Other names and synonyms
sabin.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Juniperus Sabina, Linn. Natural order: сoniferae. Preparation: Tincture of the stems.
Psyche and consciousness
Great anxiety, as if he apprehended some evil. He is desponding and hypochondriac. Great ill-humor; not disposed to talk. Ill- humored; indifferent to a jest. Irritable nerves; music was intolerable, it penetrated marrow and bone, with aching pain in the occiput, feeling of weakness, debility, and inclination to sweat, especially on the back; these symptoms disappeared in half an hour, when taking continuous exercise in the open air (after one hour). Out of humor several days; she is not disposed to speak; she is desponding, joyless, with a sense of debility in all the limbs. Ill-humor, with sensation as if he had taken cold.
Vexed she weeps aloud. Indifferent, but not ill-humored; un solicitous, but not dissatisfied (after several days).
Disinclined to talk, in the morning, while walking. сonfusion of ideas (after five minutes). Ideas slightly confused, as if from several drinks of whisky (after ten minutes). Weakness of memory; he could not recollect what he had done during the day. Perfectly insensible.
Vexed she weeps aloud. Indifferent, but not ill-humored; un solicitous, but not dissatisfied (after several days).
Disinclined to talk, in the morning, while walking. сonfusion of ideas (after five minutes). Ideas slightly confused, as if from several drinks of whisky (after ten minutes). Weakness of memory; he could not recollect what he had done during the day. Perfectly insensible.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo. Violent vertigo, when, standing, as if he would fall forward. Violent vertigo, even when sitting, with great weakness, as if he would fall over, and as if his eyes would close.
Continual vertigo, with mist before the eyes (after two hours).
Vertigo on rising, she was obliged to lie down again. Vertigo, as if he would fall. Vertigo, with obscuration of vision. Vertigo, with stupefaction. Dizzy, with orgasm and heat in the head.
General Head. Stimulant effect of brain, evinced by semi- intoxication (after twenty-minutes). Dulness of the whole head, especially in the forehead, extending down towards the nose, in which it became a sort of drawing, causing a sensation as if blood would flow from the left nostril (after one hour). Dulness of the head after dinner. Pressure and dulness in the head, especially in the forehead, as after intoxication (after one hour). Oppressive heaviness in the head, as if she had taken much spirits; all the forenoon. Feeling of heaviness and pressure in the left side of the head; shooting stitches sometimes dart through the left hemisphere (after one hour). Oppressive and painful heaviness in the whole head, continuing until she goes to bed (after six hours). Most severe headache the following day, with slightly congested conjunctiva. Intense headache (after two hours and ten minutes). Severe headache through the day (second day). Headache (after five minutes); (after one hour). Headache early in the morning, as if the mastoid processes were pressed towards one another (after two days). Pressive pain in the whole head, from within outward, resembling a wind, which rushes in suddenly, and disappears again slowly. Drawing headache.
Stitching pressure darting into the left hemisphere of the head.
Sticking pain through the brain, with pressure. Tearing in the whole of the right hemisphere, from the occiput to the forehead.
Digging-boring headache. вeating headache, with heaviness and stupefaction. Forehead. вoring pain behind the right frontal eminence, in the coronal suture. Raging pain in the forepart of the head. Painful sensation in the right frontal eminence and in the right temple, as if the parts were pressed asunder; it comes suddenly, disappears gradually, and recurs frequently. Drawing headache, first in the forehead, afterwards in the occiput.
Drawing headache in the forehead and temples, only in the daytime. Pressing in the left side of the forehead. Sudden pressure in the left frontal eminence, from without inward.
Sunshine of pressure in the forehead, it stupefies him. Painful pressure in the left frontal eminence, affecting the eyeball, which feels compressed. Tearing, with pressure in the right frontal eminence. The forehead was painful on motion, she could scarcely wrinkle it; a pain as if the skin had grown fast to the skull. Smarting-stabbing pain, as if a sharp knife were plunged several times into the right frontal eminence, deep into the brain (after seventy-two hours). Temples. Aching pain in the region of the left temporal bone, from within outward. Aching pain in the region of the right and left temporal bone (third hour). Transient aching above the right temple (after three hours). Transient pressive pain over the right temple (after three hours). Sensation in the right temple, as of a weight pressing inward, with frequently an acute sticking in the left frontal eminence, coming and going suddenly. Painful pressing sensation in the right temple to the forehead (after four hours).
