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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar Lightning eelsKidney sarcoma
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%(5)100%(11)
Blood biochemistry 79%(0)
General urine test 69%(5)
Coagulogram 67%(3)
Histological studies 61%(0)
Creatinine clearance 52%(0)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 45%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 33%
lightning eels 44%
kidney sarcoma 27%
acne face 22%
metastases 26%
enlarged liver 25% 6%
oncology relatives 24%
leukocytosis 11%
radiation damage 24%
acne 10%
urethral cancer 24%
сыпь на туловище 10%
hematuria 24%
pimples on the face 10%
radiation therapy 23%
rashes on the face 9%
cancer 23%
consultation of a gastroenterologist 9%
back pain 22%
joint pain 8%
lymphosarcoma 22%
painful appearance 8%
lower back pain 22%
changes in the blood 8%
oncology in the anamnesis 21%
papules 8%
oncology 21%
acute condition 8%
ureteral cancer 21%
strong man 7%
cancer in the anamnesis 20%
arthropathy 7%
tumors of the ureter 18%
skin problems 9% 5%
kidney cyst 18%
stage of recovery 18%
vascular tumor 18%
bladder tumor 18%
cell carcinoma colon cancer 18%
consequences of operation 17%
weakness 17%
ru 16%
patient's condition 16%
aggressive 16%
lung sarcoma 16%
blood in the urine clots 16%
tumors of the large intestine 16%
nephropathy 16%
sweats a lot 16%
chronic kidney disease 8% 24%
responsive 15%
perspiration 15%
sediment urine 15%
renal colic 15%
chronic kidney failure 15%
sunstroke 15%
solid tumors 15%
hypertension 15%
bowel cancer 15%
renal cell carcinoma 14%
fighting 14%
lynch syndrome 14%
intestinal tumor 14%
kidney carbuncle 14%
smokes 14%
night sweating 14%
urine erythrocytes are elevated 14%
make the main 14%
wakes up in a sweat 14%
kidney failure 14%
kidney disease 7% 21%
weakness of the muscles of the back 13%
urination disorder 13%
sweating when waking 13%
sweating in bed at night 13%
heaviness in the bladder 13%
erythrocytosis 13%
sleeps a lot 13%
colic 13%
pain in the entire spine 13%
decrease in schf 12%
congestive kidney 12%
pedantry 12%
back pain is aching 12%
constant pain 12%
She wakes up broken 12%
hypertension 12%
balkan endemic nephropathy 12%
adenocarcinoma of the colon 12%
cancer intoxication 12%
big man 12%
high temperature 12%
liver sarcoma 12%
polyneuropathy 12%
poorly wakes 12%
there is emaciation in the neck 11%
renal anemia 11%
neuroendocrine tumors 11%
stones in the bladder 11%
hereditary non-polypous colorectal carcinoma 11%
urination with blood 11%
weak stream of urine 11%
obstructive uropathy 11%
benign neoplasms 11%
mucosit 11%
heaviness in the kidneys 11%
nausea 11%
sweating 11%
difficulty urinating 11%
cough 11%
consequences of taking medications 6% 17%
polycythemia 11%
neutropenia 11%
recovery period 11%
microhematuria 11%
no appetite 11%
general anesthesia 11%
increased estrogens 11%
prostate cancer 11%
up radiation sickness 11%
bone cancer 10%
change in appetite 10%
general deterioration at night 10%
sweating from coughing 10%
effects of chemotherapy 10%
cholangiocarcinoma 10%
hemoglobin increased 10%
effects of radiation therapy 10%
growing pains 10%
pain in the side 10%
the bladder was removed 10%
acute pain 10%
pain in the bladder 10%
is blocked an increase in the alkaline phosphatase 10%
it hurts to talk 10%
neurological disorders 10%
pain over the pubic 10%
kidney stones 10%
metastatic brain tumors 10%
tumors of the diaphragm 9%
lipase increase 9%
increased ESR 9%
inflammation 9%
cough in bed 9%
positive 9%
desire for support 9%
lymph node lesion 9%
sputum 9%
will not work 9%
cough fatigue 9%
lung pain 9%
weight change 9%
hemoptysis 9%
aches 9%
consequences of infection 9%
feeling of uselessness 9%
malignant lymphoma 9%
increase in amylase 9%
pain pain in the bones 9%
chronic anemia 9%
endometrial cancer 9%
hair loss 9%
bone tumors 9%
severe exhaustion 9%
smoking desire 9%
lymphoma 9%
mucous sputum 9%
ones cough after awakening 9%
cough at night 9%
metastatic ovarian cancer 9%
no strength 9%
polymorbidity 9%
hydronephrosis 8%
heaviness in the liver 8%
stomach cancer 8%
stomach tumors 8%
shortness 8%
not sensitive to pain 8%
overweight 8%
dependence on plastic surgery 8%
better in morning 8%
thin 8%
muscle weakness 8%
hypotension 8%
proteinuria 8%
gastric adenocarcinoma 8%
ovarian cancer 8%
muscle pain 8%
intestinal insufficiency syndrome 8%
general weakness 8%
urolithiasis in adults 8%
obesity 8%
teacher 8%
interstitial nephritis 8%
brain tumor 8%
little urine 8%
worse at night 8%
fatigue 8%
traumatic illness 8%
atheroma 8%
fibrosarcoma 7%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
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