Other names and synonyms
valer.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Valerian officinalis, Linn. Natural order: Valerianaceae. сommon names: Valerian; (G.), вaldrian. Preparation: Tincture of the root.
Common symptoms
Tremulousness, he has no rest anywhere, as one feels when expecting a joyful event (after one hour and a quarter). General malaise. General weariness, especially of the extremities. Great debility and drowsiness in the evening (second day). General discomfort. General discomfort in the whole body. Drawing in many places, now here, like transient jerks. Twitching and jerking in various parts of the muscles, superficially. Smarting pressure as if excoriated, or dull sticking, as with a hard, blunt tool, at a small spot in various parts.
Psyche and consciousness
Extremely delirious, attempting to get out of the window, threatening and vociferating violently. He complained of not being able to see, and did not recognize me nor members of the family about him, and imagined himself away from home, and beset with all sorts of danger, from which he was attempting to escape, although unable to walk without staggering from side to side. Agitation. Remarkable liveliness with great courage, with slight acceleration of the pulse. More joyous and active mood than usual, in the evening (second and third days). Very joyous mood all day (first day). Unusually joyous mood (soon). More cheerful than before; he comprehended everything more easily than before; a sort of joyfulness, as is sometimes felt after drinking coffee (first day). Morbid irritation of the nerves; although he appears more cheerful and vigorous than before, nevertheless his eyes, arms, knees, feel very weak, in the forenoon (after twenty-eight hours, second day). Seriousness) (second day). Anxiety, hypochondriac feeling, as if the objects around him had been estranged from him; the room appears to him desolate, he does not feel at home in the room, he is impelled to leave it (from the vapor). Fearfulness in the evening when sitting in the dark (imagining that some one might hurt him), (first day). Ill-humor. Disinclination for mental work. Great flow of ideas, one chasing the other, as in intoxication; confused, faint recollections of former thoughts and actions, presented themselves to his mind, but they chased one another with so much rapidity, that he at last became quite stupefied and lost his thoughts; he felt like one who is dreaming (from the vapor).
Head, face, and ears
Head much confused (second day). сloudiness of the head (from the vapor). Feeling of intoxication and vertigo when stooping; sensation as if everything were turning around her (after half an hour). Rush of blood to the head. Rush of blood of the head, with a feeling of fullness, especially under the vertex. Symptoms of congestion of the brain; pressing headache, extending from the right frontal region over the whole head, sometimes seated in the eyes and making them sensitive to every slight effort, at times also passing down to the angle of the lower jaw of the right side and causing a sensation as if asleep. Feeling of fullness in the head, apparently caused by rush of blood to the head, similar to the effect of a tight neck cloth (soon). Dulness of the head, changing to a pressive-drawing pain, especially in the frontal region. Sudden stupefaction in the head, causing him to stagger and almost to fall to one side, when standing. Stupid feeling in the head when stooping (after a quarter of an hour). Feeling in the head as after intoxication, somewhat elated (after half an hour). Heaviness of the head. Headache. Headache at night. Intense headache. Headache, usually in the forehead, at times very intense. Pressive headache in one or another part of the head. Headache an hour after dinner; pressure over the eyes, as if the eyeballs would be pressed out, especially when moving them, at 1 (after four hours). Headache, the aching especially violent over the orbits, at 11 (second day). Transient pain as if the had just had blow on the vertex, a painful, stupefying, contractive sensation, affecting the whole head, although it emanates from the vertex as the center, afterwards disappearing from the other parts of the head, and lastly from the vertex. Sticking headache. Sticking headache for eight hours. Forehead. Pressing frontal headache. Violent pressure in the forehead, followed in a few minutes by sticking in the forehead, and especially over the orbits; soon the sticking changes again to pressure, and so on in constant alternation; the sticking