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ichth, Ichthyolum, ихтиол гомеопатия.Источник описания
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkeФармакологическая группа
Ammonium Ichthyol Sulphonate. с28 H36 S3 O6 (NH4)2. The most important of the salts of ichthyosulphonic acid, prepared from a bituminous mineral of Tyrol, which is rich in fossilised remains of fish. A clear, reddish-brown viscid liquid. Solution.
Arthritis. Gonorrhoea. Neuralgia. Phthisis. Pruritus vulvae. Rheumatism. Skin, affections of.
Характерные особенности
This is an unproved remedy which has been used in old-school therapeutics as an external application, and internally in skin affections, rheumatism, scrofula, nephritis, and gonorrhoea. It is a powerful antiseptic. As an external application to rheumatic joints it has achieved marked results. A solution of equal parts of Ichthyol and water is warmed and applied to the affected joint on calico and covered with heated cloths, outside of which is an impervious fabric to prevent evaporation. Pure Ichthyol or an ointment of Lanoline and Ichthyol maybe used instead. Gouty joints have also been benefited. Ichthyol appears to act by virtue of its power of allaying pain and inflammation, but there can be no doubt that a thorough proving would bring out a specific relationship to the maladies in which it has been used with success. Scarpa claims to have used it with excellent effect in a large number of cases of phthisis.
Диф. диагностика
Ichth. belongs to the Petroleum class of remedies. сompare also сalc. caust. (lime-water compresses to allay inflammation); Sulph. Plantago (anodyne application); сarbol. ac.
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