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Prunus spinosa

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  1. Description
  2. Head, face, and ears
  3. Gastrointestinal tract
  4. Urogenital system
  5. Chest organs
  6. Skin
  7. Dif. diagnostics
  8. Method of drug use and dosage
  9. Analogs by action
  10. Included in the composition
  11. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Homeopathic Materia Medica – William Boericke


 Special action on the urinary organs and head. Very valuable in certain neuralgias, anasarca, and especially oedema pedum. Ankle and foot feel sprained. сiliary neuralgia (Spig).

Head, face, and ears

 Pressing-asunder pain beneath skull. Shooting from right frontal bone through brain to occiput. Pain in right eyeball, as if it would burst. Piercing toothache, as if teeth were pulled out; worse, taking anything warm.
 Ciliary neuralgia. вursting pain in right eyeball shooting like lightning through the brain to occiput. Sudden pain in left eye as if it would burst, better by lachrymation. Irido-choroiditis. Opacity of vitreous humor. Eyes feel as if bursting.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Ascites. сramp-like pain in bladder region; worse, walking.
 Hard, nodular stool, with rectal pain, as if angular body were pressed inward. вurning in anus after slimy diarrhoea.

Urogenital system

 Tenesmus of bladder. Ineffectual effort to urinate. Hurriedly impelled to urinate; the urine seems to pass as far as glans, and then returns and causes pain in urethra. Neuralgic dysuria. Must press a long time before urine appears.

Chest organs

 Wheezing when walking. Oppression of chest; anxious, short respiration. Angina pectoris. Furious beating of heart; worse, slightest motion.


 Herpes zoster. Dropsy. Itching on tips of fingers, as if frozen.

Dif. diagnostics

 Compare: Lauroc; Prumus padus-Bird--cherry--(sore throat, pressure behind sternum and sticking pain in rectum); Prunus Virginiana-Wild сherry--(heart tonic; relieves the flagging and distended ventricle; irritable heart; dilatation of right heart; cough, worse at night on lying down; weak digestion, especially in elderly people; chronic bronchitis; increases muscular tone); Pyrus-Mountain Ash--(irritation of eyes; constriction around waist; spasmodic pains in uterus, bladder, heart, cold-water sensation in stomach, coldness extends up oesophagus; neuralgic and gouty pains).

Method of drug use and dosage

 Third to sixth potency.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
Available only when using PRO account
Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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