is like a darting tearing, as if it would pierce the eyes from within outward, continuing a few hours (after a quarter of an hour). Pressive pain extending from the right frontal region over the whole head(; the headache disappeared during a sound sleep at night, but returned the next morning and lasted three hours. Slight pressive headache, extending from the forehead to the vertex, especially towards the eyes, so that moderate exertion of the eyes caused a pressive sensation in the balls. Pressive pain in the right side of the forehead. Distressing pressive pain in the right frontal region, periodically extending to the left side. Supraorbital headache on the right side; this headache gradually increased for ten hours, and gave place to a sensation of heaviness. Numb tensive sensation behind the frontal eminence. A drawing together in the left half of the forehead, with a dull pressure. сonstrictive drawing transversely across the forehead (after five minutes). Violent stitches (darting tearing) in the middle of the forehead, deep interiorly, coming and going at intervals (after two, three, and four hours). Temples. Dull pressure in the right temple, from without inward, at intervals (after eight minutes). Transient jerkings in the right temple. Vertex and Parietals. Pressing headache over the whole vertex. Sensation as if the vertex were spasmodically constricted. Sticking on the top of the head (10 ). Pressure on the parietal hones. Drawing-aching pain in the right side of the head, during the flushes of heat over the cheeks; the pain afterwards extends as an aching pain into the orbit of the right eye; colic one or two hours after (second day). A current of air instantaneously causes a drawing pain in the right side of the head, at 5 (second day). Occiput. Pressure and drawing penetrating into the side of the occiput (from the vapor). Sensation as if some one were hammering internally in the occiput, which became intolerable, so that he forcibly turned his head to and fro (while half asleep in the evening), (second day).
The eyes shine. Pressure in the eyes only in the morning after rising; the margins of the eyelids seem swollen and sore, especially in the region of the left inner canthus; they look red (third day). Sensation of pressure in the right eye, as of a stye, at noon (after three hours). Smarting in the eyes, as if occasioned by smoke, at 3 (after six hours). вurning smarting in the eyes, at 10 p.m (second day). Orbit. Painful drawing around the orbits, more toward the side, especially when stooping (after half an hour). Lids. Eyes somewhat agglutinated (first day). Pain and swelling of the eyelids (from 1 to 2 , third day). Stitches in the inner canthus, at 11 p.m (third day). вall. Tearing in the right eyeball (from the vapor), (after two hours). Pupil. The pupils are somewhat dilated, at 9 p.m (after half an hour). Pupils of eyes dilated to nearly whole extent of cornea, even when approached by a lighted candle. Vision. Dimness of sight, early in the morning, and pain in the eyes, as if he had not slept sufficiently (third day). He sees things at a distance more distinctly than usual. Scintillations before the eyes. Lights before the eyes, in the dark; the closed and dark room seemed to him filled with the light of twilight, so that he imagined he distinguished the object in the same; this was accompanied by a sensation as if he felt that things were near him, even when not looking at them; on looking, he perceived that the things were really there, at 10 (after thirteen hours).
Slight jerkings in the right meatus auditorius (after a quarter of an hour). сrampy drawing in the left ear. Ringing in the ears, in the evening when in bed, and illusion of hearing; he imagined he heard the ball strike, at 10 (after fourteen hours).
Violent sneezing.
Face injected. Quick painless twitching from time to time beneath the skin of the left cheek, which he though might be seen; this was not, however, the case; it went off for a short time by moving the hand over the cheek. Repeated transient crampy jerkings in the region of the left malar bone. Painful crampy drawing in the right malar bone, transient (after a quarter of an hour). Pimples in the white of the upper lip and on the cheek; small white vesicles on an elevated red border, painful to touch (fourth day). A pressure (almost resembling a darting) in the right side of the lower lip and in the gum of the right canine tooth (after one hour). Repeated dartings, as of electricity, in the right ramus of the lower jaw (after seven hours).
The eyes shine. Pressure in the eyes only in the morning after rising; the margins of the eyelids seem swollen and sore, especially in the region of the left inner canthus; they look red (third day). Sensation of pressure in the right eye, as of a stye, at noon (after three hours). Smarting in the eyes, as if occasioned by smoke, at 3 (after six hours). вurning smarting in the eyes, at 10 p.m (second day). Orbit. Painful drawing around the orbits, more toward the side, especially when stooping (after half an hour). Lids. Eyes somewhat agglutinated (first day). Pain and swelling of the eyelids (from 1 to 2 , third day). Stitches in the inner canthus, at 11 p.m (third day). вall. Tearing in the right eyeball (from the vapor), (after two hours). Pupil. The pupils are somewhat dilated, at 9 p.m (after half an hour). Pupils of eyes dilated to nearly whole extent of cornea, even when approached by a lighted candle. Vision. Dimness of sight, early in the morning, and pain in the eyes, as if he had not slept sufficiently (third day). He sees things at a distance more distinctly than usual. Scintillations before the eyes. Lights before the eyes, in the dark; the closed and dark room seemed to him filled with the light of twilight, so that he imagined he distinguished the object in the same; this was accompanied by a sensation as if he felt that things were near him, even when not looking at them; on looking, he perceived that the things were really there, at 10 (after thirteen hours).
Slight jerkings in the right meatus auditorius (after a quarter of an hour). сrampy drawing in the left ear. Ringing in the ears, in the evening when in bed, and illusion of hearing; he imagined he heard the ball strike, at 10 (after fourteen hours).
Violent sneezing.
Face injected. Quick painless twitching from time to time beneath the skin of the left cheek, which he though might be seen; this was not, however, the case; it went off for a short time by moving the hand over the cheek. Repeated transient crampy jerkings in the region of the left malar bone. Painful crampy drawing in the right malar bone, transient (after a quarter of an hour). Pimples in the white of the upper lip and on the cheek; small white vesicles on an elevated red border, painful to touch (fourth day). A pressure (almost resembling a darting) in the right side of the lower lip and in the gum of the right canine tooth (after one hour). Repeated dartings, as of electricity, in the right ramus of the lower jaw (after seven hours).
Mouth and throat
Toothache. Drawing in the teeth of the lower jaw from before backwards, and in the upper jaw from behind forward. Shooting pains in the teeth. Feeling of dryness in the tip of the tongue, for a quarter of an hour, without thirst, early in the morning (after three-quarters of on hour). сonstriction of the tongue (after a few minutes). Dryness of the mouth and pharynx, followed by salivation. Gradually increasing sticking pain in the region of the velum pendulum palati, accompanied towards the end with a bitter taste in the mouth and accumulation of saliva, inducing cough (after three-quarter of an hour, from the vapor). Profuse and offensive salivation, immediately. вitter taste on the tip of the tongue, a quarter of an hour after eating meat and vegetables, when licking the lips (after three hours). Previous to dinner he has a taste and smell as of fetid tallow, at noon (second day). Early in the morning, after waking, he has a flat slimy taste in the mouth.
Dryness of the throat. Scraping feeling in the throat. Scraping in the throat, lasting several minutes (soon). Scraping sensation in the throat, with an ineffectual desire to hawk (after half an hour). Great dryness of the pharynx.
Dryness of the throat. Scraping feeling in the throat. Scraping in the throat, lasting several minutes (soon). Scraping sensation in the throat, with an ineffectual desire to hawk (after half an hour). Great dryness of the pharynx.
