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Sarracenia purpurea

  1. Symptoms
  2. Acute conditions
  3. Modalities
  4. Dif. diagnostics
  5. Analogs by action
  6. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms - Adolph von Lippe


 This remedy is indicated in variola; it aborts the disease and prevents pustulation (Bl.
 Photophobia (Aconite, вelladonna, Euphr., Natrum muriaticum, Phosphorus, Sulphur) (Br.
 Black objects move with the eye (Cocc., Phosphorus, Stramonium) (Br.
 Pain in the orbits (Ruta) (Br.
 Eyes feel swollen and sore (Arnica) (Br.
 Bruised pain in the knee and hip-joints (Arnica) (Br.
 The heat is congested (Belladonna, Gloninum, Stramonium) (Bl.
 Throbbing in various parts, especially in neck, shoulders and head, which feels full to bursting (Br.
 The limbs are weak (Kali-P., Natrum muriaticum, Nux vomica, Rhus toxicodendron) (Bl.
 Bad taste in the mouth, with loss of appetite (Nux vomica, Pulsatilla) (A.
 Brownish-white coating on the tongue (Ant-T., вaptisia, вryonia, сhin- A., Hyoscyamus, Kali-P., Lachesis, Phosphorus, Plb., Rhus toxicodendron, Secale) (A.
 Hungry all the time, even after a meal (Chin-S., сina, Iodium, Lycopodium, Phosphorus) (Br.
 Copious, painful vomiting (Ant-T., Arsenicum, сup-S., Phosphorus, Veratrum) (Br.
 Horripilations between shoulder-blades in the afternoon or evening (A.
 General chills between the should-blades. (Caps., Eup-Purp., Ledum, Polyp. (A.
 Fever with heat and redness of the face, burning in the stomach, great prostration, delirium and loss of consciousness (A.
 Copious night-sweat (China) (A.

Acute conditions

 From light; at night; in the evening; and after meals.


 From lying down.

Dif. diagnostics

 Compare: Ant-T., вelladonna, вryonia, сocc., Gloninum, Hyoscyamus, Maland., Nux vomica, Rhus toxicodendron, Silicea, Sulphur, and Veratrum.

Analogs by action

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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