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Ratanhia peruviana

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  1. Additional facts
  2. Nosology
  3. Head, face, and ears
  4. Mouth and throat
  5. Appetite and food preferences
  6. Gastrointestinal tract
  7. Urogenital system
  8. Plant characteristics
  9. Chest organs
  10. Limbs and spine
  11. Common symptoms
  12. Patient type and constitution
  13. Dif. diagnostics
  14. Analogs by action
  15. Included in the composition
  16. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. Hering

Additional facts

 Rhatany, Mapato, Pumacuchu. Polygalacea.
 A native of Peru, growing in dry, argillaceous and sandy soil.
 The tincture is prepared from the dry root.
 Hartlaub and Trinks, Arz. M. L., vol. 3, p. 57 ; Teste, Mat. Medorrhinum ; Trousseau and Pidoux, Mat. Medorrhinum ; Gaz. des Hosp., 1843 ; вerridge, U. S. Medorrhinum Times, 1876.


 - Pterygium, Newton, Hom. Rev., vol. 15, p. 210 ; сonstipation and fissure of anus, Allen, N. A. J. H., vol. 26, p. 523 ; Fissured anus, Hibbard, A. H. O., vol. 10, p. 255 ; Ascaris vermicularis, сushing, N. E. M. G. Fissures of nipple, Allen, N. A. J. H., vol. 26, p. 527.

Head, face, and ears

 Painful sticking in head, here and there.
 Headache as if head were in a vise.
 Dull, deep stitches in vertex.
 Pain in middle of forehead, as if brain would fall out, while straining at stool.
 Sensation of white speck before eyes, impeding sight in evening by candlelight, with constant urging to wipe eyes, better after wiping.
 Sensation as of a skin before eyes.
 Inflammation of white of eye ; a membrane seemed to extend to central point of eye, which burned.
 Twitching in left upper eyelid.
 Twitching in right eye and right upper lid.
 Violent stitch in right ear.
 Chirping in right ear.
 Dryness of nose.
 Dry coryza, with complete stoppage of nostrils.
 Bleeding of nose.
 Scabs on nose.

Mouth and throat

 The molars feel elongated, with sensation as if coldness rushed out of them.
 Terrible toothache during early months of pregnancy ; must get up at night and walk about.
 Shooting pulsating pain, with sensation of elongation in one left upper incisor (which is painful to touch) in evening ; worse after lying down, compelling one to rise and to walk about.
 Gums exude sour blood on sucking them.
 Burning on tip of tongue.
 Tasteless water collects in mouth.
 Painful spasmodic contraction in throat, during which he is unable to speak a loud word.

Appetite and food preferences

 Constant desire to eat.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Very violent hiccough, so that stomach is painful.
 Contractive pain in stomach.
 Ulcerative pain in region of stomach.
 Atonic dyspepsia ; accumulation of tasteless water in mouth ; flat taste ; no appetite, but constant desire to eat ; eructations after dinner, empty or tasting of ingesta ; vomiting of water, preceded by loathing ; bloatedness of stomach better by emission of flatus ; cutting in abdomen, going off by eructations ; ineffectual urging to stool ; hard stool with straining ; yellow diarrheic stools, with burning before and during stool ; languor and prostration, with weariness of whole body.
 Exudation in pleura with sweat and diarrhoea. θ Induration of liver.
 Thin, fetid stools, burning like fire in anus.
 Bloody diarrhoea.
 Discharge of blood from rectum with or without stool.
 Urging sensation in small of back, as if there would be stool ; hard stool with straining ; sudden stitches in anus ; fissures of anus.
 Stool is accompanied by sweat. θ Diarrhoea.
 Hard stool, with straining ; ineffectual urging to stool.
 Straining ; stool so hard that she cried out ; great protrusion of hemorrhoids, followed for a long time by burning in anus.
 Inactivity of bowels for a long time, but without large accumulation of hardened feces ; constantly increasing distress in rectum and anus, protrusion of rectum after stool ; great heat with frequent but ineffectual efforts to evacuate bowels and bladder ; three or four deep and angry-looking fissures of anus, also several superficial, but very sore and raw abrasions of mucous membrane, extending as far as sphincter, and a little beyond into rectum ; sensation as if rectum and anus were all twisted up, followed by most violent cutting, not only after an evacuation, but at other times ; pain after stool as if splinters of glass were sticking in every direction into anus and rectum, with great heat ; these pains so intense that she could not keep quiet ; sensation after stool as if rectum protruded and then suddenly went back with a jerk and most horrible pain ; frequent ineffectual desire to urinate ; fluttering of heart ; desire to die during pains ; relief, after a stool, by hot water, so that he always sat for a quarter of an hour in a sitz-bath as hot as he could endure ; relief only while in bath.
 Fissure of anus ; great constriction ; stools are forced with great effort, and anus aches and burns for hours.
 Excruciating pains immediately after stool, especially if bowels are costive. θ Fissured anus.
 Fissures of anus, with great sensitiveness of rectum.
 Violent itching of rectum.
 Dry heat at anus, with sudden stitches, like stabs with a penknife.
 Burning in anus before and several hours after stool, with protrusion of varices.
 Burning in anus before and during a diarrhoea-like stool.
 Burning in anus before and after soft diarrheic stools.
 Protrusion of varices after hard stool, with straining and violent pressing in rectum.
 Oozing from anus.
 Ascaris vermicularis ; severe itching about anus.
 Pin-worms in children.

Urogenital system

 Diabetes ; considerable emaciation and weakness ; limbs sore and aching ; great appetite ; insatiable thirst and constant dryness of mouth ; gums livid and swollen ; soreness in kidneys ; severe pain in small of back, better from motion ; hard stool with straining ; frequent urging to urinate, with scanty discharge, or passes large quantities of light-colored urine.
 Burning in urethra while urinating.
 Incontinence of urine.
 Frequent urging to urinate, with scanty discharge which soon becomes turbid and cloudy.
 Uterine pains following retrocession of eruption on lumbar region.
 Menstruation too early, profuse and of too long duration, with pains in abdomen and small of back.
 Leucorrhoea, with itching in rectum and discharge of bloody mucus.

Plant characteristics

 Threatened miscarriage.
 Fissures of nipples in nursing women.

Chest organs

 Dry cough with tickling in larynx and great soreness in chest.
 Congestion of blood to chest, with heat and dyspnoea.
 Stitches in chest, especially when ascending steps.
 Exudation in pleural cavities with sweat and diarrhoea.

Limbs and spine

 Bruised sensation in back and hips, early on rising, better on motion.
 Twitching in small of back.
 Pain in small of back during menses.
 Lying down : toothache.
 Motion : pain in back .
 Ascending steps : stitches in chest.
 Touch : tooth painful.

Common symptoms

 Hot water relieved pain in rectum and anus.
 Several hours : burning of anus.
 Right : twitching in eye and upper lid ; stitch in ear ; chirping in ear.
 Left ; twitching in upper eyelid ; sensation of elongation in upper incisor.
 As if head were in a vise ; as if brain would fall out ; as of a white speck before eyes ; as of skin before eyes ; as if coldness rushed out of molars ; as if there would be stool ; as if rectum and anus were all twisted up ; as of splinters of glass in anusand rectum ; as if rectum protruded and then suddenly went back with a jerk.
 Pain : in middle of forehead ; in abdomen and small of back.
 Excruciating pains : in bowels.
 Horrible pain : in rectum.
 Severe pain : in small of back.
 Cutting : of abdomen.
 Shooting, pulsating pain : in left incisors.
 Stitches : dull, deep on vertex ; in right ear ; in anus ; in chest.
 Contractive pain : in stomach.
 Ulcerative pain : in region of stomach.
 Sticking : painful in head.
 Aching : in limbs.
 Burning : on tip of tongue ; in anus ; in urethra.
 Soreness : of limbs ; of kidneys ; in chest.
 Bruised sensation : in back and hips.
 Heat : at anus.
 Tickling : in larynx.
 Twitching : in left upper eyelid ; in right eye and upper lid ; in small of back.
 Chirping : in right ear.
 Dryness : of mouth ; of nose.
 Itching : of rectum.
 Asthenic hemorrhages with exhaustion.
 Chronic diarrhoea and leucorrhoea.
 Fissures of anus and nipples.

Patient type and constitution

 Man, at. 30, suffering over a year ; fissured anus.
 Man, at. 47, nervous temperament, spare, overworked ; constipation and fissure of anus.

Dif. diagnostics

 Compare : Iris vers., сanthar., Sulphur, in rectal symptoms ; Thuja in sensation of splinters of glass in rectum and anus.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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