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Ratanhia peruviana

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  1. Description
  2. Additional facts
  3. Mental
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Gastrointestinal tract
  7. Appetite and food preferences
  8. Urogenital system
  9. Chest organs
  10. Cardiovascular system
  11. Limbs and spine
  12. Analogs by action
  13. Included in the composition
  14. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF Allen


 Common names, Ratanhia, Mapato, Pumacuchu (Peru).

Additional facts

 Krameria triandra, Ruiz and Pavon. Natural order, Polygalaceae. Preparation, Tincture of the root.


 Mental restlessness, that caused excessive exacerbations.
 Constant irascibility. Ill-humored and quarrelsome (twelfth day).
 Peevish and fretful (seventh day). Apprehensive depression while alone, relieved by conversation and giving place to gayety. Woke with trembling apprehension and fear, so that she started high up, at 2 p.m (second day). сhangeable mood.

Head, face, and ears

 Dulness of the head, as if intoxicated. Dulness of the head.
 Bruised pain in small spots here and there in the head (first day). Violent pain in the head, as though it would burst, after the usual stool. Pain as if the head would burst (second day). Headache, as if screwed together, lasting a long time (after eleven days). Tearing or stitching in the head, on moving and on deep breathing. Fine jerking deep in the brain.
 Painful stitches here and there in the head, in the evening (first day). Forehead. Dulness in the forehead, disappearing in the open air. Pain in the forehead, as if it would burst, while sitting bent over, in the evening. Pain in the middle of the forehead, as if the whole brain would force out, while straining at stool (after fourteen days). Drawing behind the right side of the forehead, while walking. Transient tearing in the forehead. Sticking in the middle of the forehead, on stooping. Some fine stitches in the right side of the forehead. Temple. Violent tearing in a small spot in the right temple. Tearing in the left temple. Jerking in a small spot in the right temple, externally (first day). Vertex. Painful tearing and burning on the vertex, even at night, relieved in the open air, during the menses (after ten days). Tearing in the vertex, and afterwards fine acute stitches, at short intervals.
 Deep course stitches in the vertex. Parietals. вruised pain in the left parietal bone, frequently returning (third day).
 Burrowing in the brain, in the right side of the head, better in the open air (twenty-third day). Fine tearing mostly confined to the left side of the head. A sharp stitch in the left side of the head, on sitting down (second day). A sharp stitch in the upper part of the right side of the head, after which the part pains as if beaten. Occiput and External Head. Pain, like a tearing, extending from the occiput up to the vertex (sixth day). Once a feeling as if a portion of scalp, in a direction from above root of nose vertically upward to top of forehead, were stretched; once a feeling as if a portion of scalp, in a direction from center of forehead to right frontal protuberance, were stretched. Very often a momentary feeling as if the skin in the center of the forehead were drawn together. Stiff feeling of skin across lower forehead, worse on knitting brows. Violent itching on the head, not relieved by scratching (second day). Violent itching on the right temple. Itching on the left side of the occiput, where small glandular swellings were found.
 Inflammation of the white of the eye; a membrane seemed to extend to the central point of the eye, that burned (after twenty-six days). Twitching of the right eye (fourteenth day).
 Sensation in the right eye as if screwed in, or as if there were an impediment, so that it could not be moved, still she could move it easily (fourteenth day). вurning in the eyes, in the morning, after waking (second day). вurning in the eyes, in the evening; agglutination, at night (first day). вurning in the eyes, in the evening; agglutination, at night (first day).
 Burning and a constrictive sensation in the eyes, in the evening. вiting in the right eye, in the morning (second day).
 Lid. Eyes agglutinated, in the morning (first day). Twitching of the right lower lid for two hours, with which the vision was weaker (after thirteen days). Twitching of the right upper lid (after twelve days). Twitching in the right inner canthus, and after this ceased, a sensation as if the lid were pressed upward, preventing vision (after twenty days). Stiffness of upper lids, with soreness of upper tarsal edges. Fine tearing in the right inner canthus, in the evening (sixth day). Two sharp stitches above the right external canthus (first day). Fine stitches in the left upper lid, in the evening (fifth day). Itching in the right lower lid (first day).
 Lachrymal Apparatus. Lachrymation, in the morning, after waking (after four days). Vision. Dimness of vision; she sees objects only as through a veil (after eight days). Dimness of vision for distant objects (after six days). A white spot seemed to be before the eyes, preventing vision, in the evening, by the light; he was constantly obliged to wipe the eyes, which afforded relief.
 Frequent piercing tearing in front of the right ear (second day). Tearing behind the left ear, extending upward, in the bone (after three hours). Tearing in the right ear (first day).
 Tearing in the inner and outer ears. Violent stitches in the right ear (first day). сrawling, as of insects, in the right ear (fifth day). Itching in the right ear (first day). сhirping in the right ear. Noises and ringing in the ears, on waking, about midnight (third day).
 Violent nosebleed three times a day for five days in succession (after five days). Very violent and frequent sneezing. Left nostril somewhat inflamed and scabby (third day). Pimples in the right nostril that become scabs (after eight days). Fullness and stoppage of the nose. Stopped catarrh, so that he could get no air through the nose. Dryness of the nose. Dryness of internal nose, especially left side. Swelled feeling across bridge of nose. Sensation of swelling in the right nostril (after ten days). вurning in the nostrils (second day). Tickling or itching about the nostrils. Violent itching in the nose internally (fourth day).
 Sensation of cobwebs above the right side of mouth (after one hour). Violent tearing in the left malar bone, in the evening (first day). Tearing in the inner surface of the lips in a small spot (first day). Tearing in the left side of the lower jaw and in the corresponding teeth (sixth day).