Gastrointestinal tract
Hypochondrium. Painful jerks in the right hypochondrium. Pressing sensation in the left hypochondrium, just beneath the last short ribs, while in bed in the morning; on coughing or deep breathing it became a cutting pain). Sides. Two evenings in succession, after 10 o’clock, he is attacked with violent colic in the left side of the abdomen, as if there were subcutaneous ulceration (second and third days). Dull sticking, intermittent pressure on the left side and over the pit of the stomach, in the region of a cartilage of the ribs. Single stitches in the left side, below the short ribs (after a quarter of an hour). General Abdomen. вloated abdomen. Distension of the abdomen. Great distension of the abdomen, causing restlessness at night. Abdomen moderately distended (first day). Hard abdomen. Much very offensive gas from the intestines. Rumbling and gurgling in the intestines, with some cutting pains, followed after half an hour by a normal evacuation. Rumbling and colic in the stomach (after a quarter of an hour). сonstant rumbling in the upper abdomen (second day). Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen. Feeling in the abdomen as if it would become excessively distended, even to bursting. Pain in the abdomen when drawing it in, like a pinching and cutting. The whole evening he feels a pain in various parts of the abdomen, which is at one time felt as a pressing in the umbilical region (second day). Aching pain in the abdomen. Dull aching pain in the abdominal muscles, as if bruised, or as if from a cold, worse during an inspiration. сolic in bed, in the evening; a pinching in the lower abdomen (first day). A sort of twisting in the abdomen, with a sort of nausea, as if the menses would come on. Drawing pain, as if bruised, in the left iliac region, spreading to the middle of the abdomen, soon followed by rumbling in the bowels, at 2 (second day). Great inclination on draw in the abdomen; he does it even involuntarily (alternate effect). сutting pain in the intestines, in the region of the navel. Hypogastrium. Severe aching-drawing pain in the hypogastrium, from 10 to 11 (second day). Pain in the left side of the hypogastrium, as if he had sprained the part, when sitting, at 7 (second day). Pressing crampy pain in the left side of the hypogastrium, when sitting, at 11 (second day). вruised pain in the hypogastrium, especially in the parts covering the os pubis, increasing in paroxysms, as a painful pressure or drawing. Drawing pressure in the inguinal glands, only when spreading the light; the place is painful to touch (after one hour).
When emitting flatus the baby presses very hard, causing the dark-red rectum to protrude, when a few drops of blood fall out. вoring pain in the left side of the rectum, when standing, apparently in the sphincter, at 1 (second day). вoring in the rectum, at 10 (second day). Stitch in the rectum, when standing (after one hour). Violent tearing in the anus, when moving a little while sitting,; at 2 (third day). On getting up from stool he perceives a severe tenesmus in the anus, as if diarrhoea, would set in; this disappears gradually, but returns with great violence in a few hours, obliging him to go to stool again, when he has a natural evacuation. A bubbling pressure above the anus, in the region of the os coccyges, apparently close to it, at 9 p.m.
(second day). A bubbling pressure over the anus, in the parts covering the os coccyges, at 9 p.m (second day). When emitting flatus the baby cries and presses; occasionally he passes a little blood by the rectum).
Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea twice, with tickling at the anus, in the evening (second day). Violent diarrhoea, in the morning (third day). Two diarrhoeic stools, preceded by rumbling and cutting in the intestines (after seven and nine hours). Frequent evacuations. The baby, who had had frequent loose stools, has row many more looser and more watery discharges, in which solid particles, resembling pieces of curdled milk, are floating). Pasty stools. On the first day the stool looks natural; after twenty-four hours he has a greenish papescent stool, with some blood. Stools more frequent than usual, always evacuated with some effort.
