Other names and synonyms
cinnam.Description Source
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Cinnamon. Lauracea.
The symptoms marked ‘*’ are from the сinnamomum сassia (from Eastern Asia), the variety in general use as a spice in this country.
The genuine сinnamomum Zeylanicum (from сeylon) was very rarely found in the apothecary shops of Philadelphia.
The symptoms marked ‘*’ are from the сinnamomum сassia (from Eastern Asia), the variety in general use as a spice in this country.
The genuine сinnamomum Zeylanicum (from сeylon) was very rarely found in the apothecary shops of Philadelphia.
Allen’s Encyclopedia, vol. 3, p. 333 ; E. Darwin Jones, Albany, N. Y., poisoning of a child ; Ersch and Gruber ; Strumpf, vol. 1, p. 666 ; Frank, vol. 2, p. 695, vol. 4, p. 110 ; Tanner, Lancet, Oct., 1853 ; Hirschel’s Archiv, vol. 1, p. 195 ; сhaumier, вr. Quart., vol. 14, p. 693.
Psyche and consciousness
Child screams and weeps until midnight.
Great stupor. θ Hysteria.
Vertigo, with weakness and oppression of breathing.
Anxiety : in precordial region ; in heart with hysterical attacks.
Oppression : of chest ; of respiration ; in precordial region.
Pressure : in stomach.
Aching : of teeth.
Cramps : in stomach.
Constriction : of chest.
Formicating pains.
Tickling : in larynx.
Weakness : in legs ; in feet.
Heat : of head ; face ; around left ear.
Coldness : of feet.
Itching : of eyes ; of nose.
Hemorrhages, particularly uterine ; too copious evacuations, exhaustion.
Bone pains, and caries.
Ascites and anasarca.
Child screams and weeps until midnight.
Great stupor. θ Hysteria.
Vertigo, with weakness and oppression of breathing.
Anxiety : in precordial region ; in heart with hysterical attacks.
Oppression : of chest ; of respiration ; in precordial region.
Pressure : in stomach.
Aching : of teeth.
Cramps : in stomach.
Constriction : of chest.
Formicating pains.
Tickling : in larynx.
Weakness : in legs ; in feet.
Heat : of head ; face ; around left ear.
Coldness : of feet.
Itching : of eyes ; of nose.
Hemorrhages, particularly uterine ; too copious evacuations, exhaustion.
Bone pains, and caries.
Ascites and anasarca.
Head, face, and ears
Head severely affected, with oppression of chest. θ Hysteria.
Complained bitterly of headache ; child, at. 18 months.
Headache and apoplectic attacks.
Head and face hot as an oven ; feet cold.
Improves weakness of vision.
Pain from left eye up to vertex in a line along the middle.
Itching of the eyes.
Heat around left ear.
Frequent attacks of nosebleed ; child at. 3 , (toxic). ; tough mucus from nose.
Whole face turned red.
Complained bitterly of headache ; child, at. 18 months.
Headache and apoplectic attacks.
Head and face hot as an oven ; feet cold.
Improves weakness of vision.
Pain from left eye up to vertex in a line along the middle.
Itching of the eyes.
Heat around left ear.
Frequent attacks of nosebleed ; child at. 3 , (toxic). ; tough mucus from nose.
Whole face turned red.
Mouth and throat
Nothing brought on the attacks more surely than talking. θ Hysteria.
Offensive taste in mouth.
Ptyalism, particularly with pain in back.
Sore throat.
Hoarseness with cough.
** It clears the voice when muffled by secretions, scatters the phlegm, and is useful for tickling in larynx.
Nothing brought on the attacks more surely than talking. θ Hysteria.
Offensive taste in mouth.
Ptyalism, particularly with pain in back.
Sore throat.
Hoarseness with cough.
** It clears the voice when muffled by secretions, scatters the phlegm, and is useful for tickling in larynx.
Appetite and food preferences
Canine hunger, with nausea and debility when passing the meal hour.
Want of appetite, with diarrhoea and acidity of stomach.
Want of appetite, with diarrhoea and acidity of stomach.
Gastrointestinal tract
Belching, with colic.
Each attack subsides with a dozen eructations, soon, however, returning. θ Hysteria.
Nausea while riding, with gagging and vomiting of mucus.
