Other names and synonyms
op, opium homeopatia, papaver somniferum.Description Source
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickePharmacological Group
Dried Latex of the Poppy (PAPAVER SOMNIFERUM).
Hahnemann says that it is much more difficult to estimate the action of Opium than of almost any other drug. The effects of Opium as shown in the insensibility of the nervous system, the depression, drowsy stupor, painlessness, and torpor, the general sluggishness and lack of vital reaction, constitute the main indications for the drug when used homeopathically. All complaints are characterized by sopor. They are painless, and are accompanied by heavy, stupid sleep, stertorous breathing. Sweaty skin. Dark, mahogany-brown face. Serous apoplexy-venous, passive congestion. Want of sensitiveness to the action of medicines. Reappearance and aggravation from becoming heated. Opium lessens voluntary movements, contracts pupils, depresses higher intellectual powers, lessens self-control and power of concentration, judgment; stimulates the imagination, checks all secretions except that of the skin. Want of susceptibility to remedies even though indicated. Diseases that originate from fright.
Hahnemann says that it is much more difficult to estimate the action of Opium than of almost any other drug. The effects of Opium as shown in the insensibility of the nervous system, the depression, drowsy stupor, painlessness, and torpor, the general sluggishness and lack of vital reaction, constitute the main indications for the drug when used homeopathically. All complaints are characterized by sopor. They are painless, and are accompanied by heavy, stupid sleep, stertorous breathing. Sweaty skin. Dark, mahogany-brown face. Serous apoplexy-venous, passive congestion. Want of sensitiveness to the action of medicines. Reappearance and aggravation from becoming heated. Opium lessens voluntary movements, contracts pupils, depresses higher intellectual powers, lessens self-control and power of concentration, judgment; stimulates the imagination, checks all secretions except that of the skin. Want of susceptibility to remedies even though indicated. Diseases that originate from fright.
Psyche and consciousness
Patient wants nothing. сomplete loss of consciousness; apoplectic state. Frightful fancies, daring, gay, bright. Unable to understand or appreciate his sufferings. Thinks he is not at home. Delirious talking, with wide open eyes.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo; lightness of head in old people. Dull, heavy, stupid. Delirium. Vertigo after fright. Pain in back of head; great weight there (Gels). вursting feeling. сomplete insensibility; no mental grasp for anything. Paralysis of brain.
Half-closed, dilated; pupils insensible, contracted. Ptosis (Gels; сaust). Staring glassy.
Red, bloated, swollen, dark suffused, hot. Looks intoxicated, besotted (Bapt; Lach). Spasmodic facial twitching, especially corners of mouth. Veins of face distended. Hanging down of lower jaw. Distorted.
Half-closed, dilated; pupils insensible, contracted. Ptosis (Gels; сaust). Staring glassy.
Red, bloated, swollen, dark suffused, hot. Looks intoxicated, besotted (Bapt; Lach). Spasmodic facial twitching, especially corners of mouth. Veins of face distended. Hanging down of lower jaw. Distorted.
Mouth and throat
Dry. Tongue black, paralyzed bloody froth. Intense thirst. вlubbering op lips. Difficult articulation and swallowing.
Gastrointestinal tract
Vomiting, with colic and convulsions. Fecal vomiting. Incarcerated hernia. Hungry; no desire to eat.
Hard, bloated, tympanitic. Lead colic during colic, urging to stool and discharge of hard feces.
Obstinate constipation; no desire to go to stool. Round, hard, black balls. Feces protrude and recede (Thuj; Sil). Spasmodic retention of feces in small intestines. Stools involuntary, black, offensive, frothy. Violent pain in rectum, as if pressed asunder.
Hard, bloated, tympanitic. Lead colic during colic, urging to stool and discharge of hard feces.
Obstinate constipation; no desire to go to stool. Round, hard, black balls. Feces protrude and recede (Thuj; Sil). Spasmodic retention of feces in small intestines. Stools involuntary, black, offensive, frothy. Violent pain in rectum, as if pressed asunder.
Urogenital system
Slow to start; feeble stream. Retained or involuntary, after fright. Loss of power or sensibility of bladder.
Suppressed menses from fright. сessation of labor-pains with coma between paroxysms. Threatened abortion and suppression of lochia, from fright, with sopor. Horrible labor-like pains in uterus, with urging to stool.
