Other names and synonyms
sabal, sabal serrulata homeopathy.Description Source
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickePharmacological Group
Saw Palmetto.
Sabal is homeopathic to irritability of the genito-urinary organs. General and sexual debility. Promotes nutrition and tissue building. Head, stomach, and ovarian symptoms marked. Of unquestioned value in prostatic enlargement, epididymitis, and urinary difficulties. Acts on membrano-prostatic portion of urethra. Iritis, with prostatic trouble. Valuable for undeveloped mammary glands. Fear of going to sleep. Languor, apathy and indifference.
Sabal is homeopathic to irritability of the genito-urinary organs. General and sexual debility. Promotes nutrition and tissue building. Head, stomach, and ovarian symptoms marked. Of unquestioned value in prostatic enlargement, epididymitis, and urinary difficulties. Acts on membrano-prostatic portion of urethra. Iritis, with prostatic trouble. Valuable for undeveloped mammary glands. Fear of going to sleep. Languor, apathy and indifference.
Head, face, and ears
Confused, full; dislikes sympathy; makes her angry. Vertigo, with headache. Neuralgia in feeble patients. Pain runs up from nose and centers in forehead.
Gastrointestinal tract
Belching and acidity. Desire for milk (Rhus; Apis).
Urogenital system
Constant desire to pass water at night. Enuresis; paresis of sphincter vesicae. сhronic gonorrhoea. Difficult urination. сystitis with prostatic hypertrophy.
Prostatic troubles; enlargement; discharge of prostatic fluid. Wasting of testes and loss of sexual power. сoitus painful at the time of emission. Sexual neurotics. Organs feel cold.
Ovaries tender and enlarged; breasts shrivel (Iod; Kali iod). Young female neurotics; suppressed or perverted sexual inclination.
Prostatic troubles; enlargement; discharge of prostatic fluid. Wasting of testes and loss of sexual power. сoitus painful at the time of emission. Sexual neurotics. Organs feel cold.
Ovaries tender and enlarged; breasts shrivel (Iod; Kali iod). Young female neurotics; suppressed or perverted sexual inclination.
Chest organs
Copious expectoration, with catarrh of nose. сhronic bronchitis (Stann; Hep).
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: Phosph ac; Stigmata maydis; Santal; Apis. In prostatic symptoms: fer pic; Thuja; Picric acid (more sexual erethism). Populus tremul; (prostatic enlargement with cystitis).
Method of drug use and dosage
Mother tincture, ten to thirty drops. Third potency often better. The tincture must be prepared from the fresh berries to be effective.
Included in the composition
- 1.3€ Androit (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 3-3.2€ Sabal-prostata (2 firms)
- 2.5€ Просталик (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Эрексил (Фитасинтекс)
- 1.9€ Бронзовый всадник (Вербена)
- 2.5€ Нео- VITA (Вербена)
- 4.2-5.7€ Reneel (Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH )
- 4.7€ Reneel n (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 5€ Эрокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 4.3-8.5€ Gentos (5 firms)
- 8.3€ Populus compositum sr (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 11€ Flowers Energy №24
- — Flowers Energy №55
- — Flowers Energy №65
- — Bioline Prostate
- — Prostatosan (Гомеопатический медико-социальный центр )
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug