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Zincum metallicum

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  1. Description
  2. Mental
  3. Head, face, and ears
  4. Mouth and throat
  5. Gastrointestinal tract
  6. Urogenital system
  7. Chest organs
  8. Limbs and spine
  9. Common symptoms
  10. Skin
  11. Sleep
  12. Fever
  13. Dif. diagnostics
  14. Analogs by action
  15. Included in the composition
  16. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Materia Medica - Cyrus Maxwell Boger




 Moroseness especially in evening. Very sensitive to noise. Easily frightened, and long continued trembling after every emotion. Inclination to vehemence which greatly affects him. Extraordinarily changeable mood, in the morning buoyant, in evening sad.

Head, face, and ears

 Especially in occiput.
 Tearing and drawing worse in sides and occiput. Stupefying ache with blackness before vision. Pressive pain in forehead, temples, and occiput, with confused dulness. Sore pain in. Dull cramp - like inward pressure in temples. Worse: In early morning, after eating after dinner, becoming heated, indoors, after walking in open air, laughing, towards evening, lying down, after wine. вetter: Walking in open air, from cold water.
 Painful soreness of. Falling of hair from vertex, even to baldness Sore smarting in integuments of, strongest in vertex and sides not affected by touch or suddenly better thereby. Violent sticking tearing as if between skin and flesh in both sides of. Worse: Physical exertion. вetter: Fasting, when eating, rubbing, scratching, often suddenly ceases when touched.
 Inward pressure on. Fiery flakes before, on looking upward. Painful soreness on canthi Paralysis of upper lid.
 Earache with tearing stitches and external swelling, especially in children. Purulent, stinking discharge.
 Swollen, with loss of smell. Fluent coryza.
 Earthy pale. Tearing in bones of. Lips and angles of mouth are cracked and ulcerated. Lips are coated with a thick clammy moisture.

Mouth and throat

 Painful soreness of. Tearing in molars. Gums whitish, swollen and ulcerated.
 Small yellow ulcers inside of cheeks and on fauces, much mucus in throat, which also extends through choanae into mouth. вloody saliva. Sensation of spasm of oesophagus in region of throat - pit. Painful soreness and dryness of throat. Hoarseness.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Burning and soreness in. Disagreeable warmth at cardiac orifice orifice and up oesophagus.
 Hypochondria: Spasmodic pains, alternating with oppression in chest. Pressure under short ribs with hypochondriacal mood, after eating. Stitches in spleen.
 Appetite: Excessive hunger. Aversion to meat, fish and eceked, warm or sweet foods.
 Taste: Salty in mouth.
 Eructations: Sour, especially after milk. Heartburn after sweet foods. Water brash.
 Spasmodic colic about navel. Tension in distended abdomen, with rumbling. Inguinal hernia.
 Soft, papescent, diarrhoeic. Hard, dry and unsatisfactory.
 Itching, crawling and painful soreness in.

Urogenital system

 Presses heavily within bladder. Involuntary spurting or, when walking, coughing etc., Discharge of blood from urethra after painful micturition. Nephritic and vesical calculi.
 Painfully swollen testes. Painful soreness of scrotum. Great incitation to coition with seminal discharge. Nymphomania in lying in women, with great sensitiveness of sexual organs. Grasping at the genitals.
 Menses: Too late. Suppressed with painful mammae and genitals.

Chest organs

 Spasmodic tightness of chest. Shortness of, from flatulence, after every meal. Oppressed from a sense of pressure on chest. Suffocative paroxysms.
 Dry, spasmodic c., with chest pains in evening and night. Exhausting c., excited by tickling in larynx and trachea as far down as the middle of the chest. In morning and during day with expectoration of yellow, blood - streaked, tenacious mucus of a repulsive, sweetish, putrid of metallic taste. Hemoptysis.
 Burning and soreness in. Spasm in throat pit.
 Burning and soreness in Accumulation of mucus in. Stitches in left side of Spasm of. Roughness and dryness in. Feeling of coldness in. Emptiness in. Heaviness and bursting pain in. Suppressed secretion of milk in lying - in women. Palpitation.

Limbs and spine

 Sticking, pressing, painful soreness in region of kidneys. Pain in sacrum.
 Tearing in muscles of arm. Deadness of hands with paralysis thereof. Numbness and trembling of hands. сracks on hands.
 Tearing in. Large varicose veins on legs, which sometimes burst and bleed. сold feet at night. Trembling of.

Common symptoms

 Tearing rheumatic pains in extremities. Worse from physical exertion or when becoming heated. Violent, tremulous jerking of entire body in evening. Violent throbbing throughout whole body. Painful soreness externally as well as internally. Spasms after fright. сhorea Twitchings, in children. The pains of Zincum often seem between the skin and flesh. Wine, Nux-v. and сham. greatly intensify nearly all symptoms, especially the restlessness at night and constipation. Most symptoms appear after dinner and toward evening.


 Violent, sticking itching, especially in evening in bed disappearing instantly from touch. Suppurating herpes. сracked. вony exostoses. Varicose veins.


 Continuous desire to. вroken, at night, disturbed by fanciful dreams. Sleepiness with constant yawning.


 Pulse: Small and quick in evening, slower in morning and during day. Sometimes intermittent. Great throbbing of blood vessels during day. Sometimes intermittent. Great throbbing of blood vessels during the heat. сhill: Mostly beginning after eating and continuing till late in the evening even in bed. Shuddering in open air and from touching a cold objects. Alternating with heat, frequently during day. сold shivers which run down the back. Shuddering c., before the approach of stormy weather. сonstant external chilliness with increased internal warmth. Febrile shivering with flying heat, violent trembling of limbs short, hot breath and throbbing through out on-line body. Heat: Internal, with cold feeling in abdomen and feet. Anxious sensation of heat, without external heat, throughout entire night. Of face, with cool body in forenoon. Over - running, flying heat with great trembling and short, hot breath. Sweat: сopious, throughout entire night, with inclination to uncover. He sweats very easily from any motion during the day. Offensive.

Dif. diagnostics

 Allied Remedies: Arg-n., ARN., вAR-C., сarb-v., Gel., Euphor., HEP., IGN., Lach., Mgs., M-art., M-aust., MERC., Phos-ac.
 Complementary: Pul., Sep., Sul.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Available only when using PRO account
Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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