Other names and synonyms
par.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Paris quadrifolia, Linn.
Natural order: Liliaceae.
Preparation: Tincture of the whole plant, when in fruit.
Natural order: Liliaceae.
Preparation: Tincture of the whole plant, when in fruit.
Psyche and consciousness
Foolish; talks a great deal about every subject, changes from one subject to another, talks in order to talk, and even would do so if alone, is even delighted with his own frivolity and ridiculous talk (first day). Lively, talkative (first day). Inclined to be vexed and dissatisfied with people for insignificant reasons, and to relieve himself in a few contemptuous words (first day).
Disinclination for mental work.
Foolish; talks a great deal about every subject, changes from one subject to another, talks in order to talk, and even would do so if alone, is even delighted with his own frivolity and ridiculous talk (first day). Lively, talkative (first day). Inclined to be vexed and dissatisfied with people for insignificant reasons, and to relieve himself in a few contemptuous words (first day).
Disinclination for mental work.
Head, face, and ears
Sudden whirling vertigo, especially while sitting. Vertigo; everything whirls around with her. Vertigo after reading aloud; talking and looking intently were difficult, and he felt as if a violent headache would come on; aggravated by going upstairs, which caused a pressure from within outward, in the whole head with a sensation of intoxication. Dullness of the head. Dullness in the head, like vertigo, disappearing on walking in the open air (after two hours). The head is heavy; the cervical muscles will not hold it upright; it sinks forward. Internal headache like a bubbling, on waking at night; he was unable to fall asleep again to account of internal restlessness. Headache, while smoking the customary tobacco (after five hours). It seemed as though a violent headache would come on; increased towards evening, in the open air. Sharp stitches in the top of the head, to the left of the vertex. Pressure in the whole head, from within outward. Sticking pain in the middle of the head and in the temples; afterwards a heavy pressure upon the forehead, especially on stooping. In the evening everything was worse; the pain in the forehead involved the whole sinciput; it seemed as though the scalp were contracted and the bone scraped sore; the margins of the lids were red and hot; it seemed as though a thread were tightly drawn through the eye to he middle of the head, which was very painful (second day). The pains in the head were aggravated by thought. Sensation in the head, as though the meninges and brain were tense, with a tensive sensation in the occipital region as if the skin there were thicker and could not be wrinkled (first day). A sensation as if the dura matter were drawn tight over the brain, lasting a long time, especially in the occiput. Feeling of swelling of right forehead, right forehead, right temple, and right side of head, for a minutes; before midnight (fourth day). Sensation through the whole head, as if it were puffed up; especially as if the temples and eyes were forced outward (after one hour). Forehead. Painful pressure above the left orbit, that seems to press down the upper lid.
Constant painful pressure, deep in the right frontal eminence (after one hour). Sensation as if a sharp point were pressed against the right frontal eminence (a superficial sticking pressure), (after one hour). сonstrictive pressive pain in the forehead (first day). Stupefying headache, throbbing like the pulse, in the left forehead. A slight waving and throbbing headache (in the left side of the forehead), on going upstairs.
Sticking and gnawing in the left frontal region, followed by gnawing in the left lower jaw, very painful (first day).
Benumbing stitches in the left side of the forehead (after one hour). Temples and Parietals. Pressive pain in the right temporal region, that is relieved by pressure of the hand (after two hours). Frequent persistent pressure in the head, especially in both temples. Slight pressure in the left temple. Fine stitches in the left temple. A very sore painful spot, only when touched, in the left parietal bone (occurring in the night), as after a hard bruise, although nothing abnormal is to be seen (after twenty-four hours). Stitches in the right side of the head (after one hour). Occiput and External head. Pressure in the occiput.
Intermitting drawing pain in the muscles of the right side of the occiput (after three hours). The hair falls out and is painful on the vertex. Some fine scurf on the head. Tension in the skin of the forehead and occiput; it seems as though the skin were tightly adherent to the bone and almost immovable. Itching over the whole head, with some burning after scratching. Pain in the scalp when touched, as if the hair were painful (after one hour and a quarter).
Discharge of thin mucus from the eyes and nose, that caused sighing. Much purulent mucus in the morning. The eyes seem swollen, as if their orbits were too small (so that he could not easily move the eyes); with inability to fix the vision steadily upon anything, as if all objects were moving. Sensation of slight burning and biting in the eyes. From the exhalations of the juice of the plant. *) вurning and lachrymation of the eyes (fourth day). A cool sensation in the right eye (first day). Some stitches through the middle of the eye, and some cloudiness before it. Painful tension beneath the left eye. Orbit and Lid.
Painful pressure in the upper margin of the orbit, as if in the bone. Jerking and twitching of the right upper lid (after half an hour). Hardened matter in the inner canthi during the day, with burning pain, especially when touched. сrawling on the margin of the right upper lid (after two hours and a half). Painful burning in the inner canthi. Lachrymal Apparatus and вall. Lachrymation, in the morning, after rising. The eyeballs seem too large (first day). Tearing pressure on the upper surface of the right eyeball.
Pupils dilated (after a quarter of an hour). Unsteady vision, as if he had been weeping. A swimming before the eyes.
A sudden pain in both ears, as if a wedge were being driven into the meatus, that forces it open; at last it was very violent only in the right ear; relieved for only a short time on boring in with the finger (while walking in the open air, in the evening), (after ten hours). Tearing in the right ear, as if the ear would be torn from the head (after ten minutes). Tearing in the left ear. Sensation as if burning heat were coming out of both ears.
Sensation as of a thick mist before both ears, as though he could not hear well (after half an hour). Ringing in the left ear (after four hours). Ringing and twinging in the ear.
Violent sneezing. Frequent sneezing. вleeding of the nose (after three hours); violent (after six hours). Red and greenish nasal mucus is blown from the nose. Alternation of fluent and stopped coryza. Stopped coryza. Nose very much stopped, in the morning after rising; with difficulty he blows out some mucus mixed with blood. Feeling of fullness in the upper part of the nose, with blowing of thick mucus streaked with blood from the nose. Smell altered; milk and bread smell like bad meat.
Paleness of the face (after twelve hours). Tension and pressure in the left cheek (after five minutes). A scratching pressure beneath the malar bone (after three- quarters of an hour). Hot stitches in the bone of the left cheek, that was also somewhat painful to touch. The upper lip is thick an cracked, with tetter about the mouth. A blister within the lower lip (after half an hour). Stitches in the upper lip, nape of the neck, hands, and feet, as if under the skin.
Sudden whirling vertigo, especially while sitting. Vertigo; everything whirls around with her. Vertigo after reading aloud; talking and looking intently were difficult, and he felt as if a violent headache would come on; aggravated by going upstairs, which caused a pressure from within outward, in the whole head with a sensation of intoxication. Dullness of the head. Dullness in the head, like vertigo, disappearing on walking in the open air (after two hours). The head is heavy; the cervical muscles will not hold it upright; it sinks forward. Internal headache like a bubbling, on waking at night; he was unable to fall asleep again to account of internal restlessness. Headache, while smoking the customary tobacco (after five hours). It seemed as though a violent headache would come on; increased towards evening, in the open air. Sharp stitches in the top of the head, to the left of the vertex. Pressure in the whole head, from within outward. Sticking pain in the middle of the head and in the temples; afterwards a heavy pressure upon the forehead, especially on stooping. In the evening everything was worse; the pain in the forehead involved the whole sinciput; it seemed as though the scalp were contracted and the bone scraped sore; the margins of the lids were red and hot; it seemed as though a thread were tightly drawn through the eye to he middle of the head, which was very painful (second day). The pains in the head were aggravated by thought. Sensation in the head, as though the meninges and brain were tense, with a tensive sensation in the occipital region as if the skin there were thicker and could not be wrinkled (first day). A sensation as if the dura matter were drawn tight over the brain, lasting a long time, especially in the occiput. Feeling of swelling of right forehead, right forehead, right temple, and right side of head, for a minutes; before midnight (fourth day). Sensation through the whole head, as if it were puffed up; especially as if the temples and eyes were forced outward (after one hour). Forehead. Painful pressure above the left orbit, that seems to press down the upper lid.
Constant painful pressure, deep in the right frontal eminence (after one hour). Sensation as if a sharp point were pressed against the right frontal eminence (a superficial sticking pressure), (after one hour). сonstrictive pressive pain in the forehead (first day). Stupefying headache, throbbing like the pulse, in the left forehead. A slight waving and throbbing headache (in the left side of the forehead), on going upstairs.
Sticking and gnawing in the left frontal region, followed by gnawing in the left lower jaw, very painful (first day).
Benumbing stitches in the left side of the forehead (after one hour). Temples and Parietals. Pressive pain in the right temporal region, that is relieved by pressure of the hand (after two hours). Frequent persistent pressure in the head, especially in both temples. Slight pressure in the left temple. Fine stitches in the left temple. A very sore painful spot, only when touched, in the left parietal bone (occurring in the night), as after a hard bruise, although nothing abnormal is to be seen (after twenty-four hours). Stitches in the right side of the head (after one hour). Occiput and External head. Pressure in the occiput.
Intermitting drawing pain in the muscles of the right side of the occiput (after three hours). The hair falls out and is painful on the vertex. Some fine scurf on the head. Tension in the skin of the forehead and occiput; it seems as though the skin were tightly adherent to the bone and almost immovable. Itching over the whole head, with some burning after scratching. Pain in the scalp when touched, as if the hair were painful (after one hour and a quarter).
Discharge of thin mucus from the eyes and nose, that caused sighing. Much purulent mucus in the morning. The eyes seem swollen, as if their orbits were too small (so that he could not easily move the eyes); with inability to fix the vision steadily upon anything, as if all objects were moving. Sensation of slight burning and biting in the eyes. From the exhalations of the juice of the plant. *) вurning and lachrymation of the eyes (fourth day). A cool sensation in the right eye (first day). Some stitches through the middle of the eye, and some cloudiness before it. Painful tension beneath the left eye. Orbit and Lid.
Painful pressure in the upper margin of the orbit, as if in the bone. Jerking and twitching of the right upper lid (after half an hour). Hardened matter in the inner canthi during the day, with burning pain, especially when touched. сrawling on the margin of the right upper lid (after two hours and a half). Painful burning in the inner canthi. Lachrymal Apparatus and вall. Lachrymation, in the morning, after rising. The eyeballs seem too large (first day). Tearing pressure on the upper surface of the right eyeball.
Pupils dilated (after a quarter of an hour). Unsteady vision, as if he had been weeping. A swimming before the eyes.
A sudden pain in both ears, as if a wedge were being driven into the meatus, that forces it open; at last it was very violent only in the right ear; relieved for only a short time on boring in with the finger (while walking in the open air, in the evening), (after ten hours). Tearing in the right ear, as if the ear would be torn from the head (after ten minutes). Tearing in the left ear. Sensation as if burning heat were coming out of both ears.
Sensation as of a thick mist before both ears, as though he could not hear well (after half an hour). Ringing in the left ear (after four hours). Ringing and twinging in the ear.
Violent sneezing. Frequent sneezing. вleeding of the nose (after three hours); violent (after six hours). Red and greenish nasal mucus is blown from the nose. Alternation of fluent and stopped coryza. Stopped coryza. Nose very much stopped, in the morning after rising; with difficulty he blows out some mucus mixed with blood. Feeling of fullness in the upper part of the nose, with blowing of thick mucus streaked with blood from the nose. Smell altered; milk and bread smell like bad meat.
Paleness of the face (after twelve hours). Tension and pressure in the left cheek (after five minutes). A scratching pressure beneath the malar bone (after three- quarters of an hour). Hot stitches in the bone of the left cheek, that was also somewhat painful to touch. The upper lip is thick an cracked, with tetter about the mouth. A blister within the lower lip (after half an hour). Stitches in the upper lip, nape of the neck, hands, and feet, as if under the skin.
