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Comparison results

Results: Differences Similar BoilDental abscess
Related research Analogs Analogs
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 13%(2)
General blood test 10%(9)
Blood biochemistry 9%(3)
Infection tests 7%(1)
ECG 6%(0)
General urine test 6%(7)
Distinctive symptoms
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 100%
Register, to see more distinctive signs of diseases and studies 76%
suppuration of the skin 28%
toothache 2% 44%
necrosis 22%
likes order 41%
purulent pimples 5%
gum abscess 39%
purulent rashes on the skin 5%
dental abscess 1% 39%
skin problems 5%
abscess 66% 100%
acne 4%
irritability 31%
boil 3%
consequences of infection 1% 31%
abscess of the oral cavity 3%
consequences of taking medications 2% 29%
ludwig 's angina 3%
abscesses on the gums 26%
inflammatory infiltrate 3%
the pain in the ear gives off the jaw 25%
rash pustules 3%
toothache gives in the ear 25%
pimples on the face 3%
It hurts to open your mouth 25%
furunculosis 3%
plaque on the teeth 22%
acne face 3%
hypersensitivity to cold 20%
mucous hyperemia 2%
pain is felt in the ear 20%
calculating 2%
up pressing pain in the ear 20%
oily skin 2%
presses on the ears 19%
patient is motionless 2%
pain gives in the teeth 19%
difficult to swallow 2%
had a tooth removed 18%
shortness of breath 2%
soft hair 18%
dermatitis 2%
intolerance to cold 17%
inflammation of the tooth 2%
pus in the gum 16%
white urine 2%
gives to the ears 1% 17%
violation of protein metabolism 2%
jaw spasms 16%
sore 2%
ear pain 15%
pus on the tonsils 2%
worse from cold 14%
oily facial skin 2%
bronchial asthma 13%
proteinuria 2%
pain in the jaw 2% 14%
swelling of the whole body 2%
pain in the mouth 1% 13%
insensitivity to pain 2%
big man 12%
acute toothache 2%
pulsates 12%
defects of the lower jaw 2%
sudden pain 12%
osteomyelitis 2%
poor sleep 11%
squamous epithelium in urine 2%
frequent colds 11%
pain throughout the body 2%
presses 11%
common rashes 2%
not sensitive to pain 11%
can not lie on his back 2%
feeling of bruising 10%
wasserman syndrome 2%
strong man 10%
was high temperature 2%
drug allergy 1% 11%
acute periodontitis 2%
impaired gastric function 10%
sits sideways 2%
nose nursing mom 1% 11%
sore throat 2%
pregnancy 10%
acute pharyngitis unspecified 2%
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 1% 10%
acute pain 2%
increased sensitivity 1% 10%
odontogenic infection 2%
high temperature 2% 10%
difficulty breathing lying 2%
allergy 2% 10%
osteomyelitis jaws 2%
consequences of operation 2% 10%
reddening of the skin 2%
pain when swallowing 2%
diffuse suppuration of tonsils 2%
intoxication 2%
pain when chewing 2%
acute hematogenous osteomyelitis 2%
is worse when chewing 2%
wounds 2%
onset of illness 2%
patient's condition 2%
anaerobic infection 2%
soft tissue abscess 2%
soreness of the skin 2%
boils on the face 2%
phlegmon 2%
neck phlegmon 2%
purulent wound 2%
boil of the external auditory canal 2%
salivary gland abscess 2%
purulent sore 2%
injury 2%
violations of the motor act 2%
swelling 2%
marginal periodontitis 2%
general intoxication syndrome 2%
pain in the lower jaw 2%


  1. Introduce new diseases through 🔍 Быстрый поиск on the top panel using
  2. The table shows the most important distinguishing symptoms, tests and diagnoses related to the selected diseases.
  3. The higher the percentage, the more important this symptom is for the disease and vice versa. At 0%, we can say that this symptom never occurs in the disease.
  4. The list changes dynamically depending on the data of the current visit in the selection of therapy .
  5. Click on the percentageto see the suggestions from the original source.
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