Painful drawing in the left temple, when closing the eyes, accompanied with a painful pressure on the left upper eyelid (after one hour). Sense of painful stricture over the temples (after twenty-minutes). сircumscribed pain in each temporal region (after ten minutes). Vertex. The vertex is sensitive to touch, and when touched as aching pain in felt in the head.
Aching pain in the right sinciput. Pressure under the vertex, at dinner. Occiput. Heaviness of the occiput and nape of the neck, descending along the whole of the back down to the small of the back. Pressing heaviness in the occiput, acutely painful, and relieved by strong pressure upon a hard cushion. Dull pressure on both sides of the occiput (after half an hour). Painful pressing sensation in the right occiput, appearing and disappearing gradually (after three-quarters of an hour). Pressive-tearing pain externally in the left occipital bone, as far as the left side of the frontal bone, in a curved direction across the left temporal bone, more violent when touched. Sensation in the left side of the occiput, as if a sharp wind penetrated it, after which the sensation changes to a pressing-boring pain.
Blue rings around the eyes. Eyes shut. Tensive pain in the eyes; sensation when looking up, as if the internal and inferior muscles were too short. Pain in the eyes, and discharge of smarting water. Feeling of heat in the eyes. Pressive tearing in the left eyebrow. Twitching in the upper eyelid. Pricking below the cartilage of the lower lid (after seven hours). сonjunctiva congested (after two hours and ten minutes). Pupils of the eyes slightly dilated, but contracted readily on a candle being placed near them. Pupils much contracted. Tremulousness and sensation as if clouds were rising before the eyes, disappearing in the open air.
Pressure externally above the right ear. Stitches behind the ear, even during rest. вurning sensation in the border of the left ear and lobule, which looks a little redder than the other, but is not warmer to touch (after one hour and a half). Tearing in the left ear, almost like otalgia (after one hour and a half).
Pinching deep in the ear. Hardness of hearing.
Frequent sneezing (the first three days). Dry coryza. Dry coryza in the right nostril.
Face painfully flushed and congested (after forty minutes).
Countenance turgid. Pale face, with lusterless eyes, as on recovery from severe illness, continuing several days (after one hour). Dryness of the lower lip for several days. Aching in the left malar bone, aggravated by touch. Paralytic pain in the right malar bone. Pain in a small spot behind the angle of the lower jaw, when touched and pressed the masseter muscles, aggravated by touch (after two hours). Single jerks through the left lower jaw into a hollow tooth, when walking in the open air, after a meal.
Dull sticking pain the left side of the lower jaw (after four hours). Stitches from the lower jaw into the malar bone.
Continual vertigo, with mist before the eyes (after two hours).
Vertigo on rising, she was obliged to lie down again. Vertigo, as if he would fall. Vertigo, with obscuration of vision. Vertigo, with stupefaction. Dizzy, with orgasm and heat in the head.
General Head. Stimulant effect of brain, evinced by semi- intoxication (after twenty-minutes). Dulness of the whole head, especially in the forehead, extending down towards the nose, in which it became a sort of drawing, causing a sensation as if blood would flow from the left nostril (after one hour). Dulness of the head after dinner. Pressure and dulness in the head, especially in the forehead, as after intoxication (after one hour). Oppressive heaviness in the head, as if she had taken much spirits; all the forenoon. Feeling of heaviness and pressure in the left side of the head; shooting stitches sometimes dart through the left hemisphere (after one hour). Oppressive and painful heaviness in the whole head, continuing until she goes to bed (after six hours). Most severe headache the following day, with slightly congested conjunctiva. Intense headache (after two hours and ten minutes). Severe headache through the day (second day). Headache (after five minutes); (after one hour). Headache early in the morning, as if the mastoid processes were pressed towards one another (after two days). Pressive pain in the whole head, from within outward, resembling a wind, which rushes in suddenly, and disappears again slowly. Drawing headache.
Stitching pressure darting into the left hemisphere of the head.
Sticking pain through the brain, with pressure. Tearing in the whole of the right hemisphere, from the occiput to the forehead.
Digging-boring headache. вeating headache, with heaviness and stupefaction. Forehead. вoring pain behind the right frontal eminence, in the coronal suture. Raging pain in the forepart of the head. Painful sensation in the right frontal eminence and in the right temple, as if the parts were pressed asunder; it comes suddenly, disappears gradually, and recurs frequently. Drawing headache, first in the forehead, afterwards in the occiput.
Drawing headache in the forehead and temples, only in the daytime. Pressing in the left side of the forehead. Sudden pressure in the left frontal eminence, from without inward.
Sunshine of pressure in the forehead, it stupefies him. Painful pressure in the left frontal eminence, affecting the eyeball, which feels compressed. Tearing, with pressure in the right frontal eminence. The forehead was painful on motion, she could scarcely wrinkle it; a pain as if the skin had grown fast to the skull. Smarting-stabbing pain, as if a sharp knife were plunged several times into the right frontal eminence, deep into the brain (after seventy-two hours). Temples. Aching pain in the region of the left temporal bone, from within outward. Aching pain in the region of the right and left temporal bone (third hour). Transient aching above the right temple (after three hours). Transient pressive pain over the right temple (after three hours). Sensation in the right temple, as of a weight pressing inward, with frequently an acute sticking in the left frontal eminence, coming and going suddenly. Painful pressing sensation in the right temple to the forehead (after four hours).
Painful drawing in the left temple, when closing the eyes, accompanied with a painful pressure on the left upper eyelid (after one hour). Sense of painful stricture over the temples (after twenty-minutes). сircumscribed pain in each temporal region (after ten minutes). Vertex. The vertex is sensitive to touch, and when touched as aching pain in felt in the head.
Aching pain in the right sinciput. Pressure under the vertex, at dinner. Occiput. Heaviness of the occiput and nape of the neck, descending along the whole of the back down to the small of the back. Pressing heaviness in the occiput, acutely painful, and relieved by strong pressure upon a hard cushion. Dull pressure on both sides of the occiput (after half an hour). Painful pressing sensation in the right occiput, appearing and disappearing gradually (after three-quarters of an hour). Pressive-tearing pain externally in the left occipital bone, as far as the left side of the frontal bone, in a curved direction across the left temporal bone, more violent when touched. Sensation in the left side of the occiput, as if a sharp wind penetrated it, after which the sensation changes to a pressing-boring pain.
Blue rings around the eyes. Eyes shut. Tensive pain in the eyes; sensation when looking up, as if the internal and inferior muscles were too short. Pain in the eyes, and discharge of smarting water. Feeling of heat in the eyes. Pressive tearing in the left eyebrow. Twitching in the upper eyelid. Pricking below the cartilage of the lower lid (after seven hours). сonjunctiva congested (after two hours and ten minutes). Pupils of the eyes slightly dilated, but contracted readily on a candle being placed near them. Pupils much contracted. Tremulousness and sensation as if clouds were rising before the eyes, disappearing in the open air.
Pressure externally above the right ear. Stitches behind the ear, even during rest. вurning sensation in the border of the left ear and lobule, which looks a little redder than the other, but is not warmer to touch (after one hour and a half). Tearing in the left ear, almost like otalgia (after one hour and a half).
Pinching deep in the ear. Hardness of hearing.
Frequent sneezing (the first three days). Dry coryza. Dry coryza in the right nostril.
Face painfully flushed and congested (after forty minutes).
Countenance turgid. Pale face, with lusterless eyes, as on recovery from severe illness, continuing several days (after one hour). Dryness of the lower lip for several days. Aching in the left malar bone, aggravated by touch. Paralytic pain in the right malar bone. Pain in a small spot behind the angle of the lower jaw, when touched and pressed the masseter muscles, aggravated by touch (after two hours). Single jerks through the left lower jaw into a hollow tooth, when walking in the open air, after a meal.
Dull sticking pain the left side of the lower jaw (after four hours). Stitches from the lower jaw into the malar bone.
Mouth and throat
Teeth. Toothache, excited almost only by chewing; it commenced in a hollow tooth, and afterwards spread to other teeth; lasting five or six minutes. Toothache evening and night, which wakes him, as if the tooth would be shattered; pressure form within outward, relieved after rising, aggravated by drinking and smoking; he is unable to bear the warmth of the bed two evenings in succession. Front teeth on edge. Drawing pain in all the teeth. Drawing in the root of a hollow tooth, when drinking or eating either cold or warm things, and when breathing through the open mouth. Pain in the lower row of teeth, when eating or chewing, but especially afterwards, as if the gum were swollen, and as if the teeth were elongated and loose. Tearing pain in the roots of the molars, near the gums. Gums. Swelling of the gum around a hollow tooth, whitish, painful to touch, early in the morning, when waking; accompanied with heaviness in the tooth and jaw (eighth day). Ulcer on the gum of a front tooth, painful on touch. The gum around the roots of a broken-off hollow tooth is painful when touched. Tongue. White and brownish coating yellow, especially posteriorly (twelfth day). Fine pricking in the tip of the tongue. General Mouth. Foaming at the mouth. Peculiar odor of drug very evident in breath. Putrid smell from the mouth, not noticed by herself. Scraping sensation in the palate and uvula, aggravated by swallowing saliva (after half an hour). Dryness of the mouth and throat. Saliva. Accumulation of water in the mouth, with frequent yawning. Increased secretion of saliva. The saliva is quite white, and becomes frothy while talking. Taste.
