Other names and synonyms
form, homeopathic formaldehyde preparation.Description Source
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickePharmacological Group
Aqueous Solution (35 per cent) of Formaldehyde Gas.
Is a powerful disinfectant and deodorant; a potent poison. Prevents growth and kills almost any pathogenic micro-organism. It seems to have the peculiar property of eating into malignant tumors, leaving the surrounding healthy tissue uncharred and unchanged. A plug of cotton wool soaked in a 20 per cent solution of Formaldehyde, and applied for a few hours, will produce a necrotic slough, which must be scraped away before the next application, otherwise it hardens.
Formalin in hot water as vapor most valuable therapeutic agent in pertussis, phthisis, in catarrhal affections of upper air-passages.
Is a powerful disinfectant and deodorant; a potent poison. Prevents growth and kills almost any pathogenic micro-organism. It seems to have the peculiar property of eating into malignant tumors, leaving the surrounding healthy tissue uncharred and unchanged. A plug of cotton wool soaked in a 20 per cent solution of Formaldehyde, and applied for a few hours, will produce a necrotic slough, which must be scraped away before the next application, otherwise it hardens.
Formalin in hot water as vapor most valuable therapeutic agent in pertussis, phthisis, in catarrhal affections of upper air-passages.
Psyche and consciousness
Forgetfulness. Anxiety. Unconscious.
Head, face, and ears
Coryza; eyes water; vertigo.
Mouth and throat
Ptyalism, thick saliva; loss of taste.
Gastrointestinal tract
Food feels as if it were a ball in stomach. вurning in mouth and stomach.
Intense urging to stool, watery stools.
Intense urging to stool, watery stools.
Urogenital system
Anuria; albuminous urine.
Chest organs
Dyspnoea. Laryngismus stridulus. Whooping-cough.
Chills in forenoon, followed by long fever. вones ache during whole paroxysm. During fever forgets where he was.
Puckers skin like leather; wrinkles; scales off. Eczema in neighborhood of wound. Damp sweat most marked on right upper extremity.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidote: Ammonia water. сompare: Ammonium formaldehyde, known commercially as сystogen (Dose, five to seven grains two to four times daily, dissolved in hot water, after meals. Prevents the decomposition of urine in the bladder, kidneys, and ureters. Turbid urine rendered clear and non-irritating; phosphatic deposits dissolved, and growth of pyogenic bacteria arrested). Also, Urotropin (A diuretic and solvent of uric acid concretions; relieves cystitis associated with putrefaction. Three to five grains well diluted. When administered invariably appears in the cerebro-spinal fluid and therefore advised in threatened meningeal infection).
Method of drug use and dosage
As vapor in hot water in respiratory affections; 1 per cent spray, otherwise 3x potency.