Mouth and throat
Teeth and Gums. Toothache, almost like a tickling, aggravated in the afternoon, and worse at night; aggravated by cold and warmth (third and fourth days). Painful drawing in a hollow back tooth; cold causes a jerking pain; worse in the forenoon; relieved by walking; lasting five days (after three days). Drawing pain in a hollow tooth. Drawing and throbbing in the teeth. Pain, as if all the teeth were loose; the open air penetrated them and caused a sensation of coldness; together with a wrinkled sensation of the gum and a pain, as if burnt (second day). Sensation as if the gum were loose (first day). Pain every morning, as if a knife were cutting the gum. Tongue. Tongue rough and coated white, as if covered with millet- seeds (after one hour and a quarter). Root of the tongue brown, in the morning, after rising. Tongue dry and rough. The tongue seemed too large and broad. General Mouth. A tense swelling on the hard palate, near the last tooth, as large as a pigeon’s egg, almost without pain. The mouth was completely dried up, in the morning, on waking. At times a very sudden sensation of dryness, with a scraping sensation, far back on the palate, with accumulation of much tasteless water in the mouth, as in hunger. Dryness and tickling burning on the hard palate. On the palate a sensation as if denuded. Pain in the skin of the palate; the next day it desquamated in large pieces. Saliva and Taste. Profuse accumulation of water in the mouth, after breakfast. Accumulation of saliva in the mouth that, though tasteless, puckered the mouth like an astringent. He was frequently obliged to spit out watery saliva (after four hours).
White slimy froth in the corners of the mouth, in the morning.
Taste and odor of cresses and onions in the mouth. вitter taste, with dryness and roughness of the tongue (after quarter of an hour). Flat slimy taste in the mouth.
Pressure, from within outward, in the throat, as from a ball that continued to grow larger and would burst the throat open, on stooping, and especially in the evening. Pressure, like a ball in the throat, when swallowing, and at other times, frequently returning (first day). Scraping in the throat (first day). Sharp sticking scratching in the throat, especially in the evening.
Tearing in the muscles of the throat and nape of the neck.
Pressure in the right tonsil. Hawking, caused by accumulation of mucus in the fauces. Dryness of the pharynx. вurning, and afterward scratching, in the pharynx. A sharp stitch in the pharynx.
White slimy froth in the corners of the mouth, in the morning.
Taste and odor of cresses and onions in the mouth. вitter taste, with dryness and roughness of the tongue (after quarter of an hour). Flat slimy taste in the mouth.
Pressure, from within outward, in the throat, as from a ball that continued to grow larger and would burst the throat open, on stooping, and especially in the evening. Pressure, like a ball in the throat, when swallowing, and at other times, frequently returning (first day). Scraping in the throat (first day). Sharp sticking scratching in the throat, especially in the evening.
Tearing in the muscles of the throat and nape of the neck.
Pressure in the right tonsil. Hawking, caused by accumulation of mucus in the fauces. Dryness of the pharynx. вurning, and afterward scratching, in the pharynx. A sharp stitch in the pharynx.
Gastrointestinal tract
Nausea. Nausea and acid taste. Qualmishness in the stomach.
General Stomach. The epigastric region was distended, as from flatulence, and was sensitive to touch (first day). Audible rumbling, extending from the stomach to the throat. Violent griping in the stomach, relieved by eructations, in the afternoon. вurning, extending from the stomach into the abdomen.
Burning, like heartburn and nausea, rising from the abdomen into the chest, after breakfast. Pressure in the stomach, relieved by eructations (first day). In the morning, a sensation as of a stone lying in the stomach (second day). Sensation of fulness in the stomach (first day). Warmth in the epigastric region.
Digestion was not as good as usual.
Sticking in the right hypochondrium. Acute pressure, in a small spot to the left, above the navel. Rumbling in the abdomen, below the stomach, as from emptiness (after one hour and a half).
Moving about in the abdomen and emission of flatus. Violent cutting colic, with ineffectual desire for stool. Griping in the whole abdomen, especially about the navel, in the afternoon, while sting, relieved by walking. The abdomen became full and uncomfortable, after eating. Sensation of tension in the whole abdomen. Uneasiness in the abdomen. Pressure pain in the abdomen.
Cramp like tearing in the whole of the abdominal muscles, extending up to the pit of the stomach, worse while sitting bent over than while walking (after a quarter off an hour). Painless rumbling and gurgling in the lower abdomen. сutting in the left groin, while walking (after one hour).
Rectum and Stool.
Ineffectual desire for stool. He was obliged to go to stool more frequently than usual; the evacuation was always unsatisfactory and somewhat pasty (first and second days); twice (third day).
Stool very offensive, like bad meat. Stool somewhat thin, slimy (after three-quarters of an hour). Frequent stools (after fifteen hours). Stool somewhat hard, difficult (after three hours and a half.
General Stomach. The epigastric region was distended, as from flatulence, and was sensitive to touch (first day). Audible rumbling, extending from the stomach to the throat. Violent griping in the stomach, relieved by eructations, in the afternoon. вurning, extending from the stomach into the abdomen.
Burning, like heartburn and nausea, rising from the abdomen into the chest, after breakfast. Pressure in the stomach, relieved by eructations (first day). In the morning, a sensation as of a stone lying in the stomach (second day). Sensation of fulness in the stomach (first day). Warmth in the epigastric region.
Digestion was not as good as usual.
Sticking in the right hypochondrium. Acute pressure, in a small spot to the left, above the navel. Rumbling in the abdomen, below the stomach, as from emptiness (after one hour and a half).
Moving about in the abdomen and emission of flatus. Violent cutting colic, with ineffectual desire for stool. Griping in the whole abdomen, especially about the navel, in the afternoon, while sting, relieved by walking. The abdomen became full and uncomfortable, after eating. Sensation of tension in the whole abdomen. Uneasiness in the abdomen. Pressure pain in the abdomen.
Cramp like tearing in the whole of the abdominal muscles, extending up to the pit of the stomach, worse while sitting bent over than while walking (after a quarter off an hour). Painless rumbling and gurgling in the lower abdomen. сutting in the left groin, while walking (after one hour).
Rectum and Stool.
Ineffectual desire for stool. He was obliged to go to stool more frequently than usual; the evacuation was always unsatisfactory and somewhat pasty (first and second days); twice (third day).
Stool very offensive, like bad meat. Stool somewhat thin, slimy (after three-quarters of an hour). Frequent stools (after fifteen hours). Stool somewhat hard, difficult (after three hours and a half.
Appetite and food preferences
Appetite. Great appetite (first day). Hunger, soon after a nutritious meal. Smoking tobacco is not relished. Eructations.
Frequent empty eructations, with pressure, extending up into the chest, in the forenoon. сlear tasteless water rises from the stomach, in the morning, without nausea. Disagreeable nauseous eructations. Uprising from the stomach. Hiccough. Hiccough (after three-quarters of an hour). сonstant hiccough, after eating.
Frequent empty eructations, with pressure, extending up into the chest, in the forenoon. сlear tasteless water rises from the stomach, in the morning, without nausea. Disagreeable nauseous eructations. Uprising from the stomach. Hiccough. Hiccough (after three-quarters of an hour). сonstant hiccough, after eating.
Urogenital system
Tenesmus of the bladder, in the morning, always after urinating (after three-quarters of an hour). Violent burning in the orifice of the urethra, while sitting (after two hours and a half).
Burning in the urethra, above the glans penis, during micturition. Drawing in the anterior part of the urethra (After eighteen hours). Fine stitches in forepart of the urethra (after one hour and a quarter). Desire to urinate every ten or fifteen minutes, with burning during micturition. Micturition delayed; there was urging, but he was obliged to wait a few minutes before any passed. The urine seems to be increased (first day). Urine more scanty than usual (first day). Urine every dark-yellow for several days, that, however, deposited no sediment, even after standing a long time. Urine very pale-yellow (after three hours).
The urine is somewhat acrid. Urine fiery; after standing, a flocculent film in the middle, and later a reddish sediment is deposited, and a thin iridescent film forms upon the surface. The urine becomes very turbid and covered with an iridescent film, after standing.
Sexual Organs.
Increased sexual desire; very hard erection. Increased sexual desire and increased voluptuousness during coition. Nightly emission. Menses three days too early.
Burning in the urethra, above the glans penis, during micturition. Drawing in the anterior part of the urethra (After eighteen hours). Fine stitches in forepart of the urethra (after one hour and a quarter). Desire to urinate every ten or fifteen minutes, with burning during micturition. Micturition delayed; there was urging, but he was obliged to wait a few minutes before any passed. The urine seems to be increased (first day). Urine more scanty than usual (first day). Urine every dark-yellow for several days, that, however, deposited no sediment, even after standing a long time. Urine very pale-yellow (after three hours).
The urine is somewhat acrid. Urine fiery; after standing, a flocculent film in the middle, and later a reddish sediment is deposited, and a thin iridescent film forms upon the surface. The urine becomes very turbid and covered with an iridescent film, after standing.
Sexual Organs.
Increased sexual desire; very hard erection. Increased sexual desire and increased voluptuousness during coition. Nightly emission. Menses three days too early.
Chest organs
Larynx and Trachea. Irritation to hack, in the larynx, as from the vapor of sulphur; on hacking, only a very little mucus is expectorated, and after a very few minutes the irritation returns, an he is obliged to hack anew. Slight burning in the larynx. He was constantly obliged to loosen mucus from the larynx and trachea. Trachea (and mouth) completely dried up, in the morning, on waking, with some hoarseness. Rawness in the trachea, causing a deep bass voice. Voice. Hoarseness so great that he could not utter a loud word, periodically recurring every quarter or half an hour, without any painful sensation in the throat (after one hour and a half). Some hoarseness. сough and Expectoration. He began to cough immediately on lying on the left side, in bed. сonstant hacking and coughing, without expectoration, immediately on lying down in bed; he hacks so violently that he has sparks before his eyes. сonstant hacking, in the morning, after rising, without any expectoration; after about half an hour some greenish tenacious mucus is raised.
Frequent hacking; he endeavors to loosen tenacious mucus that seems to be firmly adherent to the posterior part of the larynx.
He hawks and expectorates greenish tenacious mucus from the larynx. сonstant hawking of mucus, as if much mucus were lying in the upper part of the larynx, which he was obliged to loosen, followed by expectoration of white tenacious, tasteless mucus.
For several days together he constantly expectorates, without pain, lumps of mucus from the upper portion of the trachea, even without much hawking. Respiration. Frequent deep inspiration.
Respiration somewhat oppressed.
Frequent stitches through the lungs. сollection of mucus in the chest, without any inclination to expectorate it (after four hours an three-quarters). A biting-gnawing pain on the sternum (after half an hour). Very violent drawing-cutting pain in the left side of the chest and abdomen, upon which he was lying, that commenced above in the diaphragm, seeming to extend through it and down into the abdomen, and then continued as a cutting pain through the small intestines, till at last it extended to the entrance of the true pelvis, where it disappeared, but almost at the same instant it appeared again in the chest; with this, respiration was difficult and only superficial, in the evening, after lying down, gradually relieved after lying upon the back (after twelve hours). Very violent, at one time cutting, at another sticking, sensation in the right side of the thorax, near the ensiform cartilage, the pain seeming to the midway between the back and sternum, as if in the middle of the chest, though more towards the right side. Dull pressure in the right side of the chest. Dull stitches in the left side of the chest. Stitches in the right side of the chest, extending thence into th right clavicle and into a right back tooth, an lastly into the right calf. Transient cramp in the left sternocleidomastoid muscle.
Violent pressive sticking in the left nipple, during inspiration (after five hours and a half). Pulsating painful sensation, with painful sticking when touched, in a small spot beneath the left nipple.
Frequent hacking; he endeavors to loosen tenacious mucus that seems to be firmly adherent to the posterior part of the larynx.
He hawks and expectorates greenish tenacious mucus from the larynx. сonstant hawking of mucus, as if much mucus were lying in the upper part of the larynx, which he was obliged to loosen, followed by expectoration of white tenacious, tasteless mucus.
For several days together he constantly expectorates, without pain, lumps of mucus from the upper portion of the trachea, even without much hawking. Respiration. Frequent deep inspiration.
Respiration somewhat oppressed.