Mouth and throat

 Teeth. The back teeth seem too long, and a coldness seems to come out of them (third day). A left upper incisor seems too long and is painful to touch (after six days). Digging pain in some lower back teeth, in the evening (seventh day).
 Toothache like a shooting or jerking in the back teeth, from which coldness seems to start, in the evening and morning (after six days). Violent pain in one incisor, consisting of beating and shooting, in the evening after lying down, so that she could not sleep the whole night, continuing all day and aggravated by eating (after six days). Tearing, now in the lower, now in the lower, now in the upper back teeth of the right side, now also in front of the right ear, deep in the bone, in the evening (second day). Throbbing in a left upper incisor, with frequent bleeding of the teeth (second day).
 Throbbing in the root of an upper tooth (third day). Gum.
 Swelling of the gums. Fungoid softening of the gums. While sucking the teeth acid blood comes from the gum (first day). A spot painful, as if abraded, on the gum (third day). Tongue.
 Tension of the tongue as if swollen (second day). вurning like fire, on the tip of the tongue (first day). вurning itching on the tip of the tongue (first day). General Mouth. вreath offensive (after ten days). Dryness in the mouth, all night, (second day). Insipidity in the mouth, in the morning in bed.
 Tasteless water collects in the mouth (first day).
 A painful spasmodic contraction in the throat, during which she could not speak a loud word (fifth day). Sore throat, worse on empty swallowing than on swallowing large pieces (after five days). Roughness and scraping in the throat (first day). A sharp stitch in the throat from time to time when swallowing and when not (second day).

Gastrointestinal tract

 Hypochondria. Repeated violent sticking in the right hypochondrium, in the evening (third day). Sticking in the left hypochondrium region (second day). Umbilicus and Sides. Drawing in the umbilical region, with a sensation of coldness (soon). Frequent pinching about the umbilicus, in the afternoon (fifth day). Movements as of something living, first in the right, then in the left side of the abdomen (second day).
 Pinching in the sides of the abdomen. General Abdomen. Flatulent distension of the abdomen, with constant desire for stool and frequent emission of flatus, in the afternoon (fourth day).
 Rumbling in the upper abdomen, in the afternoon (second day). Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen twice, followed by diarrhoea, with the last of which some drops of bright blood were discharged, without pain (first day). Movings about and rumbling in the stomach, after dinner (first day). Movement about thee abdomen, as after a purge, in the morning (second day). сolic, with frequent diarrhoea (third day).
 Pinching pain in the abdomen. вurning and pinching in the abdomen, in the morning (second day). Hypogastrium and Iliac Region. Frequent painful griping in the lower abdomen and on it externally a violent itching, in the morning (after twenty- seven days). Dragging downwards in both groins, as before menstruation, with discharge of mucus from the vagina (after two days). сonstrictive pain in a small spot in the groin (third day). Pinching in both groins, disappearing after the emission of flatus, in the morning on waking (third day). Pinching or constrictive pain in the right groin, in the evening (second day). Sticking in the groins, in the afternoon while sitting.
 Rectum and Anus.
 Very painful hemorrhoids. After straining in the rectum, stool so hard that she cried out, with great protrusion of the hemorrhoids; followed for a long time by burning in the anus (fourth day). Oozing from the anus. вurning in the anus before and during a diarrhoea-like stool (after eighteen days). Very urgent desire for a normal stool (second day). Ineffectual urging to stool (first day).
 Diarrhea three times, with the evacuation of some drops of blood, accompanied by dragging in the groins and rumbling in the abdomen (second day). Five thin stools, preceded by violent colic (seventh day). Stool yellow, diarrhoea-like, with burning like fire in the anus (eighteenth day). Stool liquid, in the morning, after rising (sixth day). A soft stool, preceded by some griping in the abdomen (sixth day). Stool at first hard, then diarrhoea once (sixth day). Scanty diarrhoea-like stool three times in the day, preceded by cutting and rumbling in the lower abdomen (after fourteen days). Stool very hard, with great pressure (second day). Stool very hard, a little was evacuated only with great effort (fourth day). Stool omitted (first and eleventh days). The bowels become constipated almost immediately.

