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Citrus limonum

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Additional facts
  3. Nosology
  4. Psyche and consciousness
  5. Head, face, and ears
  6. Mouth and throat
  7. Appetite and food preferences
  8. Gastrointestinal tract
  9. Urogenital system
  10. Chest organs
  11. Cardiovascular system
  12. Limbs and spine
  13. Nervous system
  14. Fever
  15. Common symptoms
  16. Skin
  17. Patient type and constitution
  18. Dif. diagnostics
  19. Analogs by action
  20. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. Hering

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Additional facts

 Lemon. Rutacea.
 A popular remedy with the Arabians.
  The сitrus Medica, like the orange-tree, is a native of Asia. It was introduced into Europe from Persia or Media, was first cultivated in Greece, afterwards in Italy, as early as the second century. It is considered almost a specific for prevention and cure of scurvy. Revillont, a French physician, recommends it as a gargle in diphtheritic affection of fauces, but states that it is without action on the white lenticular patches. -U. S. D.


 - Diphtheria, recommended by вuchner ; Dysentery, natives of Tchian, Persia, Ausland, p. 18, 1855 ; Dropsy and hydrothorax, Schwabe, сasper’s Wschrft., 1843, no. 8 ; Dropsy after scarlatina, вüttner, Pr. Medorrhinum Ztg., 1842, № 26 ; Dropsy with splenitis, Gross, Hom. Arch., vol. 20, p. 178 ; Hydrothorax (two cases), вörner, Frank’s Mag., vol. 1, p. 1 ; Hydrothorax and general anasarca, Frank’s Mag., vol. 1, p. 157, сonvulsions, caused by eating the seeds of Datura Stramonium, Rückert’s Hom. Therap., p. 377 ; сancer, Denny, в. J. H., vol. 24, p. 518 ; Willis and вrondini ; Sunstroke, Medorrhinum Inves, vol. 8, p. 477.
 Symptoms marked toxic are toxicological symptoms. See Encyclopedia.

Psyche and consciousness

 Women who are generally very attentive, suddenly become averse to domestic duties.

Head, face, and ears

 Headache occurs daily, compels her to lie down. θ Splenitis.
 Lividity of face , (toxic).

Mouth and throat

 Throat is sore posteriorly and low down, worse on waking.

Appetite and food preferences

 Want of appetite. θ Splenitis.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Empty eructations, particularly after eating. θ Splenitis.
 Scrobiculum painful to pressure of hand. θ Splenitis.
 Affections of spleen.
 Painful enlargement of spleen.
 Constipation. θ Splenitis.
 ** Dysentery.
 Hemorrhage from bowels and death, in dropsy following intermittent , (toxic).
 Itching of anus from pin worms.

Urogenital system

 Itching of scrotum.
 Dropsy of scrotum.
 Itching of pudenda.

Chest organs

 Breathing in the form of gasping , (toxic).
 Dyspnoea. θ Splenitis.
 Great dyspnoea, almost suffocation ; sits with face bent over as far as possible ; unconsciousness ; dry skin ; cold sweat on face and arms. θ Hydrothorax following metritis.
 Hamoptysis , (toxic).

Cardiovascular system

 Heart beating very feebly ; absence of pulse at wrist , (toxic).

Limbs and spine

 Excessive dropsy of legs from ankle to knee (from eating lemons daily for months).
 Stiffness of joints, particularly in fingers ; bruised feeling, particularly in feet ; she is averse to domestic duties.
 Daily headache compels lying down.
 Great dyspnoea ; sits with face bent over as far as possible.
 Scrobiculum painful to pressure of hand.

Nervous system

 Great prostration and collapse , (toxic).
 Convulsions from poisoning by Stramonium.


 ** Typhus.
 ** Intermittent fever (lemon-juice with coffee during the apyrexia).
 Headache daily.
 Intermittent fever.

Common symptoms

 Bruised feeling : in joints, particularly in feet.
 Soreness : of throat, posteriorly and low down.
 Stiffness : of joints, particularly in fingers.
 Itching : of anus from pin worms ; of scrotum ; of pudenda.
 Dryness of skin.
 ** сitric acid was applied with good results to assuage pain in three cases of cancer.
 ** Malignant cancer, which commenced some years since as an enlarged submaxillary gland, supposed to be caused by a carious tooth, pain at times excessive.
 Lotion of citric acid, one drachm to eight ounces of water, and mouth rinsed out as often as pleased, afforded perfect relief from pain.
 ** Pain from cancer of tongue ; also affords instantaneous relief in other affections ; is, however, not curative.
 ** Useful as a gargle in diphtheria, causing detachment of the false membranes, decrease of the glandular enlargement and rapid recovery.
 A man who was sun struck near the Dead Sea, heat being 125.5°F., was treated by a вedoin guide, who bathed his hands, head and face with lemon-juice, after which he was able to ride two hours, to the banks of the Jordan, where he could rest for several hours, and there completely recovered.


 Dry skin, with cold sweat on face and arms. θ Hydrothorax.
 General surface of body cold.
 Dropsy, particularly of chest, and after scarlatina.
 Herpetic eruption.

Patient type and constitution

 A woman, at. 35 ; hydrothorax.
 A farmer’s wife, at. 60 ; hydrothorax.
 Innkeeper, at. 64, drank much beer and whisky ; hydrothorax and general anasarca.
 Man, at. 75 ; dropsy.

Dif. diagnostics

 Antidoted by : Aconite, Asarum, Datura, Euphorb., Hepar, Sepia.
 It antidotes : Acon. (diuresis of), Euphorb., Stramon., snake bites and all animal poisons.
 Compatible : after вellad. (increases curative effects, especially in women in childbed).
 Compare : Acet. ac. (dropsies), вellad., Laches., Mercur.

Analogs by action

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