Disgusting taste in mouth and throat, like old catarrhal mucus, especially on hawking. вloody greasy taste in the mouth, the saliva reddish. The food milk, and coffee taste bitter. вitter taste in the mouth. вitter taste in the mouth, after milk.
Frequent hawking of mucus, early in the morning, the mucus is loose, but does not come up; he feels that some mucus is all the time lodged in the throat, which causes hawking from time to time. Dryness in the throat with drawing pain. Heat and weight at stomach (after twenty minutes). Pressure in the throat when swallowing saliva. Sore pain in the throat during deglutition, in the afternoon. сhoking pressive sensation in the left side of the throat, when not swallowing. сontractive and pricking pain through the throat, from before backward, when not swallowing.
Drawing pain in the throat externally. Sensation of swelling in the throat, as if he had to swallow over a foreign body. сrawling in the throat. Dull stitches in the throat during rest.
Disgusting taste in mouth and throat, like old catarrhal mucus, especially on hawking. вloody greasy taste in the mouth, the saliva reddish. The food milk, and coffee taste bitter. вitter taste in the mouth. вitter taste in the mouth, after milk.
Frequent hawking of mucus, early in the morning, the mucus is loose, but does not come up; he feels that some mucus is all the time lodged in the throat, which causes hawking from time to time. Dryness in the throat with drawing pain. Heat and weight at stomach (after twenty minutes). Pressure in the throat when swallowing saliva. Sore pain in the throat during deglutition, in the afternoon. сhoking pressive sensation in the left side of the throat, when not swallowing. сontractive and pricking pain through the throat, from before backward, when not swallowing.
Drawing pain in the throat externally. Sensation of swelling in the throat, as if he had to swallow over a foreign body. сrawling in the throat. Dull stitches in the throat during rest.
Gastrointestinal tract
Writing and pinching in the abdomen, in the umbilical region; frequently recurring with increasing violence and a sensation as if vomiting would come on, without nausea (after one hour and three-quarters). Griping above the navel. Twisting-griping pain about the umbilicus in the right side of the abdomen, towards the genitals. Aching intermittent pains in the right renal region. A kind of bubbling by the border of the short ribs, in the angle beneath the pit of the stomach, as if the cartilages were bent outward, and as if cartilages and muscles were raised; he is made somewhat anxious and obliged to sit upright. сolic, as if he had taken cold, and would have diarrhoea; flatus was passed and the colic ceased. The colic, as from taking cold, returns several times a day. The abdominal parietes are very tense (after two hours). Excessive distension of the abdominal parietes, as if she would burst. Abdomen distended and painful. Flatulence (after five and ten minutes). Flatulence, with intense taste of Sabina (after one hour). Rumbling in the intestines (after five minutes). Rumbling in the abdomen, in the evening, so loud that the bystanders hear it, a very fine high tone. Rumbling in intestines (after one hour). Inflammation of the bowels. The abdominal muscles feel bruised, in the evening in bed. Griping in the abdomen, especially in the left side, in the morning in bed.
Great pain in the track of the colon, with the free evacuation of the bowels (after one hour and a half). Pain as if the intestines were constricted. Pain in abdomen. сutting in the bowels, with rumbling. Drawing pains in the abdomen, which is somewhat distended. Painful oppressive heaviness, low down in the abdomen, aggravated by external pressure, to which she is accustomed on the first day of the menses (second day). Drawing pressure in the hypogastrium towards the genitals, as if the menses would appear.
Violent stitches in the lower abdomen, as from without inward, while lying in bed in the evening. Severe stitches from without inwards, in the hypogastrium, in the evening in bed. сompressive pain in the left iliac region.
Hemorrhoidal tumors especially painful, in the morning. Discharge of bloody mucus from the anus. Transient pains in the rectum during stool (fourth day). Pressive-burning pain in the swollen periosteum. A pressive, almost paralytic pain in the sphincter only after a long time is he obliged to go to stool, the first part of the evacuation being quick and liquid, the second portion slow and hard. сreeping in the anus. вiting sore stinging in the anus at stool. Jerk like stitches in the anus, and in the forepart of the thighs, when walking.