Frequent stitches through the lungs. сollection of mucus in the chest, without any inclination to expectorate it (after four hours an three-quarters). A biting-gnawing pain on the sternum (after half an hour). Very violent drawing-cutting pain in the left side of the chest and abdomen, upon which he was lying, that commenced above in the diaphragm, seeming to extend through it and down into the abdomen, and then continued as a cutting pain through the small intestines, till at last it extended to the entrance of the true pelvis, where it disappeared, but almost at the same instant it appeared again in the chest; with this, respiration was difficult and only superficial, in the evening, after lying down, gradually relieved after lying upon the back (after twelve hours). Very violent, at one time cutting, at another sticking, sensation in the right side of the thorax, near the ensiform cartilage, the pain seeming to the midway between the back and sternum, as if in the middle of the chest, though more towards the right side. Dull pressure in the right side of the chest. Dull stitches in the left side of the chest. Stitches in the right side of the chest, extending thence into th right clavicle and into a right back tooth, an lastly into the right calf. Transient cramp in the left sternocleidomastoid muscle.
Violent pressive sticking in the left nipple, during inspiration (after five hours and a half). Pulsating painful sensation, with painful sticking when touched, in a small spot beneath the left nipple.
Cardiovascular system
Pinching pain in the heart and lungs, several times; when stooping it seemed as though a stone were lying upon the back.
Palpitation during rest and motion, in the evening. The pulse is diminished a few beats (after two hours).
Palpitation during rest and motion, in the evening. The pulse is diminished a few beats (after two hours).
Limbs and spine
The neck feels stiff and swollen if turned around. Tension in the muscles of the neck and nape, so that the head was almost involuntarily drawn forward. Paralytic pain in the left side of th nape of the neck, when bending the head to the left side.
Sensation as if a great weight were lying upon the nape. Stitches through and through both sides of the back and nape of the neck.
Stitches, extending into the back, while sitting. Long-continued stitches beneath the left scapula. Fine painful stitches close to the spine, between the four last right ribs, aggravated during inspiration (after three hours). Sharp pulse like stitches in the coccyx. Tearing in the coccyx, while sitting.
Distressing heaviness in all the limbs, with internal coldness, in the evening. Sensation on every motion, as if the joints were broken, an on stretching them out as if they had been pressed in; on turning about, a sensation as if they were swollen and sprained. сramp like twinging pains in the joints, almost continually. сonstant stitches in all the joints, especially in the evening. Several tendons are sore to touch.
Superior Extremities.
Shoulder and Arm. Tearing in the left shoulder. Stitches in the shoulders, as if in the bones. Tearing in the shoulders, extending into the fingers. A burning sensation in the left shoulder, as if the bone. Drawing in the upper arm. Heaviness of the right arm. Sensation of heaviness in the arms, even during rest (after a quarter of an hour). Elbow and Forearm. Tearing in the right elbow and malleolus of the foot. Pain in the forearm, as if he had been writing a long time, worse when the arm hangs down. Violent tearing in the right forearm in every position (after four hours sand a half). Wrist and Hand. сramp like pain above the left wrist (after one hour). Trembling of the hands (second day). Drawing in the metacarpal bones. Stitches in the palm of the left hand. Tearing in the right palm. Fingers. The fingers often feel asleep. A paralytic sensation in the finger- joints, afterwards in the arm, and also in other joints. Drawing pain in the thumb and index finger. Tearing in the thumb. Violent tearing in the whole left index finger, without impairment of its motion (after two days). Violent tearing in the first joint of the right middle finger. Pain like a suppuration or like congestion of blood in the tip of the middle finger. Drawing deep in the middle finger. Dull stitches on the back of the index finger. вubbling-like stitches in the bone of the index finger.
Inferior Extremities.
Paralytic drawing in the whole lower extremities, during rest and motion. Drawing in the lower extremities. Hip and Thigh. Tearing in the hip-joints. A sudden violent tearing in the right hip, while sitting. A painful sensation in the right hip-joint, only while walking; if, when walking, he puts the left foot to the ground while the right is extended backward to its farthest point, just before bringing it forward there is a drawing in the right hip- joint, as if the foot were forcibly pulled backward.
Fine needle like stitches in the right hip, returning paroxysmally (after one hour). Drawing on the inner side of the left thigh. Tearing on the outer side of th right thigh, extending to the heel, while sitting. Gnawing in the posterior surface of the thigh. A stitch in the left nates. Knee an Leg.
