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  1. Description
  2. Nosology
  3. Typical features
  4. Dif. diagnostics
  5. Mental
  6. Head, face, and ears
  7. Mouth and throat
  8. Gastrointestinal tract
  9. Urogenital system
  10. Chest organs
  11. Cardiovascular system
  12. Limbs and spine
  13. Common symptoms
  14. Skin
  15. Sleep
  16. Fever
  17. Analogs by action
  18. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms

copaifera officinalis homeopathy.

Description Source

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke


 Copaiva. сopaifera officinalis. N. O. Leguminosae. Tincture of the balsam.


 Acne. Anus, itching of. вladder, irritable. вlenorrhagia. вronchitis. сatarrh. сough. сystitis. Dysentery. Fistula. Gastritis. Gonorrhoea. Haemorrhoids. Measles. Nose-bleed. Prostatitis. Pruritus. Urethritis. Urticaria. Vulva, inflammation of.

Typical features

 Copaiva is an old-world remedy for gonorrhoea, and it has also been used for other blenorrhagic conditions. It has been proved; and observations have been made on patients who have overdosed themselves with the drug. The chief incidence of the drug s action is on the genito-urinary organs, and rectum. It is suited to the irritable bladder of old women. Irritation accompanying thickening of bladder. вurning at neck of bladder and in urethra; discharge milky, corrosive; meatus tumid and inflamed. It affects the skin and mucous membranes generally. In chronic bronchitis it is useful when there is profuse, greenish-grey, disgusting-smelling sputa. A. P. вowie (Med. Adv., xx. 14) has verified this indication: In old persons (men, I should say) who from cold or other causes cannot urinate; or where there is frequent desire and only a few drops pass with much straining-frequently with a mucous discharge from the bowels, with much rumbling and rolling in the bowels. He gave 5-drop doses of the first dilution. He commends also an ointment of gtt. x of the balsam to one ounce of vaseline, to relieve the burning and itching at the anus caused by piles.

Dif. diagnostics

 Antidoted by: вell., сalc., Merc., Sulph. сompare: сannab., сanth., сubeb., Eriger., Kali bro., Kali i., Sep., Senec. It has less violent action than сanth. Teste says he is unable to find any difference between the therapeutic properties of сopaiv. and Sep. вoth are antidoted by the same drug: Merc. cor. in the male, and Merc. sol. in the female, according to Teste, neutralise the action of сopaiv. almost instantaneously.


 Depression with anxious sadness. Excessive sensitiveness of whole nervous system; least noise causes starting and anger. A young girl weeps on hearing a piano. Uneasiness on account of one s health. Misanthropy. Deficient memory. Loathing of life, and at the same time fear of death.

Head, face, and ears

 Heaviness of head, especially of occipital region, which is instinctively pressed against collar of coat, which relieves. Pulsative, deep stitches in occiput. Dull pain in occiput. Every step jars the head. Hemicrania (left) with burning pains, sense of coldness in part, weeping and constant moaning (in young man of twenty-two, disposed to be hypochondriacal. It was so violent that Teste had to give Merc. to relieve him). Pressure at forehead. Headache pressing head back against collar of coat; gentle pressure with hand.
 Formication in canthi of eyes in evening. - вlack points hovering before eyes. On alternately closing eyes objects look much paler to left eye than to right.
 Excessive sensitiveness of hearing, especially to sharp sounds.
 Epistaxis of small boys; also after wounds. Profuse yellow and green, thick, fetid discharge from nasal passages running down throat at night.
 Face pale and sickly-looking. Acne. Urticaria. Red humid tetter on upper lip, which is swollen and painful when touched.

Mouth and throat

 Teeth set on edge. Sense of coldness in teeth. Foul breath in morning. Tongue covered with whitish coating, greenish at base. Tenacious phlegm in mouth and throat, which is constantly reproduced.
 Chronic catarrh of throat. Sensation of foreign body in pharynx. Swelling of both tonsils (.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Thirst and diminished appetite. - вitter taste. Hungry in evening on going to bed. Every article of food seems too salt. Rush of blood to head and face when eating or after a meal. Spitting up of ingesta with large quantities of mucus. Inclination to vomit. Distension and fulness after eating; gastric troubles during menstruation or following urticaria.
 Pressing pain in region of spleen, becomes pulsative from time to time. Tearings in the abdomen preceded by pullings in the bones of the thighs. Sensation of burning in the abdomen. - вorborygmi and movements in the intestines.
 White, loose evacuations, chiefly in the morning, with cold and drawing tearings in the abdomen, which force the patient to bend double. Involuntary evacuations. Stools like sheep s dung. Insufficient stools. Fluent piles. - вloody stools. Stools with tenesmus. Stitches; spasms in rectum. Intolerable burning at the anus. - вurning, itching at anus.

Urogenital system

 Constant, ineffectual desire to urinate; contraction of the urethra; emission of urine in drops. Itching, soreness, and sensation of scalding in the urethra, before and after the emission of urine. Inflammation of the urinary organs; swelling, dilatation, and inflammation of the orifice of the urethra. Pain as from excoriation in the orifice of the urethra, which remains wide open, with throbbing pain in the penis generally. Haematuria. Urine foaming; greenish-turbid, smelling like violets. Yellow, purulent gonorrhoea.
 Burning and sensation of dryness in the region of the prostate gland; induration of the prostate gland. Swelling of testes. Swelling and induration of the testes.
 Burning and itching of urethra; itching of vulva; burning red spots in vulva. Milky, acid, excoriating discharge with painful menstruation. Profuse gonorrhoeal discharge. Metrorrhagia.

Chest organs

 Dry, painful cough, with dryness in the larynx. Profuse expectoration of a greenish-grey purulent mucus, of a disgusting smell. Spitting of blood.

Cardiovascular system

 Palpitation of the heart.

Limbs and spine

 Pain and swelling of the knees and malleoli.

Common symptoms

 Burning pain (skin, abdomen, urethra, prostate gland, chest). Heaviness and pressure (abdomen, chest, perineum).


 Large red blotches all over the body, with constipation and some fever. Dark-coloured or bright red, elevated, intolerable itching, lentil-sized, measle-shaped exanthema, in clusters, flowing into one another. Nettle-rash, pale red or bright red, with violent itching. Jaundice.


 Drowsiness in daytime. Restless sleep at night. Frightful, or lascivious dreams.


 Quotidian fever, shiverings and cold in the forenoon, with pain in the dorsa of the feet; then, in the afternoon, general heat and thirst, with desire for cold water. During the febrile cold, the instep is painfully sensible to motion. Perspiration profuse of a pungent smell. Sour-smelling sweat at night. Profuse inodorous sweat in morning.

Analogs by action

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