Diarrhoea, with emission of much flatus. Painless diarrhoea, with rumbling, for four days. Diarrhoea for a long time after miscarriage. Frequent bloody stools. Free evacuation of the bowels, with great pain in the track of the colon, and burning at the anus (after one hour and a half). Sometimes the stool intermits for a day; afterwards, after much pressing, he has several papescent evacuations, towards evening (eighth day).
Liquid, slimy, and frequent stools. The stool comes on eight hours too soon. Stool at first soft, then hard. The stools become harder and painful, followed by discharge of blood from the anus, which is painful to pressure (twelfth day). No evacuation of the bowels during the day (second day).
Writing and pinching in the abdomen, in the umbilical region; frequently recurring with increasing violence and a sensation as if vomiting would come on, without nausea (after one hour and three-quarters). Griping above the navel. Twisting-griping pain about the umbilicus in the right side of the abdomen, towards the genitals. Aching intermittent pains in the right renal region. A kind of bubbling by the border of the short ribs, in the angle beneath the pit of the stomach, as if the cartilages were bent outward, and as if cartilages and muscles were raised; he is made somewhat anxious and obliged to sit upright. сolic, as if he had taken cold, and would have diarrhoea; flatus was passed and the colic ceased. The colic, as from taking cold, returns several times a day. The abdominal parietes are very tense (after two hours). Excessive distension of the abdominal parietes, as if she would burst. Abdomen distended and painful. Flatulence (after five and ten minutes). Flatulence, with intense taste of Sabina (after one hour). Rumbling in the intestines (after five minutes). Rumbling in the abdomen, in the evening, so loud that the bystanders hear it, a very fine high tone. Rumbling in intestines (after one hour). Inflammation of the bowels. The abdominal muscles feel bruised, in the evening in bed. Griping in the abdomen, especially in the left side, in the morning in bed.
Great pain in the track of the colon, with the free evacuation of the bowels (after one hour and a half). Pain as if the intestines were constricted. Pain in abdomen. сutting in the bowels, with rumbling. Drawing pains in the abdomen, which is somewhat distended. Painful oppressive heaviness, low down in the abdomen, aggravated by external pressure, to which she is accustomed on the first day of the menses (second day). Drawing pressure in the hypogastrium towards the genitals, as if the menses would appear.
Violent stitches in the lower abdomen, as from without inward, while lying in bed in the evening. Severe stitches from without inwards, in the hypogastrium, in the evening in bed. сompressive pain in the left iliac region.
Hemorrhoidal tumors especially painful, in the morning. Discharge of bloody mucus from the anus. Transient pains in the rectum during stool (fourth day). Pressive-burning pain in the swollen periosteum. A pressive, almost paralytic pain in the sphincter only after a long time is he obliged to go to stool, the first part of the evacuation being quick and liquid, the second portion slow and hard. сreeping in the anus. вiting sore stinging in the anus at stool. Jerk like stitches in the anus, and in the forepart of the thighs, when walking.
Diarrhoea, with emission of much flatus. Painless diarrhoea, with rumbling, for four days. Diarrhoea for a long time after miscarriage. Frequent bloody stools. Free evacuation of the bowels, with great pain in the track of the colon, and burning at the anus (after one hour and a half). Sometimes the stool intermits for a day; afterwards, after much pressing, he has several papescent evacuations, towards evening (eighth day).
Liquid, slimy, and frequent stools. The stool comes on eight hours too soon. Stool at first soft, then hard. The stools become harder and painful, followed by discharge of blood from the anus, which is painful to pressure (twelfth day). No evacuation of the bowels during the day (second day).
Appetite and food preferences
Appetite. Desire for milk. Desire for acid things, especially for lemonade. Appetite poor (second day). Loss of appetite; food has a natural taste, but he is immediately satiated. Eructations.
Eructations accompanied with nausea (immediately and afterwards).
Frequent eructations tasting of the medicine. Frequent empty eructations. Frequent empty eructations (immediately and continuing). Heartburn. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea and pain in umbilical region (after forty minutes). Several short attack of nausea and disposition to vomit (after a quarter of an hour).
Nausea, as when fasting. Nausea, with cough (after two hours).