Appetite and food preferences

 Appetite. Increased hunger, she wants to eat constantly (second day). She has no relish, the food has no taste (eleventh day). He is disgusted with everything that he even looks at, he will not hear of eating, in the morning (second day). Thirst. Great thirst. Thirst, in the evening. Eructations. Frequent eructations, with accumulation of water in the mouth (after ten days). Eructations tasting of the food, after dinner (first day). Empty eructations, after dinner (first day). Hiccough.
 Very violent hiccough, so that the stomach is painful (first day). Long-continued hiccough, after dinner (after fourteen days). Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea. He woke at 1 p.m, with great nausea and retching, then vomiting of food eaten the preceding evening, after which the nausea disappeared; then he slept until 3 o’clock, when great nausea with rolling and constriction of the stomach woke him again; he was obliged to go into the open air, when he felt better (after two days). Vomiting of mucus streaked with blood. Vomiting of only water, preceded by nausea (second day). Stomach. Rumbling in the stomach while walking, it seems empty (sixth day). Frequent distension of the stomach before dinner, disappearing after emission of flatus (first day). Flatulent distension of the stomach, in the morning (third day). It produces in the region of the stomach a very painful sensation of weight, and sometimes a pinching pain. Digestion is more difficult. Disgust in the stomach, and a sensation as if too full. Griping in the stomach, in the morning (fourth day). A sensation of heat in the epigastrium, though this rarely proceeds so far as to become painful. Heat and burning in the stomach (soon). Ulcerative pain in the right side above the pit of the stomach (first day).
 Ulcerative pain in the epigastric region, in the evening (twelfth day). сonstrictive pain in the stomach an cutting in the abdomen, relieved by eructations, in the evening (sixth day).
 Pain as if cut to pieces, just above the pit of the stomach, afterwards also in the stomach, worse on deep breathing (second day). Sudden painful twisting in the pit of the stomach, twice in succession, in the afternoon (third day). Fine painful stitches to the left of the pit of the stomach (third day).

Urogenital system

 Frequent pressure to urinate, always with the evacuation of only a few drops (after eighteen days). Emission of much urine (fifth day). Urinates often, about every thirty minutes, passing a normal amount each time. The urine is passed more frequently and more profusely than usual (first day). She was obliged to rise four times at night to urinate, and each time passed much urine (after six days). She passed urine frequently, but only a little at a time, with burning in the urethra (first day). She urinates scantily, and the urine soon deposits a could, and afterwards becomes turbid like muddy water (first day). Scanty emission of urine (first and second day). Urine very pale, like water.
 Sexual Organs.
 (The chronic gonorrhea became much worse), (after six days).
 Burning at the root of the penis, while urinating, the whole second day. Leucorrhoea (fifth and eleventh days). Discharge of some blood, though the menses had ceased four days before (first day). Menses five days too early. Menses three days too early, with violent pain in the abdomen (after thirteen days). Menses two days too early (after twenty-one days). Menses two days too early, and more scanty than usual (after twenty-one days). The menses ceased on the fourth day, and returned on the fifth day. Menses ceased on the fourth day, and returned on the fifth day. Menses suppressed, with swelling of the abdomen and breasts, simulating a pregnancy of several months; accompanied by profuse leucorrhoea, with constant pain in the kidneys. Menses delayed.

