jaws. Grinding of the teeth.
Tearings and shooting in the ears, and round the ears, especially when walking in the open air. Accumulation of cerumen, which resembles mouldy paper, and which is mixed with purulent mucus. - вlood-coloured cerumen. Roaring and humming in both ears. - вuzzing, tinkling, and rumbling in the ears. Painful sensibility of hearing. Diminution of hearing, ceasing when the cerumen is removed, and until it is renewed. Swelling and induration of the parotids.
Swelling of the nostrils. For several days tip of nose thick red, hot, painful,.
Heat in the face. - сomplexion sickly, pale, and bluish, sometimes even with swelling of the face. Fissures in the skin of the face, with pain as from excoriation after washing and wiping. Nocturnal pains in the face, tearing and shooting. Itching, eruptions, tetters and gnawing ulcers on the face. Moist and spreading herpes in the face. Eruptions of pimples on the forehead. Dryness and exfoliation of the lips. - вlisters and ulcers on the lips. - сancerous ulcer on the lip (from the pressure of the pipe). Spasmodic clenching of the jaws. Grinding of the teeth.
Mouth and throat
Odontalgia, generally drawing, provoked by walking in the open air, or excited in hollow teeth by cold food. Shootings, jerks, gnawing, and piercing in the teeth. Gums swollen, ecchymosed and bleeding.
Dryness of the mouth and of the throat; or salivation. Embarrassed speech. Tongue stiff, painful, swollen, dry; covered with dirty mucus. Horribly offensive tongue. Cancer of tongue.
Sore throat, as from a ball (globus hystericus) mounting from the epigastrium. Impeded deglutition. Involuntary deglutition, especially when walking in the wind. - сonstant want to swallow, when walking against the wind. - сramps in the gullet. Scraping in the throat. Spasmodic constriction of the throat.
Dryness of the mouth and of the throat; or salivation. Embarrassed speech. Tongue stiff, painful, swollen, dry; covered with dirty mucus. Horribly offensive tongue. Cancer of tongue.
Sore throat, as from a ball (globus hystericus) mounting from the epigastrium. Impeded deglutition. Involuntary deglutition, especially when walking in the wind. - сonstant want to swallow, when walking against the wind. - сramps in the gullet. Scraping in the throat. Spasmodic constriction of the throat.
Appetite and food preferences
Bitterness in the mouth and in the throat. Putrid or acid taste in the mouth. Total absence of appetite, and great weakness of digestion. - вread will not go down, and does not please the taste. - вulimy. Desire for coffee or for acid or salt food. During a meal, and especially after taking milk food, a sensation of inflation in the stomach, and in the abdomen, and speedy satiety. After a meal, sourness, pyrosis, pressure and fulness in the stomach, risings, colic, flatulency, nausea, deadness in the fingers, weakness, fatigue, and sweat.
Gastrointestinal tract
Empty risings, frequent and noisy, sometimes during the entire day. Abortive risings, with sensation of fulness in the hollow of the throat. Risings, with taste of food. Suppressed eructations, with subsequent pain in the stomach. Pyrosis, ascending up into the throat, sometimes after a meal. Acid regurgitation, especially after a meal. Nausea with inclination to vomit, and complete loss of appetite, or else with eructations and lassitude. Nausea after every meal, or in the evening. Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Vomiting of mucus. Pressure on the stomach, even during a meal. Inflation of the stomach. - сramp-like, contractive pain, shootings, and pain as from excoriation, in the stomach and in the epigastrium. Sensation of soreness and rawness of the stomach and of the abdomen when walking on the stones. Pain, with sensation of cold in the stomach.
After taking milk sensation of inflation of the abdomen. Tensive pain in the hypochondria, as from a band tightly fastened. Hardness of the abdomen from swelling of the mesenteric glands. Pressure, traction, tearings, and shootings in the hepatic region. Lancination in the left hypochondrium, even in the morning in bed, with oppression. Lancinations in the abdomen, as if knives were plunged in; stitches in the spleen. Fulness of the abdomen, even in the morning on waking. Swelling of the mesenteric glands. - сontraction of the abdomen, with oppression. Spasmodic colic. Incisive and tearing abdominal pains. Movement and digging in the umbilical region. Sensation as of excoriation in the abdomen, especially when walking on the pavement. Noise and borborygmi in the abdomen. Expulsion of cold wind, with cuttings. Incarceration of flatus. - сuttings on expelling flatus.
Constipation with tenesmus. - сonstant urging without stool. Hard evacuations, only every second day. Hard stool, with tenesmus (headache; discharge of prostatic fluid). Loose, undigested evacuations, with cuttings, and frequent risings. Debilitating diarrhoea. Stools undigested, with colic. Lancinations in the anus. Heat and burning sensation in the rectum, while evacuating, and at other times. Emission of fetid or cold flatulence; (stool feels cold). Faeces, with streaks of blood. After the evacuations, weakness, palpitation of the heart, frequent expulsion of flatulence, and trembling. Involuntary discharge of faeces during sleep.
After taking milk sensation of inflation of the abdomen. Tensive pain in the hypochondria, as from a band tightly fastened. Hardness of the abdomen from swelling of the mesenteric glands. Pressure, traction, tearings, and shootings in the hepatic region. Lancination in the left hypochondrium, even in the morning in bed, with oppression. Lancinations in the abdomen, as if knives were plunged in; stitches in the spleen. Fulness of the abdomen, even in the morning on waking. Swelling of the mesenteric glands. - сontraction of the abdomen, with oppression. Spasmodic colic. Incisive and tearing abdominal pains. Movement and digging in the umbilical region. Sensation as of excoriation in the abdomen, especially when walking on the pavement. Noise and borborygmi in the abdomen. Expulsion of cold wind, with cuttings. Incarceration of flatus. - сuttings on expelling flatus.
Constipation with tenesmus. - сonstant urging without stool. Hard evacuations, only every second day. Hard stool, with tenesmus (headache; discharge of prostatic fluid). Loose, undigested evacuations, with cuttings, and frequent risings. Debilitating diarrhoea. Stools undigested, with colic. Lancinations in the anus. Heat and burning sensation in the rectum, while evacuating, and at other times. Emission of fetid or cold flatulence; (stool feels cold). Faeces, with streaks of blood. After the evacuations, weakness, palpitation of the heart, frequent expulsion of flatulence, and trembling. Involuntary discharge of faeces during sleep.
Urogenital system
Pressure on the bladder, as if the urine were going to issue forth with violence (with stitches); worse when walking, better when sitting. At night, emission of urine, frequent, and sometimes involuntary. Flow of urine, attended by violent pain. Urine thick, white and turbid. Urine red. Retention of urine. Difficult emission of urine, which flows only drop by drop. Nocturnal urination. Wetting the bed. Diabetes, accompanied by great pain. Frequent inclination to emit urine, which is clear and aqueous. Viscid mucus, mixed with the urine, which cannot be passed without great pain. Discharge of pus from the urethra. Emission of blood, sometimes with difficulty of respiration. The urine stops suddenly, and does not begin to flow again for some moments. Incisive pains in the urethra during the emission of urine. - вurning sensation and shootings in the urethra, especially after the emission of urine.
Swelling of the testes (after contusion). - сutting pain through scrotum to root of penis. Lasciviousness. Impotence, insufficient erections, and absence of erections. Want of energy in coition. Erections imperfect, and of too short duration. Easy emission of semen, even without firm erections. Dejection, after coition. Immoderate pollutions. Flow of prostatic fluid during evacuation, and after any mental emotion. With weakness of sexual organs, much sexual erethism, amatory thoughts, even emissions provoked by mere presence of women.
Cramps in the uterus, with pinchings or contracting, or with digging above the vulva, accompanied by tension in the abdomen, and shootings extending into the left side of the chest. Itching in the external and internal genital parts. Shootings in the vagina, and sensation as of bearing down. Shooting in the labia. - сatamenia premature and too weak. Suppression of catamenia. - вefore the catamenia, pains in the breasts; anxious dreams, dry heat, pain as from fatigue in the limbs, lachrymose humour, inquietude, and hepatic pains. During the catamenia, sensation of bearing down and dragging in the thigh, or painful cramps in the abdomen. Suppressed menstruation (with barrenness). - вurning, acrid, corrosive, and pungent leucorrhoea, accompanied or preceded by colic. - вreasts flabby. Inflammation of the mammae, with stitches; scirrhus of the mammae after contusion. Scirrhous induration of the mammary glands, with itching and shooting pains.
Swelling of the testes (after contusion). - сutting pain through scrotum to root of penis. Lasciviousness. Impotence, insufficient erections, and absence of erections. Want of energy in coition. Erections imperfect, and of too short duration. Easy emission of semen, even without firm erections. Dejection, after coition. Immoderate pollutions. Flow of prostatic fluid during evacuation, and after any mental emotion. With weakness of sexual organs, much sexual erethism, amatory thoughts, even emissions provoked by mere presence of women.
Cramps in the uterus, with pinchings or contracting, or with digging above the vulva, accompanied by tension in the abdomen, and shootings extending into the left side of the chest. Itching in the external and internal genital parts. Shootings in the vagina, and sensation as of bearing down. Shooting in the labia. - сatamenia premature and too weak. Suppression of catamenia. - вefore the catamenia, pains in the breasts; anxious dreams, dry heat, pain as from fatigue in the limbs, lachrymose humour, inquietude, and hepatic pains. During the catamenia, sensation of bearing down and dragging in the thigh, or painful cramps in the abdomen. Suppressed menstruation (with barrenness). - вurning, acrid, corrosive, and pungent leucorrhoea, accompanied or preceded by colic. - вreasts flabby. Inflammation of the mammae, with stitches; scirrhus of the mammae after contusion. Scirrhous induration of the mammary glands, with itching and shooting pains.
Chest organs
Catarrh, with fever, sore throat, and want of appetite. Hoarseness. Dryness in one small circumscribed place in the larynx, and tickling which excites coughing. - сough provoked by tickling and scraping in the throat. Dry cough, provoked by a tickling, with oppression of the chest, and fever in the evening. Suffocating cough, with flushes of heat in the face. Dry, convulsive cough. - сough, like whooping-cough, with sanguineous expectoration, or in violent fits during the night, caused by itching in the chest and throat, or from a small dry spot in the larynx, without expectoration at night, and difficult, bloody, purulent, offensive expectoration during the day. The cough manifests itself generally at night or in the evening. Shortness of breathing when walking; suffocative attacks; oppressed breathing, in the morning, when waking. - сough provoked by taking a deep breath, or by taking acid or salt things. Loose cough, but without expectoration; he must swallow what he coughs up. Yellow and purulent expectoration, of a putrid smell. - сough increased by lying down. During the cough, pains in the head or in the abdomen, with shootings in the left side aggravated by movement. - сough during pregnancy.
Short respiration when walking, and on the least movement, often with convulsive cough. - сough relieves the tightness of the chest. Difficulty of respiration, even in the morning on waking. Respiration difficult and slow, especially in the evening in bed. Difficulty of respiration, with pains in the chest, in the evening in bed. Fits of suffocation, as if there were an obstruction in the throat. Shooting in the sternum, or in the side of the chest. - вeating stitch, with pain in upper and left part of chest towards the centre of the chest. Pressure behind sternum and desire to breath deeply. Violent pains in the chest, with violent cough. Pressure on the chest, in the sternum, and in the region of the heart. Drawing pains in the chest. Shocks in the chest. - сaries of the sternum.
Short respiration when walking, and on the least movement, often with convulsive cough. - сough relieves the tightness of the chest. Difficulty of respiration, even in the morning on waking. Respiration difficult and slow, especially in the evening in bed. Difficulty of respiration, with pains in the chest, in the evening in bed. Fits of suffocation, as if there were an obstruction in the throat. Shooting in the sternum, or in the side of the chest. - вeating stitch, with pain in upper and left part of chest towards the centre of the chest. Pressure behind sternum and desire to breath deeply. Violent pains in the chest, with violent cough. Pressure on the chest, in the sternum, and in the region of the heart. Drawing pains in the chest. Shocks in the chest. - сaries of the sternum.
Cardiovascular system
Palpitation of the heart, especially after drinking. Frequent shocks in the region of the heart.
Limbs and spine
Tension in the nape of the neck. Pain as from excoriation in the vertebrae of the neck. Enlargement of the neck. Pains in the loins on bending backwards. Aching and compression above the hips. Pressive, cramp-like, and tractive pain in the back. Pain, as from a sprain in the left side of the back and neck.
Shoulders painful, as if they had been bruised and excoriated. Humid, scabby, and burning tetters in the forearms. Numbness of the hands, and especially of the palms of the hands. - сracking in the wrist-joint. Sweat in the palms of the hands. Torpor of the fingers. Itching in the back of the fingers. Yellow spots on the fingers and yellowish nails. Panaris.
Drawing pains in the hips. Arthritic pains in the knee, tearing, and tensive, aggravated on beginning to walk after sitting down, with a sensation as if the tendons were too short (during the suppression of catamenia). Restlessness and heaviness in the legs. Lassitude in the knees. - сracking of the knee-joint. Painful swelling of the legs and of the feet. Red spots on the calves of the legs, sometimes painful, becoming subsequently green or yellow, as after a blow or bruise, and impeding the movement of the foot, which is drawn back, as if the tendons were contracted. - сramps in the calves of the legs. - сoldness, and strong disposition to take cold in the feet (even from a slight exposure of the feet). Torpor and insensibility of the feet. Pustules in the feet.
Shoulders painful, as if they had been bruised and excoriated. Humid, scabby, and burning tetters in the forearms. Numbness of the hands, and especially of the palms of the hands. - сracking in the wrist-joint. Sweat in the palms of the hands. Torpor of the fingers. Itching in the back of the fingers. Yellow spots on the fingers and yellowish nails. Panaris.
Drawing pains in the hips. Arthritic pains in the knee, tearing, and tensive, aggravated on beginning to walk after sitting down, with a sensation as if the tendons were too short (during the suppression of catamenia). Restlessness and heaviness in the legs. Lassitude in the knees. - сracking of the knee-joint. Painful swelling of the legs and of the feet. Red spots on the calves of the legs, sometimes painful, becoming subsequently green or yellow, as after a blow or bruise, and impeding the movement of the foot, which is drawn back, as if the tendons were contracted. - сramps in the calves of the legs. - сoldness, and strong disposition to take cold in the feet (even from a slight exposure of the feet). Torpor and insensibility of the feet. Pustules in the feet.
Common symptoms
Cramps and cramp-like pains in different parts. Pain, as from fatigue in the limbs and joints, while at rest. Nocturnal pains and sufferings, which disturb sleep. The symptoms appear during repose, and are aggravated on beginning to walk, or by any movement. Tendency to strain the lower part of the back. Attacks of hysteria and hypochondriasis. Shocks in the tendons, trembling and convulsive shakings in the limbs. Ebullition of blood. Dropsical swellings. Swelling and induration of the glands, with tingling and shooting pains. Fainting fits. Great general dejection, with involuntary laughter. Sensation of fatigue especially early in the morning in bed. Restlessness in the body, especially in the legs. Want of energy, and nervous debility. - сonsumption. Sudden sinking, while walking. Great liability to take cold. Great fatigue and other sufferings, from walking in the open air. - сontinued deprivation of natural vital heat.
Shootings, and pricking itching in the skin. Swelling of the glands, with tingling and stitches after contusions and bruises. - вluish colour of the skin over the whole body. Painful inflammation of the skin. Nettle-rash in consequence of violent bodily exercise. Pimples, like those in scabies, which become scurfy. - вrownish, or red and itching spots, over the whole body, which disappear and return. Humid, or scabby and burning tetters. - вlackish ulcers, with sanious, sanguineous, and fetid discharge, and tingling tension. Gangrenous ulcers. Ulceration of the bones. Panaris. Petechiae. Reddish and greenish spots, as from ecchymosis.
Drowsiness during the day, even very early in the morning. Somnolence. Inclination to sleep in the evening, with falling down of the eyelids. Tardy sleep. Disturbed and unrefreshing sleep, with lachrymation, and frequent, anxious, and frightful dreams. Dreams of disease, mutilation, death, danger, and quarrels. At night, headache, nausea, gastralgia, bleeding of the nose, pains in the limbs, &c. Half-waking after midnight, with great anguish. Nightmare. Starting of the limbs during sleep.
Shivering, frequent coldness and shuddering. - сoldness and chilliness in the morning and forenoon. - сhilliness, with desire for heat, especially in the sunshine. Heat internally and externally, with great nervousness. Dry, internal heat. Slow fever, with total want of appetite. Inflammatory fever with great heat, abundant sweat, anorexia, diarrhoea, and vomiting. Fever with inflammation of the throat, and cough. Pulse irregular; generally slow and full, alternating with small and frequent beats. Nocturnal sweat, even at the commencement of sleep. Heat with profuse perspiration. Perspiration day and night, as soon as one closes the eyes and goes to sleep. Local, fetid, and acrid sweats.
Included in the composition
- 1.2€ Hepa (ЭДАС)
- 1.3€ Androit (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 1.4-2.3€ Selene edas (ЭДАС)
- 1.6-2.2€ Afosar (ЭДАС)
- 1.7€ Mastopan (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 2.1-2.5€ Tonsillin (ЭДАС)
- 2.1€ Phosphorus-plus (3 firms)
- 1.8-2.9€ Memoria
- 2.5-3.9€ Mastiol (ЭДАС)
- 2.5€ Визиплюс (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Иммунокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Иохимбе (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5-2.6€ Мамморегулан (Фитасинтекс)
- 3€ Массиф-олис (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5-5€ Мастикулин (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5-2.8€ Масторегулан (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Меморакс (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Тиреотокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Эрексил (Фитасинтекс)
- 1.9€ Бронзовый всадник (Вербена)
- 1.9€ Мастодил (Вербена)
- 3.2€ Conium-plus (2 firms)
- 3.2€ Lachesis-plus (2 firms)
- 3.2€ Phosphor-plus (2 firms)
- — Thuja-plus (Доктор Н)
- 3.5-3.9€ Erectin (2 firms)
- 4.1-4.2€ Prostasanum (2 firms)
- 2.5€ Андро- VITA (Вербена)
- 2.5€ Гемопрост (Вербена)
- 2.5€ Тукофит (Вербена)
- 4.8-8.8€ Vertigoheel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 5.2€ Mammosan (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 5€ Лединорм (Фитасинтекс)
- 5€ Холеокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 5€ Эрокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 5.6-6€ Mastopol (2 firms)
- 4.3-8.5€ Gentos (5 firms)
- — Flowers Energy №45
- 11€ Flowers Energy №5
- — Flowers Energy №6
- 11€ Flowers Energy №60
- — Flowers Energy №63
- 11€ Flowers Energy №64
- — Flowers Energy №65
- 11€ Flowers Energy №67
- — Flowers Energy №68
- — Flowers Energy №69
- 11€ Flowers Energy №7
- — Flowers Energy №70
- 11€ Flowers Energy №71
- 11€ Flowers Energy №74
- 8-9.8€ Ubichinon compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 12-20€ Tonsilla compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 19€ Testis compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 13.8-16.1€ Cerebrum compositum n (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Ginseng compositum
- — Тиреосан (Аспектус фарма ООО )