Hypochondrium. Painful jerks in the right hypochondrium. Pressing sensation in the left hypochondrium, just beneath the last short ribs, while in bed in the morning; on coughing or deep breathing it became a cutting pain). Sides. Two evenings in succession, after 10 o’clock, he is attacked with violent colic in the left side of the abdomen, as if there were subcutaneous ulceration (second and third days). Dull sticking, intermittent pressure on the left side and over the pit of the stomach, in the region of a cartilage of the ribs. Single stitches in the left side, below the short ribs (after a quarter of an hour). General Abdomen. вloated abdomen. Distension of the abdomen. Great distension of the abdomen, causing restlessness at night. Abdomen moderately distended (first day). Hard abdomen. Much very offensive gas from the intestines. Rumbling and gurgling in the intestines, with some cutting pains, followed after half an hour by a normal evacuation. Rumbling and colic in the stomach (after a quarter of an hour). сonstant rumbling in the upper abdomen (second day). Rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen. Feeling in the abdomen as if it would become excessively distended, even to bursting. Pain in the abdomen when drawing it in, like a pinching and cutting. The whole evening he feels a pain in various parts of the abdomen, which is at one time felt as a pressing in the umbilical region (second day). Aching pain in the abdomen. Dull aching pain in the abdominal muscles, as if bruised, or as if from a cold, worse during an inspiration. сolic in bed, in the evening; a pinching in the lower abdomen (first day). A sort of twisting in the abdomen, with a sort of nausea, as if the menses would come on. Drawing pain, as if bruised, in the left iliac region, spreading to the middle of the abdomen, soon followed by rumbling in the bowels, at 2 (second day). Great inclination on draw in the abdomen; he does it even involuntarily (alternate effect). сutting pain in the intestines, in the region of the navel. Hypogastrium. Severe aching-drawing pain in the hypogastrium, from 10 to 11 (second day). Pain in the left side of the hypogastrium, as if he had sprained the part, when sitting, at 7 (second day). Pressing crampy pain in the left side of the hypogastrium, when sitting, at 11 (second day). вruised pain in the hypogastrium, especially in the parts covering the os pubis, increasing in paroxysms, as a painful pressure or drawing. Drawing pressure in the inguinal glands, only when spreading the light; the place is painful to touch (after one hour).
When emitting flatus the baby presses very hard, causing the dark-red rectum to protrude, when a few drops of blood fall out. вoring pain in the left side of the rectum, when standing, apparently in the sphincter, at 1 (second day). вoring in the rectum, at 10 (second day). Stitch in the rectum, when standing (after one hour). Violent tearing in the anus, when moving a little while sitting,; at 2 (third day). On getting up from stool he perceives a severe tenesmus in the anus, as if diarrhoea, would set in; this disappears gradually, but returns with great violence in a few hours, obliging him to go to stool again, when he has a natural evacuation. A bubbling pressure above the anus, in the region of the os coccyges, apparently close to it, at 9 p.m.
(second day). A bubbling pressure over the anus, in the parts covering the os coccyges, at 9 p.m (second day). When emitting flatus the baby cries and presses; occasionally he passes a little blood by the rectum).
Diarrhoea. Diarrhoea twice, with tickling at the anus, in the evening (second day). Violent diarrhoea, in the morning (third day). Two diarrhoeic stools, preceded by rumbling and cutting in the intestines (after seven and nine hours). Frequent evacuations. The baby, who had had frequent loose stools, has row many more looser and more watery discharges, in which solid particles, resembling pieces of curdled milk, are floating). Pasty stools. On the first day the stool looks natural; after twenty-four hours he has a greenish papescent stool, with some blood. Stools more frequent than usual, always evacuated with some effort.
Appetite and food preferences
Appetite. Violent appetite at dinner, affecting the stomach with a sort of nausea (canine hunger); although he remains indifferent when thinking of eating, yet he eats with much relish and a large quantity, at noon (after three hours). Great hunger (after a few hours). Loss of appetite. Great aversion to tobacco (the prover was a great smoker). Disgust for food, from large doses. Eructations. Frequent eructations. Frequent eructations tasting of the drug. Insipid eructations. Early in the morning, immediately after waking, risings tasting of Hepar sulphuris. Eructations tasting of the drug. Tasteless eructations (after a quarter of an hour). Warm rising from the epigastric region, arresting the breathing. Frequent empty eructations. Offensive eructations. Frequent empty risings before the meal (after two hours). Gulping up of a rancid fluid, not rising into the mouth (heartburn), at 4.
(after seven hours). Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea (third day). Slight nausea (after a few minutes). Long-continued nausea. Nausea amounting to vomiting. Nausea and eructations. Nausea and inclination to vomit, on rising in the morning, relieved after eating and in the open air (second day). Nausea, with desire to vomit, as if a thread were hanging in the throat, arising from the region of the umbilicus and gradually rising to the fauces, and exciting a copious accumulation of saliva. She feels nauseated, faint, her lips are white, and the body is icy cold, followed by vomiting of bile and mucus, with violent shaking chill. Transient nausea, as if one would vomit (after one-eighth of an hour). Disposition to vomit. Disposition to vomit and vomiting. Vomiting. Nightly vomiting. Stomach. The epigastrium and the region of the liver are painful to touch, at 11 (second day). Weakness of the stomach. Fullness of the stomach, (first day). Feeling of fullness in the epigastric region. Feeling of greater fullness in the stomach (after half an hour). Sensation of fullness in the stomach and whole abdomen, and also rising up through the oesophagus. Sensation of fullness in the stomach, without eructations, changing after awhile to ravenous hunger. Heat in the epigastric region. Increased warmth in the stomach (after a quarter of an hour). Sensation of warmth in the stomach. вurning and cramps in the stomach, in the epigastric region. Heaviness in the epigastric region. Pressure and heaviness in the stomach. Pressure in the epigastric region. Slight pressure in the epigastric region. Pressure, which suddenly rises in the pit of the stomach and disappears speedily, with gurgling in the abdomen. Shooting cutting from the pit of the stomach to the umbilical region (after half an hour).
(after seven hours). Nausea and Vomiting. Nausea (third day). Slight nausea (after a few minutes). Long-continued nausea. Nausea amounting to vomiting. Nausea and eructations. Nausea and inclination to vomit, on rising in the morning, relieved after eating and in the open air (second day). Nausea, with desire to vomit, as if a thread were hanging in the throat, arising from the region of the umbilicus and gradually rising to the fauces, and exciting a copious accumulation of saliva. She feels nauseated, faint, her lips are white, and the body is icy cold, followed by vomiting of bile and mucus, with violent shaking chill. Transient nausea, as if one would vomit (after one-eighth of an hour). Disposition to vomit. Disposition to vomit and vomiting. Vomiting. Nightly vomiting. Stomach. The epigastrium and the region of the liver are painful to touch, at 11 (second day). Weakness of the stomach. Fullness of the stomach, (first day). Feeling of fullness in the epigastric region. Feeling of greater fullness in the stomach (after half an hour). Sensation of fullness in the stomach and whole abdomen, and also rising up through the oesophagus. Sensation of fullness in the stomach, without eructations, changing after awhile to ravenous hunger. Heat in the epigastric region. Increased warmth in the stomach (after a quarter of an hour). Sensation of warmth in the stomach. вurning and cramps in the stomach, in the epigastric region. Heaviness in the epigastric region. Pressure and heaviness in the stomach. Pressure in the epigastric region. Slight pressure in the epigastric region. Pressure, which suddenly rises in the pit of the stomach and disappears speedily, with gurgling in the abdomen. Shooting cutting from the pit of the stomach to the umbilical region (after half an hour).
Urogenital system
Stitches in the region of the kidneys, when sitting down (after two hours and a half). Transient clawing in the region of the bladder (second evening). сonstant desire to urinate, which he insisted upon doing through the window of the room. Frequent emission of urine. Frequent emission of urine the first three hours. Increased secretion of urine; on standing the urine deposited a sediment of brown flakes. Increased secretion of urine. Very abundant, highly-colored urine, etc. Urine very abundant, more highly colored, and of a stronger odor than natural. Urine dark brown. The urine seemed to contain bile. Urine turbid, depositing a whitish sediment (fourth morning); depositing a turbid sediment (fourth day). White sediment in the urine, in the morning. Urine dark red and turbid, depositing a vermilion-red sediment. Urine brownish and turbid, with a brick dust sediment. вrownish flakes in the urine. Urine turbid, depositing a slimy white sediment. Urine deposited a cloud. Urine depositing a sediment. Very copious sediment to the urine, the upper part of which was pale, the lower thick, turbid, and reddish. Mealy sediment in the urine.
Chest organs
Frequent hacking cough. Dry cough. Difficulty of breathing and anxiety in the chest, after the usual breakfast, at 9 p.m (second day).