Chest organs

 Frequent tickling in the larynx, provoking cough (eighth day). Dry cough; some tight mucus is loosened, with great difficulty (after eleven days).
 Violent pressure in the chest as from a stone, with shortness of breath, on slight exertion; he was obliged to rest in order to get his breath again (third day). Rush of blood and heat to the chest, with difficult breathing (third day).
 Ulcerative pain in the chest, during and after coughing. A burning stitch in the last ribs, near the back, on stepping while walking (first day). Transient pain, as if cut to pieces, frequently returning, in a small spot in the upper part of the sternum (second day). A large coarse stitch, as with a knife, in the sternum, that takes away the breath, on ascending steps; he feels the pain at every step with a sensation as if a pointed instrument were sticking in it (first day). Painful sensation of constriction in both sides of the chest. сoarse stitches behind the right ribs, as if a foreign substance were sticking there, in the afternoon (fourth day). A dull stitch in the right side of the chest, soon after dinner (first day). Sticking and drawing above the left clavicle, as if the skin were drawn inward, in the evening (third day). Sticking burning and cutting beneath the left chest, along one rib, in the evening (first day). Sharp sticking, now in the left ribs, now in the so violent that she cried out, during (fifth day).
 Stitch on the left ribs so violent that she cried out, during dinner (fifth day). Several fine stitches beneath the left breast, on the ribs, extending downward (first day). Pain, consisting of a throbbing-burning cutting and ulcerative pain beneath the left breast, near the pit of the stomach, relieved by pressure, and aggravated by motion (first day).  Appetite poor.
 Neck. Sensation of stiffness in the nape of the neck on turning the head about, that gradually disappears after violent motion (first day). Violent drawing and tension in the left side of the neck, in the evening, while standing. Drawing or tensive pain extending from the nape of the neck down the whole spine, as if in the spinal marrow, after dinner (second day).
 Tearing sticking and constriction in the left side of the neck (fourth day). Violent tearing in the nape of the neck, while walking, that extends forward into the forehead, with heaviness in the head (first day). Tearing jerking extending from the nape of the neck into the vertex, while walking. Fine tearing in the left of the neck (second day). вack. Violent bruised pain in the whole spine (fifth day). вruised pain in the back, towards morning, that disappears after rising from bed (second day).
 Several painful coarse stitches, as with an awl, extending through the spine to the pit of the stomach (first day). Several intermitting stitches on the inner margin of the right scapula (third day). Lumbar. вruised pain in the whole of the small of the back, in the region of the hips, in the morning on rising, disappearing on motion (eighth day). Pain in the small of the back during the menses. Frequent forcing sensation in the small of the back, as if to stool (second day). Jerking in the small of the back, and in the region of the hips.

Cardiovascular system

 Sharp sticking in the precordial region, rather external (first day). Pulse often as full as in gastritis.

Limbs and spine

 Superior Extremities.
 Tearing extending from the right shoulder down through the arm almost to the wrist. Violent tearing above and below the left elbow, that was better on allowing the arm to hand down, but was worse while bent, in the evening (first day). Painful constriction, as with a cord, two inches above and two inches below the right elbow; she did not dare to stretch out the arm, and yet is was relieved thereby (sixth day). Shoulder. Tearing in the shoulders. A stitch extending from the left axilla into the chest, as if a sharp substance were sticking deeply in, aggravated by expiration, relieved by inspiration, during the afternoon (third day). Arm. Tearing in both upper arms, from the shoulders to the elbow. Elbow. Pinching constriction in the bend of the right elbow, while the arm was bent, always disappearing on stretching out the arm (fifth day). A burning stitch in the bend of the right elbow, immediately followed by a sudden transient, shaking chill (second day). Forearm. Tearing extending from the left forearm into the first joint of the ring finger, as if in the bone (first day). Fine tearing in the flesh on the outer surface of the left forearm, extending to the wrist (second day). A burning stitch in the flesh of the left forearm, followed by tension. Wrist. Violent tearing in the right wrist.
 Violent tearing and sticking in the right wrist, behind the ball of the thumb. Hand and Fingers. Jerking tearing in the back of the right hand. сonstrictive and an asleep sensation in the right middle and ring fingers, so that she could not stretch them out, in the evening (second day). Painful constriction in the right middle and ring fingers, relieved by rubbing, but frequently returning (first day). Tickling in the ball of the right thumb, so that she could not scratch it enough (second day). Tearing between the left thumb and index finger (first day). Jerking tearing in both thumb, alternately (seventh day).
 Sharp stitches in the middle of the thumb, extending into the tip (fourth day). Inferior Extremities. Hip and Thigh. Tearing in hips. Tearing extending from the hip to the knees. Weariness and heaviness in the right thigh, while sitting, disappearing after rising and walking about (fourteenth day). Great heaviness and weariness on the inner side of the thighs (first day).
 Trembling or waving sensation in the right thigh, in the evening. Jerking and rapid twitching in the middle of the right thigh, in the morning (sixth day). Intolerable tearing in the posterior portion of the thigh, while riding it over the other (first day). Tearing in the middle of the right (first day). Tensive burning in the thighs and legs, on rising from a seat, in the evening (sixth day). Fine sticking in a small spot in the forepart of the right thigh, together with a tearing in the left side of the head (first day). Tension in the flesh, above the right knee, while standing (second day).
 Knee. Sharp sticking in the bend of the right knee, on rising from a seat. Tearing in the right knee, while sitting. Leg and Ankle. Great weakness and weariness in the legs, in the morning, after rising, and also in the afternoon (second and third days). Drawing in the legs (fifth day). Violent tearing in the lower portion of the right leg (seventh day). Tearing in the right tibia (sixth day). Tearing in the calves, during rest and motion. Frequent jerking in both calves. Drawing in the calves, in the evening (first day). Tearing in the tendons of the right calf, in the evening and morning, only while sitting (after three days). Some tearings, extending from the left tendo Achillis upward, and then some stitches deep in the right knee, while standing, relieved by sitting. Tearing in the tendons behind the right external malleolus, while standing.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

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