Painful tension in the right knee only while resting part of his weight upon it when bent, not when standing erect, sitting, or lying. Tearing in the left knee. сramp like pain bout the right patella, not relieved by any motion (after three hours and a half). A pain extending up along the tendons of the right popliteus, while standing (after two hours). Drawing in the lower end of the tibia, in bed. Tearing in the calves. Ankle. Paralytic pain in the left ankle, as if the ligaments were relaxed. A numb pain in the inner malleolus. Sharp violent stitches in the left inner malleolus, while sitting (after one hour an a half). Slight drawing in the external malleolus. Tearing in the right external malleolus. Fool and Toes. The feet seem weary an tremulous, while walking. A paralytic pain in the sole of the left foot, when stepping upon it, continuing for several days. Dull stitches on the back of the right foot (after one hour and a quarter).
Sensation as if a great weight were lying upon the nape. Stitches through and through both sides of the back and nape of the neck.
Stitches, extending into the back, while sitting. Long-continued stitches beneath the left scapula. Fine painful stitches close to the spine, between the four last right ribs, aggravated during inspiration (after three hours). Sharp pulse like stitches in the coccyx. Tearing in the coccyx, while sitting.
Distressing heaviness in all the limbs, with internal coldness, in the evening. Sensation on every motion, as if the joints were broken, an on stretching them out as if they had been pressed in; on turning about, a sensation as if they were swollen and sprained. сramp like twinging pains in the joints, almost continually. сonstant stitches in all the joints, especially in the evening. Several tendons are sore to touch.
Superior Extremities.
Shoulder and Arm. Tearing in the left shoulder. Stitches in the shoulders, as if in the bones. Tearing in the shoulders, extending into the fingers. A burning sensation in the left shoulder, as if the bone. Drawing in the upper arm. Heaviness of the right arm. Sensation of heaviness in the arms, even during rest (after a quarter of an hour). Elbow and Forearm. Tearing in the right elbow and malleolus of the foot. Pain in the forearm, as if he had been writing a long time, worse when the arm hangs down. Violent tearing in the right forearm in every position (after four hours sand a half). Wrist and Hand. сramp like pain above the left wrist (after one hour). Trembling of the hands (second day). Drawing in the metacarpal bones. Stitches in the palm of the left hand. Tearing in the right palm. Fingers. The fingers often feel asleep. A paralytic sensation in the finger- joints, afterwards in the arm, and also in other joints. Drawing pain in the thumb and index finger. Tearing in the thumb. Violent tearing in the whole left index finger, without impairment of its motion (after two days). Violent tearing in the first joint of the right middle finger. Pain like a suppuration or like congestion of blood in the tip of the middle finger. Drawing deep in the middle finger. Dull stitches on the back of the index finger. вubbling-like stitches in the bone of the index finger.
Inferior Extremities.
Paralytic drawing in the whole lower extremities, during rest and motion. Drawing in the lower extremities. Hip and Thigh. Tearing in the hip-joints. A sudden violent tearing in the right hip, while sitting. A painful sensation in the right hip-joint, only while walking; if, when walking, he puts the left foot to the ground while the right is extended backward to its farthest point, just before bringing it forward there is a drawing in the right hip- joint, as if the foot were forcibly pulled backward.
Fine needle like stitches in the right hip, returning paroxysmally (after one hour). Drawing on the inner side of the left thigh. Tearing on the outer side of th right thigh, extending to the heel, while sitting. Gnawing in the posterior surface of the thigh. A stitch in the left nates. Knee an Leg.
Painful tension in the right knee only while resting part of his weight upon it when bent, not when standing erect, sitting, or lying. Tearing in the left knee. сramp like pain bout the right patella, not relieved by any motion (after three hours and a half). A pain extending up along the tendons of the right popliteus, while standing (after two hours). Drawing in the lower end of the tibia, in bed. Tearing in the calves. Ankle. Paralytic pain in the left ankle, as if the ligaments were relaxed. A numb pain in the inner malleolus. Sharp violent stitches in the left inner malleolus, while sitting (after one hour an a half). Slight drawing in the external malleolus. Tearing in the right external malleolus. Fool and Toes. The feet seem weary an tremulous, while walking. A paralytic pain in the sole of the left foot, when stepping upon it, continuing for several days. Dull stitches on the back of the right foot (after one hour and a quarter).