Nausea with weakness and vomiting of mucus, 2 to 3 P. M.
Nausea and retching every day at same hour for four days.
Chronic vomiting.
Paroxysms subside as soon as vomiting sets in. θ Hysteria.
Hiccough with diarrhoea ; want of appetite and acidity of stomach.
** Has a tonic effect upon stomach.
Pressure and cramps in stomach.
** Obstructions or induration of liver.
Much flatulence, with colic and pain in uterus.
Metastasis of gout to stomach and intestines.
Diarrhoea : always worse after drinking ; with acidity of stomach ; long-continued constipation with fever and urging to stool.
Stool first of hard balls, then soft and easily evacuated.
Hemorrhage from bowels, occurring especially after any physical exertion, even running across the room ; blood bright red and clear ; child, at. 3 , (toxic).
Each attack subsides with a dozen eructations, soon, however, returning. θ Hysteria.
Nausea while riding, with gagging and vomiting of mucus.
Nausea with weakness and vomiting of mucus, 2 to 3 P. M.
Nausea and retching every day at same hour for four days.
Chronic vomiting.
Paroxysms subside as soon as vomiting sets in. θ Hysteria.
Hiccough with diarrhoea ; want of appetite and acidity of stomach.
** Has a tonic effect upon stomach.
Pressure and cramps in stomach.
** Obstructions or induration of liver.
Much flatulence, with colic and pain in uterus.
Metastasis of gout to stomach and intestines.
Diarrhoea : always worse after drinking ; with acidity of stomach ; long-continued constipation with fever and urging to stool.
Stool first of hard balls, then soft and easily evacuated.
Hemorrhage from bowels, occurring especially after any physical exertion, even running across the room ; blood bright red and clear ; child, at. 3 , (toxic).
Urogenital system
Retention of urine.
Excessive irritability of sexual organs ; causes erections.
Impotence ; sensation of weakness in legs.
Uterine pains.
Menses regular every four weeks, each period, however, lasting eight days longer than usual, and followed by leucorrhoea.
Menses too early and too profuse, particularly in females troubled with itching of nose and nightly restlessness, profuse flow of red blood.
Irregular menstruation.
Menorrhagia depending upon chlorosis or anemia.
After a false step or a strain in loins, profuse flow of bright red blood.
Chronic metrorrhagia.
Chronic leucorrhoea.
Excessive irritability of sexual organs ; causes erections.
Impotence ; sensation of weakness in legs.
Uterine pains.
Menses regular every four weeks, each period, however, lasting eight days longer than usual, and followed by leucorrhoea.
Menses too early and too profuse, particularly in females troubled with itching of nose and nightly restlessness, profuse flow of red blood.
Irregular menstruation.
Menorrhagia depending upon chlorosis or anemia.
After a false step or a strain in loins, profuse flow of bright red blood.
Chronic metrorrhagia.
Chronic leucorrhoea.
Plant characteristics
Vomiting of pregnancy.
Hemorrhage during or after gestation from lifting, straining, overstretching the arms, or taking a false step.
Hemorrhage during pregnancy, threatening abortion.
Weak, ineffectual or false labor pains, spasms, twitchings, or syncope during labor.
Complete cessation of labor pains.
Mitigates the severity of labor.
Severe metrorrhagia in primipara after the first few pains, when the os had dilated about an inch ; placenta descended with the head.
Repeated small hemorrhages during puerperal state.
Metrorrhagia some days after delivery, unaccompanied by plethora.
Three hours after birth convulsions followed the tearing of the cord ; after subsidence of the spasms, violent hemorrhage.
To lessen severity of after pains.
Hemorrhage during or after gestation from lifting, straining, overstretching the arms, or taking a false step.
Hemorrhage during pregnancy, threatening abortion.
Weak, ineffectual or false labor pains, spasms, twitchings, or syncope during labor.
Complete cessation of labor pains.
Mitigates the severity of labor.
Severe metrorrhagia in primipara after the first few pains, when the os had dilated about an inch ; placenta descended with the head.
Repeated small hemorrhages during puerperal state.
Metrorrhagia some days after delivery, unaccompanied by plethora.
Three hours after birth convulsions followed the tearing of the cord ; after subsidence of the spasms, violent hemorrhage.