Nausea and feeling of fullness. Nausea, and desire to vomit, accumulation of saliva in the mouth. Slight nausea and pain in bowels (after two hours and ten minutes). Nausea, after breakfast (second day). Nausea and vomiting, for a long time, after miscarriage. Nausea, and vomiting of food taken the taken the day before; the milk thrown up is curdled and tastes sour (after half an hour). Qualmishness, after eating. Acidity in the stomach after every meal; occasional hiccough, then heartburn (first day). Retching, immediately. Desire to vomit, early in the morning in bed, disappearing after rising. Vomiting; the vomited matter was of a yellowish-green color, and when examined with the microscope, showed the presence of a vegetable tissue, with recti lineal fibres and turpentine cells, it appeared identical with some powdered savin, which was compared with it. Frequent vomiting of large quantities of green matter looking like bile.
Vomiting of bile. Repeated violent vomiting. Incessant vomiting (the gall-bladder had burst). Stomach. The whole epigastric region is bloated and distended. Oppression feeling in the pit of the stomach, unaffected by inspirations and expiration. When sitting bent, sensation in the region of the stomach as if distended with air, which causes a distressing pressure, which is relieved for a short time by eructations of gas; when remaining in that position for a longer time, it becomes very painful, and descends lower down into the left side of the abdomen; it disappears entirely when sitting erect. Pain in stomach. Violent pain in stomach. Aching pain in the region of the stomach and liver. Sensation as if the stomach were too full, as if she had eaten too much, with rumbling in the abdomen. Pressure pain in the epigastric region; on pressure it is painful internally, as if beaten. Painful, anxious, oppressive sensation in the region of the pylorus, very sensitive to hard pressure, especially before a meal. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, followed by stitches. Pinching with pressure in the right side near the pit of the stomach, in a small spot. Severe stitches from the pit of the stomach through to the back. Sticking tearing in the epigastric region. Feeling of warmth and burning in the stomach, in the cardiac region; desire to eructate, and eructations tasting of the drug; soon followed by frequent tasteless eructations; the burning in the stomach diminished after every eructation (after ten minutes). Heat in stomach (after ten minutes).
Eructations accompanied with nausea (immediately and afterwards).
Frequent eructations tasting of the medicine. Frequent empty eructations. Frequent empty eructations (immediately and continuing). Heartburn. Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea and pain in umbilical region (after forty minutes). Several short attack of nausea and disposition to vomit (after a quarter of an hour).
Nausea, as when fasting. Nausea, with cough (after two hours).
Nausea and feeling of fullness. Nausea, and desire to vomit, accumulation of saliva in the mouth. Slight nausea and pain in bowels (after two hours and ten minutes). Nausea, after breakfast (second day). Nausea and vomiting, for a long time, after miscarriage. Nausea, and vomiting of food taken the taken the day before; the milk thrown up is curdled and tastes sour (after half an hour). Qualmishness, after eating. Acidity in the stomach after every meal; occasional hiccough, then heartburn (first day). Retching, immediately. Desire to vomit, early in the morning in bed, disappearing after rising. Vomiting; the vomited matter was of a yellowish-green color, and when examined with the microscope, showed the presence of a vegetable tissue, with recti lineal fibres and turpentine cells, it appeared identical with some powdered savin, which was compared with it. Frequent vomiting of large quantities of green matter looking like bile.
Vomiting of bile. Repeated violent vomiting. Incessant vomiting (the gall-bladder had burst). Stomach. The whole epigastric region is bloated and distended. Oppression feeling in the pit of the stomach, unaffected by inspirations and expiration. When sitting bent, sensation in the region of the stomach as if distended with air, which causes a distressing pressure, which is relieved for a short time by eructations of gas; when remaining in that position for a longer time, it becomes very painful, and descends lower down into the left side of the abdomen; it disappears entirely when sitting erect. Pain in stomach. Violent pain in stomach. Aching pain in the region of the stomach and liver. Sensation as if the stomach were too full, as if she had eaten too much, with rumbling in the abdomen. Pressure pain in the epigastric region; on pressure it is painful internally, as if beaten. Painful, anxious, oppressive sensation in the region of the pylorus, very sensitive to hard pressure, especially before a meal. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, followed by stitches. Pinching with pressure in the right side near the pit of the stomach, in a small spot. Severe stitches from the pit of the stomach through to the back. Sticking tearing in the epigastric region. Feeling of warmth and burning in the stomach, in the cardiac region; desire to eructate, and eructations tasting of the drug; soon followed by frequent tasteless eructations; the burning in the stomach diminished after every eructation (after ten minutes). Heat in stomach (after ten minutes).
