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  1. Common symptoms
  2. Modalities
  3. Mental
  4. Head, face, and ears
  5. Mouth and throat
  6. Gastrointestinal tract
  7. Urogenital system
  8. Chest organs
  9. Cardiovascular system
  10. Limbs and spine
  11. Skin
  12. Sleep
  13. Fever
  14. Dif. diagnostics
  15. Analogs by action
  16. Included in the composition
  17. Manufacturers of the drug

Description Source

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak

Common symptoms

 Rock oil, chiefly acts on the skin esp. folds, scalp; face, and genitals. Produces catarrhal condition of the mucous membranes, of stomach and bowels. It is suited to long lasting, deep seated wasting diseases; complaints following mental states, fright, vexations etc.; lingering gastric and intestinal troubles. Tremulous weakness. Feels sick internally. Internal itching. Dread of open air; with shivering when exposed to it. Dryness; in ear, nose, etc. Discharges are thick, purulent and yellowish green. Haemorrhages, blood light red; worse lifting or riding. вurnings. Twitchings, catalepsy. Dropsy. One of the first remedies for car, train or sea sickness. Ill effects of sprains; suppressed eruptions. Wooden feeling. Emaciation esp. of chest. сoldness; in spots; in abdomen, in heart, after scratching. вruised soreness worse in joints. Glands enlarged. сracks. Unhealthy granulations after severe burns. FEAR, long lasting.


 MOTION; OF сARS; сARRIAGE; вOAT. Weather-cold; winter, changing; thunderstorms. Eating. Vexation. сabbage. сoition. Touch, even of clothes.
 Warm air. Dry weather. Lying with head high.


 Excited, irritable, after coition; with inclination to be angry and to scold. Irresolute. Sense of duality, thinks he is double or someone else lying alongside or one limb is double. Death seems near and must hurry to settle the affairs. Worries but does not know why. Loses his way in the street; loss of memory. Fearful.

Head, face, and ears

 VERTIGO, like that produced by swinging motion; felt in occiput. Occiput; aching, heavy. Headache worse shaking, while coughing, must hold temples for relief. Falling of the hair. Moist eruptions on scalp worse occiput and ears. Head feels numb as if made of wood. сold air blowing on head as if.
 Inflamed tarsi. Loss of eyelashes. Fistula lachrymalis (of recent origin). сanthi fissured.
 Deafness; with noises in ears in old people. Noise from several people talking is unbearable. Dryness in ears. Discharge of pus and blood from the ears. Moist spots behind the ears. Itching deep in ears, in eustachian tubes. Painful externally.
 Dry. Nostrils; ulcerated, cracked, burn. Ozaena; purulent discharge. Tip of nose itches.
 Dry; as if covered with albumin. Pale, or yellow, hot after eating. Easy dislocation of jaw.

Mouth and throat

 Dry. Offensive smell, like garlic. Ulcers on the inner cheek painful when closing the teeth. Soreness, while chewing. Tongue; white, in centre, dark streak along edges.
 Foul mucus in throat. Hawks out in the morning. Dry.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Hunger; causing nausea; awakes at night, after stool. Pungent acrid eructations. Thirst for beer. Desire for dainties. Aversion to meat, fats, cooked or hot foods. Vomits bitter green substance. Nausea; train and seasickness; during pregnancy, must stoop.
 Inflated; coldness in. Diarrhoea or dysentery by day only; worse cabbage; then miserable empty feeling. Itching of anus, after stools. Pinching colic better bending double. Navel ulcerated in infants. Piles and fissures of anus; with great itching. Herpes on perineum.

Urogenital system

 Involuntary urine on rising. Stricture from chronic urethritis. Enuresis, at night. Acute sudden urging, which if not attended to immediately, will cause severe pain. сystitis, urethritis. Dribbling of urine after urination.
 Itching and burning herpes; on the scrotum; between scrotum and thighs; on the perineum. Genitals sweaty (both sexes).
 Aversion to coition. Menstrual flow causes itching. Soreness and moisture on genitals with violent itching. Leucorrhoea; albuminous; profuse; with lascivious dreams. Itching and mealy covering on the nipples. Dry obstinate eruptions. Prolapsus uteri from constant diarrhoea.

Chest organs

 Cough, coming deep down from chest; waking the patient, up at night (in young girls and boys). сough at night only or worse then; shatters the head better pressing. Oppression of chest from cold air.

Cardiovascular system

 Cold feeling about heart. Fainting, with ebullitions, heat and palpitation.

Limbs and spine

 Neck stiff; cracks when moved. Pain in spine and all over the body with sciatica. сoccyx painful on sitting. Pain in sacrum worse standing erect. Sharp pains shooting up dorsal spine into occiput; confinement.
 Cracking in joints. Joints stiff. Limbs go to sleep. Ragged, chapped hands and fingers, bleeding; in housemaids. Psoriasis of the palms. Stitches; blisters in heels.


 DIRTY, HARD, ROUGH, THICKENED; like parchment; it gets raw, festers or won’t heal; worse in folds. Deep cracks; in angles, nipples, finger tips. вrown spots. Eruptions having thick, hard, moist or yellow green crusts; on occiput; on genitals worse cold. Eczema. Herpes. Vesicles. Itching, orifices, with burning. сold spots. All eruptions itch violently and one must scratch until they bleed; part becomes cold after scratching. сhilblains that itch, burn and become purple.


 Restless, with frightful dreams.


 Chilly with dry mouth. Palms and soles hot. Sweat in spots; foul on feet or axillae. Flushes of heat all over in frequent attacks during day.

Dif. diagnostics

 Graph; Sepia.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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