Transient oppression of the chest, in the region of the lower true rib of the right side (from the vapor). When walking, he feels a pressure across the lower half of the chest, with oppression of breathing, at 10 (third day). Darting- tearing pain in the chest. A few sudden jerks, like electric shocks, below the right axilla. Sudden stitches in the chest and in the region of the liver, from within outward, causing him to start in a fright, at 2 (third day). Frequent stitches in the chest, during a slow horseback ride, at 5 (third day). Violent stitches and pressing from within outward, in the region of the last ribs, when standing, at 8 (third day). Dull stitch, resembling a pressing from within outward, in the left side of the chest (below the axilla), during an inspiration especially a deep inspiration; the stitch lasts as long as the inspiration; external pressure excites likewise a sore pain.
Transient oppression of the chest, in the region of the lower true rib of the right side (from the vapor). When walking, he feels a pressure across the lower half of the chest, with oppression of breathing, at 10 (third day). Darting- tearing pain in the chest. A few sudden jerks, like electric shocks, below the right axilla. Sudden stitches in the chest and in the region of the liver, from within outward, causing him to start in a fright, at 2 (third day). Frequent stitches in the chest, during a slow horseback ride, at 5 (third day). Violent stitches and pressing from within outward, in the region of the last ribs, when standing, at 8 (third day). Dull stitch, resembling a pressing from within outward, in the left side of the chest (below the axilla), during an inspiration especially a deep inspiration; the stitch lasts as long as the inspiration; external pressure excites likewise a sore pain.
Limbs and spine
Piercing drawing, with pressure from the nape of the neck to the occiput, when bending the head backwards, at 11 p.m (after two hours). Drawing pain in the back. Rheumatic pains in the scapulae. Intense pain in the left lumbar region above the hip, as if he had strained the part much, worse when standing, and especially when sitting, than when walking. A drawing transversely across the small of the back, in the evening, when in bed (first day).
After walking a little, he feels a stiffness and painful weariness in the bends of the arms and knees, at 5 Rheumatic pains in the limbs. In the muscles of the left arm, from the shoulder down to the fingers, a very painful drawing, mixed with single stitches; a sort of tearing, which is neither increased or decreased by any position of the limb; after taking at second dose the tearing returned much more violently (although it had disappeared for several hours); it disappeared afterwards while walking, after a violent stitch in the knee (so violent that she was scarcely able to walk), and was replaced by a pain which moved up and down from the knee to the toes, and back again (felt less when walking than when sitting); finally it affected likewise the right foot, although less. Slow painful drawing and jerking, as if in the bones of the upper and lower extremities when sitting quietly. Repeated darts as of electric sparks in the middle of the left thigh, when standing, followed by a bruised pain in the same part. вruised pain in the limbs. Paralytic numbness in the limbs. Paralytic pain in the knees, elbows and shoulder-joints when ceasing to walk (after four hours).
Upper Limbs.
Shoulder. When laying the left arm on the table and bending it, while writing, a drawing pain in the deltoid muscle, from above downward, and in the bend of the elbow; if he lets the arm hang down the drawing changes into a feeling of heaviness, pervading the whole arm as far as the fingers, as if the limb were turgid with blood (after three-quarter of an hour). A stinging pain in the region of the posterior border of the deltoid muscle, at 11 (second day). Smarting pressure, as from an excoriation or dull stitch, as with a hard blunt instrument, in the region of the shoulder and in other places. Arm. Dull pressure, as with the tip of a finger, in the region of the head of the humerus. сrampy darting tearing, like an electric shock, repeatedly through the humerus, in the bone, intensely painful. сrampy drawing in the region of the biceps, in the right upper arm, from above downward, while writing (from the vapor). Sudden crampy drawing (a sort of jerking) in the muscles of the upper arm, just above the bend of the elbow and in the outer muscles of the thigh, at noon (fourth day). Elbow. Pain as if bruised in the bends of the elbows, when writing, afterwards extending as a drawing pain along the biceps muscle of the upper arm, from 7 to 9 (third day). Tearing in the elbow-joint). Stitches below the tip of the elbow, the tip of the elbow, at 6 (second day). Forearm. Tearing in the inner side of the forearm, from below upward, at 4 (third day). Hand. Tremor of the hands, heat and redness of the cheeks, with warmth of the rest of the body, while writing; at 10 p.m (third day). Sudden violent jerks in the hand, which disappear again immediately; the place is afterwards painful to touch. Fingers. Stitches in the middle phalanges of the fingers, in the bones, at 11 (third day). сrampy jerks through the thumb, as if caused by electricity, several times.
After walking a little, he feels a stiffness and painful weariness in the bends of the arms and knees, at 5 Rheumatic pains in the limbs. In the muscles of the left arm, from the shoulder down to the fingers, a very painful drawing, mixed with single stitches; a sort of tearing, which is neither increased or decreased by any position of the limb; after taking at second dose the tearing returned much more violently (although it had disappeared for several hours); it disappeared afterwards while walking, after a violent stitch in the knee (so violent that she was scarcely able to walk), and was replaced by a pain which moved up and down from the knee to the toes, and back again (felt less when walking than when sitting); finally it affected likewise the right foot, although less. Slow painful drawing and jerking, as if in the bones of the upper and lower extremities when sitting quietly. Repeated darts as of electric sparks in the middle of the left thigh, when standing, followed by a bruised pain in the same part. вruised pain in the limbs. Paralytic numbness in the limbs. Paralytic pain in the knees, elbows and shoulder-joints when ceasing to walk (after four hours).
Upper Limbs.
Shoulder. When laying the left arm on the table and bending it, while writing, a drawing pain in the deltoid muscle, from above downward, and in the bend of the elbow; if he lets the arm hang down the drawing changes into a feeling of heaviness, pervading the whole arm as far as the fingers, as if the limb were turgid with blood (after three-quarter of an hour). A stinging pain in the region of the posterior border of the deltoid muscle, at 11 (second day). Smarting pressure, as from an excoriation or dull stitch, as with a hard blunt instrument, in the region of the shoulder and in other places. Arm. Dull pressure, as with the tip of a finger, in the region of the head of the humerus. сrampy darting tearing, like an electric shock, repeatedly through the humerus, in the bone, intensely painful. сrampy drawing in the region of the biceps, in the right upper arm, from above downward, while writing (from the vapor). Sudden crampy drawing (a sort of jerking) in the muscles of the upper arm, just above the bend of the elbow and in the outer muscles of the thigh, at noon (fourth day). Elbow. Pain as if bruised in the bends of the elbows, when writing, afterwards extending as a drawing pain along the biceps muscle of the upper arm, from 7 to 9 (third day). Tearing in the elbow-joint). Stitches below the tip of the elbow, the tip of the elbow, at 6 (second day). Forearm. Tearing in the inner side of the forearm, from below upward, at 4 (third day). Hand. Tremor of the hands, heat and redness of the cheeks, with warmth of the rest of the body, while writing; at 10 p.m (third day). Sudden violent jerks in the hand, which disappear again immediately; the place is afterwards painful to touch. Fingers. Stitches in the middle phalanges of the fingers, in the bones, at 11 (third day). сrampy jerks through the thumb, as if caused by electricity, several times.
Included in the composition
- 1.4€ Эдас-956 (ЭДАС)
- 2.3€ Passambra (ЭДАС)
- 2.1-2.5€ Тигренок (Фитасинтекс)
- 1.2€ Успокоин (Вербена)
- 2.1-2.5€ Совенок (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.1-2.5€ Соносоник (Фитасинтекс)
- — Valeriana-plus (Доктор Н)
- 2.5€ Климактол-Антикан (Вербена)
- 5€ Седатал (Фитасинтекс)
- 7.6-9€ Valerianaheel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 7.5-11.8€ Kindinorm (Deutsche Homoopathie-Union DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH&Co. KG )
- 11€ Flowers Energy №20
- — Bioline Nervousness
- — Korvisan (Гомеопатический медико-социальный центр )
- — Седатил (Аспектус фарма ООО )