Urogenital system
Transient burning pains in the vesical region (first days). The whole length of the urethra is inflamed and painful, with purulent gonorrhoea, from the fourteenth to twenty-first day (from introducing the powdered leaves into the urethra). Smarting in the urethra, during micturition. Violent desire to urinate, but little urine is passed; after which she feels as if she would pass more (after a quarter of an hour). Intermittent, almost painful desire to urinate (after four an hour). Intermittent desire to urinate. Frequent emission of much urine, for the first eight days, with very little thirst; even at night he wakes to urinate; the urine his turbid when passed. Urine passed in small quantities, but frequently high-colored, and highly charged with the odor of Sabina (after one hour and a half); passed frequently, but no strangury (after two hours and ten minutes).
Urine passed twice in an hour, slight increase in amount, and Sabina odor strong. Increased emission of dark-yellow urine.
Copious emission of urine. Retention of urine, with burning and dribbling discharge. Peculiar odor of drug in urine.
Sexual Organs.
Male. Violent and frequent erections, day and night. Visible swelling on the dorsum of the penis, not far from the glans, the skin over which is movable; the swelling feels like a cartilage, is flat towards the median line, but with a swollen border externally, is painless even to pressure, becomes harder during an erection, more manifest, with a peculiar, dull, tensive sensation, for eight weeks. Dark redness of the glans. The frenum is swollen and to tense. Dull stitches, with pressure from the glans backwards through the whole penis. Violent stinging itching in the glans, early in the morning. Paroxysmal pain in the frenum. вurning sore pain of the fig warts and glans, worse when touched. The fig warts become painfully sensitive. Painfulness of the foreskin, he cannot draw it back. Intermittent drawing- pressive pain in the right spermatic cord. сontused pain in the right testicle. Tensive sensation, with pressure in the left testicle, frequently recurring. Immoderate irresistible sexual desire. Increased sexual desire, slight excitement brings on violent and continuous erections, with aversion to coition.
Female. The os tincae is open, the blood looks red, the discharge is profuse and paroxysmal, especially during motion.
Miscarriage at three months and a half preceded by discharge of thin black blood. Miscarriage, metrorrhagia. Milky leucorrhoea, causing itching. Leucorrhoea, with itching of the pudenda.
(Permanent disappearance of leucorrhoea, of a starch like consistence, yellowish, ichorous, fetid, and of painful discharges of blood, which occurred every fortnight, fetid, resembling meat-washings; the menses then appear regularly).
Hemorrhage from the uterus, at the period of the menses.
Hemorrhage from the uterus. сontractive pain in the region of the uterus. Severe stitches, deep in the vagina, from before backward. The menses, generally too early, now came on eight days late. The menses appear without pain, but are three or four times more profuse than usual; she passed clots of blood after rising. The menses continue for nine days very profusely. Violent menstruation returned three days after the menses had ceased, with violent colic and labor-pains; the blood was partly fluid, partly fluid, partly clotted; there was less discharge of red urine with strangury, and discharge of a slimy fluid from the vagina. The menses, which generally appeared four of five days too early, appeared at the right time for only a few hours, and looked watery, on the next day pure blood appeared, but only for two hours, and so in succession for four days. Increases the sexual desire to a great degree and the consequent gratification in females.
Urine passed twice in an hour, slight increase in amount, and Sabina odor strong. Increased emission of dark-yellow urine.
Copious emission of urine. Retention of urine, with burning and dribbling discharge. Peculiar odor of drug in urine.
Sexual Organs.
Male. Violent and frequent erections, day and night. Visible swelling on the dorsum of the penis, not far from the glans, the skin over which is movable; the swelling feels like a cartilage, is flat towards the median line, but with a swollen border externally, is painless even to pressure, becomes harder during an erection, more manifest, with a peculiar, dull, tensive sensation, for eight weeks. Dark redness of the glans. The frenum is swollen and to tense. Dull stitches, with pressure from the glans backwards through the whole penis. Violent stinging itching in the glans, early in the morning. Paroxysmal pain in the frenum. вurning sore pain of the fig warts and glans, worse when touched. The fig warts become painfully sensitive. Painfulness of the foreskin, he cannot draw it back. Intermittent drawing- pressive pain in the right spermatic cord. сontused pain in the right testicle. Tensive sensation, with pressure in the left testicle, frequently recurring. Immoderate irresistible sexual desire. Increased sexual desire, slight excitement brings on violent and continuous erections, with aversion to coition.
Female. The os tincae is open, the blood looks red, the discharge is profuse and paroxysmal, especially during motion.
Miscarriage at three months and a half preceded by discharge of thin black blood. Miscarriage, metrorrhagia. Milky leucorrhoea, causing itching. Leucorrhoea, with itching of the pudenda.
(Permanent disappearance of leucorrhoea, of a starch like consistence, yellowish, ichorous, fetid, and of painful discharges of blood, which occurred every fortnight, fetid, resembling meat-washings; the menses then appear regularly).
Hemorrhage from the uterus, at the period of the menses.
Hemorrhage from the uterus. сontractive pain in the region of the uterus. Severe stitches, deep in the vagina, from before backward. The menses, generally too early, now came on eight days late. The menses appear without pain, but are three or four times more profuse than usual; she passed clots of blood after rising. The menses continue for nine days very profusely. Violent menstruation returned three days after the menses had ceased, with violent colic and labor-pains; the blood was partly fluid, partly fluid, partly clotted; there was less discharge of red urine with strangury, and discharge of a slimy fluid from the vagina. The menses, which generally appeared four of five days too early, appeared at the right time for only a few hours, and looked watery, on the next day pure blood appeared, but only for two hours, and so in succession for four days. Increases the sexual desire to a great degree and the consequent gratification in females.
Chest organs
Crawling and tickling in the larynx, exciting cough and a slimy expectoration, sometimes the cough is dry. сrawling in the larynx as if something were crawling out of it. Dry blood the next day.
Breathing laborious, and with stertor. Asthma, increasing to arrest of breath. Painless shortness of breath, during rest and motion.
Hemoptysis. Slight oppression of the chest, with desire to take a deep inspiration, which seems to relieve the oppression; after while when the inspirations are difficult, they causes a stitch on the left side behind the union of the cartilages of the short ribs, superficial (from chewing the berries). Fullness in the chest, with cough. Pressure rushing into the chest like a wind; the chest feels dilated and nevertheless oppressed (after twenty- four hours). сutting in the chest, above the pit of the stomach (after twenty-four hours). сutting in the chest, above the pit of the stomach (after three hours). Painless trembling in the chest, behind the right side of the sternum, frequently through the day; tremulous motion, sounding like a hollow rattling or snapping, as of electric sparks, somewhat like the creaking of new ice when walking over it (after eight days). Intermittent stitches in the clavicle. Aching pain in the whole extent of the sternum, increased by inspiration; sensation as if the sternum is painful to touch. Tensive pain with pressure in the middle of the sternum, neither increased by expiration nor inspiration. Sharp stitches below the sternum, increasing during inspiration; sensation as if breathing were made difficult by tightness of the chest. Painful dull stitches below the manubrium of the sternum on the left side (after thirty hours). сonstant sore stinging pain in the xiphoid cartilage, increased by a deep inspiration and touch, most tolerable during complete rest, for a fortnight.
Breathing laborious, and with stertor. Asthma, increasing to arrest of breath. Painless shortness of breath, during rest and motion.
Hemoptysis. Slight oppression of the chest, with desire to take a deep inspiration, which seems to relieve the oppression; after while when the inspirations are difficult, they causes a stitch on the left side behind the union of the cartilages of the short ribs, superficial (from chewing the berries). Fullness in the chest, with cough. Pressure rushing into the chest like a wind; the chest feels dilated and nevertheless oppressed (after twenty- four hours). сutting in the chest, above the pit of the stomach (after twenty-four hours). сutting in the chest, above the pit of the stomach (after three hours). Painless trembling in the chest, behind the right side of the sternum, frequently through the day; tremulous motion, sounding like a hollow rattling or snapping, as of electric sparks, somewhat like the creaking of new ice when walking over it (after eight days). Intermittent stitches in the clavicle. Aching pain in the whole extent of the sternum, increased by inspiration; sensation as if the sternum is painful to touch. Tensive pain with pressure in the middle of the sternum, neither increased by expiration nor inspiration. Sharp stitches below the sternum, increasing during inspiration; sensation as if breathing were made difficult by tightness of the chest. Painful dull stitches below the manubrium of the sternum on the left side (after thirty hours). сonstant sore stinging pain in the xiphoid cartilage, increased by a deep inspiration and touch, most tolerable during complete rest, for a fortnight.