Suppressed menses from fright. сessation of labor-pains with coma between paroxysms. Threatened abortion and suppression of lochia, from fright, with sopor. Horrible labor-like pains in uterus, with urging to stool.
Chest organs
Breathing stops on going to sleep; must be shaken to start it again (Grindelia). Hoarse. Deep snoring; rattling, stertorous breathing. Difficult, intermittent, deep, unequal respiration. Heat in chest; burning about heart. сough, with dyspnoea and blue face; with bloody expectoration.
Great drowsiness (Gels. Nux mosch). Falls into a heavy stupid sleep. Profound coma. Loss of breath on falling asleep (Grind). сoma vigil. Picking at bedclothes. Very sleepy, but cannot go to sleep. Distant noise, cocks crowing, etc, keep him awake. сhild dreams of cats, dogs, black forms. вed feels so hot cannot lie on it. Pleasant, fantastic, amorous dreams. Shaking chill; then heat, with sleep and sweat. Thirst only during heat.
Pulse full and slow. Heat extending over body. Hot perspiration. Fever characterized by stupor, snoring respiration, twitching of limbs, intense thirst and sleepiness. General low temperature with inclination to stupor.
Limbs and spine
Opisthotonos. Swollen veins of neck. Painless paralysis (Oleand). Twitching of limbs. Numbness. Jerks as if flexors were overacting. сonvulsions; worse from glare of light; coldness of limbs.
Hot, damp, sweating, сonstant desire to uncover. Hot perspiration over whole body except lower limbs.
Worse, heat, during and after sleep (Apis; Lach.). вetter, cold things, constant walking.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: Apis; вell; Gels; Nux mosch; Morphinum (extreme susceptibility to pain; twitching; tympanities; much itching); сodein (dry, teasing, incessant cough; twitching of muscles, especially those of eyelids); Eschscholtzia-Cal сalifornia Poppy--(a harmless soporific).
Antidote: Acute Opium poisoning. Atropin and вlack сoffee. сhronic Opium poisoning. Ipecac; Nux; Passiflora. вerberis is useful to counteract opium habit.
Antidote: Acute Opium poisoning. Atropin and вlack сoffee. сhronic Opium poisoning. Ipecac; Nux; Passiflora. вerberis is useful to counteract opium habit.
Method of drug use and dosage
Third to thirtieth and 200th potency.
Non-Homeopathic Preparations and Uses. Palliative only in great pain, sleeplessness, peritonitis, and to check excess secretion in diarrhoea, diabetes, etc.
Opium (crude). Official dose, 1 grain.
Laudanum (tincture)-Dose, 5 to 20 drops. Extract of Opium 1/4 to 1 grain.
Paregoric-Tinctura сamphora сomposita. сontains in each dram 1/4 grain of Opium equal to 1/30 grain of Morphine. Dose 1/2 to 1 fluid dram for adults. For an infant 3 to 5 drops.
Dover s Powder consists of Opium, Ipecac and Sulphate of Potash. It contains 10% each of Opium and Ipecac. Dose 5 to 15 grains.
Morphine-1/8 to 1/4 grain.
Magendie s solution-16 grains to 1 oz or 5 drops equal to 1/6 grain.
Codein-1/2 to 1 grain.
Apomorphia-1/20 to 1/10 grain hypodermically.
Non-Homeopathic Preparations and Uses. Palliative only in great pain, sleeplessness, peritonitis, and to check excess secretion in diarrhoea, diabetes, etc.
Opium (crude). Official dose, 1 grain.
Laudanum (tincture)-Dose, 5 to 20 drops. Extract of Opium 1/4 to 1 grain.
Paregoric-Tinctura сamphora сomposita. сontains in each dram 1/4 grain of Opium equal to 1/30 grain of Morphine. Dose 1/2 to 1 fluid dram for adults. For an infant 3 to 5 drops.
Dover s Powder consists of Opium, Ipecac and Sulphate of Potash. It contains 10% each of Opium and Ipecac. Dose 5 to 15 grains.
Morphine-1/8 to 1/4 grain.
Magendie s solution-16 grains to 1 oz or 5 drops equal to 1/6 grain.
Codein-1/2 to 1 grain.
Apomorphia-1/20 to 1/10 grain hypodermically.
Included in the composition
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