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Kali arsenicosum

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  1. Additional facts
  2. Nosology
  3. Mental
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Gastrointestinal tract
  7. Urogenital system
  8. Cardiovascular system
  9. Limbs and spine
  10. Nervous system
  11. Common symptoms
  12. Fever
  13. Skin
  14. Dif. diagnostics
  15. Analogs by action
  16. Included in the composition
  17. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. Hering

Additional facts

 Potassium Arsenite (Fowler’s Solution). As2O3K2O.
 A short proving, Medorrhinum and Surg. Journ., 1848, p. 459 ; physiological and pathogenetic effects by вerndt and сattell ; see Allen’s Encyclopedia, vol. 5, p. 212 ; pathogenetic effects observed by Hering, MSS.


 - Melancholy and jealousy, N. N. Affection of uterus, сattell, в. J. H., vol. 11, p. 350 ; Neuropathia, Gradowicz, Medorrhinum Ztg., vol. 3, p. 180, 1846 ; Psoriasis, сattell, в. J. H., vol. 11, p. 350.


 Scolding, morose, retired, quarrelsome and discontented, jealous, indifferent to everything, scarcely answered questions addressed to her, or replied to them in a peevish tone ; eyes had a fixed look, face looked frightened and anxious ; worse every third day. θ Melancholy.
 ^^ Thought her head felt larger.
 ^^ Headache in left parietal bone, as if it was sore and pressed upon by a hand ; behaves like a crazy person.
 Constricted feeling in head, as if there was a wound on parietal bone which was being scratched ; the place feels hot ; pressure does not relieve. θ Neuropathia.

Head, face, and ears

 ** сrusta lactea.
 Startled look, with protruding, brilliant eyes, pale face and sunken cheeks. θ Neuropathia.
 ^^ Protrusion of eyeballs.
 Conjunctiva glassy.
 ^^ Dyspnoea ; injected conjunctiva, and eyeballs fixed.
 ^^ Right eye weaker ; watery, as after weeping.
 ** Nodular eruption on face ; boils.
 ** Furfuraceous eruption in beard.

Mouth and throat

 Tongue coated on edges only with mucous stripes. θ Neuropathia.
 In middle towards tip of tongue smooth red spot with troublesome burning and numbness. θ Neuralgia of tongue.
 ^^ Tongue swollen, felt too large in mouth.
 ^^ Sensation in throat and larynx as if forced asunder.

Gastrointestinal tract

 For one or two hours, repeated every five or ten minutes, sensation as of a ball rising from pit of stomach to larynx threatening suffocating, better by loud belching. θ Neuropathia.
 From pit of stomach to spine an anxious feeling, accompanied by palpitation, not perceptible objectively. θ Neuropathia.
 Empty feeling in stomach. θ Neuropathia.
 Violent diarrhoea.

Urogenital system

 Cauliflower excrescence of os uteri, with flying pains, pressure below os pubis, and stinking discharge.

Cardiovascular system

 Pulse weak and contracted. θ Melancholy and jealousy.
 Pulse small, scarcely perceptible, rapid. θ Neuropathia.

Limbs and spine

 Varicose veins of legs.
 Ulcers on legs with general psoriasis.
 Cannot sit up in bed : on account of weakness.
 Walking : causes perspiration.
 Pressure : does not relieve constricted feeling in head.

Nervous system

 Such weakness she cannot sit up in bed ; a loud noise or sudden, unexpected motion throws her whole body into a tremor. θ Neuropathia.
 Night : intolerable itching of eruption.

Common symptoms

 Warmth : worse dry chronic eczema.
 Undressing : at night, itching of eruption.
 Head felt larger ; as if left parietal bone was sore and pressed upon by a hand ; as if there was a wound on parietal bone which was being scratched ; tongue felt too large ; sensation in throat and larynx as if forced asunder ; as if a ball was rising from pit of stomach to larynx.
 Pain : in left parietal bone.
 Flying pain : in uterus.
 Troublesome burning : in middle towards tip of tongue ; of eruption on trunk, legs and forearms.
 Anxious feeling : from pit of stomach to spine, accompanied by palpitation.
 Constricted feeling : in head.
 Pressure : below os pubis.
 Lassitude : with febrile heat.
 Numbness : of middle towards tip of tongue.
 Intolerable itching, stinging ; of eruption on trunk, legs and forehead.
 Phagedenic ulcers, deep base and turned up edges.
 Eruptions ; lichen, psoriasis, icthyosis.
 ** Rheumatic, gouty and syphilitic pains.
 ** Gouty nodosities.


 Temperature of surface diminished. θ Melancholy and jealousy.
 Lassitude with febrile heat.
 Perspiration when walking.
 Worse every other day in the morning. θ Neuropathia.
 For one or two hours, repeated every five or ten minutes ; sensation of ball rising from pit of stomach to larynx.
 Every third day ; mind symptoms.
 Left : headache in parietal bone.


 Dry, wilted skin ; emaciated to a skeleton. θ Neuropathia.
 Acne, appearance like that in early stage of variola.
 Eruption covering entire body except scalp, comes out in red papula, varying in diameter from size of pin’s head to that of a three cent piece ; vesicles form on summit, suppurate, crusts form and fall off, leaving a sore which heals ; the places occupied by these sores are marked by a dark colored cicatrix, and the skin generally has a dusky look ; intolerable itching, stinging and burning, especially on undressing at night ; it is worst on trunk, legs and forearms ; mind much depressed.
 Lichen confluens over whole body, except face, palms and soles, and part of chest ; the rest studded with papula, particularly distinct about outer sides of thighs, arms and back ; they are covered with very minute, flimsy, whitish scabs, causing a powdery appearance of skin ; head very scurfy ; hair crisp and dry ; often irritation in skin, which becomes reddened and cracked, particularly about bend of arms and knees.
 Dry chronic eczema ; skin of arms thicker and rougher than natural, covered with flimsy exfoliations of epidermis ; very irritable, itching and tingling when she gets warm ; intensely fissured about bends of elbows and wrists ; occasional exacerbation, with eruption of distinct vesicles ; languor and lassitude ; pale, sallow complexion ; catamenia irregular.
 Patches of psoriasis on back, arms and spreading from elbows, and anteriorly on legs, size of a crown piece, and indolent.
 Psoriasis : scaly itchings, causing him to scratch till an ichorous fluid discharges, forming a hard cake.
 Discoloration of skin after psoriasis and lepra.
 Psoriasis in numerous patches, with great itching ; the patches becoming more active, scale off, and are replaced by smaller, they leave beneath them a red skin.

Dif. diagnostics

 Compare Arsen. which it greatly resembles ; сinchon. in periodicity ; сicuta in fixed eyeballs ; Iodium, Kali bich., Mercurius cor.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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