To lessen severity of after pains.
Chest organs
Oppressed breathing, with vertigo and weakness.
Pain in shoulders and side. θ Rheumatic catarrh.
Pain in chest.
Anxiety and oppression in precordial region, causing constriction of chest. θ Hysteria.
Pain in shoulders and side. θ Rheumatic catarrh.
Pain in chest.
Anxiety and oppression in precordial region, causing constriction of chest. θ Hysteria.
Cardiovascular system
Great cardiac anxiety with attacks. θ Hysteria.
** Heart affections ; strengthens heart.
Loss of pulse during attack. θ Hysteria.
** Heart affections ; strengthens heart.
Loss of pulse during attack. θ Hysteria.
Limbs and spine
Pains in small of back, with ptyalism.
Sensation of weakness in feet. θ Impotence.
Pain in muscles (myalgia).
Erysipelas with ruptured vesicles on right leg.
Hemorrhage from bowels after any physical exertion ; even running across room.
Hemorrhage during or after gestation from lifting, straining, overstretching arms, or taking a false step.
Nausea while riding, better by getting out of wagon, worse by getting in.
While riding : nausea, with gagging and vomiting of mucus.
** Snake bites.
Sensation of weakness in feet. θ Impotence.
Pain in muscles (myalgia).
Erysipelas with ruptured vesicles on right leg.
Hemorrhage from bowels after any physical exertion ; even running across room.
Hemorrhage during or after gestation from lifting, straining, overstretching arms, or taking a false step.
Nausea while riding, better by getting out of wagon, worse by getting in.
While riding : nausea, with gagging and vomiting of mucus.
** Snake bites.
Nervous system
Nervous weakness without fever ; syncope, hysterical attacks after loss of fluids.
Trembling of limbs.
Insensibility occurred with each attack. θ Hysteria.
Spasmodic nervous affections ; epilepsy ; paralysis.
Trembling of limbs.
Insensibility occurred with each attack. θ Hysteria.
Spasmodic nervous affections ; epilepsy ; paralysis.
Profound sleep with attacks. θ Hysteria.
Canine hunger with nausea and debility when passing meal hour.
From 2 to 3 P. M. : nausea, with weakness and vomiting of mucus.
In evening : great fever.
Child screams and cries until midnight.
Canine hunger with nausea and debility when passing meal hour.
From 2 to 3 P. M. : nausea, with weakness and vomiting of mucus.
In evening : great fever.
Child screams and cries until midnight.
** сhilliness with trembling of limbs.
Great fever in evening.
Transient heat with sweat.
Nervous and typhoid fevers, with great impairment of digestion, vomiting, diarrhoea and exhaustion.
Frequent : attacks of nosebleed ; small hemorrhages during puerperal state.
Transient : heat with sweat.
Long-continued constipation with fever and urging to stool.
Every day at same hour for four days, nausea with retching.
Menses regular every four weeks, each period, however, lasting eight days longer than usual.
Chronic : vomiting ; metrorrhagia ; leucorrhoea.
Right : ruptured vesicles on leg.
Left : heat around ear ; from eye to vertex.
Great fever in evening.
Transient heat with sweat.
Nervous and typhoid fevers, with great impairment of digestion, vomiting, diarrhoea and exhaustion.
Frequent : attacks of nosebleed ; small hemorrhages during puerperal state.
Transient : heat with sweat.
Long-continued constipation with fever and urging to stool.
Every day at same hour for four days, nausea with retching.
Menses regular every four weeks, each period, however, lasting eight days longer than usual.
Chronic : vomiting ; metrorrhagia ; leucorrhoea.
Right : ruptured vesicles on leg.
Left : heat around ear ; from eye to vertex.
Common symptoms
Pain : from left eye to vertex in a line along middle ; in back ; in uterus ; in shoulders and side ; in chest ; in small of back ; in muscles ; in bones.
Patient type and constitution
Lymphatic, feeble, cachectic women, with lax tissues and languid circulation.
A woman advanced in years ; hysterical convulsions.
A woman advanced in years ; hysterical convulsions.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by : Acon. (fever and anxiety).
It antidotes : Opium.
Compare : Silic.
It antidotes : Opium.
Compare : Silic.
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug