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Poison Oak or Ivy. Anacardiacea.
Provings by Hahnemann and his provers, R. A. M. L, vol. 2, p. 357 ; Helbig, Heraclides, vol. 1, p. 53 ; Robinson, вr. J. of Hom., vol. 25, p. 330 ; Joslin, Am. Hom. Rev., vol. 1, p. 553 ; вerridge, N. A. J. of Hom., N. S., vol. 3, p. 501 ; and numerous involuntary provings from coming in contact with the plant, or being exposed to its exhalations, see Allen’s Encyclopedia, vol. 8, p. 330.
Provings by Hahnemann and his provers, R. A. M. L, vol. 2, p. 357 ; Helbig, Heraclides, vol. 1, p. 53 ; Robinson, вr. J. of Hom., vol. 25, p. 330 ; Joslin, Am. Hom. Rev., vol. 1, p. 553 ; вerridge, N. A. J. of Hom., N. S., vol. 3, p. 501 ; and numerous involuntary provings from coming in contact with the plant, or being exposed to its exhalations, see Allen’s Encyclopedia, vol. 8, p. 330.
- Melancholia, Sorge, A. H. Z., vol. 93, p. 109 ; Mental disorder, Hartlaub, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 44 ; Fear of being poisoned, Dulac, Hom. сl., vol. 3, p. 75 ; Vertigo, Goullon, A. H. Z., vol. 88, p. 132 ; Headache, Stens, A. H. Z., vol. 91, p. 188 ; Migraine, Hs., A. H. Z., vol. 109, p. 207 ; Meningitis, Sturm, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 128 ; Eruption on head and Ozana, Pulte, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 398 ; Irido-choroiditis, Norton, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 80, from N. Y. J. H., March, 1873, p. 30 ; Opacity of cornea, Stens, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 58, from A. H. Z., vol. 89, p. 156 ; Ophthalmia : rheumatic, catarrhal, scrofulous, exanthematous-scrofulous, erysipelatous, Kammerer, Schelling, Gross, Nehrer, Thorer, Lichtenfels, Lobethal, Mschk., в. J. H., vol. 6, pp. 517-23, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 239 ; сonjunctivitis, в., Medorrhinum Inv., vol. 6, p. 204 ; Ptosis, Le вeau, N. A. J. H., vol. 19, p. 572 ; Swelling under eyes, Munroe, Mass. Trans., vol. 4, p. 374 ; Affection of eye, Martin, Hom. сl., vol. 4, p. 149 ; вuchner, в. J. H., vol. 2, p. 209 ; Epistaxis, Gross, Ng., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 414 ; Facial neuralgia, Schrön, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 189 ; в. J. H., vol. 11, p. 299-301 ; Diphtheria of lips, Nichol, T. H. M. S. Pa., 1887, p. 279 ; Parotitis, Fielitz, Hirsch, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 374 ; Rheumatism of lower jaw, Von Tagen, Hom. сl., vol. 3, p. 142 ; Toothache, Hartman, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 474 ; Sore throat, вaylies, Hom. сl., vol. 1, p. 219 ; esophagitis, Griesselich, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 540 ; Pain in right hypochondrium, Kirkpatrick, Hah. Mo., vol. 10, p. 167 ; Pain in abdomen, вerridge, Hom. Phys., vol. 8, p. 554 ; сolic, Hegewald, A. H. Z., vol. 113, p. 31 ; Physconia peritonealis, (3 cases), Gauwerky, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 728 ; Enteritis, Kirsch, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 356 ; Intestinal catarrh, Molin, в. J. H., vol. 32, p. 696 ; Hernia, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 384 ; Diarrhoea, Martin, Hom. сl., vol. 1, p. 137 ; Mann, Hom. Rev., vol. 16, p. 482 ; сhronic diarrhoea, Madden, в. J. H., vol. 28, p. 717 ; Dysentery, вowie, T. H. M. S. Pa., 1886, p. 154 ; Smith, U. S. M. and S. Jour., Oct., 1870, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 145 ; Pröll, A. H. Z., vol. 113, p. 186 ; Fissure of anus, Macfarlan, Hom. сl., vol. 4, p. 73 ; вright’s disease (2 cases), вürkner, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 524 ; Weakness of bladder, Jacobi, в. J. H., vol. 33, p. 548 ; Incontinence of urine, Sonnenberg, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 45 ; Urinary difficulty, Diez, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 386 ; Metastasis of mumps to testicle, Fisher, вib. Hom., vol. 8, p. 140 ; edema of scrotum and penis, Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 62 ; Ovarian tumor, сhauvet, A. J. H. M. M., vol. 3, p. 65 ; Prolapsus uteri, Southwick, T. A. I. H., 1888, p. 411 ; Polypus of uterus, сuntz, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 169, from I. H. Pr., 2, p. 60 ; Metrorrhagia, Kershaw, Org., vol. 3, p. 368 ; Amenorrhoea, Thorer, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 252 ; Use in dysmenorrhoea, Gorton, Hah. Mo., vol. 7, p. 513 ; Influenza, Hooper, A. J. H. M. M., vol. 9, p. 128 ; Payne, N. E. M. G., vol. 4, p. 232 ; Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 48 ; сough, Miller, Hah. Mo., vol. 7, p. 403 ; Pain in chest, Gregg, Griggs Ill. Rep. (R. radicans), p. 96 ; Hamoptysis, Diez, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 224 ; Pneumonia, Gross, Diez, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 330 ; Sherbino, Hom. Phys., vol. 7, p. 120 ; Use in phthisis, Payne, N. E. M. G., vol. 6, p. 167 ; сardiac neurosis, Pellicer, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 130, from El. сrit. Medorrhinum, June, 1874 ; Affection of heart, сochran, Hah. Mo., vol. 6, p. 397 ; Swelling of glands of neck, Guernsey, M. I., vol. 3, p. 281 ; Spinal irritation, Miller, T. H. M. S., Pa., 1885, p. 181 ; Dittrich, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 189, from A. H. Z., 85, 78 ; Lumbago, Drysdale, в. J. H., vol. 1, p. 36 ; вrewster, Hah. Mo., vol. 10, p. 14 ; Greenleaf, A. H. O., vol. 10, p. 258 ; Glover, Hom. Phys., vol. 8, p. 618 ; Affection of back, Wesselhoeft, Hom. сl., vol. 3, p. 61 ; Martin, Hom. сl., vol. 4, p. 149 ; Strain of shoulder, Stens, A. H. Z., p. 85, vol. 189 ; вurning in hand and arm, Hesse, A. H. Z., vol. 112, p. 68 ; Pain in wrist, Smith, Hom. сl., vol. 1, p. 125 ; Strain of wrist, strain of thumb, Gallupe, M. I., vol. 6, p. 442 ; в. J. H., vol. 24, p. 309 ; Warts on hands, Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 311 ; Injury of hip, Gallupe, в. J. H., vol. 24, p. 308 ; M. I., vol. 6, p. 442 ; Inflammation of hip joint, Hiller, N. A. J. H., vol. 26, p. 375 ; сoxalgia, Weber, A. H. Z., vol. 89, p. 123 ; Sciatica, Villers, в. J. H, vol. 11, p. 146 ; from Hom. Vierteljahrsch., vol. 2, p. 425 ; вürkner, A. H. Z., vol. 111, p. 109 ; Gordon, Hom. сl., vol. 4, p. 29 ; Pratt, M. I., vol. 4, p. 132 ; Seip, T. H. M. S. Pa., vol. 2, p. 269 ; Martin, Hom. Rec., vol. 3, p. 69 ; сarter, Hom. Rec., vol. 3, p. 165 ; Peck, Org., vol. 3, p. 376 ; Ischias, Hendrichs, A. H. Z., vol. 109, p. 126 ; Roberts, A. O., vol. 4, p. 237 ; Rheumatic sciatica, Hughes, в. J. H., vol. 22, p. 238 ; hydarthros genu, Sulzer, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 256, from A. H. Z., vol. 87, p. 84 ; Gonagra, Hartmann, в. J. H., vol. 12, p. 294 ; Swelling of knee joints, Klauber, A. H. Z., vol. 112, p. 140 ; Swelling in popliteal space, Miller, Hah. Mo., vol. 10, p. 163 ; White swelling of knee, Thomas, A. H. Z., vol. 106, p. 46 ; Suppuration of knee, Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 289 ; Pains in legs, Goodno, Hom. сl., vol. 3, p. 140 ; Ulcer on leg, вrewster, Hom. Phys., vol. 8, p. 267 ; Sprain of ankle, Helmuth, N. Y. J. H., vol. 2, p. 272 ; Swelling of foot, E. R. S., Hom. сl., vol. 1, p. 198 ; Fetid foot sweat, Gorton, U. S. M., and S. J., vol. 9, p. 13 ; сhronic inflammation of joints, Sircar, сalcutta Jour., vol. 2, p. 220 ; Eruption on limbs, Norton, Hah. Mo., 1875, Times Ret., 1875, p. 135 ; Hysteria, Schrön, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 288 ; сhorea, Wesselhoeft, Mass. Trans., vol. 4, p. 363 ; Epilepsy, Sircar, сalcutta Jour., vol. 1, p. 458 ; Restlessness of legs, Rushmore, Org., vol. 3, p. 356 ; Loss of co-ordination in legs, Searle, Hom. сl., vol. 1, p. 101 ; Paraplegia, Smith, N. Y. St. Tr., 1869, p. 519, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 192 ; Paralysis,.
Rau, Payr, agidi, Valenti, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 476 ; Paresis, Sorge, Fischer, Schoff, в. J. H., vol. 33, p. 548 ; Peters, N. A. J. H., vol. 4, p. 349 ; Rheumatic lameness, вolle, в. J. H., vol. 25, p. 661 ; Rheumatic paralysis, Hughes, в. J. H., vol. 28, p. 793 ; Paralysis agitans, Payr, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 479 : Ague, Müller, Gross, вattmann, Mschk, в. in D. Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 979 ; A. H. Z., vol. 107, p. 148, Elb., A. H. Z., vol. 110, p. 11 ; Skeels, Hah. Mo., vol. 2, p. 493 ; Mann, Hom. Rev., vol. 16, p. 483 ; Pearson, M. I., vol. 5, p. 433 ; Hills, Medorrhinum Inv., vol. 7, p. 583 ; Miller, Org., vol. 1, p. 324 ; Martin, Org., vol. 2, p. 108 ; Ayres, Org., vol. 2, p. 117 ; Sarchet, Org., vol. 2, p. 135 ; сatarrhal fever, Mann, Hom. Rev., vol. 16, p. 482 ; Rheumatic fevers, Kunkel, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 251, from J. Pr., 1873, p. 237 ; Typhoid fever, Dunham, Hom. Rev., vol. 15, p. 148 ; (5 cases), Wurmb & сaspar, в. J. H., vol. 12, pp. 13-23 ; Rheumatism, Dixon, в. J. H., vol. 28, p. 383 ; Sorge, в. J. H., vol. 33, p. 549 ; H. H., Hom. сl., vol. 1, p. 13 ; Hall, Hom. Rev., vol. 16, p. 485 ; Hupfield, T. A. I. H., 1880, p. 224 ; Smith, Medorrhinum Inv., vol. 4, p. 277 ; Inflammatory rheumatism, вaxter, Proc. H. M. S., Ohio, 1874, p. 110 ; Anasarca, Weber, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 354 ; Newton, Hom. Rev., vol. 14, p. 340 ; Searle, A. H. O., vol. 6, p. 225 ; Dropsy, Hesse, Hom. Phys., vol. 7, p. 25 ; вoils, Mooers, Am. Hom., vol. 1, p. 215 ; вoils and abscesses, сhamberlain, N. E. M. G., vol. 12, p. 107 ; сarbuncle, Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 194 ; Induration of glands, Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 410 ; Syphilitic nodes, Peters, N. A. J. H., vol. 4, p. 535 ; Secondary syphilis, вerridge, Hah. Mo., vol. 10, p. 78 ; Erysipelas, Holeczek, Gross, вethmann, Goullon, Kapper, Schwarze, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 147 ; вerridge, Hah. Mo., vol. 9, p. 344 ; вrewster, Hah. Mo., vol. 10, p. 14 ; W. J. в., A. J. H. M. M., vols. 2, p. 265 ; Payne, N. E. M. G., vol. 4, p. 235 ; Erysipelatous inflammation, Walker, Medorrhinum Inv., vol. 5, p. 323 ; Erysipelas bullosum, Goullon, N. A. J. H., vol. 4, p. 547 ; Herpes zoster (2 cases), вurnett, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 291, from H. W., vol. 8, p. 37 ; вlake, в. J. H., vol. 30, p. 119 ; Zona, Russell, в. J. H., vol. 30, p. 119 ; Hawley, Hom. Phys., vol. 5, p. 168 ; Erythema nodosum, Newton, Hom. Rev., vol. 15, p. 212 ; Urticaria, Kent, Hom. Phys., vol. 4, p. 262 ; Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 200 ; Eczema, вlake, в. J. H., vol. 30, p. 118 ; Elb, A. H. Z., vol. 111, p. 164 ; Hedges, U. S. M. and S. J., vol. 8, p. 441 ; Eczema rubrum, Eczema impetiginoides, Arcularius, N. A. J. H., vol. 20, p. 145-6 ; сrusta lactea, Hooper, A. J. H. M. M., vol. 9, p. 128 ; Psoriasis, Preston, Org., vol. 3, p. 373 ; Purpura, Müller, H. in F., Rückert, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 206 : сhronic eruptions, Stapf Jahr, Trinks, Lindner, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 256 ; Itching eruption, Stowe, Org., vol. 2, p. 220 ; Scarlet fever, Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 63 ; Farrington, Hah. Mo., vol. 7, p. 378 ; Measles, Goullon, в. J. H., vol. 30, p. 587, from A. H. Z., Jan., 1872 ; Smallpox, Mayrhofer, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 114 ; Rhus poisoning, Miller, T. H. M. S. Pa., 1886, p. 152.
Rau, Payr, agidi, Valenti, Schelling, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 476 ; Paresis, Sorge, Fischer, Schoff, в. J. H., vol. 33, p. 548 ; Peters, N. A. J. H., vol. 4, p. 349 ; Rheumatic lameness, вolle, в. J. H., vol. 25, p. 661 ; Rheumatic paralysis, Hughes, в. J. H., vol. 28, p. 793 ; Paralysis agitans, Payr, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 479 : Ague, Müller, Gross, вattmann, Mschk, в. in D. Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 979 ; A. H. Z., vol. 107, p. 148, Elb., A. H. Z., vol. 110, p. 11 ; Skeels, Hah. Mo., vol. 2, p. 493 ; Mann, Hom. Rev., vol. 16, p. 483 ; Pearson, M. I., vol. 5, p. 433 ; Hills, Medorrhinum Inv., vol. 7, p. 583 ; Miller, Org., vol. 1, p. 324 ; Martin, Org., vol. 2, p. 108 ; Ayres, Org., vol. 2, p. 117 ; Sarchet, Org., vol. 2, p. 135 ; сatarrhal fever, Mann, Hom. Rev., vol. 16, p. 482 ; Rheumatic fevers, Kunkel, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 251, from J. Pr., 1873, p. 237 ; Typhoid fever, Dunham, Hom. Rev., vol. 15, p. 148 ; (5 cases), Wurmb & сaspar, в. J. H., vol. 12, pp. 13-23 ; Rheumatism, Dixon, в. J. H., vol. 28, p. 383 ; Sorge, в. J. H., vol. 33, p. 549 ; H. H., Hom. сl., vol. 1, p. 13 ; Hall, Hom. Rev., vol. 16, p. 485 ; Hupfield, T. A. I. H., 1880, p. 224 ; Smith, Medorrhinum Inv., vol. 4, p. 277 ; Inflammatory rheumatism, вaxter, Proc. H. M. S., Ohio, 1874, p. 110 ; Anasarca, Weber, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 354 ; Newton, Hom. Rev., vol. 14, p. 340 ; Searle, A. H. O., vol. 6, p. 225 ; Dropsy, Hesse, Hom. Phys., vol. 7, p. 25 ; вoils, Mooers, Am. Hom., vol. 1, p. 215 ; вoils and abscesses, сhamberlain, N. E. M. G., vol. 12, p. 107 ; сarbuncle, Gross, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 194 ; Induration of glands, Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 410 ; Syphilitic nodes, Peters, N. A. J. H., vol. 4, p. 535 ; Secondary syphilis, вerridge, Hah. Mo., vol. 10, p. 78 ; Erysipelas, Holeczek, Gross, вethmann, Goullon, Kapper, Schwarze, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 147 ; вerridge, Hah. Mo., vol. 9, p. 344 ; вrewster, Hah. Mo., vol. 10, p. 14 ; W. J. в., A. J. H. M. M., vols. 2, p. 265 ; Payne, N. E. M. G., vol. 4, p. 235 ; Erysipelatous inflammation, Walker, Medorrhinum Inv., vol. 5, p. 323 ; Erysipelas bullosum, Goullon, N. A. J. H., vol. 4, p. 547 ; Herpes zoster (2 cases), вurnett, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 291, from H. W., vol. 8, p. 37 ; вlake, в. J. H., vol. 30, p. 119 ; Zona, Russell, в. J. H., vol. 30, p. 119 ; Hawley, Hom. Phys., vol. 5, p. 168 ; Erythema nodosum, Newton, Hom. Rev., vol. 15, p. 212 ; Urticaria, Kent, Hom. Phys., vol. 4, p. 262 ; Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 200 ; Eczema, вlake, в. J. H., vol. 30, p. 118 ; Elb, A. H. Z., vol. 111, p. 164 ; Hedges, U. S. M. and S. J., vol. 8, p. 441 ; Eczema rubrum, Eczema impetiginoides, Arcularius, N. A. J. H., vol. 20, p. 145-6 ; сrusta lactea, Hooper, A. J. H. M. M., vol. 9, p. 128 ; Psoriasis, Preston, Org., vol. 3, p. 373 ; Purpura, Müller, H. in F., Rückert, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 206 : сhronic eruptions, Stapf Jahr, Trinks, Lindner, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 256 ; Itching eruption, Stowe, Org., vol. 2, p. 220 ; Scarlet fever, Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 63 ; Farrington, Hah. Mo., vol. 7, p. 378 ; Measles, Goullon, в. J. H., vol. 30, p. 587, from A. H. Z., Jan., 1872 ; Smallpox, Mayrhofer, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 114 ; Rhus poisoning, Miller, T. H. M. S. Pa., 1886, p. 152.
Psyche and consciousness
Absence of mind ; forgetfulness ; difficult comprehension, cannot remember recent events ; recalls with difficulty things and names.
Languor of the mind, is unable to hold an idea.
Stupefaction, with tingling in head and pains in limbs,. in motion.
Illusions of the fancy ; visions.
Low, mild delirium, thinks he is roaming over fields, or hard at work.
Incoherent talking ; answers hastily or reluctantly, thought seems difficult ; answers correctly but slowly.
Anxiety, timidity ; worse at twilight ; restless change of place ; wants to go from bed to bed.
Apprehensive, anxious and tremulous.
Inexpressible anxiety, with pressure at heart and tearing at small of back.
Great apprehension at night ; cannot remain in bed.
Anxiety : while sitting was obliged to take hold of something because she did not think she could keep up on account of the beating and drawing pains in limbs ; and apprehension as if he wished to take his own life ; with loss of strength as if he would die.
Fear and despair on account of sad thoughts, which she could not get rid of.
Fear. That he will die ; with anxiousness and sighing ; of being poisoned.
Fretful ; general unhappiness of temper.
Ill-humored, depressed ; easily moved to tears.
Impatient and vexed at every trifle ; she does not endure being talked to.
Great despondency, with prostration ; inclination to weep, especially in evening, with desire for solitude.
Disgust for life : thoughts of suicide ; wants to drown himself ; with fear of death ; with desire to die, without sadness.
Depression and discouragement and dissatisfaction with the world, in the evening.
Sad, begins to weep without knowing why.
Melancholy, ill-humor and anxiety, as if a misfortune would happen, or as if she were alone and all about her were dead and still, or as if she had been forsaken by a near friend ; worse in house, better walking in open air.
Melancholia after suppression of menses by fright and sorrow ; great restlessness and anguish as if she had committed a crime, or as if she thought some terrible calamity impended ; these feelings drove her from one place to another ; could not rest quietly at night in bed ; was robbed of sleep and all desire to live ; slight pain in temples ; a little vertigo ; head cool ; much depressed in mind ; spoke but little.
Restlessness and anxiety about heart as if she had committed a crime or as if some great misfortune was in store for her, is driven from one place to another ; deprived of sleep and all desire to live ; always depressed, speaks little, no appetite, sometimes belching which relieves ; slight vertigo and pain in temples. θ Amenorrhoea from fright.
After fright heavy feeling in forehead ; a week later she told her mother not to look at her ; seemed to be distrustful and did not wish to see any one ; she came running in from the street and said people were looking at her ; sat quietly alone ; her eyes dim, shunned the light ; since this time the symptoms have returned three times, lasting six weeks each time ; this time eight weeks, symptoms as before but without the complaint of the eyes ; cries without cause, imagines people are finding fault with her because she is earning nothing, acts in a childish manner ; heaviness of head when head is in a low position ; beating in temple on which she is lying ; after taking cold, diarrhoea ; for past week coughed when lying down, with stitches in pit of stomach ; chilly hands and feet ; frequent motion in bowels.
Anxiety : in chest.
Oppression : in stomach ; of chest.
Dryness : of mouth ; of tongue ; of throat ; of gums ; of eyes.
Restlessness : of lower limbs.
Pulsation : in pit of stomach.
Trembling : of arms ; of knees.
Tremulous feeling : about heart.
Fluttering sensation : in stomach and left chest.
Gurgling sensation : in heart region.
Swashing, jarring sensation : in brain.
Lameness : of left arm ; of sacrum ; of leg.
Paralytic feeling : in arms ; in left shoulder ; in anterior muscles of thighs.
Weakness : of lower limbs.
Weariness : of legs ; of feet.
Stiffness : of lids ; of jaws ; in back of neck ; of joints ; in back and limbs ; of cardiac region ; of shoulder and back ; in small of back ; of sacrum ; of forearms and fingers ; in pelvic articulation ; painful, of back ; of knees and feet ; in joints.
Numbness : of left arm and foot ; from hips to feet ; in left chest ; of finger ; of hands and fingers ; from finger to elbow ; of right leg ; of feet ; of lower part of right foot ; in limbs ; of fingers.
Deadness : of lower part of right foot.
Crawling : in finger tips ; from finger to elbow ; of right leg ; in tendons of knees ; in feet.
Biting, itching : on scalp, forehead, face and about mouth, of eruption on hand and face.
Itching : under scurfs on head ; in eyes ; of eruption around mouth and nose ; inner surface of prepuce ; of scrotum ; in rectum ; of eruption of arms and hands ; intolerable, of legs and feet ; of ulcers ; of eruption on limbs ; of urticaria ; intolerable, of rash all over skin ; of hairy parts ; of small pimples ; of eczema ; of eruption about nipples, breast, back, chest, forehead, scalp and hair.
Chilliness : in back and head.
Coldness : of forearms, forehead and cheeks ; of left arm and foot ; of larynx ; of arm ; of left leg ; of legs ; all over internal of limbs.
Acts on fibrous and muscular tissues.
Soreness and stiffness in muscles, pass off during any exercise.
Flesh of affected parts sore to touch.
Pain as if flesh were torn loose from bones ; or as if the bones were being scraped.
Pains as if sprained in outer parts ; disposition to sprain a part by lifting heavy weights, or stretching arms high up to reach things.
Inflammation of tendons of muscles, from overexertion or sudden wrenching as in case of a sprain.
Affections of ligaments, tendons and membranes, connected with joints.
Bad effects of getting wet, especially after being heated.
In inner parts sensation of fulness ; or as if they were grown together (adhesion) or as if something in them were torn loose.
Dropsy, with turbid urine.
Abdomen and legs greatly enlarged ; from some points of legs water trickles down ; appetite good, no thirst, passes little urine ; after eating, pains in stomach ; sensitive to cold, damp weather ; preferred to lie propped up in bed.
General dropsy ; scrotum swollen, from prepuce there hung a long-shaped blister.
Dropsy resulting from amenorrhoea, caused by being drenched in rain.
Smooth, red and shining swellings, the inflamed skin being covered with small painful white vesicles.
Inflammatory swellings.
Cellulitis ; accompanying diphtheria ; orbital cellulitis with formation of pus.
Boils and abscesses.
Child emaciated ; covered with abscesses, most of them of a bloody character ; child appeared as if it would shortly die.
Carbuncle, in beginning, when pains are intense, and the affected parts are dark red ; if given early may abort whole trouble.
Glands swollen, hot, painful ; indurated ; suppurating.
Abscesses of axillary and parotid glands, swelling painful to touch, and discharging a bloody serous pus, with stinging and gnawing pains.
Scrofulous induration of glands of neck, nape of neck and lower jaw.
Prominent projections of bones, are sore to touch ; as, for example, the cheek bones.
Inflammation and swelling of long bones.
Crusty caries, always combined with tetter, in rheumatic or gouty subjects.
Scrofulous and rickety affections.
Languor of the mind, is unable to hold an idea.
Stupefaction, with tingling in head and pains in limbs,. in motion.
Illusions of the fancy ; visions.
Low, mild delirium, thinks he is roaming over fields, or hard at work.
Incoherent talking ; answers hastily or reluctantly, thought seems difficult ; answers correctly but slowly.
Anxiety, timidity ; worse at twilight ; restless change of place ; wants to go from bed to bed.
Apprehensive, anxious and tremulous.
Inexpressible anxiety, with pressure at heart and tearing at small of back.
Great apprehension at night ; cannot remain in bed.
Anxiety : while sitting was obliged to take hold of something because she did not think she could keep up on account of the beating and drawing pains in limbs ; and apprehension as if he wished to take his own life ; with loss of strength as if he would die.
Fear and despair on account of sad thoughts, which she could not get rid of.
Fear. That he will die ; with anxiousness and sighing ; of being poisoned.
Fretful ; general unhappiness of temper.
Ill-humored, depressed ; easily moved to tears.
Impatient and vexed at every trifle ; she does not endure being talked to.
Great despondency, with prostration ; inclination to weep, especially in evening, with desire for solitude.
Disgust for life : thoughts of suicide ; wants to drown himself ; with fear of death ; with desire to die, without sadness.
Depression and discouragement and dissatisfaction with the world, in the evening.
Sad, begins to weep without knowing why.
Melancholy, ill-humor and anxiety, as if a misfortune would happen, or as if she were alone and all about her were dead and still, or as if she had been forsaken by a near friend ; worse in house, better walking in open air.
Melancholia after suppression of menses by fright and sorrow ; great restlessness and anguish as if she had committed a crime, or as if she thought some terrible calamity impended ; these feelings drove her from one place to another ; could not rest quietly at night in bed ; was robbed of sleep and all desire to live ; slight pain in temples ; a little vertigo ; head cool ; much depressed in mind ; spoke but little.
Restlessness and anxiety about heart as if she had committed a crime or as if some great misfortune was in store for her, is driven from one place to another ; deprived of sleep and all desire to live ; always depressed, speaks little, no appetite, sometimes belching which relieves ; slight vertigo and pain in temples. θ Amenorrhoea from fright.
After fright heavy feeling in forehead ; a week later she told her mother not to look at her ; seemed to be distrustful and did not wish to see any one ; she came running in from the street and said people were looking at her ; sat quietly alone ; her eyes dim, shunned the light ; since this time the symptoms have returned three times, lasting six weeks each time ; this time eight weeks, symptoms as before but without the complaint of the eyes ; cries without cause, imagines people are finding fault with her because she is earning nothing, acts in a childish manner ; heaviness of head when head is in a low position ; beating in temple on which she is lying ; after taking cold, diarrhoea ; for past week coughed when lying down, with stitches in pit of stomach ; chilly hands and feet ; frequent motion in bowels.
Anxiety : in chest.
Oppression : in stomach ; of chest.
Dryness : of mouth ; of tongue ; of throat ; of gums ; of eyes.
Restlessness : of lower limbs.
Pulsation : in pit of stomach.
Trembling : of arms ; of knees.
Tremulous feeling : about heart.
Fluttering sensation : in stomach and left chest.
Gurgling sensation : in heart region.
Swashing, jarring sensation : in brain.
Lameness : of left arm ; of sacrum ; of leg.
Paralytic feeling : in arms ; in left shoulder ; in anterior muscles of thighs.
Weakness : of lower limbs.
Weariness : of legs ; of feet.
Stiffness : of lids ; of jaws ; in back of neck ; of joints ; in back and limbs ; of cardiac region ; of shoulder and back ; in small of back ; of sacrum ; of forearms and fingers ; in pelvic articulation ; painful, of back ; of knees and feet ; in joints.
Numbness : of left arm and foot ; from hips to feet ; in left chest ; of finger ; of hands and fingers ; from finger to elbow ; of right leg ; of feet ; of lower part of right foot ; in limbs ; of fingers.
Deadness : of lower part of right foot.
Crawling : in finger tips ; from finger to elbow ; of right leg ; in tendons of knees ; in feet.
Biting, itching : on scalp, forehead, face and about mouth, of eruption on hand and face.
Itching : under scurfs on head ; in eyes ; of eruption around mouth and nose ; inner surface of prepuce ; of scrotum ; in rectum ; of eruption of arms and hands ; intolerable, of legs and feet ; of ulcers ; of eruption on limbs ; of urticaria ; intolerable, of rash all over skin ; of hairy parts ; of small pimples ; of eczema ; of eruption about nipples, breast, back, chest, forehead, scalp and hair.
Chilliness : in back and head.
Coldness : of forearms, forehead and cheeks ; of left arm and foot ; of larynx ; of arm ; of left leg ; of legs ; all over internal of limbs.
Acts on fibrous and muscular tissues.
Soreness and stiffness in muscles, pass off during any exercise.
Flesh of affected parts sore to touch.
Pain as if flesh were torn loose from bones ; or as if the bones were being scraped.
Pains as if sprained in outer parts ; disposition to sprain a part by lifting heavy weights, or stretching arms high up to reach things.
Inflammation of tendons of muscles, from overexertion or sudden wrenching as in case of a sprain.
Affections of ligaments, tendons and membranes, connected with joints.
Bad effects of getting wet, especially after being heated.
In inner parts sensation of fulness ; or as if they were grown together (adhesion) or as if something in them were torn loose.
Dropsy, with turbid urine.
Abdomen and legs greatly enlarged ; from some points of legs water trickles down ; appetite good, no thirst, passes little urine ; after eating, pains in stomach ; sensitive to cold, damp weather ; preferred to lie propped up in bed.
General dropsy ; scrotum swollen, from prepuce there hung a long-shaped blister.
Dropsy resulting from amenorrhoea, caused by being drenched in rain.
Smooth, red and shining swellings, the inflamed skin being covered with small painful white vesicles.
Inflammatory swellings.
Cellulitis ; accompanying diphtheria ; orbital cellulitis with formation of pus.
Boils and abscesses.
Child emaciated ; covered with abscesses, most of them of a bloody character ; child appeared as if it would shortly die.
Carbuncle, in beginning, when pains are intense, and the affected parts are dark red ; if given early may abort whole trouble.
Glands swollen, hot, painful ; indurated ; suppurating.
Abscesses of axillary and parotid glands, swelling painful to touch, and discharging a bloody serous pus, with stinging and gnawing pains.
Scrofulous induration of glands of neck, nape of neck and lower jaw.
Prominent projections of bones, are sore to touch ; as, for example, the cheek bones.
Inflammation and swelling of long bones.
Crusty caries, always combined with tetter, in rheumatic or gouty subjects.
Scrofulous and rickety affections.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo : and dulness of head ; as if intoxicated when rising from bed ; with chilliness, and pressure behind eyes ; in the aged, worse when rising from lying, turning or stooping ; when standing or walking ; while lying down.
Weakness of head ; whenever she turned the head she quite lost consciousness ; on stooping it seemed as if she could never rise again.
Head confused and dull.
Dulness of head : pressure in right temple, and just above and behind right orbit a pressing downward as from a weight ; disinclination for literary work ; and an intoxicated feeling, in morning ; as if intoxicated while sitting, on rising such dizziness that it seemed as if she were going to fall forward and backward.
Heaviness and dulness of head on turning eyes ; even the eyeball hurts.
Head so heavy that she was obliged to hold it upright in order to relieve the weight pressing forward into forehead.
Burning in forehead when walking.
Feeling as of a board strapped across forehead.
Pain in left temple and orbital region, appearing daily for three months, and lasting until evening ; caused by getting wet ; better from rapid motion.
Brain feels loose when stepping or shaking head.
A sensation of swashing and jarring in brain ; each step concusses brain.
Pain as if brain were torn, worse when moving eyes.
Headache : stupefying, with buzzing ; worse when sitting or lying, in cold, in morning, from beer ; better from warmth and motion ; must lie down ; returns from least chagrin ; immediately after a meal.
Stitches in head extending to ears, root of nose and malar bones, with toothache.
Feeling as if parts were screwed together in muscles of back part of head.
Dull pain beginning in occiput extending to vertex and thence to forehead, there attaining an intolerable degree of severity ; at times vomiting of bile which relieves the pain but exhausts the patient ; pain begins in morning, lasts until 5 P. M., and is particularly severe after 3 o’clock, better by walking rapidly in open air ; paroxysms every week. θ Migraine.
Periodical attacks of headache ; pain particularly in back part of head, so severe that she cannot speak and must go to bed for 24 hours, during which time she neither speaks, eats nor drinks ; the slightest vexation or least exercise in open air, particularly if she amused herself at same time, brought on an attack next day. θ Hysteria.
Occipital headache ; muscles sore, better from moving and warmth ; caused by draught, dampness, or by internal causes, as in typhoid.
Headache in occiput, better by bending head backward.
Painful tingling in head, especially of occiput.
Aching in occipital protuberances.
Rush of blood to head, with humming, formication and throbbing ; face glistening and red ; restless moving about.
Meningitis in exanthematous fevers, or after getting wet ; tingling limbs ; high fever ; restlessness.
For two days complete loss of consciousness ; right upper and lower extremities paralyzed ; pulse rapid, trembling, scarcely perceptible ; involuntary escape of urine ; respiration very gentle, with frequent moaning ; appearance cadaverous ; oedematous swelling of lids ; body cold to touch. θ Meningitis.
Cerebro-spinal meningitis ; anxiety, restlessness, stupefaction, vertigo ; fulness and bruised pain in head, extending to ears ; bleeding of ears and nose ; dry cough, with perhaps bloody sputa ; pain in back as if sprained ; tearing tensive pains, with stiffness of muscles and joints ; vivid dreams ; various eruptions.
Head painful to touch, sore as a boil.
Scalp sensitive, worse on side not lain on, when growing warm in bed, from touch and combing hair.
Violent tearing and drawing pains in periosteum of cranial bones ; worse at rest and in damp, stormy cold weather ; better wrapping head up warmly and by dry heat and exercise.
Headache as if occipital tissues were screwed together.
Liability to take cold from having the head wetted.
Vesicular erysipelas of scalp, going from left to right.
Biting itching on scalp, forehead, face and about mouth, with eruption of pimples like nettlerash.
Thick scurf over hairy whole scalp, from under which a greenish pus discharges ; severe itching at night under the scurfs ; hair eaten away.
Eruption on head, eating into surrounding parts, with violent itching at night ; discharge of greenish pus from right nostril ; left nostril excoriated, with discharge of bloody mucus on blowing nose.
Eruption suppurating, moist, forming thick offensivesmelling crusts ; itching worse at night ; hair is eaten off ; extends to shoulders. θ Scald-head.
Dry herpes on hairy scalp.
Aversion to light ; scrofulous affections.
Extreme confusion of sight.
Obscurity of vision ; sensation as of a veil before eyes.
Lids red, swollen, oedematous, especially the upper, and spasmodically closed, with profuse gushes of hot tears on opening them ; saclike swelling of conjunctiva ; yellow, purulent, mucous discharge ; swelling around eyes ; burning pain in eye, with much photophobia ; stitches in eyes and temples, with vertigo ; lids cannot be opened ; worse in evening ; pressive burning pain in right eye, so intense he could not bear slightest touch ; child lies constantly on its face with its hands to its head ; head hot and face red. θ Irido-choroiditis.
Mr. S., at. 66, rheumatic diathesis ; had a cataract removed by Grafe’s modified linear extraction ; on second night after operation, sharp pains in eye, restless, fever and thirst ; upper lid oedematous, lids tightly closed, on opening a profuse gush of hot tears followed ; chemosis, haziness of aqueous, suppuration commencing. θ Irido-choroiditis suppurativa traumatica.
Miss D., at. 18 ; had discission made of capsule remaining after extraction of cataract ; nausea, vomiting ; 1 A. M., sharp shooting pain in eye, lids spasmodically closed, oedematous, profuse hot lachrymation on opening, photophobia, chemosis.
Iritis. Either of rheumatic or traumatic origin or from exposure to wet ; inflammation may extend to and involve choroid ; pains shoot through eyes to back of head, worse worse at night ; profuse flow of hot tears on opening eyes ; in some cases inflammation may go on to suppuration in rheumatic or gouty subjects ; suppurative, or where the ciliary body and choroid are involved, especially if of traumatic origin.
Mydriasis from exposure to cold and dampness.
Pustules and superficial ulcers on cornea, with great photophobia ; conjunctiva quite red, even to chemosis.
Suppuration of cornea, especially when consequent upon cataract extraction.
Totally blind ; cornea filled between its lamella with a thick whitish exudation ; iris distorted ; iridectomy of no avail ; has been subject to facial erysipelas ; cold water had suppressed eruption ; since then weak sight, gradually total blindness, until relieved. θ Opacity of cornea.
Kerato-iritis, especially if rheumatic in character, from cold, damp atmosphere.
Orbital cellulitis.
Pain in right eyeball, of such intensity that she could not bear even a slight touch ; redness of sclerotic, and development of numerous bloodvessels ; dulness of cornea, great sensibility to light ; iris of affected eye, which in its natural state was blue, is now green, pupillary margin not well defined, pupil itself does not move when exposed to light, lens appeared of a smoky dimness ; an eruption of red pimples and pustules on nose and cheek increased as action of eye declined, and vice versa ; a burning tearing pain in neighborhood of diseased eye, worse morning and night, depriving patient of rest and sleep.
Itching in eyes on exerting vision.
Aching or pressive pain in eyes.
Left eye felt enormously swollen and enlarged, though this was not the case.
Sharp pains run from eyes into head.
Biting as from something sharp and acrid in right eye.
Biting in eyes ; lids agglutinated in morning.
Drawing and tearing in region of brows and in malar bones.
Eyes are closed and greatly swollen and inflamed.
Acute conjunctivitis from getting wet.
Great photophobia, profuse acrid lachrymation in morning and in open air ; cheek under eye dotted with red pimples ; lids spasmodically closed.
Violent inflammation of right eye. θ сonjunctivitis.
Saclike swelling of conjunctiva, with yellow purulent discharge.
Eyes red and agglutinated in morning.
Catarrhal ophthalmia ; lids swollen and completely closed, from under which escaped, from time to time, purulent mucus ; on attempting to open lids there flowed out a quantity of water, and the conjunctiva covering the lids was loose, swollen, projecting betwixt the lids and prevented the eyeball from being seen.
Arthritic ophthalmia, from working in water or getting wet, with tearing pain in eyes, especially at night.
Scrofulous ophthalmia ; phlyctenules on and about cornea ; intense photophobia ; eyelids involved and spasmodically closed ; yellow pus gushes out when they are forced apart ; pains worse at night.
Scrofulous ophthalmia ; right eye affected ; not much photophobia ; lids slightly swollen ; on cornea a small scrofulous ulcer surrounded by fasciculi of vessels.
Scrofulous ophthalmia, with phlyctenula on edge of cornea of left eye ; pain and photophobia not very great ; scrofulous eruption on internal nose, which was much swollen.
Conjunctiva of left eye very red and studded with small ulcers ; great photophobia ; frequent lachrymation ; eruption behind ears and beneath scalp, exuding plentifully. θ Scrofulous ophthalmia.
Violent inflammation of eyeball ; two dirty-looking ulcers on cornea of left eye size of hemp seeds ; great photophobia ; thick scabs around ala nasi and angles of mouth. θ Scrofulous ophthalmia.
Scrofulous ophthalmia ; excessive photophobia, child lies all day with face resting on floor ; constant restlessness, loss of appetite ; emaciation.
Right eye surrounded by an oedematous swelling, from border of orbit to ala nasi ; eyes slightly red, lachrymose by day, closed up by night ; child constantly rubbing its eyes, restless and sleepless. θ Ophthalmia erysipelatous.
Conjunctivitis granulosa ; worse in right eye ; heaviness of lids ; worse in stormy weather, with pannus.
Ophthalmia neonatorum ; lids red, oedematously swollen and spasmodically closed ; restlessness at night.
Pains in eyes when moving or turning eyeballs.
Paralysis of any of muscles of eyeball, resulting from rheumatism, exposure to cold or getting feet wet.
Burning in inner canthus of right eye.
Weeping eyes ; bleareyedness.
Epiphora of long standing, with an apparent stricture of lachrymal duct.
Inflammation of lids ; lids much swollen.
Right upper lid much swollen, hard ; pains worse from 5 to 7 P. M. ; walking around does not relieve ; when she moves her eye it feels as if there was a hard ball moving around ; burning, itching, shooting pains around lid ; worse in cold air.
Erysipelas of lids, sometimes of traumatic origin ; profuse lachrymation, spasmodic closure of lids.
Eyelids oedematous, or erysipelatous, with scattered watery vesicles ; meibomian glands enlarged, cilia fall out.
Edematous erysipelatous swelling of lids and face, with small watery vesicles scattered over the surface, and drawing pains in cheek and head.
Lids look red and fiery, like erysipelas, and itch greatly.
Violent burning, itching and prickling in swollen lids.
Uncomplicated blepharitis, especially of acute form, with a tendency to formation of abscess ; lids highly oedematous, profuse lachrymation with pain ; worse at night, better from warm applications.
Simple oedema of lids.
Eyelids present a bladder-like appearance, and the lids are closed from the great swelling.
Lids oedematously swollen, copious, acrid, serous discharge, corrodes adjacent parts. θ вlepharitis.
Chronic inflammation of lids ; puffiness of lids and face ; meibomian glands enlarged ; falling out of cilia ; itching and biting in lids ; sensation of dryness of eyes ; burning in internal canthus ; acrid lachrymation in morning and in open air, or constant and profuse lachrymation which may be acrid or not.
Relaxation of eyelids, with puffiness of lids and hot, flushed face.
Heaviness and stiffness of lids, like a paralysis, as if it were difficult to move lids.
Ptosis of right eyelid in a girl, at. 5, first noticed when five days old ; whenever.
She wished to open her eye to look at anything, she involuntarily opened widely her mouth, which made her look ludicrous.
Ptosis, also paralysis of muscles of eyeball, from exposure to cold or wet ; in rheumatic patient.
Lids agglutinated with purulent mucus, in morning.
Eruption on left lower lid ; inflammation of conjunctiva ; burning and painful twitching in affected part.
A red, hard swelling, like a stye, on lower lid, toward inner canthus, with pressive pain, lasting six days.
Styes on lower lids.
Symptoms of lids dependent upon inflammation of deeper structures.
Hardness of hearing, especially of human voice.
Otalgia, with pulsation in ear at night.
Excoriating discharge of bloody pus from ear in acute inflammation.
Erysipelatous inflammation of external and internal ear, vesicular, with excessive otalgia.
Inflammatory swelling of glands beneath ears. θ After scarlatina.
Lobule of left ear swollen.
Parotitis, left side ; especially suppuration. θ Scarlatina.
Loss of smell.
Nosebleed. Frequent ; on stooping ; in morning ; at night ; coagulated blood ; at stool, or from exertion ; in typhus, with some relief.
Spasmodic sneezing.
Sudden cessation of cough followed by most outrageous sneezing, all night ; in morning face red, swollen, cannot talk for sneezing ; points to head and abdomen. θ Influenza.
Dryness and stoppage of nose.
Sensation of soreness in nostrils.
Discharge from nose : of thick, yellow mucus ; of nasal mucus without coryza ; of green, offensive pus ; of yellow ichor, with swollen cervical glands ; hot, acrid from nares.
Hot burning beneath left nostril so that the breath seemed to come out of it hot.
Swelling of nose.
Tip of nose red and sensitive ; nose sore internally.
Puffiness of nose.
Fever blisters and crusts under nose.
Eczema on both sides below nose ; nose swollen, now and then bleeding.
Eruption in corners of nose.
Face : fiery red ; pale, sunken, nose pointed, blue around eyes ; red, with heat.
Burning, drawing, tearing in face ; teeth feel too long ; restlessness.
For several successive nights, awoke after having been asleep about an hour, with pain in temporal region of l. side, extending toward head, cheeks and teeth of same side ; pain increased from minute to minute, was of a glowing, tearing character and forced him to quit his bed and walk about the room for three hours during the night ; went to bed exhausted, fell asleep, but awoke again in half an hour and was obliged once more to walk about until 7 or 8 A. M. ; during day teeth of affected side felt too long and were loose so that he could masticate but little ; felt very weak and cold. θ Facial neuralgia.
Facial neuralgia ; feeling of great coldness ; worse in open air ; violent evening exacerbation ; dysenteric diarrhoea.
From having been in a cellar, where he perspired much, especially on head, old neuralgic pains reappeared ; patient pressed hand on left cheek, pressed teeth together and had a distorted painful face.
Tension and swelling of face.
Great swelling of face, especially of eyelids and ears.
Violent burning in swollen face, lids and ears.
Erysipelas from left to right ; face dark-red, covered with yellow vesicles ; burning, itching and tingling with stinging ; delirium and high fever.
Whole face swollen, eyes nearly closed ; ears swollen ; swelling of face red, hot, with tension and burning, right side being covered with vesicles, some of which had burst ; hairy part of scalp very sensitive to touch, particularly in region of occiput, which was the seat of pressing pains ; ringing in ears with hardness of hearing ; frequent short naps ; delirium at night ; slow, complaining speech ; great despondency ; constantly lies on back, at rare intervals sluggish movements of limbs ; no appetite ; great thirst ; frequent, deep inspirations with sighing ; diarrhoea ; cough with expectoration of blood ; urine bluish-red. θ Erysipelas.
Whole face, except forehead, greatly swollen, hot, harsh to touch, bright-red, shiny and covered with vesicles ; lids greatly swollen, cannot open eyes ; auditory meatus on both sides swollen ; stitching pains in throat on swallowing ; sides of back painful to touch, without swelling or hardness ; tongue red, dry ; great thirst ; frequent yawning ; painful pressure on chest and about heart ; at rare intervals cough with expectoration of blood ; tearing pains in all the limbs ; skin dry, hot ; urine scanty, dark ; pulse rapid, weak. θ Erysipelas.
Erysipelas bullosum ; the spots had spread over forepart of scalp, entire face covered with large blisters ; heat, swelling and intense pain ; tongue smooth, very red ; much thirst ; anxiety ; restlessness ; sleeplessness ; very quick pulse.
Inflammation commenced in outer ear and gradually spread to cheek and forehead of same side, then to opposite ear, cheek and side of head, with blistering, burning and itching. θ Erysipelas.
Acne rosacea.
Milk crust ; thick crusts and a secretion of fetid, bloody matter.
Impetigo on face and forehead.
Forepart of head and right side of face covered with a thick, moist crust, from under which an ichorous, frequently sanious, offensive discharge oozes ; underlying skin rough, excoriated ; lids of right eye red, swollen ; conjunctiva red ; skin of whole body, but particularly of arms and feet, rough and scaly, often covered with thick moist crusts ; intolerable biting-itching in affected parts, worse toward evening, at night and from warmth ; on scratching a sanious pus is discharged with momentary relief ; na intolerable odor arises from the patient.
Crusta lactea ; crusts on cheeks, extending up to temples over hairy part of scalp, even eyelids being covered ; on several fingers painful ulcerations about nails.
Chronic suppurating eruptions on face.
Cramplike pain in articulation of lower jaw, close to ear, during rest and motion of part, better from pressure and warmth.
Pressive and digging pain in glands beneath angle of lower jaw.
Pain in maxillary joints as if the jaw would break.
Stiffness of jaws, cracking in articulation of jaw when moving it ; jaw easily dislocated.
Dull, aching cramplike pain in articulation of right lower jaw when at rest, and when in motion, accompanied by a crackling sound and severe pain as if jaw would break, better by pressure and warm food and drinks.
Rheumatism of maxillary joint.
Parotitis after catching cold ; suppuration was feared and an incision made ; swelling then somewhat subsided but became more indurated, particularly around scar ; if exposed to north and east winds inflammation and swelling occurred, at which time she could hardly open mouth.
Corners of mouth ulcerated, fever blisters around mouth.
Exanthema on cheeks, chin and around mouth.
Herpetic, crusty eruptions around mouth and nose with itching and burning.
Pimples about mouth and chin.
Lips dry and parched, covered with reddish-brown crusts. θ Typhus.
Weakness of head ; whenever she turned the head she quite lost consciousness ; on stooping it seemed as if she could never rise again.
Head confused and dull.
Dulness of head : pressure in right temple, and just above and behind right orbit a pressing downward as from a weight ; disinclination for literary work ; and an intoxicated feeling, in morning ; as if intoxicated while sitting, on rising such dizziness that it seemed as if she were going to fall forward and backward.
Heaviness and dulness of head on turning eyes ; even the eyeball hurts.
Head so heavy that she was obliged to hold it upright in order to relieve the weight pressing forward into forehead.
Burning in forehead when walking.
Feeling as of a board strapped across forehead.
Pain in left temple and orbital region, appearing daily for three months, and lasting until evening ; caused by getting wet ; better from rapid motion.
Brain feels loose when stepping or shaking head.
A sensation of swashing and jarring in brain ; each step concusses brain.
Pain as if brain were torn, worse when moving eyes.
Headache : stupefying, with buzzing ; worse when sitting or lying, in cold, in morning, from beer ; better from warmth and motion ; must lie down ; returns from least chagrin ; immediately after a meal.
Stitches in head extending to ears, root of nose and malar bones, with toothache.
Feeling as if parts were screwed together in muscles of back part of head.
Dull pain beginning in occiput extending to vertex and thence to forehead, there attaining an intolerable degree of severity ; at times vomiting of bile which relieves the pain but exhausts the patient ; pain begins in morning, lasts until 5 P. M., and is particularly severe after 3 o’clock, better by walking rapidly in open air ; paroxysms every week. θ Migraine.
Periodical attacks of headache ; pain particularly in back part of head, so severe that she cannot speak and must go to bed for 24 hours, during which time she neither speaks, eats nor drinks ; the slightest vexation or least exercise in open air, particularly if she amused herself at same time, brought on an attack next day. θ Hysteria.
Occipital headache ; muscles sore, better from moving and warmth ; caused by draught, dampness, or by internal causes, as in typhoid.
Headache in occiput, better by bending head backward.
Painful tingling in head, especially of occiput.
Aching in occipital protuberances.
Rush of blood to head, with humming, formication and throbbing ; face glistening and red ; restless moving about.
Meningitis in exanthematous fevers, or after getting wet ; tingling limbs ; high fever ; restlessness.
For two days complete loss of consciousness ; right upper and lower extremities paralyzed ; pulse rapid, trembling, scarcely perceptible ; involuntary escape of urine ; respiration very gentle, with frequent moaning ; appearance cadaverous ; oedematous swelling of lids ; body cold to touch. θ Meningitis.
Cerebro-spinal meningitis ; anxiety, restlessness, stupefaction, vertigo ; fulness and bruised pain in head, extending to ears ; bleeding of ears and nose ; dry cough, with perhaps bloody sputa ; pain in back as if sprained ; tearing tensive pains, with stiffness of muscles and joints ; vivid dreams ; various eruptions.
Head painful to touch, sore as a boil.
Scalp sensitive, worse on side not lain on, when growing warm in bed, from touch and combing hair.
Violent tearing and drawing pains in periosteum of cranial bones ; worse at rest and in damp, stormy cold weather ; better wrapping head up warmly and by dry heat and exercise.
Headache as if occipital tissues were screwed together.
Liability to take cold from having the head wetted.
Vesicular erysipelas of scalp, going from left to right.
Biting itching on scalp, forehead, face and about mouth, with eruption of pimples like nettlerash.
Thick scurf over hairy whole scalp, from under which a greenish pus discharges ; severe itching at night under the scurfs ; hair eaten away.
Eruption on head, eating into surrounding parts, with violent itching at night ; discharge of greenish pus from right nostril ; left nostril excoriated, with discharge of bloody mucus on blowing nose.
Eruption suppurating, moist, forming thick offensivesmelling crusts ; itching worse at night ; hair is eaten off ; extends to shoulders. θ Scald-head.
Dry herpes on hairy scalp.
Aversion to light ; scrofulous affections.
Extreme confusion of sight.
Obscurity of vision ; sensation as of a veil before eyes.
Lids red, swollen, oedematous, especially the upper, and spasmodically closed, with profuse gushes of hot tears on opening them ; saclike swelling of conjunctiva ; yellow, purulent, mucous discharge ; swelling around eyes ; burning pain in eye, with much photophobia ; stitches in eyes and temples, with vertigo ; lids cannot be opened ; worse in evening ; pressive burning pain in right eye, so intense he could not bear slightest touch ; child lies constantly on its face with its hands to its head ; head hot and face red. θ Irido-choroiditis.
Mr. S., at. 66, rheumatic diathesis ; had a cataract removed by Grafe’s modified linear extraction ; on second night after operation, sharp pains in eye, restless, fever and thirst ; upper lid oedematous, lids tightly closed, on opening a profuse gush of hot tears followed ; chemosis, haziness of aqueous, suppuration commencing. θ Irido-choroiditis suppurativa traumatica.
Miss D., at. 18 ; had discission made of capsule remaining after extraction of cataract ; nausea, vomiting ; 1 A. M., sharp shooting pain in eye, lids spasmodically closed, oedematous, profuse hot lachrymation on opening, photophobia, chemosis.
Iritis. Either of rheumatic or traumatic origin or from exposure to wet ; inflammation may extend to and involve choroid ; pains shoot through eyes to back of head, worse worse at night ; profuse flow of hot tears on opening eyes ; in some cases inflammation may go on to suppuration in rheumatic or gouty subjects ; suppurative, or where the ciliary body and choroid are involved, especially if of traumatic origin.
Mydriasis from exposure to cold and dampness.
Pustules and superficial ulcers on cornea, with great photophobia ; conjunctiva quite red, even to chemosis.
Suppuration of cornea, especially when consequent upon cataract extraction.
Totally blind ; cornea filled between its lamella with a thick whitish exudation ; iris distorted ; iridectomy of no avail ; has been subject to facial erysipelas ; cold water had suppressed eruption ; since then weak sight, gradually total blindness, until relieved. θ Opacity of cornea.
Kerato-iritis, especially if rheumatic in character, from cold, damp atmosphere.
Orbital cellulitis.
Pain in right eyeball, of such intensity that she could not bear even a slight touch ; redness of sclerotic, and development of numerous bloodvessels ; dulness of cornea, great sensibility to light ; iris of affected eye, which in its natural state was blue, is now green, pupillary margin not well defined, pupil itself does not move when exposed to light, lens appeared of a smoky dimness ; an eruption of red pimples and pustules on nose and cheek increased as action of eye declined, and vice versa ; a burning tearing pain in neighborhood of diseased eye, worse morning and night, depriving patient of rest and sleep.
Itching in eyes on exerting vision.
Aching or pressive pain in eyes.
Left eye felt enormously swollen and enlarged, though this was not the case.
Sharp pains run from eyes into head.
Biting as from something sharp and acrid in right eye.
Biting in eyes ; lids agglutinated in morning.
Drawing and tearing in region of brows and in malar bones.
Eyes are closed and greatly swollen and inflamed.
Acute conjunctivitis from getting wet.
Great photophobia, profuse acrid lachrymation in morning and in open air ; cheek under eye dotted with red pimples ; lids spasmodically closed.
Violent inflammation of right eye. θ сonjunctivitis.
Saclike swelling of conjunctiva, with yellow purulent discharge.
Eyes red and agglutinated in morning.
Catarrhal ophthalmia ; lids swollen and completely closed, from under which escaped, from time to time, purulent mucus ; on attempting to open lids there flowed out a quantity of water, and the conjunctiva covering the lids was loose, swollen, projecting betwixt the lids and prevented the eyeball from being seen.
Arthritic ophthalmia, from working in water or getting wet, with tearing pain in eyes, especially at night.
Scrofulous ophthalmia ; phlyctenules on and about cornea ; intense photophobia ; eyelids involved and spasmodically closed ; yellow pus gushes out when they are forced apart ; pains worse at night.
Scrofulous ophthalmia ; right eye affected ; not much photophobia ; lids slightly swollen ; on cornea a small scrofulous ulcer surrounded by fasciculi of vessels.
Scrofulous ophthalmia, with phlyctenula on edge of cornea of left eye ; pain and photophobia not very great ; scrofulous eruption on internal nose, which was much swollen.
Conjunctiva of left eye very red and studded with small ulcers ; great photophobia ; frequent lachrymation ; eruption behind ears and beneath scalp, exuding plentifully. θ Scrofulous ophthalmia.
Violent inflammation of eyeball ; two dirty-looking ulcers on cornea of left eye size of hemp seeds ; great photophobia ; thick scabs around ala nasi and angles of mouth. θ Scrofulous ophthalmia.
Scrofulous ophthalmia ; excessive photophobia, child lies all day with face resting on floor ; constant restlessness, loss of appetite ; emaciation.
Right eye surrounded by an oedematous swelling, from border of orbit to ala nasi ; eyes slightly red, lachrymose by day, closed up by night ; child constantly rubbing its eyes, restless and sleepless. θ Ophthalmia erysipelatous.
Conjunctivitis granulosa ; worse in right eye ; heaviness of lids ; worse in stormy weather, with pannus.
Ophthalmia neonatorum ; lids red, oedematously swollen and spasmodically closed ; restlessness at night.
Pains in eyes when moving or turning eyeballs.
Paralysis of any of muscles of eyeball, resulting from rheumatism, exposure to cold or getting feet wet.
Burning in inner canthus of right eye.
Weeping eyes ; bleareyedness.
Epiphora of long standing, with an apparent stricture of lachrymal duct.
Inflammation of lids ; lids much swollen.
Right upper lid much swollen, hard ; pains worse from 5 to 7 P. M. ; walking around does not relieve ; when she moves her eye it feels as if there was a hard ball moving around ; burning, itching, shooting pains around lid ; worse in cold air.
Erysipelas of lids, sometimes of traumatic origin ; profuse lachrymation, spasmodic closure of lids.
Eyelids oedematous, or erysipelatous, with scattered watery vesicles ; meibomian glands enlarged, cilia fall out.
Edematous erysipelatous swelling of lids and face, with small watery vesicles scattered over the surface, and drawing pains in cheek and head.
Lids look red and fiery, like erysipelas, and itch greatly.
Violent burning, itching and prickling in swollen lids.
Uncomplicated blepharitis, especially of acute form, with a tendency to formation of abscess ; lids highly oedematous, profuse lachrymation with pain ; worse at night, better from warm applications.
Simple oedema of lids.
Eyelids present a bladder-like appearance, and the lids are closed from the great swelling.
Lids oedematously swollen, copious, acrid, serous discharge, corrodes adjacent parts. θ вlepharitis.
Chronic inflammation of lids ; puffiness of lids and face ; meibomian glands enlarged ; falling out of cilia ; itching and biting in lids ; sensation of dryness of eyes ; burning in internal canthus ; acrid lachrymation in morning and in open air, or constant and profuse lachrymation which may be acrid or not.
Relaxation of eyelids, with puffiness of lids and hot, flushed face.
Heaviness and stiffness of lids, like a paralysis, as if it were difficult to move lids.
Ptosis of right eyelid in a girl, at. 5, first noticed when five days old ; whenever.
She wished to open her eye to look at anything, she involuntarily opened widely her mouth, which made her look ludicrous.
Ptosis, also paralysis of muscles of eyeball, from exposure to cold or wet ; in rheumatic patient.
Lids agglutinated with purulent mucus, in morning.
Eruption on left lower lid ; inflammation of conjunctiva ; burning and painful twitching in affected part.
A red, hard swelling, like a stye, on lower lid, toward inner canthus, with pressive pain, lasting six days.
Styes on lower lids.
Symptoms of lids dependent upon inflammation of deeper structures.
Hardness of hearing, especially of human voice.
Otalgia, with pulsation in ear at night.
Excoriating discharge of bloody pus from ear in acute inflammation.
Erysipelatous inflammation of external and internal ear, vesicular, with excessive otalgia.
Inflammatory swelling of glands beneath ears. θ After scarlatina.
Lobule of left ear swollen.
Parotitis, left side ; especially suppuration. θ Scarlatina.
Loss of smell.
Nosebleed. Frequent ; on stooping ; in morning ; at night ; coagulated blood ; at stool, or from exertion ; in typhus, with some relief.
Spasmodic sneezing.
Sudden cessation of cough followed by most outrageous sneezing, all night ; in morning face red, swollen, cannot talk for sneezing ; points to head and abdomen. θ Influenza.
Dryness and stoppage of nose.
Sensation of soreness in nostrils.
Discharge from nose : of thick, yellow mucus ; of nasal mucus without coryza ; of green, offensive pus ; of yellow ichor, with swollen cervical glands ; hot, acrid from nares.
Hot burning beneath left nostril so that the breath seemed to come out of it hot.
Swelling of nose.
Tip of nose red and sensitive ; nose sore internally.
Puffiness of nose.
Fever blisters and crusts under nose.
Eczema on both sides below nose ; nose swollen, now and then bleeding.
Eruption in corners of nose.
Face : fiery red ; pale, sunken, nose pointed, blue around eyes ; red, with heat.
Burning, drawing, tearing in face ; teeth feel too long ; restlessness.
For several successive nights, awoke after having been asleep about an hour, with pain in temporal region of l. side, extending toward head, cheeks and teeth of same side ; pain increased from minute to minute, was of a glowing, tearing character and forced him to quit his bed and walk about the room for three hours during the night ; went to bed exhausted, fell asleep, but awoke again in half an hour and was obliged once more to walk about until 7 or 8 A. M. ; during day teeth of affected side felt too long and were loose so that he could masticate but little ; felt very weak and cold. θ Facial neuralgia.
Facial neuralgia ; feeling of great coldness ; worse in open air ; violent evening exacerbation ; dysenteric diarrhoea.
From having been in a cellar, where he perspired much, especially on head, old neuralgic pains reappeared ; patient pressed hand on left cheek, pressed teeth together and had a distorted painful face.
Tension and swelling of face.
Great swelling of face, especially of eyelids and ears.
Violent burning in swollen face, lids and ears.
Erysipelas from left to right ; face dark-red, covered with yellow vesicles ; burning, itching and tingling with stinging ; delirium and high fever.
Whole face swollen, eyes nearly closed ; ears swollen ; swelling of face red, hot, with tension and burning, right side being covered with vesicles, some of which had burst ; hairy part of scalp very sensitive to touch, particularly in region of occiput, which was the seat of pressing pains ; ringing in ears with hardness of hearing ; frequent short naps ; delirium at night ; slow, complaining speech ; great despondency ; constantly lies on back, at rare intervals sluggish movements of limbs ; no appetite ; great thirst ; frequent, deep inspirations with sighing ; diarrhoea ; cough with expectoration of blood ; urine bluish-red. θ Erysipelas.
Whole face, except forehead, greatly swollen, hot, harsh to touch, bright-red, shiny and covered with vesicles ; lids greatly swollen, cannot open eyes ; auditory meatus on both sides swollen ; stitching pains in throat on swallowing ; sides of back painful to touch, without swelling or hardness ; tongue red, dry ; great thirst ; frequent yawning ; painful pressure on chest and about heart ; at rare intervals cough with expectoration of blood ; tearing pains in all the limbs ; skin dry, hot ; urine scanty, dark ; pulse rapid, weak. θ Erysipelas.
Erysipelas bullosum ; the spots had spread over forepart of scalp, entire face covered with large blisters ; heat, swelling and intense pain ; tongue smooth, very red ; much thirst ; anxiety ; restlessness ; sleeplessness ; very quick pulse.
Inflammation commenced in outer ear and gradually spread to cheek and forehead of same side, then to opposite ear, cheek and side of head, with blistering, burning and itching. θ Erysipelas.
Acne rosacea.
Milk crust ; thick crusts and a secretion of fetid, bloody matter.
Impetigo on face and forehead.
Forepart of head and right side of face covered with a thick, moist crust, from under which an ichorous, frequently sanious, offensive discharge oozes ; underlying skin rough, excoriated ; lids of right eye red, swollen ; conjunctiva red ; skin of whole body, but particularly of arms and feet, rough and scaly, often covered with thick moist crusts ; intolerable biting-itching in affected parts, worse toward evening, at night and from warmth ; on scratching a sanious pus is discharged with momentary relief ; na intolerable odor arises from the patient.
Crusta lactea ; crusts on cheeks, extending up to temples over hairy part of scalp, even eyelids being covered ; on several fingers painful ulcerations about nails.
Chronic suppurating eruptions on face.
Cramplike pain in articulation of lower jaw, close to ear, during rest and motion of part, better from pressure and warmth.
Pressive and digging pain in glands beneath angle of lower jaw.
Pain in maxillary joints as if the jaw would break.
Stiffness of jaws, cracking in articulation of jaw when moving it ; jaw easily dislocated.
Dull, aching cramplike pain in articulation of right lower jaw when at rest, and when in motion, accompanied by a crackling sound and severe pain as if jaw would break, better by pressure and warm food and drinks.
Rheumatism of maxillary joint.
Parotitis after catching cold ; suppuration was feared and an incision made ; swelling then somewhat subsided but became more indurated, particularly around scar ; if exposed to north and east winds inflammation and swelling occurred, at which time she could hardly open mouth.
Corners of mouth ulcerated, fever blisters around mouth.
Exanthema on cheeks, chin and around mouth.
Herpetic, crusty eruptions around mouth and nose with itching and burning.
Pimples about mouth and chin.
Lips dry and parched, covered with reddish-brown crusts. θ Typhus.
Mouth and throat
Teeth painful with stinging at root of nose, extending to malar bones.
Toothache, in evening, first in a hollow tooth, which became elongated and loose, then also in other teeth in which the pain was partly sticking and partly crawling.
Jerking toothache at night (about 10 P. M. ; the jerking extending into head ; better from application of cold hand.
Tearing pain in teeth, better by hot applications.
Jumping, shooting, as if teeth were being torn out ; or slow, pricking, throbbing or tearing, extending into jaws and temples ; face sore ; worse at night, from cold, from vexation, better from external heat ; crusty caries.
Gnawing sensation in hollow teeth worse from cold.
Teeth feel too long and too loose, feel as if asleep.
Looseness of lower incisors ; she cannot bite upon them.
Tongue : dry ; sore, redness at tip ; not coated but very dry, which provoked drinking ; dry, red, cracked ; has a triangular red tip ; white, often on one side ; yellowish ; covered with brown mucus ; takes imprint of teeth ; blistered ; coated at root, yellowish-white ; thickly coated ; brown mucus, excepting on edges, in morning on rising.
Sleeps with open mouth.
Breath. Putrid, excessively so in typhoid fever and diphtheria.
Mouth dry, with much thirst.
Water accumulates in mouth, is frequently obliged to spit.
Saliva bloody ; runs out of mouth during sleep.
Much tough mucus in mouth and throat.
Both lips large, prominent, tender and of an ashy-gray color from infiltration beneath mucous membrane of an albuminous-looking matter behind which was a layer of dark-colored fluid, probably blood ; face, especially forehead, bluish and cool ; features drawn and pinched ; submaxillary glands greatly swollen ; pulse 96, small and thready ; temperature 97.3 ; tongue swollen, pale and covered with an offensive mucus similar in odor and hue to lips ; extreme prostration. θ Diphtheria of lips.
Sensation of dryness in throat.
Great thirst and dryness in throat, in typhoid conditions.
Unable to drink ; at every swallow the drink chokes her as if pharynx were inactive or paralyzed ; associated with a sensation of dryness in throat posteriorly.
Difficult swallowing of solids, as from contraction.
Painful swallowing, particularly when swallowing empty or saliva.
Sore throat ; deglutition difficult, with stitching pains, throat much swollen externally, maxillary and parotid glands greatly enlarged.
Sore throat as from an internal swelling, with bruised pain, also when talking, with pressure and stinging when swallowing.
Throat sore, feels stiff ; after straining throat.
Sticking or stinging pains in tonsils, worse on beginning to swallow.
Erysipelatous inflammation ; parotids swollen ; cellulitis of neck ; drowsiness.
Tonsil (right) covered with yellow membrane.
Fever worse toward night ; pains in back of neck with stiffness, worse on turning, better on change of position ; restlessness ; inflammation of right tonsil, with a patch like chamois leather, yellowish-white, thick ; tongue white, heavily coated, top and edge red, almost sore, raw-looking ; fetid breath ; sticking pain on swallowing, worse when first beginning to swallow ; loathing of food. θ Diphtheria.
Diphtheria ; child restless, wants to be carried about wakes up every now and then complaining of pain in throat ; bloody saliva runs out of mouth during sleep ; parotid glands swollen ; transparent, jelly-like discharges from bowels at stool or afterward.
Pain in back, in a spot corresponding with about centre of oesophagus, worse eating and drinking ; when food reaches this spot it refuses to go further, so that she can take only fluids ; seeks to force food past affected spot by twisting body about or assuming some favorable position, after which she is relieved. θ esophagitis.
Esophagitis, especially after corrosive substances.
Parotid and submaxillary glands highly inflamed and enlarged ; swallowing nearly impossible. θ Diphtheria. θ Scarlatina. θ Variola.
Mumps on left side.
Eructations : seem to become incarcerated and remain in right side of chest ; with nausea ; with tingling in stomach, worse when rising from lying.
Hoarseness : with roughness, scraping, or raw sensation in larynx ; roughness and soreness in chest ; from overstraining voice.
Muscular exhaustion of larynx from prolonged and loud exercise of voice ; hoarseness, after being silent awhile, better talking ; worse in evening, and from change of weather.
Frequent tickling, irritability in air-passages, as if it would provoke cough.
Cold sensation in larynx, when breathing.
Burning rawness in larynx.
Hot air arises from trachea.
Influenza ; air-passages seem stuffed up ; aching in bones ; sneezing and coughing, worse from uncovering body ; arising from exposure to dampness ; dry, hard, tickling cough, worse evening until midnight ; stiffness in back and limbs.
Toothache, in evening, first in a hollow tooth, which became elongated and loose, then also in other teeth in which the pain was partly sticking and partly crawling.
Jerking toothache at night (about 10 P. M. ; the jerking extending into head ; better from application of cold hand.
Tearing pain in teeth, better by hot applications.
Jumping, shooting, as if teeth were being torn out ; or slow, pricking, throbbing or tearing, extending into jaws and temples ; face sore ; worse at night, from cold, from vexation, better from external heat ; crusty caries.
Gnawing sensation in hollow teeth worse from cold.
Teeth feel too long and too loose, feel as if asleep.
Looseness of lower incisors ; she cannot bite upon them.
Tongue : dry ; sore, redness at tip ; not coated but very dry, which provoked drinking ; dry, red, cracked ; has a triangular red tip ; white, often on one side ; yellowish ; covered with brown mucus ; takes imprint of teeth ; blistered ; coated at root, yellowish-white ; thickly coated ; brown mucus, excepting on edges, in morning on rising.
Sleeps with open mouth.
Breath. Putrid, excessively so in typhoid fever and diphtheria.
Mouth dry, with much thirst.
Water accumulates in mouth, is frequently obliged to spit.
Saliva bloody ; runs out of mouth during sleep.
Much tough mucus in mouth and throat.
Both lips large, prominent, tender and of an ashy-gray color from infiltration beneath mucous membrane of an albuminous-looking matter behind which was a layer of dark-colored fluid, probably blood ; face, especially forehead, bluish and cool ; features drawn and pinched ; submaxillary glands greatly swollen ; pulse 96, small and thready ; temperature 97.3 ; tongue swollen, pale and covered with an offensive mucus similar in odor and hue to lips ; extreme prostration. θ Diphtheria of lips.
Sensation of dryness in throat.
Great thirst and dryness in throat, in typhoid conditions.
Unable to drink ; at every swallow the drink chokes her as if pharynx were inactive or paralyzed ; associated with a sensation of dryness in throat posteriorly.
Difficult swallowing of solids, as from contraction.
Painful swallowing, particularly when swallowing empty or saliva.
Sore throat ; deglutition difficult, with stitching pains, throat much swollen externally, maxillary and parotid glands greatly enlarged.
Sore throat as from an internal swelling, with bruised pain, also when talking, with pressure and stinging when swallowing.
Throat sore, feels stiff ; after straining throat.
Sticking or stinging pains in tonsils, worse on beginning to swallow.
Erysipelatous inflammation ; parotids swollen ; cellulitis of neck ; drowsiness.
Tonsil (right) covered with yellow membrane.
Fever worse toward night ; pains in back of neck with stiffness, worse on turning, better on change of position ; restlessness ; inflammation of right tonsil, with a patch like chamois leather, yellowish-white, thick ; tongue white, heavily coated, top and edge red, almost sore, raw-looking ; fetid breath ; sticking pain on swallowing, worse when first beginning to swallow ; loathing of food. θ Diphtheria.
Diphtheria ; child restless, wants to be carried about wakes up every now and then complaining of pain in throat ; bloody saliva runs out of mouth during sleep ; parotid glands swollen ; transparent, jelly-like discharges from bowels at stool or afterward.
Pain in back, in a spot corresponding with about centre of oesophagus, worse eating and drinking ; when food reaches this spot it refuses to go further, so that she can take only fluids ; seeks to force food past affected spot by twisting body about or assuming some favorable position, after which she is relieved. θ esophagitis.
Esophagitis, especially after corrosive substances.
Parotid and submaxillary glands highly inflamed and enlarged ; swallowing nearly impossible. θ Diphtheria. θ Scarlatina. θ Variola.
Mumps on left side.
Eructations : seem to become incarcerated and remain in right side of chest ; with nausea ; with tingling in stomach, worse when rising from lying.
Hoarseness : with roughness, scraping, or raw sensation in larynx ; roughness and soreness in chest ; from overstraining voice.
Muscular exhaustion of larynx from prolonged and loud exercise of voice ; hoarseness, after being silent awhile, better talking ; worse in evening, and from change of weather.
Frequent tickling, irritability in air-passages, as if it would provoke cough.
Cold sensation in larynx, when breathing.
Burning rawness in larynx.
Hot air arises from trachea.
Influenza ; air-passages seem stuffed up ; aching in bones ; sneezing and coughing, worse from uncovering body ; arising from exposure to dampness ; dry, hard, tickling cough, worse evening until midnight ; stiffness in back and limbs.
Appetite and food preferences
Taste : putrid, mornings after eating ; metallic ; food, especially bread, tastes bitter ; disgusting, bitter, with a sensation of dryness in mouth, frequently awoke her at night.
Hunger without appetite.
Loss of appetite in palate and throat, with emptiness in stomach, and at same time ravenous hunger, that disappeared after sitting awhile.
Complete loss of appetite for all food ; nothing tastes well, neither food, drink nor tobacco.
No appetite, or wants only dainties.
Thirst with dryness of throat.
Unquenchable thirst, wants only cold drinks ; worse at night, from dryness of mouth.
Desire for : oysters ; sweets ; beer ; cold milk.
Aversion to : spirituous liquors ; to meat ; to beer.
After eating : great sleepiness ; fulness in stomach ; giddiness ; heaviness in stomach as from a stone.
From drinking ice-water : pain in stomach and nausea.
Hunger without appetite.
Loss of appetite in palate and throat, with emptiness in stomach, and at same time ravenous hunger, that disappeared after sitting awhile.
Complete loss of appetite for all food ; nothing tastes well, neither food, drink nor tobacco.
No appetite, or wants only dainties.
Thirst with dryness of throat.
Unquenchable thirst, wants only cold drinks ; worse at night, from dryness of mouth.
Desire for : oysters ; sweets ; beer ; cold milk.
Aversion to : spirituous liquors ; to meat ; to beer.
After eating : great sleepiness ; fulness in stomach ; giddiness ; heaviness in stomach as from a stone.
From drinking ice-water : pain in stomach and nausea.
Gastrointestinal tract
Nausea : after ice-water ; after eating, with sudden vomiting ; with inordinate appetite and inclination to vomit ; worse at night and after eating.
Violent throbbing in epigastric region.
Stinging or pulsation in pit of stomach.
Ulcerative pain in pit of stomach.
Fulness in stomach, as if overloaded.
Fulness or heaviness, as from a stone in stomach ; after eating.
Pressure in pit of stomach, as if swollen or as if drawn together.
Oppression in stomach toward evening.
Pain in stomach and nausea, after ice-water.
Soreness as if beaten in hypochondriac region and abdomen, worse on side on which he lies, worse when turning and worst when beginning to move.
Pressing drawing, from below upward, in left hypochondrium, with anxiety and nausea in chest.
Severe pain in right hypochondriac region with high fever, was hardly able to breathe ; kept moving about ; better after eating.
Shooting pains of two weeks standing. θ Abscess of liver.
Abdomen bloated : especially after eating ; all day a sensation of fermentation in it.
Griping and jerking pain in abdomen.
Pain in region of ascending colon.
Pain and contraction in abdomen, she was obliged to walk bent over.
Pains like a knife in right abdomen on walking.
Soreness of navel.
Soreness in walls of abdomen, especially in morning when stretching ; after physical strain.
Sensation as if something were torn loose in abdomen.
Visible contractions of abdomen above navel.
Pains in stomach and abdomen after drinking ice-water ; since then whenever she eats anything has colic, which is followed by a normal stool, with relief.
Colic, he must walk bent ; worse at night ; after getting wet.
Violent colic, better only by lying on back with legs elevated vertically.
Constant pressing, burning pains in whole right side of abdomen, worse rising from a seat, but particularly severe when sitting down, with sensation as if a lump lay like a pressing heavy weight in abdomen ; on this account and because of a tension and disturbance in whole right side of abdomen which extended to groin, she could not stand erect, or easily lift right foot or propel it forward, whole right side of abdomen very tense and painful to pressure ; a broad flat tumor could be detected extending from crest of ilium to linea alba, upward to liver, downward to region of groin, feeling as if it rounded itself inward and backward ; face sunken, pale, distorted, with suffering expression ; anorexia ; aversion to food ; moderate thirst ; chilliness mixed with heat ; rapid hard pulse ; emaciation ; despondency ; feeling of extreme prostration. θ Physconia peritonealis.
Vomiting of mucus, bile and food ; sleeplessness ; fever ; belching of wind ; loss of appetite ; mouth dry, pappy ; dirty white coating on tongue ; abdomen distended, painful, very sensitive to pressure ; stitches below right ribs on inspiration ; pain worse on eating ; on fourth night recurrence of chill ; unquenchable thirst ; skin burning hot and dry ; pulse rapid, small and hard ; pain in limbs as if constricted ; feet and ankles numb, as if asleep ; eyes dull ; face pale, pointed, expressive of suffering.
Enteritis ; tearing, stitching, burning pains ; grass-green vomiting ; cannot tolerate least touch ; whitish stools containing pus ; burning fever, worse 1 P. M. ; burning in and beneath eyes ; dryness of gums ; throbbing in temples ; tickling in throat ; gurgling in abdomen followed by stools which are not fecal ; difficult urination ; extremely sensitive spot, right side, one inch below navel, which when touched causes nausea.
Enteritis or peritonitis, with typhoid symptoms ; involuntary stools.
Incarcerated hernia.
Inflammatory swelling of inguinal glands.
Stools : watery, mucous and bloody, with nausea, tearing down thighs, and much tenesmus ; frothy ; white ; painless and undigested ; bloody water like washings of beef ; yellowish brown, bloody, cadaverous smelling and involuntary at night [typhoid] ; dark, yellow, watery ; thin, mucous, red or yellow ; jellylike, streaked white and yellow ; greenish, mucous, with jelly-like globules or flakes ; lumps of transparent mucus ; yellowish white, fecal ; yellow, fluid ; dark red [brick-colored] fluid ; otter-colored fluid [typhoid] ; profuse, yellow, watery ; scanty, frequent bloody water ; alternating with constipation ; involuntary (at night while sleeping) ; fetid ; frothy and painless [yellow fluid] ; very offensive [dark yellow, watery] ; odorless [bloody, watery or yellow fluid].
Before stool : constant urging, with nausea and tearing colic ; cutting colic.
During stool : cutting colic ; nausea ; urging ; tenesmus ; tearing pains down thighs ; shortness of breath.
After stool : remission of pains and urging ; tenesmus.
Nightly diarrhoea, with violent pain in abdomen, better after stool or while lying prone.
Diarrhoea after marching through moist ground with bare feet.
Dark brown, thin, and very fetid stools eight or ten times daily, especially in early morning and between 4 and 6 P. M. ; stools often contained mucus, occasionally pus and frequently lentil-shaped clots of blood ; very weak, could not sit up, except in bed, because hanging down feet always brought on urging to stool, with involuntary evacuation if not at once responded to. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Intestinal catarrh during subsidence of cholera epidemica ; twenty to thirty motions in twelve hours ; vomiting frequent ; cyanosis of hands and face ; corpselike coldness of forearms, forehead and cheeks ; bowels emitted a splashing sound when pressed, showing an admixture of fluid and wind ; asphyxia ; prostration of strength ; apathy of mind ; liquid stools mixed with some firmer lumps, strong smelling ; vomiting of whitish fluid, with a shade of green, with a sickly smell and mixed with mucus ; headache ; incessant thirst ; frequent sighing ; tenesmus ; bowels distended with wind ; sickly taste in mouth.
Involuntary stools, with great exhaustion. θ Typhoid fever. θ Gastro-enteritis.
Cholera infantum, typhoid type ; very restless at night, has to be moved often to get relief.
Dysentery ; tenesmus, with nausea, tearing and pinching in abdomen ; tenesmic stools, followed by involuntary discharges from bowels.
Dysenteric discharges since early in morning ; extremely severe and constant tenesmus ; great chilliness ; constant restlessness.
Hemorrhage of black blood from bowels. θ Typhoid.
Sense of constriction in rectum as if one side had grown up.
Shooting pain up rectum.
Fissure of anus, with periodical profuse bleeding.
Hemorrhoids. Sore, blind ; protruding after stool, with pressing in rectum, as if everything would come out.
Violent throbbing in epigastric region.
Stinging or pulsation in pit of stomach.
Ulcerative pain in pit of stomach.
Fulness in stomach, as if overloaded.
Fulness or heaviness, as from a stone in stomach ; after eating.
Pressure in pit of stomach, as if swollen or as if drawn together.
Oppression in stomach toward evening.
Pain in stomach and nausea, after ice-water.
Soreness as if beaten in hypochondriac region and abdomen, worse on side on which he lies, worse when turning and worst when beginning to move.
Pressing drawing, from below upward, in left hypochondrium, with anxiety and nausea in chest.
Severe pain in right hypochondriac region with high fever, was hardly able to breathe ; kept moving about ; better after eating.
Shooting pains of two weeks standing. θ Abscess of liver.
Abdomen bloated : especially after eating ; all day a sensation of fermentation in it.
Griping and jerking pain in abdomen.
Pain in region of ascending colon.
Pain and contraction in abdomen, she was obliged to walk bent over.
Pains like a knife in right abdomen on walking.
Soreness of navel.
Soreness in walls of abdomen, especially in morning when stretching ; after physical strain.
Sensation as if something were torn loose in abdomen.
Visible contractions of abdomen above navel.
Pains in stomach and abdomen after drinking ice-water ; since then whenever she eats anything has colic, which is followed by a normal stool, with relief.
Colic, he must walk bent ; worse at night ; after getting wet.
Violent colic, better only by lying on back with legs elevated vertically.
Constant pressing, burning pains in whole right side of abdomen, worse rising from a seat, but particularly severe when sitting down, with sensation as if a lump lay like a pressing heavy weight in abdomen ; on this account and because of a tension and disturbance in whole right side of abdomen which extended to groin, she could not stand erect, or easily lift right foot or propel it forward, whole right side of abdomen very tense and painful to pressure ; a broad flat tumor could be detected extending from crest of ilium to linea alba, upward to liver, downward to region of groin, feeling as if it rounded itself inward and backward ; face sunken, pale, distorted, with suffering expression ; anorexia ; aversion to food ; moderate thirst ; chilliness mixed with heat ; rapid hard pulse ; emaciation ; despondency ; feeling of extreme prostration. θ Physconia peritonealis.
Vomiting of mucus, bile and food ; sleeplessness ; fever ; belching of wind ; loss of appetite ; mouth dry, pappy ; dirty white coating on tongue ; abdomen distended, painful, very sensitive to pressure ; stitches below right ribs on inspiration ; pain worse on eating ; on fourth night recurrence of chill ; unquenchable thirst ; skin burning hot and dry ; pulse rapid, small and hard ; pain in limbs as if constricted ; feet and ankles numb, as if asleep ; eyes dull ; face pale, pointed, expressive of suffering.
Enteritis ; tearing, stitching, burning pains ; grass-green vomiting ; cannot tolerate least touch ; whitish stools containing pus ; burning fever, worse 1 P. M. ; burning in and beneath eyes ; dryness of gums ; throbbing in temples ; tickling in throat ; gurgling in abdomen followed by stools which are not fecal ; difficult urination ; extremely sensitive spot, right side, one inch below navel, which when touched causes nausea.
Enteritis or peritonitis, with typhoid symptoms ; involuntary stools.
Incarcerated hernia.
Inflammatory swelling of inguinal glands.
Stools : watery, mucous and bloody, with nausea, tearing down thighs, and much tenesmus ; frothy ; white ; painless and undigested ; bloody water like washings of beef ; yellowish brown, bloody, cadaverous smelling and involuntary at night [typhoid] ; dark, yellow, watery ; thin, mucous, red or yellow ; jellylike, streaked white and yellow ; greenish, mucous, with jelly-like globules or flakes ; lumps of transparent mucus ; yellowish white, fecal ; yellow, fluid ; dark red [brick-colored] fluid ; otter-colored fluid [typhoid] ; profuse, yellow, watery ; scanty, frequent bloody water ; alternating with constipation ; involuntary (at night while sleeping) ; fetid ; frothy and painless [yellow fluid] ; very offensive [dark yellow, watery] ; odorless [bloody, watery or yellow fluid].
Before stool : constant urging, with nausea and tearing colic ; cutting colic.
During stool : cutting colic ; nausea ; urging ; tenesmus ; tearing pains down thighs ; shortness of breath.
After stool : remission of pains and urging ; tenesmus.
Nightly diarrhoea, with violent pain in abdomen, better after stool or while lying prone.
Diarrhoea after marching through moist ground with bare feet.
Dark brown, thin, and very fetid stools eight or ten times daily, especially in early morning and between 4 and 6 P. M. ; stools often contained mucus, occasionally pus and frequently lentil-shaped clots of blood ; very weak, could not sit up, except in bed, because hanging down feet always brought on urging to stool, with involuntary evacuation if not at once responded to. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Intestinal catarrh during subsidence of cholera epidemica ; twenty to thirty motions in twelve hours ; vomiting frequent ; cyanosis of hands and face ; corpselike coldness of forearms, forehead and cheeks ; bowels emitted a splashing sound when pressed, showing an admixture of fluid and wind ; asphyxia ; prostration of strength ; apathy of mind ; liquid stools mixed with some firmer lumps, strong smelling ; vomiting of whitish fluid, with a shade of green, with a sickly smell and mixed with mucus ; headache ; incessant thirst ; frequent sighing ; tenesmus ; bowels distended with wind ; sickly taste in mouth.
Involuntary stools, with great exhaustion. θ Typhoid fever. θ Gastro-enteritis.
Cholera infantum, typhoid type ; very restless at night, has to be moved often to get relief.
Dysentery ; tenesmus, with nausea, tearing and pinching in abdomen ; tenesmic stools, followed by involuntary discharges from bowels.
Dysenteric discharges since early in morning ; extremely severe and constant tenesmus ; great chilliness ; constant restlessness.
Hemorrhage of black blood from bowels. θ Typhoid.
Sense of constriction in rectum as if one side had grown up.
Shooting pain up rectum.
Fissure of anus, with periodical profuse bleeding.
Hemorrhoids. Sore, blind ; protruding after stool, with pressing in rectum, as if everything would come out.
Urogenital system
Tearing pain in region of kidneys ; oedema ; after exposure to wet.
In a miner exposed to much dampness, oedema of face and feet developing into a general anasarca ; urine full of albumen. θ вright’s disease.
Severe tearing pains in small of back ; urine contains blood and albumen ; anasarca ; in a man exposed to heat. θ вright’s disease.
Urine. Hot ; white ; muddy ; pale, with white sediment ; dark, becoming turbid ; high-colored, scanty and irritating ; turbid when passed ; red and scanty ; snow-white sediment [urate of ammonia] ; bloody, discharged drop by drop, with straining ; diminished, though he drinks much ; passes in a divided stream.
Tenesmus vesica ; discharges a few drops of blood-red urine.
Retention of urine ; backache ; restless, cannot keep quiet.
Urine voided slowly ; spine affected ; from getting wet.
Urine escapes in drops, flow interrupted ; burning in small of back ; constipation ; paralytic weakness with coldness and numbness of left arm and foot ; during sixth month of pregnancy.
Frequent urging day and night, with increased secretion.
Urine involuntary, at night, and while at rest.
Weakness of bladder in girls and women, with frequent desire to urinate ; also constant dribbling in boys.
Erections at night with desire to urinate.
Pains in glans penis on account of swelling of prepuce, causing paraphimosis.
Swelling of glans and prepuce, dark red, erysipelatous.
Stinging itching on inner surface of prepuce.
Humid vesicles on glans.
Red blotches on inner surface of prepuce.
Humid eruption on genitals and between scrotum and thigh.
Eruption on genitals, closing urethra by swelling.
Scrotum becomes thick and hard, with intolerable itching.
Edema of scrotum and penis.
Enormous oedema of scrotum and penis after scarlet fever, with recurrence of fever ; penis assumed a spiral form.
Humid eruptions or erysipelas of scrotum.
Metastasis of mumps to right testicle.
Gonorrhoea ; repeated urging to urinate ; burning in urethra ; scanty, very thick discharge.
Sweat in second sleep for a month ; aching in glans penis ; after urination a few drops escape. θ Secondary syphilis.
Ovarian cyst, had existed eighteen months in a laboring woman at. 20, brunette ; fresh, rosy complexion ; strained herself lifting shortly after first appearance of tumor.
Consciousness of uterus feeling sore and low down in pelvis, so as to seriously interfere with walking ; micturition frequent and painful ; much burning and itching of skin all over body ; soreness in back and hypogastrium ; subject to rheumatism. θ Prolapsus.
Bearing down in pelvis when walking ; itching in rectum ; desire for acids ; pains are most in right ovarian region ; feels as if her back would break ; better by lying on a hard floor or with pillow under back ; stiffness in joints when at rest, goes off during motion.
Prolapsus ; after parturition ; from straining or lifting ; in rheumatic women whose pains compel them to shift about in order to get relief ; worse in damp weather or before a storm.
Labor-like pains and pressure in abdomen while standing.
Metrorrhagia, blood clotted with labor-like pains.
The flow following last confinement never ceased, at times amounting to a severe hemorrhage ; when lying or sitting quietly extreme vertigo came on, which only passed away on rising and walking.
Polypus of uterus after getting chilled from a sea-bath, felt benumbed after the bath and had a pain in shoulders as if sprained, worse at night toward 3 A. M. ; lost her memory and was almost paralyzed in her limbs ; headache and vertigo ; soon afterward uterine hemorrhage ; twice there had been removed from her womb masses of polypous growth, but the bleeding returned soon after ; uterus low down in pelvis and retroverted, its posterior wall softened and swollen, filling almost entire cavity of pelvis ; os dilated, cicatriced, discharging thin blood ; leucorrhoea ; turbid urine.
Menses. Too early, profuse and protracted ; flow light-colored, acrid, causing biting pain in vulva.
Menorrhagia : from a strain ; in rheumatic women ; worse at night, demanding constant change of position to find relief.
Membranous dysmenorrhoea in rheumatic women.
Obstructive dysmenorrhoea ; pains cramping, bearing down ; backache, worse in horizontal position and by lying on back.
Amenorrhoea. From getting wet ; with milk in breasts after catching cold, with frequent affections of chest and epistaxis.
Amenia, after getting wet in a rainstorm, followed by hydrometra.
Discharge of offensive, blackish water from vagina, with bursting feeling in head as if head was swelling out.
Shooting pains by spells through head ; worse when lying and better when head is raised.
Soreness in vagina shortly after an embrace, or hindering an embrace.
Sticking pain in vagina, not increased by contact.
External genitals inflamed, erysipelatous, oedematous.
Uterine complaints resulting from exposure to cold, damp weather, from getting wet, particularly while perspiring.
In a miner exposed to much dampness, oedema of face and feet developing into a general anasarca ; urine full of albumen. θ вright’s disease.
Severe tearing pains in small of back ; urine contains blood and albumen ; anasarca ; in a man exposed to heat. θ вright’s disease.
Urine. Hot ; white ; muddy ; pale, with white sediment ; dark, becoming turbid ; high-colored, scanty and irritating ; turbid when passed ; red and scanty ; snow-white sediment [urate of ammonia] ; bloody, discharged drop by drop, with straining ; diminished, though he drinks much ; passes in a divided stream.
Tenesmus vesica ; discharges a few drops of blood-red urine.
Retention of urine ; backache ; restless, cannot keep quiet.
Urine voided slowly ; spine affected ; from getting wet.
Urine escapes in drops, flow interrupted ; burning in small of back ; constipation ; paralytic weakness with coldness and numbness of left arm and foot ; during sixth month of pregnancy.
Frequent urging day and night, with increased secretion.
Urine involuntary, at night, and while at rest.
Weakness of bladder in girls and women, with frequent desire to urinate ; also constant dribbling in boys.
Erections at night with desire to urinate.
Pains in glans penis on account of swelling of prepuce, causing paraphimosis.
Swelling of glans and prepuce, dark red, erysipelatous.
Stinging itching on inner surface of prepuce.
Humid vesicles on glans.
Red blotches on inner surface of prepuce.
Humid eruption on genitals and between scrotum and thigh.
Eruption on genitals, closing urethra by swelling.
Scrotum becomes thick and hard, with intolerable itching.
Edema of scrotum and penis.
Enormous oedema of scrotum and penis after scarlet fever, with recurrence of fever ; penis assumed a spiral form.
Humid eruptions or erysipelas of scrotum.
Metastasis of mumps to right testicle.
Gonorrhoea ; repeated urging to urinate ; burning in urethra ; scanty, very thick discharge.
Sweat in second sleep for a month ; aching in glans penis ; after urination a few drops escape. θ Secondary syphilis.
Ovarian cyst, had existed eighteen months in a laboring woman at. 20, brunette ; fresh, rosy complexion ; strained herself lifting shortly after first appearance of tumor.
Consciousness of uterus feeling sore and low down in pelvis, so as to seriously interfere with walking ; micturition frequent and painful ; much burning and itching of skin all over body ; soreness in back and hypogastrium ; subject to rheumatism. θ Prolapsus.
Bearing down in pelvis when walking ; itching in rectum ; desire for acids ; pains are most in right ovarian region ; feels as if her back would break ; better by lying on a hard floor or with pillow under back ; stiffness in joints when at rest, goes off during motion.
Prolapsus ; after parturition ; from straining or lifting ; in rheumatic women whose pains compel them to shift about in order to get relief ; worse in damp weather or before a storm.
Labor-like pains and pressure in abdomen while standing.
Metrorrhagia, blood clotted with labor-like pains.
The flow following last confinement never ceased, at times amounting to a severe hemorrhage ; when lying or sitting quietly extreme vertigo came on, which only passed away on rising and walking.
Polypus of uterus after getting chilled from a sea-bath, felt benumbed after the bath and had a pain in shoulders as if sprained, worse at night toward 3 A. M. ; lost her memory and was almost paralyzed in her limbs ; headache and vertigo ; soon afterward uterine hemorrhage ; twice there had been removed from her womb masses of polypous growth, but the bleeding returned soon after ; uterus low down in pelvis and retroverted, its posterior wall softened and swollen, filling almost entire cavity of pelvis ; os dilated, cicatriced, discharging thin blood ; leucorrhoea ; turbid urine.
Menses. Too early, profuse and protracted ; flow light-colored, acrid, causing biting pain in vulva.
Menorrhagia : from a strain ; in rheumatic women ; worse at night, demanding constant change of position to find relief.
Membranous dysmenorrhoea in rheumatic women.
Obstructive dysmenorrhoea ; pains cramping, bearing down ; backache, worse in horizontal position and by lying on back.
Amenorrhoea. From getting wet ; with milk in breasts after catching cold, with frequent affections of chest and epistaxis.
Amenia, after getting wet in a rainstorm, followed by hydrometra.
Discharge of offensive, blackish water from vagina, with bursting feeling in head as if head was swelling out.
Shooting pains by spells through head ; worse when lying and better when head is raised.
Soreness in vagina shortly after an embrace, or hindering an embrace.
Sticking pain in vagina, not increased by contact.
External genitals inflamed, erysipelatous, oedematous.
Uterine complaints resulting from exposure to cold, damp weather, from getting wet, particularly while perspiring.
Plant characteristics
During pregnancy : discharges of blood ; pelvic articulations stiff when beginning to move.
Abortion impending from straining or overexertion.
Lochia vitiated and offensive, lasting too long, or oft returning, she is well-nigh exhausted.
A vitiated discharge from vagina with shooting upward in parts, with a bursting sensation in head.
After-pains of too long duration, after severe labor, with much and excessive straining.
Milk leg, also metritis after delivery ; with typhoid symptoms.
Mamma : swell from catching cold, streaks of inflammation ; galactorrhoea ; milk vanishes with general heat.
For weeks after delivery has much pain in right limb, with numbness from hips to feet.
For weeks after delivery has a terrible cough, it seems as if something would be torn out of chest.
Abortion impending from straining or overexertion.
Lochia vitiated and offensive, lasting too long, or oft returning, she is well-nigh exhausted.
A vitiated discharge from vagina with shooting upward in parts, with a bursting sensation in head.
After-pains of too long duration, after severe labor, with much and excessive straining.
Milk leg, also metritis after delivery ; with typhoid symptoms.
Mamma : swell from catching cold, streaks of inflammation ; galactorrhoea ; milk vanishes with general heat.
For weeks after delivery has much pain in right limb, with numbness from hips to feet.
For weeks after delivery has a terrible cough, it seems as if something would be torn out of chest.
Chest organs
Respiration hurried ; very short at night.
Oppression : as if breath were stopped at pit of stomach ; worse after a meal ; anxious, as if not able to draw a long breath.
Dyspnoea from pressure and painfulness in pit of stomach.
Hot breath.
Cough : dry, teasing ; caused by tickling in bronchia ; from uncovering, even a hand ; with tearing pain in chest, stitches, profuse sweat and pain in stomach ; worse evening until midnight, or in morning soon after waking, from talking, lying down or sitting still ; from tickling under sternum ; preventing sleep at night ; frequent hacking in evening after lying down, with bitter taste in throat till he falls asleep, and in morning a similar hacking cough and a similar taste, lasting till he rises ; short, from severe tickling and irritation behind upper half of sternum, followed by feeling of discouragement and apprehension ; whenever he puts his hands out of bed ; spasmodic, shatters the head ; short, anxious, painful, frequently awakens her from sleep before midnight with very short breath ; dry, during day, wrenching epigastrium, excited by talking or singing, shoulders and cervical muscles stiff and lame on first moving ; better during exercise.
During convalescence from pneumonia, when coughing, terrific pain in left shoulder, as if shoulder would fly to pieces, and his wife would have to hold his shoulder with her hand and pinch as hard as she could ; pain was brought on by a fit of coughing, and he had to get out of bed and swing his arm back and forth as fast as he could to relieve it.
Acute cases of cough with much prostration of whole system.
Dry, hard, racking, rheumatic coughs ; the case is apt to take on a low typhoid form, and is greatly aggravated at night.
A dry teasing cough coming on before the chill and continuing during it.
Nocturnal dry cough with insufficiency of mitral valve.
Cough with taste of blood, although no blood is to be seen.
Cough with expectoration of bright-red blood and qualmish feeling in chest.
Sputa : acrid pus ; grayish-green cold mucus of putrid smell ; pale, clotted or brown blood.
Oppression of chest : at night with sticking pains, especially on breathing ; anxiety with weight on lower portion of chest.
Tension across chest, in evening very short breath and weakness in all the limbs.
In morning on rising, drawing and stitching pains in left nipple through to scapula, gradually increasing until it caused severe suffering ; face pale.
Stitches in chest and sides of chest, especially when sitting bent, talking, sneezing or taking long breath ; worse when at rest.
Tingling in chest, with tension in intercostal muscles.
Acute pleurisy with typhoid symptoms.
Acute catarrh ; the nasal, laryngeal, tracheal and bronchial passages seem stuffed up, commencing at about sunset, with sneezing and dry, hard, tickling cough, continuing very severe until midnight, when all the sufferings are ; renewed next morning.
After exposure, chilliness, headache, oppressed breathing, catching pains in right side of chest, cutting off breath on deep inspiration ; anxiety and apprehension that unless relieved he would only be able to breathe but a short time ; restless at night ; plentiful crop of vesicles around mouth, which had appeared over night. θ Influenza.
Pneumonia after exposure to rain while overheated ; short, oppressed respiration ; cough with stitches in sides ; skin hot, dry ; tongue red, dry ; pulse rapid, hard ; urine dark, becoming turbid on standing, and depositing a sediment ; diarrhoea ; impaired appetite ; considerable thirst ; sleep restless, full of dreams ; languid and weak.
Stitches in right side of chest, worse coughing and breathing ; short, anxious respiration ; deep respiration impossible ; severe cough with expectoration of mucus and brownish blood ; partly crepitant and partly bronchial rales ; bronchophony right side and dulness on percussion ; lies upon back or on right side ; burning, dry heat ; pulse tense, frequent ; anxious sleep ; transient delirium ; circumscribed redness of cheeks with yellowness of ala nasi, corners of mouth and sclerotica ; unquenchable thirst ; loss of appetite ; yellowish-brown coating on tongue ; bitter taste ; nausea, inclination to vomit, diarrhoea ; dark brown urine. θ Pleuro-pneumonia biliosa.
Pneumonia, relapse ; restless tossing about at night ; acute pain in right side of chest in locality previously affected, very sensitive to touch ; pulse again rapid, strong and full ; cough severe, with scanty expectoration of bloody mucus ; on breathing, sensation as if air became imprisoned in epigastrium, causing great anxiety.
Pneumonia. Adynamic type ; free expectoration of thin, puslike secretion stained deeply with blood.
Brick-dust expectoration of bloody sputa, raised with great difficulty, and accompanied by high fever, involuntary diarrhoea, in the worst cases ; with typhoid symptoms, often from resorption of pus ; with tearing cough and restlessness, because quiet makes pain and dyspnoea worse ; pneumonia nervosa.
Frequently recurring short cough, with blood-streaked expectoration ; stitches in left side and oppression of chest ; menses scanty but regular ; for last 8 days, after catching cold, erysipelatous on dorsum of right hand, with burning and stitching, and formation of a flat ulcer which began as a vesicle. θ Hamoptysis.
Hamoptysis. Expectoration of blood becomes nearly a habit, so that patient gradually becomes anemic, weak, and the blood itself poor ; from overexertion, blowing wind instruments ; blood bright ; pain in lower part of chest ; renewed from least mental excitement.
Numb sensation in chest.
Pain in chest as if sternum were pressed inward.
Myalgia or muscular rheumatism of chest.
Oppression : as if breath were stopped at pit of stomach ; worse after a meal ; anxious, as if not able to draw a long breath.
Dyspnoea from pressure and painfulness in pit of stomach.
Hot breath.
Cough : dry, teasing ; caused by tickling in bronchia ; from uncovering, even a hand ; with tearing pain in chest, stitches, profuse sweat and pain in stomach ; worse evening until midnight, or in morning soon after waking, from talking, lying down or sitting still ; from tickling under sternum ; preventing sleep at night ; frequent hacking in evening after lying down, with bitter taste in throat till he falls asleep, and in morning a similar hacking cough and a similar taste, lasting till he rises ; short, from severe tickling and irritation behind upper half of sternum, followed by feeling of discouragement and apprehension ; whenever he puts his hands out of bed ; spasmodic, shatters the head ; short, anxious, painful, frequently awakens her from sleep before midnight with very short breath ; dry, during day, wrenching epigastrium, excited by talking or singing, shoulders and cervical muscles stiff and lame on first moving ; better during exercise.
During convalescence from pneumonia, when coughing, terrific pain in left shoulder, as if shoulder would fly to pieces, and his wife would have to hold his shoulder with her hand and pinch as hard as she could ; pain was brought on by a fit of coughing, and he had to get out of bed and swing his arm back and forth as fast as he could to relieve it.
Acute cases of cough with much prostration of whole system.
Dry, hard, racking, rheumatic coughs ; the case is apt to take on a low typhoid form, and is greatly aggravated at night.
A dry teasing cough coming on before the chill and continuing during it.
Nocturnal dry cough with insufficiency of mitral valve.
Cough with taste of blood, although no blood is to be seen.
Cough with expectoration of bright-red blood and qualmish feeling in chest.
Sputa : acrid pus ; grayish-green cold mucus of putrid smell ; pale, clotted or brown blood.
Oppression of chest : at night with sticking pains, especially on breathing ; anxiety with weight on lower portion of chest.
Tension across chest, in evening very short breath and weakness in all the limbs.
In morning on rising, drawing and stitching pains in left nipple through to scapula, gradually increasing until it caused severe suffering ; face pale.
Stitches in chest and sides of chest, especially when sitting bent, talking, sneezing or taking long breath ; worse when at rest.
Tingling in chest, with tension in intercostal muscles.
Acute pleurisy with typhoid symptoms.
Acute catarrh ; the nasal, laryngeal, tracheal and bronchial passages seem stuffed up, commencing at about sunset, with sneezing and dry, hard, tickling cough, continuing very severe until midnight, when all the sufferings are ; renewed next morning.
After exposure, chilliness, headache, oppressed breathing, catching pains in right side of chest, cutting off breath on deep inspiration ; anxiety and apprehension that unless relieved he would only be able to breathe but a short time ; restless at night ; plentiful crop of vesicles around mouth, which had appeared over night. θ Influenza.
Pneumonia after exposure to rain while overheated ; short, oppressed respiration ; cough with stitches in sides ; skin hot, dry ; tongue red, dry ; pulse rapid, hard ; urine dark, becoming turbid on standing, and depositing a sediment ; diarrhoea ; impaired appetite ; considerable thirst ; sleep restless, full of dreams ; languid and weak.
Stitches in right side of chest, worse coughing and breathing ; short, anxious respiration ; deep respiration impossible ; severe cough with expectoration of mucus and brownish blood ; partly crepitant and partly bronchial rales ; bronchophony right side and dulness on percussion ; lies upon back or on right side ; burning, dry heat ; pulse tense, frequent ; anxious sleep ; transient delirium ; circumscribed redness of cheeks with yellowness of ala nasi, corners of mouth and sclerotica ; unquenchable thirst ; loss of appetite ; yellowish-brown coating on tongue ; bitter taste ; nausea, inclination to vomit, diarrhoea ; dark brown urine. θ Pleuro-pneumonia biliosa.
Pneumonia, relapse ; restless tossing about at night ; acute pain in right side of chest in locality previously affected, very sensitive to touch ; pulse again rapid, strong and full ; cough severe, with scanty expectoration of bloody mucus ; on breathing, sensation as if air became imprisoned in epigastrium, causing great anxiety.
Pneumonia. Adynamic type ; free expectoration of thin, puslike secretion stained deeply with blood.
Brick-dust expectoration of bloody sputa, raised with great difficulty, and accompanied by high fever, involuntary diarrhoea, in the worst cases ; with typhoid symptoms, often from resorption of pus ; with tearing cough and restlessness, because quiet makes pain and dyspnoea worse ; pneumonia nervosa.
Frequently recurring short cough, with blood-streaked expectoration ; stitches in left side and oppression of chest ; menses scanty but regular ; for last 8 days, after catching cold, erysipelatous on dorsum of right hand, with burning and stitching, and formation of a flat ulcer which began as a vesicle. θ Hamoptysis.
Hamoptysis. Expectoration of blood becomes nearly a habit, so that patient gradually becomes anemic, weak, and the blood itself poor ; from overexertion, blowing wind instruments ; blood bright ; pain in lower part of chest ; renewed from least mental excitement.
Numb sensation in chest.
Pain in chest as if sternum were pressed inward.
Myalgia or muscular rheumatism of chest.
Cardiovascular system
Weak and tremulous feeling about heart ; chest and heart feel weak after a walk.
Dragging and stiffness of cardiac region, especially on beginning to move.
Stitches in heart with painful lameness and numbness of l. arm.
Palpitation : violent, when sitting still, pulsations moving body ; anxious in morning on awaking ; following overexertion.
Uncomplicated hypertrophy, from violent exercise.
Enlargement of heart with dilatation ; pain in left shoulder and down left arm, which felt cold and numb ; pain worse at 4 A. M. faint, fluttering sensation in stomach and left chest ; sensation of gurgling in heart region, with soreness in left side ; lying on it causes severe palpitation and pain in heart.
Difficult breathing on ascending stairs ; a deep inspiration, or raising left arm suddenly, caused a momentary, acute, stabbing pain in middle anterior portion of fourth intercostal space on same side ; heart beats slightly accelerated ; some time previous was wet for several hours.
Organic diseases of heart, with sticking pain and soreness ; numbness and lameness of left arm.
Aching in left arm, with disease of heart.
Myalgia cordis.
Pulse : accelerated, weak, faint and soft ; trembling or imperceptible ; sometimes quicker than heart’s beat ; irregular ; affected by beer, coffee or alcohol.
Dragging and stiffness of cardiac region, especially on beginning to move.
Stitches in heart with painful lameness and numbness of l. arm.
Palpitation : violent, when sitting still, pulsations moving body ; anxious in morning on awaking ; following overexertion.
Uncomplicated hypertrophy, from violent exercise.
Enlargement of heart with dilatation ; pain in left shoulder and down left arm, which felt cold and numb ; pain worse at 4 A. M. faint, fluttering sensation in stomach and left chest ; sensation of gurgling in heart region, with soreness in left side ; lying on it causes severe palpitation and pain in heart.
Difficult breathing on ascending stairs ; a deep inspiration, or raising left arm suddenly, caused a momentary, acute, stabbing pain in middle anterior portion of fourth intercostal space on same side ; heart beats slightly accelerated ; some time previous was wet for several hours.
Organic diseases of heart, with sticking pain and soreness ; numbness and lameness of left arm.
Aching in left arm, with disease of heart.
Myalgia cordis.
Pulse : accelerated, weak, faint and soft ; trembling or imperceptible ; sometimes quicker than heart’s beat ; irregular ; affected by beer, coffee or alcohol.
Limbs and spine
Stiff neck with painful tension when moving ; of rheumatic origin ; from a draft.
Pain in cervical muscles as if parts were asleep, and as if one had been lying for a long time in an uncomfortable position, toward evening.
Hard swelling on left side of neck under ramus of lower jaw increased to size of a man’s fist, so large that it turned face directly to one side, causing chin to rest on r. shoulder.
Swollen or inflamed glands of neck, with red streaks, as in scarlet fever.
Carbuncle on nape of neck near spinous process of upper cervical vertebra ; swelling brownish-red, with several small openings, discharging offensive-smelling pus ; great pain ; fever ; sleep disturbed.
Pains in shoulders and back, with stiffness as from a sprain.
Pain between shoulders on swallowing food.
Sticking in back while stooping, in evening.
Pressive stitches in back, worse while walking or stooping but more on rising up again.
Constrictive pain in dorsal muscles, while sitting, better bending back, worse bending forward.
Violent rheumatic pain between scapula, neither better nor worse by motion or rest, only better by warmth, worse by cold.
Painful tension between shoulder-blades.
Stiffness in small of back, painful on motion.
Sensation as if bruised, in right side of lumbar vertebra and in small of back.
While sitting small of back aches, as after long stooping or bending.
Pain as if bruised, in small of back, whenever he lies quietly upon it or sits still ; better on moving about.
Pain in small of back, on grasping it, as if the flesh had been beaten.
Heaviness and pressure in small of back, as if one had received a blow, worse while sitting.
Pressure as with a cutting edge, across small of back, while standing or bending backward.
Pain in small of back, worse when sitting still or when lying ; better when lying on something hard, or from exercise.
Sudden acute pain in small of back while lifting a light board so that he could raise himself only with difficulty ; next day paralysis of arms, with burning on urination, scanty discharge, and vesical tenesmus.
Violent pain as if back were broken in lumbar region, on least movement or coughing, from straining back by lifting.
Lumbago ; pain worse after, not during motion.
Lumbar pain of three weeks duration after a strain ; great pain and soreness, worse after getting warm in bed and on beginning to move.
Sensitive spot in spine between shoulder-blades ; when spot is touched, he has waterbrash, afterward nausea and vomiting ; easily tired and then can swallow nothing without vomiting it up directly ; before vomiting, burning sensation in stomach and between shoulderblades ; must make great effort to vomit ; cannot eat meat, it distresses him ; numbness of middle finger of r. hand ; has not done a day’s work for six years, on account of weakness, a kind of paralytic feeling in arms, and increased pain in back and consequent nausea ; worse in damp, rainy, cold weather, particularly east wind ; can only drink coffee, tea makes him worse ; vomits cold water immediately ; bowels move only every five or seven days, very costive ; strained himself lifting an invalid wife eight or nine years ago, but felt no immediate symptoms after it, except pain in back ; Spring of 1862, during a northeast rainstorm, he endeavored to assist in moving a heavily laden team of lumber, after which felt something giving way between his shoulders.
Violent pain in head, from back to front and down spine ; lies on her back, head and back drawn backward ; slightest move or touch causes excruciating pain ; pulse slow ; action of bowels almost paralyzed ; urine voided daily but slowly ; complete sleeplessness ; pain in paroxysms ; caused by getting wet. θ Spinal irritation.
Great pain in small of back ; worse in bed, better on pressure. θ Spinal irritation.
Severe pain over crest of left ileum, between crest and posterior superior spine, better by pressure and heat. θ Spinal irritation.
Spinal membranes inflamed, even myelitis ; from getting wet or sleeping on damp ground.
Burning feeling in loins.
Stiffness and lameness in sacrum, worse on resting after exercise.
Curvature of dorsal vertebra.
Pressure on shoulders like a heavy weight.
Left shoulder seems paralyzed.
Sensation as if some one were pressing upon left shoulder, by the clavicle.
Rheumatic pain in left shoulder and arm in region of deltoid muscle.
Severe pain at top of left shoulder.
Tearing in shoulder joint and on top of scapula.
Shooting inward and throbbing in left shoulder.
Stitches in shoulders while lying, better on moving about.
Tearing and burning in shoulder, arm lame, worse in cold, wet weather, in bed, and at rest.
Pain in muscles of left shoulder and arm, also in bones of arm while joints remain unaffected ; numb sensation about hands and fingers, after a wetting.
Strain of left shoulder joint very painful for a long time ; became at last immovable ; sleepless at night.
Painful swelling of axillary glands ; suppurating.
Trembling of arms after moderate exertion.
Violent tearing pain in arm, most violent while lying still.
The arm upon which he rests the head in sleep becomes numb.
Shooting pains through arms.
Drawing, paralyzed sensation in left arm, at night.
Sticking and drawing in left arm extending downward to tips of fingers.
Drawing stitches in arms, from shoulders downward.
Tensive aching pains as if arms were luxated.
Pain in left upper arm as if muscles or tendons were unduly strained, when limb is raised.
Numbness or aching in left arm, with heart disease.
Cramplike drawing or tension in elbow joint.
Chronic inflammation of articular structures, especially when resulting from blows, sprains, etc.
Drawing and tearing extending from elbow joint into wrist.
Jerking tearing in elbow and wrist joints, during rest, better during motion.
Loss of power and stiffness of forearms and fingers on moving them.
Paralysis of arm, with coldness and insensibility.
Sudden paralysis of left arm while in open air on a rainy, day ; arm cold without sensation or motion ; pulse on affected side small, almost trembling ; dull headaches roaring in ears ; lachrymation and pressure in eyes a from sand ; dryness of gums ; offensive taste in mouth clean, dark red tongue ; diarrhoea with tenesmus and frequent urging to urinate ; restless sleep ; constant chilliness ; melancholy.
Erysipelatous swelling of arms.
Pain in right wrist.
Sensation on upper surface of left wrist on bending it as if it had been sprained.
For six months stiff wrist joint, swollen and painful ; pain worse after rest when first beginning to move the joint, after washing in cold water, by cold generally, change of weather, in a feather bed, by exertion in morning after night’s rest, and in evening.
Rheumatic pains darting through wrist joint from side to side after a sprain.
Tenderness of carpal articulation ; could not bear any shaking of wrist from forearm, or any pressure over articulation of wrist or any sideway motions of hand ; inflamed state of articular surfaces of wrist, probably of synovial membrane ; after sprain.
Drawing pain in palm of right hand.
Rheumatic pains in hands.
Pains, aching, drawing with numbness ; began in right hand, extended to all parts ; stiff in morning on beginning to move ; must change position frequently at cost of pain ; worse after midnight. θ Rheumatism.
Rheumatism with great swelling of hands, brought on by wet weather.
Hot swelling of hands in evening.
Burning in palm of right hand and sensation as if hand were being held in hot water, worse in rest, in cold, holding anything cold, but particularly from cold water, and from midnight toward morning ; better from motion, letting hand hang, warmth and warm water ; at 3 A. M. whole hand and forearm burn, driving her nearly to distraction, must get out of bed and walk about till morning ; hand as if lame and during day often goes to sleep for hours ; hand dry as if withered, unless it is rubbed with fat ; must constantly carry something in hand.
Rhagades on backs of hands.
Swollen veins on hands.
Warts particularly on hands and fingers.
Cold, sweaty hands.
Fingers can be moved only with pain, on account of great swelling.
Tearing in joints of all fingers.
A fine sticking pain in fingers.
Index and middle fingers of one hand feel numb and asleep in morning.
Severe pain at phalanges of several fingers, about midway between joints, in evening.
When grasping anything, feeling as if pins were pricking tips and palmar surfaces of first phalanges of fingers.
Crawling as if asleep, in tips of fingers.
Strained middle joint of thumb severely eight days before ; had been quite sore and painful, worse nights ; could not use it without increasing painful state.
Inflammatory swelling of finger tips with formication.
Acute pain in middle finger of right hand while working, which disappeared as he continued his occupation ; thereupon a sensation of numbness and formication appeared in finger, which gradually extended along median nerve to elbow ; this sensation grew more pronounced from day to day, and hand began to lose its strength, middle finger particularly seeming lamed.
Swelling of fingers.
Eczema impetiginoides ; angry eruption on right forearm, extending from elbow to phalangeal joints ; surface raw and excoriated and covered with yellow scabs and eliminates a sero-purulent discharge ; infiltration of areolar tissue, with much swelling ; general health affected ; fever at night, with chilliness, etc.
Chronic psoriasis covering arms, especially left, exterior surface of arms and dorsa of hands ; violent itching, but not the cloud of branlike scales.
Drawing pain in right natis, just below small of back, better on pressure.
Pressive pain in hip joints at every step, and a paralyzed sensation in anterior muscles of thigh.
Tension and drawing in right hip.
Tension in left hip joint while sitting.
When lying upon side hip hurts, and when lying upon back small of back hurts.
Tearing and drawing from hip to knee while walking or standing.
Sciatica : right side, dull aching pain, worse at night, in cold or damp weather ; better by rubbing, from heat and when warmed by exercise ; numbness and formication.
Severe attack every few weeks, crippling him for days at a time ; right thigh and hip affected ; pains worse when keeping still and on attempting to move, in wet, damp weather ; better after moving around and from warm applications ; attacks brought on by overwork and exposure. θ Sciatica.
Violent tearing, burning pain proceeded from tuberosity of right ischium, followed course of sciatic nerve and spread over thigh, knee and leg ; generally came at night, increased in intensity every minute, until obliged to get up and walk about, when pain went off. θ Sciatica.
Acute pain in left hip, particularly when rising from a seat, pain then extending toward spine, into abdomen, and at times to knee ; shortness of breath ; pains about heart, at times very severe, as if something would burst in chest, hard pressure over painful spot, and entire quietness relieves. θ Sciatica.
Sciatic neuralgia for twelve years ; pain occupied whole l. lower limb, particularly posterior part of thigh ; drawing, burning, lancinating pains, worse at night, so as to prevent sleep ; also worse in cold wet weather.
Sciatica, left side ; intense pains gradually increasing in severity ; lightning-like pains shoot through limb ; sensation of coldness in limbs ; worse in rest, better from continued motion ; sleeplessness at night.
Sciatica with tenderness about knee joint ; pain constant when walking ; could rise from bed or chair only with great effort and care.
Sciatica, right side ; pain extremely violent, makes him scream, worse when at rest ; better by walking when able to walk.
Stinging pain, worse during rest in bed ; has to turn over, or change position of leg every few minutes, which relieves pain for a short time ; heaviness, when he undertakes to run, leg lacks power ; cramps in calves obliging him to get out of bed and walk the floor.
Excessive nervousness ; sleeplessness ; inability to rest in any position ; muscular twitching in all parts of body, especially in affected leg, at night. θ Sciatica.
Rheumatic sciatica ; pain worse after rising from his box (he is a coachman) ; urine thick.
Coxalgia in right hip-joint along ischiatic nerve to ankle ; better from warmth, worse from cold ; first motion very painful, gradually getting better from continued motion.
Coxalgia. Involuntary limping ; pains felt mostly in knee ; worse from overexercise ; worse at night ; with lengthening of limb.
After exposure, pain in hips, thence to lower part of thigh, only on external side ; leg lame and stiff ; pain worse in change of weather, from cold and exercise.
Pain as if sprained in hip, knee or ankle joint.
A sense of stiffness in pelvic articulations on first attempting to walk ; better after getting warm in walking.
Much pain continues in right limb, with numbness from hips to feet. θ After parturition.
Drawing pain with crepitation in hip joints ; pain worse by leaving chair after long sitting, by sitting down in the cold, by exerting leg during walking, in the Autumn and by change of weather ; better from warmth of stove, in sun, and by continued gentle motion ; leg is so lame that he is obliged to take hold of the pantaloons near knee, in order to lift it and move it on ; when limping in this manner the leg was always bent in the knee-joint, and every attempt to extend it caused pain, complete extension was impossible ; the limb being stiff in hip joint every motion was painful and imperfect ; after exposure to snow-storm while overheated. θ Rheumatism.
Traumatic cases of inflammation of hip joint ; frequently after Arnica, in bad effects from contusion and from straining of capsular ligaments and of tendons and muscles of thigh, with swelling and great pain in affected parts ; or when caused by exposing perspiring skin to sudden cold, or by getting wet, or from lying on wet ground after body has been in perspiration ; aching, drawing, tearing, tensive pains with a sensation as if skin around diseased parts were too tight ; pain worse in recumbent posture.
Four years ago was thrown from a wagon and much injured about hips and small of back ; was very lame and unable to move much or sit up any length of time ; has been in feeble health ever since ; it has affected her very much to stand or walk since the injury ; thinks she has not been able to bear her weight on her limb since, without more or less suffering through the hips ; cannot endure walking, even for a short distance, without suffering for a week or more, and at times is confined to bed in consequence ; riding or any jarring affects her in much the same way ; much tenderness to pressure about heads of both femora and edges of acetabulum, joint of coccyx and sacrum ; pressing head of femur against acetabulum produces much pain and aching, and she feels it so constantly while bearing any weight upon limbs ; sleep restless and unquiet, especially first part of night.
Man of sanguine temperament, had been injured by the caving in of a gravel bank, injuring his right hip ; no sleep for three nights ; unable to move or have the leg stirred ; groaning under severe pain and suffering ; whole hip and thigh quite hot and inflamed.
Aching pain in both hip joints at every step, and a paralytic feeling in anterior muscles of thighs.
Right rectus cruris muscle very sensitive on pressure, as if bruised.
Tension on posterior surface of thigh while riding one leg over the other.
Tension in left thigh, extending downward from hip-joint.
Jerking and tearing in right thigh, somewhat above knee.
Tearing pain in middle of outer portion of thigh, while sitting, better on motion.
Tearing, dragging pains in muscles of left thigh.
The pain runs in streaks down limbs with every evacuation.
From a severe wetting all over, was seized with terrible pains in lower extremities, paroxysmal in character, driving him to desperation ; could remain in no position, but resembled a dancing monkey.
^^ Lameness and stiffness and pain on first moving after rest, or on getting up in the morning, better by continued motion.
After becoming thoroughly chilled a year and a half ago during a long railroad journey, legs had gradually become stiff and weak ; numbness of feet with tingling ; every now and then attacks of painful stiffness in back, which would lay her up for two or three weeks ; urine thick. θ Rheumatic paralysis.
Restlessness of lower limbs in bed at night, better by motion.
Spasmodic twitching in limbs when stepping out.
Jerking in thigh, with tremor of knees.
Paralysis of lower extremities.
Lower extremities feel bruised, they are so weary.
Heaviness of lower limbs.
Powerlessness of lower limbs, she can hardly draw them up ; nurse has to move them. θ After parturition.
On rising from seat after sitting about four hours, loss of power of coordination in lower extremities, staggers, takes longer strides than he intends, steps higher than usual ; feels strangely ; symptoms return after sitting or lying down.
Scrofulosis and rachitis ; tensive feeling in diseased limb, as if tendons were too short ; bruising pains, causing patient to scream ; worse when touched.
For some years swelling of feet in warm weather ; finally limbs began to enlarge ; no evidence of any organic disease ; both legs much swollen and pit upon pressure ; prickling heat in limbs and after walking, surface of them becomes red and hot ; on first attempting motion limbs are stiff, but become more supple after continued exercise ; tongue yellowish, with red points at tip. θ Anasarca.
Scarlet fever anasarcous condition of lower limbs, with diminished secretion of urine.
Painful swelling above knee.
A pulling with tension in tendons on inner side of right knee, causing uneasiness in foot.
Pains under patella.
Burning pain in knee joints and lower extremities.
Tearing in knee and in ankle, worse during rest.
A stitch across knee on standing up after sitting.
A sticking from within outward in side of knee, while walking.
Stiffness, especially of knees and feet.
Tension in knee, as if it were too short.
Heaviness like a hundredweight, in hollows of knees and in calves, so that he could not move feet along.
A crawling with tension in tendons on inner side of right knee.
After catching cold, swelling of knee, followed by suppuration ; after eight weeks surgical treatment, there were around the patella three openings with elevated edges, from which an unhealthy thin pus was discharged ; fever ; continuous pain ; sleeplessness ; looks as if he had consumption.
Swelling of knee, with violent gnawing pains. θ Rheumatic gout.
Groaning with pain in left knee joint, which extends down leg ; begged to have the limb cut off. θ Acute rheumatism.
Shooting and deep cutting pains in leg. θ Acute rheumatism.
Pain in right knee ; worse when straining knee ; often a cracking in joint when stretching limb ; exudation in joint ; change of weather, especially rain or storm worse pain, when at rest there is no pain. θ Hydrarthrus genu.
Painful swelling in popliteal space of one limb, occasioned by a cold, preventing extension of leg ; pain in tumor, particularly after walking and exercising leg.
After exposure to dampness, swelling of finger joints, followed by a pale, rather painless, somewhat fluctuating swelling of right knee ; leg flexed, cannot be extended ; emaciation ; paleness of face ; no fever. θ White swelling of knee.
Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of both knee joints ; second sound of heart impaired.
Great heaviness, weakness and weariness of legs.
Great inclination to stretch out leg and foot, in morning.
Aching pains in legs, inability to rest in any position but for a moment.
Tension in calves while walking and a sensation as if the hamstrings were too short.
Cramps in calves after midnight, while lying in bed and while sitting after walking.
Pain in inner, lower and posterior part of calf of leg, felt during earlier portion of a walk, whenever the heel was raised by the action of the calf ; better after walking a few minutes.
On rising from a chair, sudden and severe pain as from a sprain, at insertion of ligamentum patella into tibia.
A stitch in hamstrings just above calves, on violent motion, on rising from a seat and on touch.
Stitches just below right knee.
Pain like a tingling, in tibia at night, while feet are crossed ; she is constantly obliged to move legs back and forth, and on this account is unable to sleep.
When walking legs feel as if made of wood.
Paroxysmal pains in legs from getting wet, especially when warm and sweaty.
Cramps in legs and feet, must walk about.
Ulcers : on legs, discharging profusely ; on dropsical legs, discharging serum.
Intolerable itching of legs and feet at night ; old rash.
Erysipelas, red, itching, phlegmonous swelling, with vesicular eruption extending like a band around right ankle ; large open ulcer on ankle ; pain worse after, not during motion (Rhus rad. cured after failure of Rhus tox.
Four weeks ago, while running fast, was suddenly taken with a very acute pain in ankle-joint ; pain better when at rest, but is felt as soon as he attempts to walk fast, obliging him to stand still.
Sprain of ankle, could not touch foot to ground for six weeks, or expose it to dampness, or be out nights.
Aching pains in ankles and hollow of feet on walking, so that he must lie down after the least walk.
Swollen about ankles after sitting too long, particularly in traveling ; feet swell in evening.
Ulcer as large as a silver dollar on internal malleolus, with itching, stinging, darting pains ; worse after motion.
Swelling of feet, painless to touch in evening.
Weariness of feet so that she could not easily go up stairs.
Deadness and numbness of lower part of right foot, which seemed made of wood.
Heaviness and tension of feet while sitting.
Feet painful as if sprained or wrenched, in morning on rising.
A paralytic drawing in whole of foot, while sitting.
Crawling in feet in morning, while lying in bed and after rising.
Aching pains in hollow of feet.
Pains in both heels as if stepping upon pins, on first standing, in morning.
Sharp pain in heels at times, like running nails under skin.
Stitching in heels when stepping upon them.
Spasmodic contraction in inner side of sole of foot, better by stretching it out and bending sole upward.
Stitches in soles of feet as if he were walking upon needles, in evening.
Fetid perspiration of feet in men of a rheumatic tendency much exposed to weather and devoted to hard manual labor.
Corns, with soreness and burning.
Eczema on inner side of thighs after vaccination, much itching and thirst.
Eczema rubrum ; leg, from knee joint to toes, exhibits a dark, purplish aspect and emits a musty odor, together with copious serous discharge ; intense burning and itching, particularly on exposure to cold ; extreme irritation of mind ; general debility ; sleeplessness ; loss of appetite ; distress when eating ; constipation ; headache.
Child, at. 1 1/2, has had hives, which were very itchy, scratching developed them into large blisters ; very uneasy and restless at night ; has now erysipelas on l. leg, which is swollen and dark purple.
Erythema nodosum on legs ; large painful protuberances over each tibia.
Great weakness in limbs ; they tremble.
All the limbs feel stiff and paralyzed during and after walking, with a sensation of a hundredweight on nape of neck.
Sensation of stiffness on first moving limb, after rest.
Limbs upon which he lies, especially arms, fall asleep.
A sensation similar to a trembling in arms and lower extremities, even while at rest.
Drawing or tearing pains in limbs during rest.
Pains as if bruised, or sprained, in joints.
Cracking of joints when stretched.
Tension, stiffness and stitches in joints ; worse when rising from a seat.
Rheumatoid pains in limbs : with numbness and tingling ; joints weak, stiff, or red ; shining swelling of joints, stitches when touched ; worse on beginning to move, after 12 P. M., and in wet, damp weather or places ; better from continued motion.
Pain, swelling and stiffness of joints from sprains, overlifting or overstraining.
Inflammatory rheumatism, from exposure to cold, followed by paralysis of right side ; pains almost constant in r. side ; marked periodicity, coming on at 10 P. M. and lasting until 6 A. M. ; worse in winter and before a storm, during a storm pains over whole body ; intense pain on moving after rest, but continued motion relieved.
Chronic inflammation of articular structures, especially when resulting from blows, strains, etc.
Synovitis ; spurious anchylosis.
Swelling of hands and feet.
Phlegmonous erysipelas of limbs.
Eruption on limbs, with intense itching, worse at night, and when putting hands in hot or cold water.
Rest : tearing pains in cranial bones.
Lying : cough ; vertigo ; headache ; extreme vertigo ; shooting through head.
Lying on back : colic better with legs elevated ; obstructive dysmenorrhoea .
Lying in bed : cramps in calves.
Lies on back constantly : erysipelas.
Lies on its face with hands to head : sore eyes.
Lying on hard floor with pillow under back : backache .
Lying on side : hip hurts.
Lying on left side : causes palpitation and pain in heart.
Side on which she lies : beating in temple ; scalp sensitive ; soreness of abdomen.
Lying upon limbs : they fall asleep ; no sweat on parts.
Head low : heaviness.
Head raised : shooting pains through head .
Must hold head to relieve weight in it.
Bending head backward : pain in occiput ; pain in head and down spine.
Bending back : pain in dorsal muscles ; pressure in small of back.
Bending forward : pain in dorsal muscles.
Sitting : headache ; pains in abdomen.
Sitting bent : stitches in chest.
Could not sit still : on account of general uneasiness, must turn in every direction on chair and move limb.
Rising from seat : pain in hip.
Rising from bed : vertigo ; eructations.
Rising from stooping : stitches in back.
Stooping : vertigo.
Standing : vertigo.
Raising left arm suddenly : causes stabbing pain in fourth intercostal space ; pain in arm.
Bending wrist : as if sprained.
Riding one leg over other : tension of thigh.
Bending sole of foot upward : contraction .
Hanging down feet : caused urging to stool.
Change of position : better pain in back of neck ; frequent, in cholera infantum ; constant, to better menorrhagia ; better pain in leg ; rheumatic fever ; during typhoid ; zona, necessitates.
Beginning to move : soreness in abdomen worst ; pelvic articulations stiff ; shoulders and cervical muscles stiff, lame ; stiffness of cardiac region ; lumbar pain.
Motion : stupefaction in head, with tingling and pains in limbs ; rapid, better pain in temple ; of eyes, painful ; of eyes, worse pain in head ; headache ; pain in jaw ; cracking of jaw ; stiffness of joints ; painful tension of neck ; stiffness of back painful ; pain in small of back ; lumbago worse after, not during ; slightest, causes excruciating pain in back ; stitches in shoulders ; tearing in elbow and wrist joints ; loss of power and stiffness of forearms and fingers ; sciatica ; continued, better coxalgia ; gentle continued, better pain in hip joints ; restlessness of legs ; violent stitch in hamstrings ; pain in ankle, worse after, not during ; pain in ulcers on feet.
Swallowing food : pain between shoulders.
Stretching : limb, cracking sound in knee joint ; inclination for, leg and foot ; sole of foot, contraction ; cracking of joints.
Stretching : soreness of abdomen.
Turning : vertigo.
Swinging arm back and forth : better pain in shoulder.
Stepping out : spasmodic twitching in limbs.
Stepping : brain feels loose.
At every step : pain in hip joints ; stitches in heels.
Walking : vertigo ; heart feels weak after ; stitches in back ; pain in ankle returns ; pain in ankles and hollows of feet ; all limbs feel stiff and paralyzed.
Must walk bent over : pain in abdomen.
Must shift about to get relief : prolapsus.
Could remain in no position : terrible pain in legs ; tingling in tibia.
Cannot remain quiet a moment.
Inclination to move affected parts, continued motion : better soreness of nipples.
Ascending stairs : difficult breathing.
While running fast sudden acute pain in ankle joint.
Exercise : pain in cranial bones ; stiffness of cervical muscles ; violent, uncomplicated hypertrophy ; pain in small of back ; trembling of arms ; stiffness and soreness of muscles pass off.
Unwonted exertion : paralysis.
Overexertion : palpitation ; coxalgia.
Touch : head painful ; cannot bear slightest, on eye ; on sore spot below navel causes nausea ; chest very sensitive ; sensitive spot in spine ; causes waterbrash ; causes excruciating pain in back ; scrofulosis and rachitis.
Pressure : pain in jaw ; abdomen painful ; pain in back ; pain over crest of left ileum ; drawing pain in right natis ; hard, on hip and leg better pain ; rectus cruris muscle sensitive ; pain in eruption.
Resting head upon arm : causes numbness of arm.
Rubbing : better sciatica ; itching of urticaria.
Scratching : developed blisters from hives ; itching.
Grasping and pinching : better pain in left shoulder ; pain in small of back as if flesh had been beaten.
Riding or jarring : affects injured hip.
Blows or sprains, etc. : cause chronic inflammation of articular structures.
After a sprain : pains in wrist from side to side.
A fall immediately before delivery : epilepsy.
Thrown from carriage : injured about hips and small of back.
Traumatic : erysipelas of lids.
Pain in cervical muscles as if parts were asleep, and as if one had been lying for a long time in an uncomfortable position, toward evening.
Hard swelling on left side of neck under ramus of lower jaw increased to size of a man’s fist, so large that it turned face directly to one side, causing chin to rest on r. shoulder.
Swollen or inflamed glands of neck, with red streaks, as in scarlet fever.
Carbuncle on nape of neck near spinous process of upper cervical vertebra ; swelling brownish-red, with several small openings, discharging offensive-smelling pus ; great pain ; fever ; sleep disturbed.
Pains in shoulders and back, with stiffness as from a sprain.
Pain between shoulders on swallowing food.
Sticking in back while stooping, in evening.
Pressive stitches in back, worse while walking or stooping but more on rising up again.
Constrictive pain in dorsal muscles, while sitting, better bending back, worse bending forward.
Violent rheumatic pain between scapula, neither better nor worse by motion or rest, only better by warmth, worse by cold.
Painful tension between shoulder-blades.
Stiffness in small of back, painful on motion.
Sensation as if bruised, in right side of lumbar vertebra and in small of back.
While sitting small of back aches, as after long stooping or bending.
Pain as if bruised, in small of back, whenever he lies quietly upon it or sits still ; better on moving about.
Pain in small of back, on grasping it, as if the flesh had been beaten.
Heaviness and pressure in small of back, as if one had received a blow, worse while sitting.
Pressure as with a cutting edge, across small of back, while standing or bending backward.
Pain in small of back, worse when sitting still or when lying ; better when lying on something hard, or from exercise.
Sudden acute pain in small of back while lifting a light board so that he could raise himself only with difficulty ; next day paralysis of arms, with burning on urination, scanty discharge, and vesical tenesmus.
Violent pain as if back were broken in lumbar region, on least movement or coughing, from straining back by lifting.
Lumbago ; pain worse after, not during motion.
Lumbar pain of three weeks duration after a strain ; great pain and soreness, worse after getting warm in bed and on beginning to move.
Sensitive spot in spine between shoulder-blades ; when spot is touched, he has waterbrash, afterward nausea and vomiting ; easily tired and then can swallow nothing without vomiting it up directly ; before vomiting, burning sensation in stomach and between shoulderblades ; must make great effort to vomit ; cannot eat meat, it distresses him ; numbness of middle finger of r. hand ; has not done a day’s work for six years, on account of weakness, a kind of paralytic feeling in arms, and increased pain in back and consequent nausea ; worse in damp, rainy, cold weather, particularly east wind ; can only drink coffee, tea makes him worse ; vomits cold water immediately ; bowels move only every five or seven days, very costive ; strained himself lifting an invalid wife eight or nine years ago, but felt no immediate symptoms after it, except pain in back ; Spring of 1862, during a northeast rainstorm, he endeavored to assist in moving a heavily laden team of lumber, after which felt something giving way between his shoulders.
Violent pain in head, from back to front and down spine ; lies on her back, head and back drawn backward ; slightest move or touch causes excruciating pain ; pulse slow ; action of bowels almost paralyzed ; urine voided daily but slowly ; complete sleeplessness ; pain in paroxysms ; caused by getting wet. θ Spinal irritation.
Great pain in small of back ; worse in bed, better on pressure. θ Spinal irritation.
Severe pain over crest of left ileum, between crest and posterior superior spine, better by pressure and heat. θ Spinal irritation.
Spinal membranes inflamed, even myelitis ; from getting wet or sleeping on damp ground.
Burning feeling in loins.
Stiffness and lameness in sacrum, worse on resting after exercise.
Curvature of dorsal vertebra.
Pressure on shoulders like a heavy weight.
Left shoulder seems paralyzed.
Sensation as if some one were pressing upon left shoulder, by the clavicle.
Rheumatic pain in left shoulder and arm in region of deltoid muscle.
Severe pain at top of left shoulder.
Tearing in shoulder joint and on top of scapula.
Shooting inward and throbbing in left shoulder.
Stitches in shoulders while lying, better on moving about.
Tearing and burning in shoulder, arm lame, worse in cold, wet weather, in bed, and at rest.
Pain in muscles of left shoulder and arm, also in bones of arm while joints remain unaffected ; numb sensation about hands and fingers, after a wetting.
Strain of left shoulder joint very painful for a long time ; became at last immovable ; sleepless at night.
Painful swelling of axillary glands ; suppurating.
Trembling of arms after moderate exertion.
Violent tearing pain in arm, most violent while lying still.
The arm upon which he rests the head in sleep becomes numb.
Shooting pains through arms.
Drawing, paralyzed sensation in left arm, at night.
Sticking and drawing in left arm extending downward to tips of fingers.
Drawing stitches in arms, from shoulders downward.
Tensive aching pains as if arms were luxated.
Pain in left upper arm as if muscles or tendons were unduly strained, when limb is raised.
Numbness or aching in left arm, with heart disease.
Cramplike drawing or tension in elbow joint.
Chronic inflammation of articular structures, especially when resulting from blows, sprains, etc.
Drawing and tearing extending from elbow joint into wrist.
Jerking tearing in elbow and wrist joints, during rest, better during motion.
Loss of power and stiffness of forearms and fingers on moving them.
Paralysis of arm, with coldness and insensibility.
Sudden paralysis of left arm while in open air on a rainy, day ; arm cold without sensation or motion ; pulse on affected side small, almost trembling ; dull headaches roaring in ears ; lachrymation and pressure in eyes a from sand ; dryness of gums ; offensive taste in mouth clean, dark red tongue ; diarrhoea with tenesmus and frequent urging to urinate ; restless sleep ; constant chilliness ; melancholy.
Erysipelatous swelling of arms.
Pain in right wrist.
Sensation on upper surface of left wrist on bending it as if it had been sprained.
For six months stiff wrist joint, swollen and painful ; pain worse after rest when first beginning to move the joint, after washing in cold water, by cold generally, change of weather, in a feather bed, by exertion in morning after night’s rest, and in evening.
Rheumatic pains darting through wrist joint from side to side after a sprain.
Tenderness of carpal articulation ; could not bear any shaking of wrist from forearm, or any pressure over articulation of wrist or any sideway motions of hand ; inflamed state of articular surfaces of wrist, probably of synovial membrane ; after sprain.
Drawing pain in palm of right hand.
Rheumatic pains in hands.
Pains, aching, drawing with numbness ; began in right hand, extended to all parts ; stiff in morning on beginning to move ; must change position frequently at cost of pain ; worse after midnight. θ Rheumatism.
Rheumatism with great swelling of hands, brought on by wet weather.
Hot swelling of hands in evening.
Burning in palm of right hand and sensation as if hand were being held in hot water, worse in rest, in cold, holding anything cold, but particularly from cold water, and from midnight toward morning ; better from motion, letting hand hang, warmth and warm water ; at 3 A. M. whole hand and forearm burn, driving her nearly to distraction, must get out of bed and walk about till morning ; hand as if lame and during day often goes to sleep for hours ; hand dry as if withered, unless it is rubbed with fat ; must constantly carry something in hand.
Rhagades on backs of hands.
Swollen veins on hands.
Warts particularly on hands and fingers.
Cold, sweaty hands.
Fingers can be moved only with pain, on account of great swelling.
Tearing in joints of all fingers.
A fine sticking pain in fingers.
Index and middle fingers of one hand feel numb and asleep in morning.
Severe pain at phalanges of several fingers, about midway between joints, in evening.
When grasping anything, feeling as if pins were pricking tips and palmar surfaces of first phalanges of fingers.
Crawling as if asleep, in tips of fingers.
Strained middle joint of thumb severely eight days before ; had been quite sore and painful, worse nights ; could not use it without increasing painful state.
Inflammatory swelling of finger tips with formication.
Acute pain in middle finger of right hand while working, which disappeared as he continued his occupation ; thereupon a sensation of numbness and formication appeared in finger, which gradually extended along median nerve to elbow ; this sensation grew more pronounced from day to day, and hand began to lose its strength, middle finger particularly seeming lamed.
Swelling of fingers.
Eczema impetiginoides ; angry eruption on right forearm, extending from elbow to phalangeal joints ; surface raw and excoriated and covered with yellow scabs and eliminates a sero-purulent discharge ; infiltration of areolar tissue, with much swelling ; general health affected ; fever at night, with chilliness, etc.
Chronic psoriasis covering arms, especially left, exterior surface of arms and dorsa of hands ; violent itching, but not the cloud of branlike scales.
Drawing pain in right natis, just below small of back, better on pressure.
Pressive pain in hip joints at every step, and a paralyzed sensation in anterior muscles of thigh.
Tension and drawing in right hip.
Tension in left hip joint while sitting.
When lying upon side hip hurts, and when lying upon back small of back hurts.
Tearing and drawing from hip to knee while walking or standing.
Sciatica : right side, dull aching pain, worse at night, in cold or damp weather ; better by rubbing, from heat and when warmed by exercise ; numbness and formication.
Severe attack every few weeks, crippling him for days at a time ; right thigh and hip affected ; pains worse when keeping still and on attempting to move, in wet, damp weather ; better after moving around and from warm applications ; attacks brought on by overwork and exposure. θ Sciatica.
Violent tearing, burning pain proceeded from tuberosity of right ischium, followed course of sciatic nerve and spread over thigh, knee and leg ; generally came at night, increased in intensity every minute, until obliged to get up and walk about, when pain went off. θ Sciatica.
Acute pain in left hip, particularly when rising from a seat, pain then extending toward spine, into abdomen, and at times to knee ; shortness of breath ; pains about heart, at times very severe, as if something would burst in chest, hard pressure over painful spot, and entire quietness relieves. θ Sciatica.
Sciatic neuralgia for twelve years ; pain occupied whole l. lower limb, particularly posterior part of thigh ; drawing, burning, lancinating pains, worse at night, so as to prevent sleep ; also worse in cold wet weather.
Sciatica, left side ; intense pains gradually increasing in severity ; lightning-like pains shoot through limb ; sensation of coldness in limbs ; worse in rest, better from continued motion ; sleeplessness at night.
Sciatica with tenderness about knee joint ; pain constant when walking ; could rise from bed or chair only with great effort and care.
Sciatica, right side ; pain extremely violent, makes him scream, worse when at rest ; better by walking when able to walk.
Stinging pain, worse during rest in bed ; has to turn over, or change position of leg every few minutes, which relieves pain for a short time ; heaviness, when he undertakes to run, leg lacks power ; cramps in calves obliging him to get out of bed and walk the floor.
Excessive nervousness ; sleeplessness ; inability to rest in any position ; muscular twitching in all parts of body, especially in affected leg, at night. θ Sciatica.
Rheumatic sciatica ; pain worse after rising from his box (he is a coachman) ; urine thick.
Coxalgia in right hip-joint along ischiatic nerve to ankle ; better from warmth, worse from cold ; first motion very painful, gradually getting better from continued motion.
Coxalgia. Involuntary limping ; pains felt mostly in knee ; worse from overexercise ; worse at night ; with lengthening of limb.
After exposure, pain in hips, thence to lower part of thigh, only on external side ; leg lame and stiff ; pain worse in change of weather, from cold and exercise.
Pain as if sprained in hip, knee or ankle joint.
A sense of stiffness in pelvic articulations on first attempting to walk ; better after getting warm in walking.
Much pain continues in right limb, with numbness from hips to feet. θ After parturition.
Drawing pain with crepitation in hip joints ; pain worse by leaving chair after long sitting, by sitting down in the cold, by exerting leg during walking, in the Autumn and by change of weather ; better from warmth of stove, in sun, and by continued gentle motion ; leg is so lame that he is obliged to take hold of the pantaloons near knee, in order to lift it and move it on ; when limping in this manner the leg was always bent in the knee-joint, and every attempt to extend it caused pain, complete extension was impossible ; the limb being stiff in hip joint every motion was painful and imperfect ; after exposure to snow-storm while overheated. θ Rheumatism.
Traumatic cases of inflammation of hip joint ; frequently after Arnica, in bad effects from contusion and from straining of capsular ligaments and of tendons and muscles of thigh, with swelling and great pain in affected parts ; or when caused by exposing perspiring skin to sudden cold, or by getting wet, or from lying on wet ground after body has been in perspiration ; aching, drawing, tearing, tensive pains with a sensation as if skin around diseased parts were too tight ; pain worse in recumbent posture.
Four years ago was thrown from a wagon and much injured about hips and small of back ; was very lame and unable to move much or sit up any length of time ; has been in feeble health ever since ; it has affected her very much to stand or walk since the injury ; thinks she has not been able to bear her weight on her limb since, without more or less suffering through the hips ; cannot endure walking, even for a short distance, without suffering for a week or more, and at times is confined to bed in consequence ; riding or any jarring affects her in much the same way ; much tenderness to pressure about heads of both femora and edges of acetabulum, joint of coccyx and sacrum ; pressing head of femur against acetabulum produces much pain and aching, and she feels it so constantly while bearing any weight upon limbs ; sleep restless and unquiet, especially first part of night.
Man of sanguine temperament, had been injured by the caving in of a gravel bank, injuring his right hip ; no sleep for three nights ; unable to move or have the leg stirred ; groaning under severe pain and suffering ; whole hip and thigh quite hot and inflamed.
Aching pain in both hip joints at every step, and a paralytic feeling in anterior muscles of thighs.
Right rectus cruris muscle very sensitive on pressure, as if bruised.
Tension on posterior surface of thigh while riding one leg over the other.
Tension in left thigh, extending downward from hip-joint.
Jerking and tearing in right thigh, somewhat above knee.
Tearing pain in middle of outer portion of thigh, while sitting, better on motion.
Tearing, dragging pains in muscles of left thigh.
The pain runs in streaks down limbs with every evacuation.
From a severe wetting all over, was seized with terrible pains in lower extremities, paroxysmal in character, driving him to desperation ; could remain in no position, but resembled a dancing monkey.
^^ Lameness and stiffness and pain on first moving after rest, or on getting up in the morning, better by continued motion.
After becoming thoroughly chilled a year and a half ago during a long railroad journey, legs had gradually become stiff and weak ; numbness of feet with tingling ; every now and then attacks of painful stiffness in back, which would lay her up for two or three weeks ; urine thick. θ Rheumatic paralysis.
Restlessness of lower limbs in bed at night, better by motion.
Spasmodic twitching in limbs when stepping out.
Jerking in thigh, with tremor of knees.
Paralysis of lower extremities.
Lower extremities feel bruised, they are so weary.
Heaviness of lower limbs.
Powerlessness of lower limbs, she can hardly draw them up ; nurse has to move them. θ After parturition.
On rising from seat after sitting about four hours, loss of power of coordination in lower extremities, staggers, takes longer strides than he intends, steps higher than usual ; feels strangely ; symptoms return after sitting or lying down.
Scrofulosis and rachitis ; tensive feeling in diseased limb, as if tendons were too short ; bruising pains, causing patient to scream ; worse when touched.
For some years swelling of feet in warm weather ; finally limbs began to enlarge ; no evidence of any organic disease ; both legs much swollen and pit upon pressure ; prickling heat in limbs and after walking, surface of them becomes red and hot ; on first attempting motion limbs are stiff, but become more supple after continued exercise ; tongue yellowish, with red points at tip. θ Anasarca.
Scarlet fever anasarcous condition of lower limbs, with diminished secretion of urine.
Painful swelling above knee.
A pulling with tension in tendons on inner side of right knee, causing uneasiness in foot.
Pains under patella.
Burning pain in knee joints and lower extremities.
Tearing in knee and in ankle, worse during rest.
A stitch across knee on standing up after sitting.
A sticking from within outward in side of knee, while walking.
Stiffness, especially of knees and feet.
Tension in knee, as if it were too short.
Heaviness like a hundredweight, in hollows of knees and in calves, so that he could not move feet along.
A crawling with tension in tendons on inner side of right knee.
After catching cold, swelling of knee, followed by suppuration ; after eight weeks surgical treatment, there were around the patella three openings with elevated edges, from which an unhealthy thin pus was discharged ; fever ; continuous pain ; sleeplessness ; looks as if he had consumption.
Swelling of knee, with violent gnawing pains. θ Rheumatic gout.
Groaning with pain in left knee joint, which extends down leg ; begged to have the limb cut off. θ Acute rheumatism.
Shooting and deep cutting pains in leg. θ Acute rheumatism.
Pain in right knee ; worse when straining knee ; often a cracking in joint when stretching limb ; exudation in joint ; change of weather, especially rain or storm worse pain, when at rest there is no pain. θ Hydrarthrus genu.
Painful swelling in popliteal space of one limb, occasioned by a cold, preventing extension of leg ; pain in tumor, particularly after walking and exercising leg.
After exposure to dampness, swelling of finger joints, followed by a pale, rather painless, somewhat fluctuating swelling of right knee ; leg flexed, cannot be extended ; emaciation ; paleness of face ; no fever. θ White swelling of knee.
Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of both knee joints ; second sound of heart impaired.
Great heaviness, weakness and weariness of legs.
Great inclination to stretch out leg and foot, in morning.
Aching pains in legs, inability to rest in any position but for a moment.
Tension in calves while walking and a sensation as if the hamstrings were too short.
Cramps in calves after midnight, while lying in bed and while sitting after walking.
Pain in inner, lower and posterior part of calf of leg, felt during earlier portion of a walk, whenever the heel was raised by the action of the calf ; better after walking a few minutes.
On rising from a chair, sudden and severe pain as from a sprain, at insertion of ligamentum patella into tibia.
A stitch in hamstrings just above calves, on violent motion, on rising from a seat and on touch.
Stitches just below right knee.
Pain like a tingling, in tibia at night, while feet are crossed ; she is constantly obliged to move legs back and forth, and on this account is unable to sleep.
When walking legs feel as if made of wood.
Paroxysmal pains in legs from getting wet, especially when warm and sweaty.
Cramps in legs and feet, must walk about.
Ulcers : on legs, discharging profusely ; on dropsical legs, discharging serum.
Intolerable itching of legs and feet at night ; old rash.
Erysipelas, red, itching, phlegmonous swelling, with vesicular eruption extending like a band around right ankle ; large open ulcer on ankle ; pain worse after, not during motion (Rhus rad. cured after failure of Rhus tox.
Four weeks ago, while running fast, was suddenly taken with a very acute pain in ankle-joint ; pain better when at rest, but is felt as soon as he attempts to walk fast, obliging him to stand still.
Sprain of ankle, could not touch foot to ground for six weeks, or expose it to dampness, or be out nights.
Aching pains in ankles and hollow of feet on walking, so that he must lie down after the least walk.
Swollen about ankles after sitting too long, particularly in traveling ; feet swell in evening.
Ulcer as large as a silver dollar on internal malleolus, with itching, stinging, darting pains ; worse after motion.
Swelling of feet, painless to touch in evening.
Weariness of feet so that she could not easily go up stairs.
Deadness and numbness of lower part of right foot, which seemed made of wood.
Heaviness and tension of feet while sitting.
Feet painful as if sprained or wrenched, in morning on rising.
A paralytic drawing in whole of foot, while sitting.
Crawling in feet in morning, while lying in bed and after rising.
Aching pains in hollow of feet.
Pains in both heels as if stepping upon pins, on first standing, in morning.
Sharp pain in heels at times, like running nails under skin.
Stitching in heels when stepping upon them.
Spasmodic contraction in inner side of sole of foot, better by stretching it out and bending sole upward.
Stitches in soles of feet as if he were walking upon needles, in evening.
Fetid perspiration of feet in men of a rheumatic tendency much exposed to weather and devoted to hard manual labor.
Corns, with soreness and burning.
Eczema on inner side of thighs after vaccination, much itching and thirst.
Eczema rubrum ; leg, from knee joint to toes, exhibits a dark, purplish aspect and emits a musty odor, together with copious serous discharge ; intense burning and itching, particularly on exposure to cold ; extreme irritation of mind ; general debility ; sleeplessness ; loss of appetite ; distress when eating ; constipation ; headache.
Child, at. 1 1/2, has had hives, which were very itchy, scratching developed them into large blisters ; very uneasy and restless at night ; has now erysipelas on l. leg, which is swollen and dark purple.
Erythema nodosum on legs ; large painful protuberances over each tibia.
Great weakness in limbs ; they tremble.
All the limbs feel stiff and paralyzed during and after walking, with a sensation of a hundredweight on nape of neck.
Sensation of stiffness on first moving limb, after rest.
Limbs upon which he lies, especially arms, fall asleep.
A sensation similar to a trembling in arms and lower extremities, even while at rest.
Drawing or tearing pains in limbs during rest.
Pains as if bruised, or sprained, in joints.
Cracking of joints when stretched.
Tension, stiffness and stitches in joints ; worse when rising from a seat.
Rheumatoid pains in limbs : with numbness and tingling ; joints weak, stiff, or red ; shining swelling of joints, stitches when touched ; worse on beginning to move, after 12 P. M., and in wet, damp weather or places ; better from continued motion.
Pain, swelling and stiffness of joints from sprains, overlifting or overstraining.
Inflammatory rheumatism, from exposure to cold, followed by paralysis of right side ; pains almost constant in r. side ; marked periodicity, coming on at 10 P. M. and lasting until 6 A. M. ; worse in winter and before a storm, during a storm pains over whole body ; intense pain on moving after rest, but continued motion relieved.
Chronic inflammation of articular structures, especially when resulting from blows, strains, etc.
Synovitis ; spurious anchylosis.
Swelling of hands and feet.
Phlegmonous erysipelas of limbs.
Eruption on limbs, with intense itching, worse at night, and when putting hands in hot or cold water.
Rest : tearing pains in cranial bones.
Lying : cough ; vertigo ; headache ; extreme vertigo ; shooting through head.
Lying on back : colic better with legs elevated ; obstructive dysmenorrhoea .
Lying in bed : cramps in calves.
Lies on back constantly : erysipelas.
Lies on its face with hands to head : sore eyes.
Lying on hard floor with pillow under back : backache .
Lying on side : hip hurts.
Lying on left side : causes palpitation and pain in heart.
Side on which she lies : beating in temple ; scalp sensitive ; soreness of abdomen.
Lying upon limbs : they fall asleep ; no sweat on parts.
Head low : heaviness.
Head raised : shooting pains through head .
Must hold head to relieve weight in it.
Bending head backward : pain in occiput ; pain in head and down spine.
Bending back : pain in dorsal muscles ; pressure in small of back.
Bending forward : pain in dorsal muscles.
Sitting : headache ; pains in abdomen.
Sitting bent : stitches in chest.
Could not sit still : on account of general uneasiness, must turn in every direction on chair and move limb.
Rising from seat : pain in hip.
Rising from bed : vertigo ; eructations.
Rising from stooping : stitches in back.
Stooping : vertigo.
Standing : vertigo.
Raising left arm suddenly : causes stabbing pain in fourth intercostal space ; pain in arm.
Bending wrist : as if sprained.
Riding one leg over other : tension of thigh.
Bending sole of foot upward : contraction .
Hanging down feet : caused urging to stool.
Change of position : better pain in back of neck ; frequent, in cholera infantum ; constant, to better menorrhagia ; better pain in leg ; rheumatic fever ; during typhoid ; zona, necessitates.
Beginning to move : soreness in abdomen worst ; pelvic articulations stiff ; shoulders and cervical muscles stiff, lame ; stiffness of cardiac region ; lumbar pain.
Motion : stupefaction in head, with tingling and pains in limbs ; rapid, better pain in temple ; of eyes, painful ; of eyes, worse pain in head ; headache ; pain in jaw ; cracking of jaw ; stiffness of joints ; painful tension of neck ; stiffness of back painful ; pain in small of back ; lumbago worse after, not during ; slightest, causes excruciating pain in back ; stitches in shoulders ; tearing in elbow and wrist joints ; loss of power and stiffness of forearms and fingers ; sciatica ; continued, better coxalgia ; gentle continued, better pain in hip joints ; restlessness of legs ; violent stitch in hamstrings ; pain in ankle, worse after, not during ; pain in ulcers on feet.
Swallowing food : pain between shoulders.
Stretching : limb, cracking sound in knee joint ; inclination for, leg and foot ; sole of foot, contraction ; cracking of joints.
Stretching : soreness of abdomen.
Turning : vertigo.
Swinging arm back and forth : better pain in shoulder.
Stepping out : spasmodic twitching in limbs.
Stepping : brain feels loose.
At every step : pain in hip joints ; stitches in heels.
Walking : vertigo ; heart feels weak after ; stitches in back ; pain in ankle returns ; pain in ankles and hollows of feet ; all limbs feel stiff and paralyzed.
Must walk bent over : pain in abdomen.
Must shift about to get relief : prolapsus.
Could remain in no position : terrible pain in legs ; tingling in tibia.
Cannot remain quiet a moment.
Inclination to move affected parts, continued motion : better soreness of nipples.
Ascending stairs : difficult breathing.
While running fast sudden acute pain in ankle joint.
Exercise : pain in cranial bones ; stiffness of cervical muscles ; violent, uncomplicated hypertrophy ; pain in small of back ; trembling of arms ; stiffness and soreness of muscles pass off.
Unwonted exertion : paralysis.
Overexertion : palpitation ; coxalgia.
Touch : head painful ; cannot bear slightest, on eye ; on sore spot below navel causes nausea ; chest very sensitive ; sensitive spot in spine ; causes waterbrash ; causes excruciating pain in back ; scrofulosis and rachitis.
Pressure : pain in jaw ; abdomen painful ; pain in back ; pain over crest of left ileum ; drawing pain in right natis ; hard, on hip and leg better pain ; rectus cruris muscle sensitive ; pain in eruption.
Resting head upon arm : causes numbness of arm.
Rubbing : better sciatica ; itching of urticaria.
Scratching : developed blisters from hives ; itching.
Grasping and pinching : better pain in left shoulder ; pain in small of back as if flesh had been beaten.
Riding or jarring : affects injured hip.
Blows or sprains, etc. : cause chronic inflammation of articular structures.
After a sprain : pains in wrist from side to side.
A fall immediately before delivery : epilepsy.
Thrown from carriage : injured about hips and small of back.
Traumatic : erysipelas of lids.
Nervous system
Great restlessness : inclination to move affected parts ; at night ; has to change position frequently ; it seemed as if something forced him out of bed ; could not sit still on account of internal uneasiness, but was obliged to turn in every direction on chair and move limbs.
Weakness : with desire to lie down ; over whole body ; weary as if deprived of sleep ; of limbs, mostly during rest ; in morning does not wish to rise and dress ; feels as if sinking through bed ; as if bones ached ; constantly desires to sit or lie down ; especially on walking in open air.
Great debility with soreness and stiffness, worse on beginning to move ; better from continued motion, but soon fatigued, requiring rest again.
Numbness : in extremities, with previous twitching and tingling in them ; in the parts on which he lies.
Paresis of limbs with numb sensation and difficulty of moving the back, in consequence of a wetting.
Paresis of lower extremities, with commencing amaurosis so that patient could not distinguish large objects.
Painless paresis in legs in a girl at. 14.
Paralysis. After unwonted exertion ; after parturition ; rheumatic, from getting wet or lying on damp ground ; from sexual excesses ; after ague or typhoid ; parts painless, or painfully stiff and lame, with tearing, tingling and numbness.
Sudden paralysis of lower half of body, in a girl who was being treated by an extension apparatus for curvature of spine ; obstinate constipation ; legs numb, cold, emaciated.
On third day after a natural labor, the mother being only thirteen years and six months old, right side became entirely paralyzed ; there was an apparent total abolition of functions, of voluntary motion and special sensation ; could not articulate so as to be understood.
Hemiplegia, right-sided ; sensation as if gone to sleep .
Paraplegia in a woman following an attack of apoplexy five years previously ; she was unable to stand or rise up.
Acute spinal paralysis of infants.
Sits upon a stool and keeps it in constant motion ; cannot remain quiet a moment ; head and body hang forward, the former oscillating continually ; violent trembling of extremities ; cannot raise himself into erect sitting posture, or hold anything, so that he must be fed ; on attempting to walk legs are extremely unsteady ; although he can stand a short time, the knees meanwhile shaking constantly ; if he takes a few steps falls over his feet and is not able to rise again without assistance ; trembling better in horizontal position ; during sleep, frequent spasmodic starting unnoticed by himself ; muscles flabby ; emaciation ; constipation ; urine clear as water ; pulse small, soft, 70. θ Paralysis agitans.
After falling down steps the following condition gradually developed ; lies upon abdomen, with head retracted so that it almost touches spine ; face pale, distorted, covered with cold sweat ; goitre-like swelling of neck due to tonic spasm of cervical muscles ; spine drawn from normal position ; crackling sound on bending lumbar vertebra ; great swelling of bone in region of sacrum ; complete paralysis of lower extremities ; retention of urine, or discharge of bloody urine in drops with vesical tenesmus ; retention of stool ; no appetite ; great thirst ; fever with evening exacerbation ; but little sleep, and if he falls asleep is restless and disturbed by frightful dreams ; violent jerks through body awake him frequently.
Twitchings of limbs and muscles.
Chorea-like twitching ; skin red, hard, itching, worse from scratching ; great anguish.
Chorea with pruritus vulva with intense itching, redness and hardness.
Chorea caused by a cold bath, getting drenched or after repression of measles.
Epilepsy after childbirth, brought on by a fall immediately before delivery.
Weakness : with desire to lie down ; over whole body ; weary as if deprived of sleep ; of limbs, mostly during rest ; in morning does not wish to rise and dress ; feels as if sinking through bed ; as if bones ached ; constantly desires to sit or lie down ; especially on walking in open air.
Great debility with soreness and stiffness, worse on beginning to move ; better from continued motion, but soon fatigued, requiring rest again.
Numbness : in extremities, with previous twitching and tingling in them ; in the parts on which he lies.
Paresis of limbs with numb sensation and difficulty of moving the back, in consequence of a wetting.
Paresis of lower extremities, with commencing amaurosis so that patient could not distinguish large objects.
Painless paresis in legs in a girl at. 14.
Paralysis. After unwonted exertion ; after parturition ; rheumatic, from getting wet or lying on damp ground ; from sexual excesses ; after ague or typhoid ; parts painless, or painfully stiff and lame, with tearing, tingling and numbness.
Sudden paralysis of lower half of body, in a girl who was being treated by an extension apparatus for curvature of spine ; obstinate constipation ; legs numb, cold, emaciated.
On third day after a natural labor, the mother being only thirteen years and six months old, right side became entirely paralyzed ; there was an apparent total abolition of functions, of voluntary motion and special sensation ; could not articulate so as to be understood.
Hemiplegia, right-sided ; sensation as if gone to sleep .
Paraplegia in a woman following an attack of apoplexy five years previously ; she was unable to stand or rise up.
Acute spinal paralysis of infants.
Sits upon a stool and keeps it in constant motion ; cannot remain quiet a moment ; head and body hang forward, the former oscillating continually ; violent trembling of extremities ; cannot raise himself into erect sitting posture, or hold anything, so that he must be fed ; on attempting to walk legs are extremely unsteady ; although he can stand a short time, the knees meanwhile shaking constantly ; if he takes a few steps falls over his feet and is not able to rise again without assistance ; trembling better in horizontal position ; during sleep, frequent spasmodic starting unnoticed by himself ; muscles flabby ; emaciation ; constipation ; urine clear as water ; pulse small, soft, 70. θ Paralysis agitans.
After falling down steps the following condition gradually developed ; lies upon abdomen, with head retracted so that it almost touches spine ; face pale, distorted, covered with cold sweat ; goitre-like swelling of neck due to tonic spasm of cervical muscles ; spine drawn from normal position ; crackling sound on bending lumbar vertebra ; great swelling of bone in region of sacrum ; complete paralysis of lower extremities ; retention of urine, or discharge of bloody urine in drops with vesical tenesmus ; retention of stool ; no appetite ; great thirst ; fever with evening exacerbation ; but little sleep, and if he falls asleep is restless and disturbed by frightful dreams ; violent jerks through body awake him frequently.
Twitchings of limbs and muscles.
Chorea-like twitching ; skin red, hard, itching, worse from scratching ; great anguish.
Chorea with pruritus vulva with intense itching, redness and hardness.
Chorea caused by a cold bath, getting drenched or after repression of measles.
Epilepsy after childbirth, brought on by a fall immediately before delivery.
Spasmodic yawning, yet not sleepy, with stitching and pain as from dislocation of jaw.
Great sleepiness and lassitude after eating.
Heavy sleep, as from stupor.
Somnolence with snoring, muttering and grasping at flocks.
When intoxicated with beer, sleeps with mouth open and head thrown back.
Restless at night, has to change position frequently.
At night it seemed as if something forced him out of bed.
After midnight, restless slumber filled with fretful, disagreeable thoughts and events.
Restless sleep, with tossing about, raising and throwing off covers.
Was unable to sleep after 3 A. M., rose very anxious, restless and weak, constantly trembled, especially in knees.
Unable to fall asleep after 3 A. M., but after awhile fell asleep and then dreamed very vividly and on awaking it seemed as if he had not slept.
No sound sleep after midnight ; she tossed about uneasily on account of a distressing sensation as if whole body were burning, without thirst ; with dreams full of anxious agitations.
She did not sleep for half the night, was despondent, apprehensive and full of anguish about the heart.
Sleepless for four nights ; she could not remain in bed.
Sleeplessness : from pain, more before 12 P. M., must turn often to find any ease.
As soon as he wished to fall asleep his business came to him in anxious dreams.
Fearful dreams, for example, that the world was on fire, with palpitation on awaking.
Dreams of great exertion ; rowing, swimming, walking, climbing or working hard.
At 3 A. M. : sleepless after.
At 4 A. M. : pain in shoulder and arm.
Morning : as if intoxicated ; headache.
At 9 A. M. : chills came on.
At 10 A. M. : drowsy, weary, with yawning.
All day : child lies with face resting on floor (ophthalmia).
During day : dry cough ; anxious palpitation ; tenacious expectoration.
At 1 P. M. : burning fever.
At 2 P. M. : red flush all over body.
At 5 P. M. : paroxysms appear.
Twilight : anxiety, timidity worse Evening : inclination to weep.
At 7 P. M. : as if blood were running cold through veins ; severe chill.
At 10 P. M. : jerking toothache.
Night : great apprehension ; severe itching of scalp ; crusta lactea.
At 12 P. M. : rheumatism.
About midnight : quotidian fever.
After midnight : cramps in calves ; restless slumber ; great restlessness ; itching of rash.
Great sleepiness and lassitude after eating.
Heavy sleep, as from stupor.
Somnolence with snoring, muttering and grasping at flocks.
When intoxicated with beer, sleeps with mouth open and head thrown back.
Restless at night, has to change position frequently.
At night it seemed as if something forced him out of bed.
After midnight, restless slumber filled with fretful, disagreeable thoughts and events.
Restless sleep, with tossing about, raising and throwing off covers.
Was unable to sleep after 3 A. M., rose very anxious, restless and weak, constantly trembled, especially in knees.
Unable to fall asleep after 3 A. M., but after awhile fell asleep and then dreamed very vividly and on awaking it seemed as if he had not slept.
No sound sleep after midnight ; she tossed about uneasily on account of a distressing sensation as if whole body were burning, without thirst ; with dreams full of anxious agitations.
She did not sleep for half the night, was despondent, apprehensive and full of anguish about the heart.
Sleepless for four nights ; she could not remain in bed.
Sleeplessness : from pain, more before 12 P. M., must turn often to find any ease.
As soon as he wished to fall asleep his business came to him in anxious dreams.
Fearful dreams, for example, that the world was on fire, with palpitation on awaking.
Dreams of great exertion ; rowing, swimming, walking, climbing or working hard.
At 3 A. M. : sleepless after.
At 4 A. M. : pain in shoulder and arm.
Morning : as if intoxicated ; headache.
At 9 A. M. : chills came on.
At 10 A. M. : drowsy, weary, with yawning.
All day : child lies with face resting on floor (ophthalmia).
During day : dry cough ; anxious palpitation ; tenacious expectoration.
At 1 P. M. : burning fever.
At 2 P. M. : red flush all over body.
At 5 P. M. : paroxysms appear.
Twilight : anxiety, timidity worse Evening : inclination to weep.
At 7 P. M. : as if blood were running cold through veins ; severe chill.
At 10 P. M. : jerking toothache.
Night : great apprehension ; severe itching of scalp ; crusta lactea.
At 12 P. M. : rheumatism.
About midnight : quotidian fever.
After midnight : cramps in calves ; restless slumber ; great restlessness ; itching of rash.
Common symptoms
Sensitiveness to cold open air.
Sufferings during raw, cold weather and the prevalence of northeasterly winds.
Sufferings after drinking cold water.
Bad consequences from getting wet, especially after being heated.
From cold bathing, convulsive twitches.
Heat : pain over crest of left ilium ; sciatica ; gives general relief.
Exposed to heat : tearing pains in small of back.
Hot application : pain in eyes ; pain in teeth ; shooting toothache ; sciatica .
Warm weather : swelling of feet.
Warmth : headache ; of bed, worse sensitiveness of scalp ; biting-itching of face ; pain in jaw ; rheumatic pains between scapula ; coxalgia ; of stove better pains in hip joints ; burning and itching of erysipelas ; crusta lactea.
Getting warm in bed : lumbar pain.
Getting warm from exercise : sciatica .
Feather bed : stiffness and pain in wrist joints.
Whenever he puts his hands out of bed he is seized with a convulsive cough.
Uncovering body : influenza.
In house : melancholy, ill-humor, anxiety.
Open air : melancholy ; lachrymation ; facial neuralgia.
Change of weather : stiffness of wrist joints.
Damp, stormy weather : pain in cranial bones.
Putting hands in hot or cold water : eruptions on limbs.
Exposure to wet : tearing pain in region of kidney ; oedema of face and feet ; burning and sticking in skin.
From getting wet : causes pain in left temple ; liability of taking cold ; iritis ; conjunctivitis ; arthritic ophthalmia ; colic.
Washing in cold water : pain in wrist joint.
Getting chilled : from sea bath, polypus of uterus ; on a long journey, legs become weak and stiff.
Lying on damp ground : paralysis.
Marching through moist ground with bare feet : diarrhoea.
Cold or dampness : mydriasis ; ptosis ; influenza ; rheumatic pain between scapula ; tearing in shoulder ; pain in wrist ; sciatica ; coxalgia ; swelling of finger joints ; erysipelatous inflammation.
Exposure to cold : eczema rubrum itches and burns ; inflammatory rheumatism ; erysipelatous inflammation.
Cold air : pains in eyelid.
Cold drinks : desire for ; vomits water immediately.
Cold application : of hand, toothache ; shooting toothache.
Ice-water : causes pain in stomach and nausea.
After exposure to snowstorm when overheated : rheumatism.
East wind : worse paralytic feeling in arms and weakness.
In Autumn : dragging pains in hip joints.
In Winter : inflammatory rheumatism.
Sweat : with pains, often with violent trembling ; even during heat, except on face ; with violent itching of eruption ; sour ; musty, putrid ; with or without thirst ; from warm drinks ; profuse in morning ; profuse, odorless, not exhausting ; general, except on head.
During sweat. Sleep ; urticaria passes off with violent itching.
Night sweat, with miliary itching eruption.
Suppressed foot sweat.
Checked perspiration by rain or dampness, when patient has become warm from exercise and has been in a free perspiration.
Dry, teasing, fatiguing cough, coming on sometimes hours before, and continuing during chill. θ Ague.
Chill comes on about 9 A. M. ; during chill seemed almost frantic, frequently changing his position in bed, groaning and complaining of intense drawing, tearing, crampy pains in muscles of both hips running down posterior thighs to calves of legs ; fever intensely high, pulse accelerated but weak, face and whole body red ; slight thirst during both chill and fever, most during chill ; fever followed by sweat and headache. θ Ague.
Fever commencing with a short chill in evening ; every day the chill and heat being mixed up at the commencement, the fever continuing during the night with restlessness and tossing about in bed and a profuse sour sweat toward morning ; prostration, great weakness, loss of appetite, vomiting and inability to take food during day. θ Intermittent fever.
Chill every morning, 3 A. M., beginning in right thigh, and thence spreading over whole body ; during chill, dry, hacking cough ; immediately after chill, vomiting followed by fever ; during fever, thirst ; no sweat ; great exhaustion. θ Ague.
Paroxysms appear about 5 P. M., preceded by great yawning and pain in the maxillary joint, as if dislocated ; chill long and severe, with shivering and chattering of teeth ; during chill pain in small of back, as if bruised, compelling him to change position constantly, also peculiar drawing in arms, with formication and numbness of fingers ; heat great, with great dryness of lips and mouth, but lies quietly, without drinking, in a half stupid condition ; answers questions slowly and despondingly ; there also occur regularly two or three diarrheic stools with some colic ; passes night in sleep, disturbed only by thirst and sweat ; spleen enlarged. θ Quotidian ague.
Ague : double tertian ; diarrhoea during day of paroxysm ; high fever with lassitude and somnolence ; spleen enlarged ; loss of appetite ; constipation ; had taken much Quinine.
First chill at 5 A. M., second at 6 A. M. ; with chill pain in limbs, great restlessness and stretching ; fever with thirst, drinks little but often ; colic, diarrhoea ; great nausea and vomiting of bile ; during fever, nettlerash. θ Ague.
Chills coming on every afternoon, followed by heat and then sweat ; dry, racking cough during chill. θ Ague.
Quartan fever ; paroxysm came on in evening, with predominating chill ; much thirst during chill and heat ; throbbing pain in forehead before and after heat ; chronic miliary eruption on back of left hand.
Chill 7 P. M., very cold even to shaking, fever and sweat in regular succession ; no thirst. θ Ague.
Quotidian fever about midnight, with pressure and swelling at pit of stomach and anxious palpitation during day.
First headache (throbbing in temples), afterward chilliness with thirst and tearing pains in limbs as from fatigue ; afterward general warmth, with slight chills during motion and livid face ; finally profuse, soursmelling perspiration.
Tertian fever with nettlerash, which disappears after attack ; during apyrexia burning and redness of sclerotica.
Ague commencing in right side (first arm, then leg gets cold).
Hydroa on upper lip. θ Ague.
Rheumatic fevers prevalent and characterized by drawing, tearing pains in limbs ; worse at night, with constant change of position, worse lying on back ; lame feeling in lower extremities ; frequent desire to urinate ; fever worse at night ; vertigo, occipital pain ; tension in nape of neck and between shoulders ; diarrhoea ; erysipelas bullosum.
Slow fevers ; tongue dry and brown, or red as if it had been skinned ; sordes on teeth ; bowels loose ; great weakness ; powerlessness of lower limbs, can hardly draw them up ; great restlessness after midnight ; must move often to get relief.
Acute diseases take on a typhoid form. θ Dysentery. θ Peritonitis. θ Pneumonia. θ Scarlatina. θ Diphtheria.
For nine days great weakness and mental dejection ; loss of appetite ; vertigo ; confusion of head ; sleeplessness ; attacks of fever returning every afternoon, consisting of coldness, followed by heat lasting for a long time and abundant sweat ; delirium at night of eighth day ; on ninth day fever ; face red ; tongue dry, red ; breathing quickened, sharp ; pulse 88 ; abdomen slightly tympanitic ; spleen enlarged, reaching to anterior border of ribs ; no stool for three days ; urine scanty, turbid ; skin moist ; several small red spots on chest, disappearing on pressure of finger ; vertigo ; roaring in ears ; confusion and heat of head ; pressive pain in region of forehead ; dryness of mouth and throat ; pappy, bitter taste ; loss of appetite ; great thirst ; abdomen painful to touch ; feeling of great weakness ; general feeling of illness ; sleeplessness on account of many and perplexing dreams, occurring at moment he falls asleep. θ Typhoid fever.
Shivering followed by heat ; feels himself very ill ; pressive pain in occiput ; weariness and aching in all the limbs ; want of sleep ; on third day temperature, especially of head, elevated ;
Skin bedewed with perspiration ; face very red ; tunica albuginea of a yellowish color ; lips dry ; tongue dry and coated ; voice rough and hoarse ; some small red spots on chest, disappearing under pressure of finger, and some small pustules ; respiration quicker, sharper ; an occasional dry cough ; heart normal, pulse 108 ; abdomen tympanitic ; spleen reaching nearly to anterior border of ribs ; stools liquid ; is uneasy ; reflects with difficulty ; answers very slowly but correctly ; complains of a feeling of great prostration and debility ; sleeplessness and dreamy doziness ; aching of whole body ; oppression of chest and slight burning behind sternum ; inclination to cough ; abdomen sensitive to touch. θ Typhoid fever.
Typhoid fever. Patient is of a mild temperament ; delirium mild and not violent ; at times may exhibit a disposition to jump out of bed or try to escape, but when more or less conscious, manifests little petulance or irritability ; mental or physical restlessness, constantly tosses about bed, first lying on one side then on other, one moment sitting up, the next lying down ; or, at beginning of disease, wants to lie perfectly quiet on account of the great weakness, feels completely prostrated, is indifferent to everything, this sense of debility is out of proportion to all other symptoms ; hallucinations ; fears he will be poisoned, refuses medicine and food ; as the stupor progresses he answers very slowly, reluctantly, or petulantly, but is not violent ; violent headache, as of a board strapped to forehead, often associated with rush of blood to head and sudden flushing of face ; epistaxis, which relieves headache, blood dark ; pneumonic cough, dyspnoea, rust-colored sputum ; tongue dark-brown, dry, cracked, cracks gape considerably and even bleed at times ; sometimes tongue and mouth are covered with a brownish tenacious mucus ; at other times tongue takes imprint of teeth ; tongue shows a triangular red tip ; disturbance of stomach and bowels ; diarrhoea with yellowish-brown stools of cadaverous odor ; involuntary stool during sleep ; urine escapes involuntarily, and sometimes leaves a reddish stain ; tearing pains in limbs with almost intolerable backache ; if he falls asleep he is restless and dreams of roaming over fields and undertaking arduous labors ; sometimes dreams of business of day, surface of body dry and hot and often redder than natural ; red spots on skin ; if he has sweat, it is copious and sour-smelling and is accompanied by a miliary rash ; abdomen tympanitic ; right iliac region and region of spleen especially sensitive ; spleen swollen ; stools scanty and greenish, unattended by tenesmus ; in women uterine hemorrhages may appear, but give no relief to symptoms ; symptoms of pulmonary congestion appear ; rales all through chest ; lower lobes especially affected ; cough at first dry, then more frequent and loose, with expectoration of blood-streaked sputa.
Periodical attacks : of headache ; profuse bleeding from anus.
Alternating : stool and constipation ; red and pale face.
Every few minutes : changes position of leg on account of pain.
Daily : for three months pain in temple and orbital region ; thin stools eight or ten times ; chill and heat mixed at commencement.
Every morning 3 A. M. : chill.
From morning till 5 P. M. : headache.
Every afternoon : attacks of fever.
Nightly : diarrhoea.
For four whole nights : sleepless.
For several successive nights : awoke after one hour’s sleep with pain in left temporal region.
For twenty-four hours : neither speaks, eats, nor drinks.
Between 4 and 6 P. M. : thin stools.
From 5 to 7 P. M. : pain in eye.
From 10 P. M. to 6 A. M. : inflammatory rheumatism lasts.
For six days : swelling on left lower lid.
Every 3, 5 or 7 days : bowels moved.
For nine days : great weakness and mental dejection.
Every week : paroxysm of headache.
For three weeks : lumbar pain.
Every few weeks : sciatica.
For a month : sweat in second sleep.
For six weeks : could not touch foot to ground on account of sprain.
For six months : stiff wrist joints.
Every year on 13th of May : seized with burning itching of skin, lasting twenty-four hours.
For six years : has not worked on account of weakness in arms.
For twelve years : sciatica.
Right : pressure in temple above and behind orbit ; burning pain in eye ; ophthalmia ; oedematous swelling around eye ; conjunctivitis granulosa ; burning in canthus ; upper lid swollen ; pain in eyeball ; biting in eye ; inflammation of eye ; ptosis of eyelid ; side of face covered with vesicles ; side of face covered with thick crust ; lid of eye red, swollen ; inflammation of tonsil ; tonsil covered with yellow membrane ; pain in hypochondriac region ; like a knife in abdomen ; side of abdomen very tense ; stitches below ribs ; side, an inch below navel, sensitive spot ; metastasis of mumps of testicle ; pains in ovarian region ; pain in limb ; catching pains in chest ; bronchophony ; acute pain in chest ; erysipelas on dorsum of hand ; side of lumbar vertebra as if bruised ; pain in wrist ; pain in nates ; tension in hip ; sciatica ; tearing from tuberosity of ischium spreading over thigh, knee and leg ; coxalgia in hip joint ; rectus cruris muscle very sensitive ; jerking and tearing in thigh ; pulling and tension in tendons on inner side of knee ; crawling with tension in tendons on inner side of knee ; fluctuating swelling of knee ; stitches just below knee ; eruption like a band around ankle ; deadness and numbness of lower part of foot ; paralysis of side ; constant pain in side ; chill begins in thigh, ague commencing in arm and leg ; zona, pain going down leg.
Left : pain in temple and orbital region ; nostril excoriated ; eye felt enormously swollen ; phlyctenules on edge of cornea ; conjunctiva red and studded with small ulcers ; ulcers on cornea ; eruption on lower lid ; swelling on lower lid ; lobule of ear swollen ; parotitis ; hot, burning beneath nostril ; mumps ; pressive drawing in hypochondrium ; coldness and numbness of foot and arm ; terrific pain in shoulder ; pain in nipple through to shoulder ; stitches in side ; numbness of arm ; fluttering sensation in chest ; lameness and aching in arm ; hard swelling on side of neck ; shoulder seems paralyzed ; pain over crest of ileum ; as if some one were pressing upon shoulder ; rheumatic pain in shoulder and arm ; severe pain in top of shoulder ; shooting and throbbing in shoulder ; pain in muscle of shoulder ; strain of shoulder joint ; paralyzed sensation in arm ; sticking and drawing in arm down to finger tips ; as if muscles of upper arm were strained ; numbness and aching in arm ; sudden paralysis of arm, wrist as if it had been sprained ; tension in hip ; acute pain in hip ; in whole lower limb ; tension in thigh ; tearing in muscles of thigh ; acute rheumatism in knee joint ; erysipelas on leg ; tibia cold ; chronic miliary eruption on back of hand ; felt a shock in external orbital integuments ; excoriation at inner side of nates ; skin peeled from hand entirely ; wheals more numerous on index finger ; on thigh there is a round elevated red blotch ; enlargement of parotid.
Right to left : erysipelas travels.
Left to right : vesicular erysipelas of scalp ; erysipelas in face.
From front to back : pain in head.
From within outward : stitching in knee.
As if intoxicated ; as of a weight behind right orbit ; as if she were going to fall forward or backward ; as of a board strapped across forehead ; brain as if loaded ; as if brain were torn ; as if muscles in back of head were screwed together ; back as if sprained ; as if occipital tissues were screwed together ; as of a veil before eyes ; as if it were difficult to move lids ; as if jaw would break ; as if teeth were being torn out ; teeth feel too long and too loose ; as if asleep ; as if pharynx were inactive or paralyzed ; stomach as if overloaded ; as of a stone in stomach ; as if pit of stomach were swollen or drawn together ; hypochondriac region and abdomen as if beaten ; as of a knife in right abdomen ; as if something were torn loose in abdomen ; as if a lump lay like a pressing heavy weight in abdomen ; limb as if constricted ; feet and ankles as if asleep ; as if one side of rectum had grown up ; as if everything would come out of rectum ; shoulders as if sprained ; as if head were swelling out ; as if something would be torn out of chest ; as if breath were stopped at pit of stomach ; as if not able to draw a long breath ; as if shoulder would fly to pieces ; as if air became imprisoned in epigastrium ; as if sternum were pressed inward ; as if cervical muscles were asleep ; as if one had been lying in an uncomfortable position ; as if bruised in right side of lumbar vertebra and in small of back ; as if flesh of small of back had been beaten ; as if back were broken ; as if some one were pressing upon left shoulder ; as if arms were luxated ; as if muscles and tendons of left upper arm were unduly strained ; as of sand in eyes ; as if wrist had been sprained ; as if hand were held in hot water ; hand as if lame ; hand dry, as if withered ; as if pins were pricking point and palmar surfaces of first phalanges of fingers ; finger tips as if asleep ; as if something would burst in chest ; hip, knee, or ankle joint as if sprained ; as if skin around diseased parts were too tight ; right rectus cruris muscle as if bruised ; as if tendons of limb were too short ; as if knee were too short ; as if hamstrings were too short ; legs as if made of wood ; lower part of r. foot as if made of wood ; feet as if sprained or wrenched ; heels as stepping upon pins ; as if running nails under skin in heels ; as if walking upon needles ; as of a hundredweight on nape of neck ; as of a trembling in arms and legs ; joints as if bruised ; as if sinking through bed ; as if bones ached ; as if jaw were dislocated ; as if something forced him out of bed ; as if whole body were burning ; as if cold water were poured over him ; as if blood were running cold through veins ; as if maxillary joints were dislocated ; as if back were bruised ; as if tongue had been skinned ; as of a board strapped to forehead ; as if flesh were torn loose from bones, or as if bones were being scraped ; pains as if sprained in outer parts ; as if inner parts were grown together ; as if something in inner parts were torn loose ; face and hands as if covered with suggillations.
Pain : in left temple and orbital region ; in back part of head ; in eyes ; in right eyeball ; in temporal region of left side, thence to head, cheeks and teeth ; in maxillary joints ; in back of neck ; in back ; in stomach ; in region of ascending colon ; in abdomen ; in glans penis ; in right limb ; in lower part of chest ; in left shoulder and arm ; in heart ; in cervical muscles ; in shoulder and back ; between shoulders on swallowing ; in muscles of l. shoulder and arm, also in bones of arm ; in right wrist ; in hips ; down thighs ; in streaks down limbs with every evacuation ; under knee-pain ; in left knee joint ; in inner, lower and posterior part of calf of leg ; in heels ; in jaw ; about umbilicus.
Terrific pain : in left shoulder.
Terrible pains : in lower extremities.
Violent pain : in abdomen ; in lumbar region ; in head ; in left leg.
Intense pain : in left leg.
Acute pain : in right side of chest ; in middle anterior portion of fourth intercostal space, left side ; in small of back ; in middle finger of right hand ; in right hip ; in ankle joints.
Great pain : in small of back.
Severe pain : in jaw ; in right hypochondriac region ; over crest of ileum ; at top of left shoulder ; at phalanges of several fingers ; sudden, at insertion of ligamentum patella into tibia.
Sharp pain : in eye ; from eyes into head ; in heels.
Tearing : at small of back ; in periosteum of cranial bones ; in neighborhood of diseased eye ; in region of brows and malar bones ; in face ; in teeth ; down thighs, in region of kidneys ; in chest ; in shoulder joint and on top of scapula ; in shoulder ; violent, in arm ; from elbow joint into wrist ; in joints of all fingers ; from hip to knee ; from right ischium following sciatic nerve in right thigh ; in middle of outer portion of thigh ; in muscles of left thigh ; in knee and in ankle.
Bursting pain : in head.
Deep cutting pains : in leg.
Lancinating pain : in left leg.
Beating pain : in limbs ; in temple.
Darting pains : in ulcers.
Jerking pain : in teeth ; in abdomen ; in elbow and wrist joints ; in right thigh.
Catching pains : in right side of chest.
Throbbing : in temples ; from teeth into temples and jaws ; violent, in epigastric region ; in left shoulder ; centrifugally in inflamed integuments of face and forehead.
Digging pain : in glands beneath angle of lower jaw.
Gnawing pain : in swelling of knee.
Ulcerative pain : in pit of stomach.
Labor-like pains : in abdomen.
Shooting pain : in teeth ; in eyelid ; up rectum ; through head ; in left shoulder ; through arms ; in leg.
Stupefying pain : in head.
Stitches : in head to ears, root of nose and malar bones ; in eyes and temples ; below right ribs ; in stomach ; in chest and sides of chest ; in left side ; in heart ; in shoulders ; just below right knee ; in soles of feet ; in joints.
Stitching pains : in throat ; in left nipple through to scapula ; on dorsum of right hand ; in heels.
Drawing stitches : in arm.
Pressive stitches : in back.
A stitch : across knee ; in hamstrings just above calves.
Stinging pain : in leg.
Sticking pain : in throat ; in vagina ; in chest ; in left side ; in back ; in left arm ; in fingers ; in side of knee.
Constrictive pain : in dorsal muscles.
Bruised pain : in head ; in throat ; in limb.
Burning pain : in knee joints and lower extremities ; in corns ; of sclerotica ; in eruption around mouth and nose.
Drawing pains : in cheek and head ; in limbs ; in region of brows and malar bones ; in face ; in left nipple through to scapula ; in left arm ; cramplike, in elbow joint ; from elbow joint into wrist ; in palm of right hand ; in right natis ; in hips ; from hip to knee in left leg ; in hip joints ; paralytic, in whole foot ; in arms.
Rheumatic pain : violent, between scapula ; in left shoulder and arm and in region of deltoid muscles ; through wrist joints ; in hands.
Pressing pain : in eyes ; in stye ; in glands beneath angle of jaw ; in hip joints ; in region of forehead ; in occiput.
Dull pain : in occiput, vertex and forehead.
Tensive aching pains : in arms.
Aching : in occipital protuberances ; in eyes ; in articulation of right lower jaw ; in teeth ; in glans penis ; in bones ; of left arm ; in elbow joint ; in right limb ; in legs ; in ankles and hollows of feet ; of whole body.
Paroxysmal pains : in legs.
Cramplike pain : in articulation of jaw.
Cramp : in calves ; in legs and feet.
Jerking : in thigh.
Stinging : in throat when swallowing ; in tonsils ; in stomach ; on inner surface of prepuce ; in ulcers ; in skin.
Burning : in forehead ; in eye ; in and beneath eyes ; in inner canthus, right eye ; in eyelid ; in swollen lids ; beneath nostril ; in face ; of eruption around mouth and nose ; in whole right side of abdomen ; behind sternum ; in small of back ; in urethra ; in stomach and between shoulder blades ; in loins ; in shoulder ; in dorsum of right hand ; in palm of right hand, forearm and hand ; in left leg ; of skin ; in pustules on chin ; in ulcers.
Burning rawness : in larynx.
Burning itching : here and there ; of skin.
Biting : in right eye ; in vulva ; on lower lids.
Excoriation : feeling of, on inner side of left.
Soreness : of head ; of nostrils ; of tongue ; in abdomen ; of navel ; in walls of abdomen ; in back and hypogastrium ; of vagina ; in chest ; in left side ; of lumbar region ; in corns.
Pricking : from teeth into jaws and temples ; in swollen lids.
Prickling heat : in limbs.
Tenderness : of carpal articulation about knee joint.
Gnawing sensation : in teeth.
Dragging : of cardiac region ; in muscles of left thigh.
Pressive drawing : in left hypochondrium.
Tingling : in head ; in limbs ; in stomach ; in chest ; of feet ; in tibia ; in limbs ; in skin.
Tickling : in throat ; in air passages ; in bronchia ; under sternum.
Pressure : at heart ; behind eyes ; in right temple ; on chest and about heart ; in throat when swallowing ; in rectum ; in abdomen ; in small of back ; on shoulders ; in eyes.
Tension : of face ; across chest ; in intercostal muscles ; of neck ; painful, between shoulder blades ; in elbow joint ; in right hip ; in left hip joints ; on posterior surface of thigh ; of diseased limb ; in tendons on inner side of right knee ; of knee ; of calves ; of feet ; in joints ; of nape of neck and between shoulders.
Constriction : in rectum.
Heaviness : of head ; of lids ; in small of back ; of lower limbs ; in hollows of knees and calves ; of legs ; of feet.
Fulness : of stomach.
Sufferings during raw, cold weather and the prevalence of northeasterly winds.
Sufferings after drinking cold water.
Bad consequences from getting wet, especially after being heated.
From cold bathing, convulsive twitches.
Heat : pain over crest of left ilium ; sciatica ; gives general relief.
Exposed to heat : tearing pains in small of back.
Hot application : pain in eyes ; pain in teeth ; shooting toothache ; sciatica .
Warm weather : swelling of feet.
Warmth : headache ; of bed, worse sensitiveness of scalp ; biting-itching of face ; pain in jaw ; rheumatic pains between scapula ; coxalgia ; of stove better pains in hip joints ; burning and itching of erysipelas ; crusta lactea.
Getting warm in bed : lumbar pain.
Getting warm from exercise : sciatica .
Feather bed : stiffness and pain in wrist joints.
Whenever he puts his hands out of bed he is seized with a convulsive cough.
Uncovering body : influenza.
In house : melancholy, ill-humor, anxiety.
Open air : melancholy ; lachrymation ; facial neuralgia.
Change of weather : stiffness of wrist joints.
Damp, stormy weather : pain in cranial bones.
Putting hands in hot or cold water : eruptions on limbs.
Exposure to wet : tearing pain in region of kidney ; oedema of face and feet ; burning and sticking in skin.
From getting wet : causes pain in left temple ; liability of taking cold ; iritis ; conjunctivitis ; arthritic ophthalmia ; colic.
Washing in cold water : pain in wrist joint.
Getting chilled : from sea bath, polypus of uterus ; on a long journey, legs become weak and stiff.
Lying on damp ground : paralysis.
Marching through moist ground with bare feet : diarrhoea.
Cold or dampness : mydriasis ; ptosis ; influenza ; rheumatic pain between scapula ; tearing in shoulder ; pain in wrist ; sciatica ; coxalgia ; swelling of finger joints ; erysipelatous inflammation.
Exposure to cold : eczema rubrum itches and burns ; inflammatory rheumatism ; erysipelatous inflammation.
Cold air : pains in eyelid.
Cold drinks : desire for ; vomits water immediately.
Cold application : of hand, toothache ; shooting toothache.
Ice-water : causes pain in stomach and nausea.
After exposure to snowstorm when overheated : rheumatism.
East wind : worse paralytic feeling in arms and weakness.
In Autumn : dragging pains in hip joints.
In Winter : inflammatory rheumatism.
Sweat : with pains, often with violent trembling ; even during heat, except on face ; with violent itching of eruption ; sour ; musty, putrid ; with or without thirst ; from warm drinks ; profuse in morning ; profuse, odorless, not exhausting ; general, except on head.
During sweat. Sleep ; urticaria passes off with violent itching.
Night sweat, with miliary itching eruption.
Suppressed foot sweat.
Checked perspiration by rain or dampness, when patient has become warm from exercise and has been in a free perspiration.
Dry, teasing, fatiguing cough, coming on sometimes hours before, and continuing during chill. θ Ague.
Chill comes on about 9 A. M. ; during chill seemed almost frantic, frequently changing his position in bed, groaning and complaining of intense drawing, tearing, crampy pains in muscles of both hips running down posterior thighs to calves of legs ; fever intensely high, pulse accelerated but weak, face and whole body red ; slight thirst during both chill and fever, most during chill ; fever followed by sweat and headache. θ Ague.
Fever commencing with a short chill in evening ; every day the chill and heat being mixed up at the commencement, the fever continuing during the night with restlessness and tossing about in bed and a profuse sour sweat toward morning ; prostration, great weakness, loss of appetite, vomiting and inability to take food during day. θ Intermittent fever.
Chill every morning, 3 A. M., beginning in right thigh, and thence spreading over whole body ; during chill, dry, hacking cough ; immediately after chill, vomiting followed by fever ; during fever, thirst ; no sweat ; great exhaustion. θ Ague.
Paroxysms appear about 5 P. M., preceded by great yawning and pain in the maxillary joint, as if dislocated ; chill long and severe, with shivering and chattering of teeth ; during chill pain in small of back, as if bruised, compelling him to change position constantly, also peculiar drawing in arms, with formication and numbness of fingers ; heat great, with great dryness of lips and mouth, but lies quietly, without drinking, in a half stupid condition ; answers questions slowly and despondingly ; there also occur regularly two or three diarrheic stools with some colic ; passes night in sleep, disturbed only by thirst and sweat ; spleen enlarged. θ Quotidian ague.
Ague : double tertian ; diarrhoea during day of paroxysm ; high fever with lassitude and somnolence ; spleen enlarged ; loss of appetite ; constipation ; had taken much Quinine.
First chill at 5 A. M., second at 6 A. M. ; with chill pain in limbs, great restlessness and stretching ; fever with thirst, drinks little but often ; colic, diarrhoea ; great nausea and vomiting of bile ; during fever, nettlerash. θ Ague.
Chills coming on every afternoon, followed by heat and then sweat ; dry, racking cough during chill. θ Ague.
Quartan fever ; paroxysm came on in evening, with predominating chill ; much thirst during chill and heat ; throbbing pain in forehead before and after heat ; chronic miliary eruption on back of left hand.
Chill 7 P. M., very cold even to shaking, fever and sweat in regular succession ; no thirst. θ Ague.
Quotidian fever about midnight, with pressure and swelling at pit of stomach and anxious palpitation during day.
First headache (throbbing in temples), afterward chilliness with thirst and tearing pains in limbs as from fatigue ; afterward general warmth, with slight chills during motion and livid face ; finally profuse, soursmelling perspiration.
Tertian fever with nettlerash, which disappears after attack ; during apyrexia burning and redness of sclerotica.
Ague commencing in right side (first arm, then leg gets cold).
Hydroa on upper lip. θ Ague.
Rheumatic fevers prevalent and characterized by drawing, tearing pains in limbs ; worse at night, with constant change of position, worse lying on back ; lame feeling in lower extremities ; frequent desire to urinate ; fever worse at night ; vertigo, occipital pain ; tension in nape of neck and between shoulders ; diarrhoea ; erysipelas bullosum.
Slow fevers ; tongue dry and brown, or red as if it had been skinned ; sordes on teeth ; bowels loose ; great weakness ; powerlessness of lower limbs, can hardly draw them up ; great restlessness after midnight ; must move often to get relief.
Acute diseases take on a typhoid form. θ Dysentery. θ Peritonitis. θ Pneumonia. θ Scarlatina. θ Diphtheria.
For nine days great weakness and mental dejection ; loss of appetite ; vertigo ; confusion of head ; sleeplessness ; attacks of fever returning every afternoon, consisting of coldness, followed by heat lasting for a long time and abundant sweat ; delirium at night of eighth day ; on ninth day fever ; face red ; tongue dry, red ; breathing quickened, sharp ; pulse 88 ; abdomen slightly tympanitic ; spleen enlarged, reaching to anterior border of ribs ; no stool for three days ; urine scanty, turbid ; skin moist ; several small red spots on chest, disappearing on pressure of finger ; vertigo ; roaring in ears ; confusion and heat of head ; pressive pain in region of forehead ; dryness of mouth and throat ; pappy, bitter taste ; loss of appetite ; great thirst ; abdomen painful to touch ; feeling of great weakness ; general feeling of illness ; sleeplessness on account of many and perplexing dreams, occurring at moment he falls asleep. θ Typhoid fever.
Shivering followed by heat ; feels himself very ill ; pressive pain in occiput ; weariness and aching in all the limbs ; want of sleep ; on third day temperature, especially of head, elevated ;
Skin bedewed with perspiration ; face very red ; tunica albuginea of a yellowish color ; lips dry ; tongue dry and coated ; voice rough and hoarse ; some small red spots on chest, disappearing under pressure of finger, and some small pustules ; respiration quicker, sharper ; an occasional dry cough ; heart normal, pulse 108 ; abdomen tympanitic ; spleen reaching nearly to anterior border of ribs ; stools liquid ; is uneasy ; reflects with difficulty ; answers very slowly but correctly ; complains of a feeling of great prostration and debility ; sleeplessness and dreamy doziness ; aching of whole body ; oppression of chest and slight burning behind sternum ; inclination to cough ; abdomen sensitive to touch. θ Typhoid fever.
Typhoid fever. Patient is of a mild temperament ; delirium mild and not violent ; at times may exhibit a disposition to jump out of bed or try to escape, but when more or less conscious, manifests little petulance or irritability ; mental or physical restlessness, constantly tosses about bed, first lying on one side then on other, one moment sitting up, the next lying down ; or, at beginning of disease, wants to lie perfectly quiet on account of the great weakness, feels completely prostrated, is indifferent to everything, this sense of debility is out of proportion to all other symptoms ; hallucinations ; fears he will be poisoned, refuses medicine and food ; as the stupor progresses he answers very slowly, reluctantly, or petulantly, but is not violent ; violent headache, as of a board strapped to forehead, often associated with rush of blood to head and sudden flushing of face ; epistaxis, which relieves headache, blood dark ; pneumonic cough, dyspnoea, rust-colored sputum ; tongue dark-brown, dry, cracked, cracks gape considerably and even bleed at times ; sometimes tongue and mouth are covered with a brownish tenacious mucus ; at other times tongue takes imprint of teeth ; tongue shows a triangular red tip ; disturbance of stomach and bowels ; diarrhoea with yellowish-brown stools of cadaverous odor ; involuntary stool during sleep ; urine escapes involuntarily, and sometimes leaves a reddish stain ; tearing pains in limbs with almost intolerable backache ; if he falls asleep he is restless and dreams of roaming over fields and undertaking arduous labors ; sometimes dreams of business of day, surface of body dry and hot and often redder than natural ; red spots on skin ; if he has sweat, it is copious and sour-smelling and is accompanied by a miliary rash ; abdomen tympanitic ; right iliac region and region of spleen especially sensitive ; spleen swollen ; stools scanty and greenish, unattended by tenesmus ; in women uterine hemorrhages may appear, but give no relief to symptoms ; symptoms of pulmonary congestion appear ; rales all through chest ; lower lobes especially affected ; cough at first dry, then more frequent and loose, with expectoration of blood-streaked sputa.
Periodical attacks : of headache ; profuse bleeding from anus.
Alternating : stool and constipation ; red and pale face.
Every few minutes : changes position of leg on account of pain.
Daily : for three months pain in temple and orbital region ; thin stools eight or ten times ; chill and heat mixed at commencement.
Every morning 3 A. M. : chill.
From morning till 5 P. M. : headache.
Every afternoon : attacks of fever.
Nightly : diarrhoea.
For four whole nights : sleepless.
For several successive nights : awoke after one hour’s sleep with pain in left temporal region.
For twenty-four hours : neither speaks, eats, nor drinks.
Between 4 and 6 P. M. : thin stools.
From 5 to 7 P. M. : pain in eye.
From 10 P. M. to 6 A. M. : inflammatory rheumatism lasts.
For six days : swelling on left lower lid.
Every 3, 5 or 7 days : bowels moved.
For nine days : great weakness and mental dejection.
Every week : paroxysm of headache.
For three weeks : lumbar pain.
Every few weeks : sciatica.
For a month : sweat in second sleep.
For six weeks : could not touch foot to ground on account of sprain.
For six months : stiff wrist joints.
Every year on 13th of May : seized with burning itching of skin, lasting twenty-four hours.
For six years : has not worked on account of weakness in arms.
For twelve years : sciatica.
Right : pressure in temple above and behind orbit ; burning pain in eye ; ophthalmia ; oedematous swelling around eye ; conjunctivitis granulosa ; burning in canthus ; upper lid swollen ; pain in eyeball ; biting in eye ; inflammation of eye ; ptosis of eyelid ; side of face covered with vesicles ; side of face covered with thick crust ; lid of eye red, swollen ; inflammation of tonsil ; tonsil covered with yellow membrane ; pain in hypochondriac region ; like a knife in abdomen ; side of abdomen very tense ; stitches below ribs ; side, an inch below navel, sensitive spot ; metastasis of mumps of testicle ; pains in ovarian region ; pain in limb ; catching pains in chest ; bronchophony ; acute pain in chest ; erysipelas on dorsum of hand ; side of lumbar vertebra as if bruised ; pain in wrist ; pain in nates ; tension in hip ; sciatica ; tearing from tuberosity of ischium spreading over thigh, knee and leg ; coxalgia in hip joint ; rectus cruris muscle very sensitive ; jerking and tearing in thigh ; pulling and tension in tendons on inner side of knee ; crawling with tension in tendons on inner side of knee ; fluctuating swelling of knee ; stitches just below knee ; eruption like a band around ankle ; deadness and numbness of lower part of foot ; paralysis of side ; constant pain in side ; chill begins in thigh, ague commencing in arm and leg ; zona, pain going down leg.
Left : pain in temple and orbital region ; nostril excoriated ; eye felt enormously swollen ; phlyctenules on edge of cornea ; conjunctiva red and studded with small ulcers ; ulcers on cornea ; eruption on lower lid ; swelling on lower lid ; lobule of ear swollen ; parotitis ; hot, burning beneath nostril ; mumps ; pressive drawing in hypochondrium ; coldness and numbness of foot and arm ; terrific pain in shoulder ; pain in nipple through to shoulder ; stitches in side ; numbness of arm ; fluttering sensation in chest ; lameness and aching in arm ; hard swelling on side of neck ; shoulder seems paralyzed ; pain over crest of ileum ; as if some one were pressing upon shoulder ; rheumatic pain in shoulder and arm ; severe pain in top of shoulder ; shooting and throbbing in shoulder ; pain in muscle of shoulder ; strain of shoulder joint ; paralyzed sensation in arm ; sticking and drawing in arm down to finger tips ; as if muscles of upper arm were strained ; numbness and aching in arm ; sudden paralysis of arm, wrist as if it had been sprained ; tension in hip ; acute pain in hip ; in whole lower limb ; tension in thigh ; tearing in muscles of thigh ; acute rheumatism in knee joint ; erysipelas on leg ; tibia cold ; chronic miliary eruption on back of hand ; felt a shock in external orbital integuments ; excoriation at inner side of nates ; skin peeled from hand entirely ; wheals more numerous on index finger ; on thigh there is a round elevated red blotch ; enlargement of parotid.
Right to left : erysipelas travels.
Left to right : vesicular erysipelas of scalp ; erysipelas in face.
From front to back : pain in head.
From within outward : stitching in knee.
As if intoxicated ; as of a weight behind right orbit ; as if she were going to fall forward or backward ; as of a board strapped across forehead ; brain as if loaded ; as if brain were torn ; as if muscles in back of head were screwed together ; back as if sprained ; as if occipital tissues were screwed together ; as of a veil before eyes ; as if it were difficult to move lids ; as if jaw would break ; as if teeth were being torn out ; teeth feel too long and too loose ; as if asleep ; as if pharynx were inactive or paralyzed ; stomach as if overloaded ; as of a stone in stomach ; as if pit of stomach were swollen or drawn together ; hypochondriac region and abdomen as if beaten ; as of a knife in right abdomen ; as if something were torn loose in abdomen ; as if a lump lay like a pressing heavy weight in abdomen ; limb as if constricted ; feet and ankles as if asleep ; as if one side of rectum had grown up ; as if everything would come out of rectum ; shoulders as if sprained ; as if head were swelling out ; as if something would be torn out of chest ; as if breath were stopped at pit of stomach ; as if not able to draw a long breath ; as if shoulder would fly to pieces ; as if air became imprisoned in epigastrium ; as if sternum were pressed inward ; as if cervical muscles were asleep ; as if one had been lying in an uncomfortable position ; as if bruised in right side of lumbar vertebra and in small of back ; as if flesh of small of back had been beaten ; as if back were broken ; as if some one were pressing upon left shoulder ; as if arms were luxated ; as if muscles and tendons of left upper arm were unduly strained ; as of sand in eyes ; as if wrist had been sprained ; as if hand were held in hot water ; hand as if lame ; hand dry, as if withered ; as if pins were pricking point and palmar surfaces of first phalanges of fingers ; finger tips as if asleep ; as if something would burst in chest ; hip, knee, or ankle joint as if sprained ; as if skin around diseased parts were too tight ; right rectus cruris muscle as if bruised ; as if tendons of limb were too short ; as if knee were too short ; as if hamstrings were too short ; legs as if made of wood ; lower part of r. foot as if made of wood ; feet as if sprained or wrenched ; heels as stepping upon pins ; as if running nails under skin in heels ; as if walking upon needles ; as of a hundredweight on nape of neck ; as of a trembling in arms and legs ; joints as if bruised ; as if sinking through bed ; as if bones ached ; as if jaw were dislocated ; as if something forced him out of bed ; as if whole body were burning ; as if cold water were poured over him ; as if blood were running cold through veins ; as if maxillary joints were dislocated ; as if back were bruised ; as if tongue had been skinned ; as of a board strapped to forehead ; as if flesh were torn loose from bones, or as if bones were being scraped ; pains as if sprained in outer parts ; as if inner parts were grown together ; as if something in inner parts were torn loose ; face and hands as if covered with suggillations.
Pain : in left temple and orbital region ; in back part of head ; in eyes ; in right eyeball ; in temporal region of left side, thence to head, cheeks and teeth ; in maxillary joints ; in back of neck ; in back ; in stomach ; in region of ascending colon ; in abdomen ; in glans penis ; in right limb ; in lower part of chest ; in left shoulder and arm ; in heart ; in cervical muscles ; in shoulder and back ; between shoulders on swallowing ; in muscles of l. shoulder and arm, also in bones of arm ; in right wrist ; in hips ; down thighs ; in streaks down limbs with every evacuation ; under knee-pain ; in left knee joint ; in inner, lower and posterior part of calf of leg ; in heels ; in jaw ; about umbilicus.
Terrific pain : in left shoulder.
Terrible pains : in lower extremities.
Violent pain : in abdomen ; in lumbar region ; in head ; in left leg.
Intense pain : in left leg.
Acute pain : in right side of chest ; in middle anterior portion of fourth intercostal space, left side ; in small of back ; in middle finger of right hand ; in right hip ; in ankle joints.
Great pain : in small of back.
Severe pain : in jaw ; in right hypochondriac region ; over crest of ileum ; at top of left shoulder ; at phalanges of several fingers ; sudden, at insertion of ligamentum patella into tibia.
Sharp pain : in eye ; from eyes into head ; in heels.
Tearing : at small of back ; in periosteum of cranial bones ; in neighborhood of diseased eye ; in region of brows and malar bones ; in face ; in teeth ; down thighs, in region of kidneys ; in chest ; in shoulder joint and on top of scapula ; in shoulder ; violent, in arm ; from elbow joint into wrist ; in joints of all fingers ; from hip to knee ; from right ischium following sciatic nerve in right thigh ; in middle of outer portion of thigh ; in muscles of left thigh ; in knee and in ankle.
Bursting pain : in head.
Deep cutting pains : in leg.
Lancinating pain : in left leg.
Beating pain : in limbs ; in temple.
Darting pains : in ulcers.
Jerking pain : in teeth ; in abdomen ; in elbow and wrist joints ; in right thigh.
Catching pains : in right side of chest.
Throbbing : in temples ; from teeth into temples and jaws ; violent, in epigastric region ; in left shoulder ; centrifugally in inflamed integuments of face and forehead.
Digging pain : in glands beneath angle of lower jaw.
Gnawing pain : in swelling of knee.
Ulcerative pain : in pit of stomach.
Labor-like pains : in abdomen.
Shooting pain : in teeth ; in eyelid ; up rectum ; through head ; in left shoulder ; through arms ; in leg.
Stupefying pain : in head.
Stitches : in head to ears, root of nose and malar bones ; in eyes and temples ; below right ribs ; in stomach ; in chest and sides of chest ; in left side ; in heart ; in shoulders ; just below right knee ; in soles of feet ; in joints.
Stitching pains : in throat ; in left nipple through to scapula ; on dorsum of right hand ; in heels.
Drawing stitches : in arm.
Pressive stitches : in back.
A stitch : across knee ; in hamstrings just above calves.
Stinging pain : in leg.
Sticking pain : in throat ; in vagina ; in chest ; in left side ; in back ; in left arm ; in fingers ; in side of knee.
Constrictive pain : in dorsal muscles.
Bruised pain : in head ; in throat ; in limb.
Burning pain : in knee joints and lower extremities ; in corns ; of sclerotica ; in eruption around mouth and nose.
Drawing pains : in cheek and head ; in limbs ; in region of brows and malar bones ; in face ; in left nipple through to scapula ; in left arm ; cramplike, in elbow joint ; from elbow joint into wrist ; in palm of right hand ; in right natis ; in hips ; from hip to knee in left leg ; in hip joints ; paralytic, in whole foot ; in arms.
Rheumatic pain : violent, between scapula ; in left shoulder and arm and in region of deltoid muscles ; through wrist joints ; in hands.
Pressing pain : in eyes ; in stye ; in glands beneath angle of jaw ; in hip joints ; in region of forehead ; in occiput.
Dull pain : in occiput, vertex and forehead.
Tensive aching pains : in arms.
Aching : in occipital protuberances ; in eyes ; in articulation of right lower jaw ; in teeth ; in glans penis ; in bones ; of left arm ; in elbow joint ; in right limb ; in legs ; in ankles and hollows of feet ; of whole body.
Paroxysmal pains : in legs.
Cramplike pain : in articulation of jaw.
Cramp : in calves ; in legs and feet.
Jerking : in thigh.
Stinging : in throat when swallowing ; in tonsils ; in stomach ; on inner surface of prepuce ; in ulcers ; in skin.
Burning : in forehead ; in eye ; in and beneath eyes ; in inner canthus, right eye ; in eyelid ; in swollen lids ; beneath nostril ; in face ; of eruption around mouth and nose ; in whole right side of abdomen ; behind sternum ; in small of back ; in urethra ; in stomach and between shoulder blades ; in loins ; in shoulder ; in dorsum of right hand ; in palm of right hand, forearm and hand ; in left leg ; of skin ; in pustules on chin ; in ulcers.
Burning rawness : in larynx.
Burning itching : here and there ; of skin.
Biting : in right eye ; in vulva ; on lower lids.
Excoriation : feeling of, on inner side of left.
Soreness : of head ; of nostrils ; of tongue ; in abdomen ; of navel ; in walls of abdomen ; in back and hypogastrium ; of vagina ; in chest ; in left side ; of lumbar region ; in corns.
Pricking : from teeth into jaws and temples ; in swollen lids.
Prickling heat : in limbs.
Tenderness : of carpal articulation about knee joint.
Gnawing sensation : in teeth.
Dragging : of cardiac region ; in muscles of left thigh.
Pressive drawing : in left hypochondrium.
Tingling : in head ; in limbs ; in stomach ; in chest ; of feet ; in tibia ; in limbs ; in skin.
Tickling : in throat ; in air passages ; in bronchia ; under sternum.
Pressure : at heart ; behind eyes ; in right temple ; on chest and about heart ; in throat when swallowing ; in rectum ; in abdomen ; in small of back ; on shoulders ; in eyes.
Tension : of face ; across chest ; in intercostal muscles ; of neck ; painful, between shoulder blades ; in elbow joint ; in right hip ; in left hip joints ; on posterior surface of thigh ; of diseased limb ; in tendons on inner side of right knee ; of knee ; of calves ; of feet ; in joints ; of nape of neck and between shoulders.
Constriction : in rectum.
Heaviness : of head ; of lids ; in small of back ; of lower limbs ; in hollows of knees and calves ; of legs ; of feet.
Fulness : of stomach.
Chilliness : in house, toward evening, creeping coldness all over ; and heat in evening, face seemed very hot, though cheeks were cold to touch, and pale, breath hot ; in back and head, heat on anterior part of body ; as if cold water were poured over him, or as if blood were running cold through veins, 7 P. M., feels cold when he moves.
Chill : over back, worse evenings ; with pains in limbs, restlessness ; face pale, or alternating red and pale ; begins in the legs, usually in thighs, or between scapula.
Shuddering on moving or uncovering.
Sensation of internal coldness in limbs.
Coldness on left tibia.
Stretching and pain in limbs, shivering over whole body, with much thirst, cold hands, heat and redness of face.
Shivering, heat and perspiration over body at same time.
Severe chill at 7 P. M., as if dashed with ice-cold water, or as if blood were running cold through vessels ; cold when he moves ; worse eating and drinking ; became hot by lying down and covering up ; pain between shoulders and stretching of limbs during fever at night, sweat in morning.
Cough during chill ; dry, teasing, fatiguing.
Great restlessness during chill.
During chill, pains in limbs, and during fever twitchings.
Chill increased by drinking.
Heat : with great thirst ; after the chill, with sweat which relieves ; general, as from hot water, or hot blood running through veins ; general, with slight chills during motion, face livid ; urticaria breaks out over whole body, with violent itching, worse by rubbing.
During fever, nettlerash ; thirst, drinking little and often.
Drowsy, weary, with yawning ; 10 A. M. excessive heat, without thirst.
Evening fever, with diarrhoea.
Chill : over back, worse evenings ; with pains in limbs, restlessness ; face pale, or alternating red and pale ; begins in the legs, usually in thighs, or between scapula.
Shuddering on moving or uncovering.
Sensation of internal coldness in limbs.
Coldness on left tibia.
Stretching and pain in limbs, shivering over whole body, with much thirst, cold hands, heat and redness of face.
Shivering, heat and perspiration over body at same time.
Severe chill at 7 P. M., as if dashed with ice-cold water, or as if blood were running cold through vessels ; cold when he moves ; worse eating and drinking ; became hot by lying down and covering up ; pain between shoulders and stretching of limbs during fever at night, sweat in morning.
Cough during chill ; dry, teasing, fatiguing.
Great restlessness during chill.
During chill, pains in limbs, and during fever twitchings.
Chill increased by drinking.
Heat : with great thirst ; after the chill, with sweat which relieves ; general, as from hot water, or hot blood running through veins ; general, with slight chills during motion, face livid ; urticaria breaks out over whole body, with violent itching, worse by rubbing.
During fever, nettlerash ; thirst, drinking little and often.
Drowsy, weary, with yawning ; 10 A. M. excessive heat, without thirst.
Evening fever, with diarrhoea.
Intolerable itching ; red, measly rash all over skin.
Itching all over, worse on hairy parts ; burning after scratching.
Violent burning in skin, twitching, general perspiration at night ; whenever he puts his hands out of bed he is seized with a convulsive cough.
Burning itching here and there.
Stinging and tingling in skin, burning after scratching.
Burning itching eruptions.
Humidity of skin.
Rubbing affected parts increases eruption.
Red flush over whole body, at 2 P. M.
Covered from head to foot with a fine red vesicular rash, itching and burning terribly, especially in joints ; worse at night, causing constant scratching, with little or no relief, felt very hard upon pressure with finger ; skin burning hot.
Some small pimples, coalescing into blisters the size of a split pea, filled with yellow watery fluid, with intense itching ; worse at night after 12 P. M. ; the only relief he can get is to rub it with something rough until the blisters are open.
Numerous vesicles appear on different parts of body, varying from two or three lines to one-fourth inch in diameter ; vesicles dry and disappear by desquamation.
A burning eruption of small blisters, filled with water, with redness of skin of whole body, except on scalp, palms of hands and soles of feet.
Vesicles, most of which contain a milky, but some of which also contain a clear liquid, become confluent ; this condition lasts three days, after which the skin desquamates.
Clusters of vesicles, filled at first with a watery substance, near both corners of mouth on margin of lower lip, with a salty biting sensation, and soreness to touch.
Large blisters containing yellowish liquid, with swelling of arm ; blisters were ruptured carelessly and the liquid flowed over whole arm, after which a very large number of vesicles appeared, so that after eight days whole forearm seemed to be one mass of blisters ; anointing with olive oil seemed to have no effect upon the complaint ; soon the upper arm and then right arm and other parts of body became affected ; whole trouble lasted four weeks.
An eruption of an erysipelatous nature upon face ; the inflammation had extended over forehead and into scalp, both eyes were closed, both ears, cheeks and lips were very much tumefied and pitted on pressure, and the patient’s features were so much disfigured that he was not at all recognizable.
Erysipelatoid eruption affecting hands and arms, feet and legs, face and sometimes the whole person ; it varied in extent and`in severity from a small patch, with trivial itching, to an extended surface with enormous swelling and excruciating suffering ; pruritus, tingling, smarting, stinging burning were the sensations described ; on a red and swollen base of inflamed skin, vesicles and blebs, from the size of a pin’s head to a pea, were crowded together, and when these broke and dried, eczematous crusts remained ; sufficient irritation carried the inflammation on to ulceration.
Bright redness of scrotum and penis ; scrotum extremely flaccid and relaxed, falling half-way to knee.
After the lapse of about twenty-four hours, itching and burning commenced, lasting from half an hour to two hours ; after about thirty-six hours, swelling of the parts, with violent itching and burning, increased on touching or moving parts affected, as if pierced by hot needles ; white transparent vesicles appeared on the highly red and inflamed skin.
Erythema, rapidly progressing to vesication, often accompanied with oedema and with the final formation of pus and scabs ; surface about eruption is red and angrylooking.
Eruption herpetic ; with incessant itching, burning and tingling ; alternates with pains in chest and dysenteric stools.
Scalp, abdomen, lower portion of chest and part of legs and back covered with a moist, burning, itching eruption, which eats into surrounding parts ; large vesicles form which are filled with clear serum, later becoming turbid, which burst and become confluent.
After being poisoned while gathering blackberries ; face presented a perfect picture of facial erysipelas of vesicular type ; hands and forearms were covered with patches of vesicles.
Herpes zoster (shingles) ; burning and neuralgic pains after it.
Herpes preputialis and axillaris.
Pemphigus, each bulla with a red areola.
Erysipelatous swelling under eyes and red blotches over body.
Erysipelatous inflammation. Hardness of skin, with thickening ; urticaria ; from getting wet ; during rheumatism ; with chills and fever ; worse in cold air ; burning, drawing ; tearing in face ; teeth feel too long ; restlessness ; face dark red, covered with yellow vesicles ; burning, itching and tingling with stinging ; worse in cold, open air, wet weather, getting wet, or damp, in cold places.
Vesicular erysipelas ; scalp, face and genital organs particularly affected ; affected parts dark red ; inflammation travels from right to left.
Capt. S., six years ago, kissed a child who had scarlatina, and felt it burn his lips ; in a few weeks had boils on his back ; after this was costive ; once fainted, bruising his forehead ; during faint had an involuntary stool ; soon erysipelas appeared on bruised forehead, spreading over face, appearing on scrotum and penis, which suppurated ; has had several attacks since, impairing his sight for near objects ; felt a shock in left external orbital integuments ; about noon, red erysipelatous swelling began there, extending over whole face, neck and scrotum ; vesicles form exuding a fluid which stains linen yellow ; affected parts burn and itch ; when lying at each beat of heart there is a throbbing centrifugally in inflamed integuments of face and forehead ; any moisture to skin brings out erysipelas there, as it always did in those attacks ; must scratch parts, which causes an agonizing pleasure ; scratching of scrotum causes sexual pleasure and an escape of semen, which weakens him ; photophobia ; very restless all last night, no sleep ; walking about stamping, shaking arms, and striking about ; large yellow crusts from discharge on chin ; eyelids closed from swelling ; hands and feet cold ; pulse 50, intermitting in volume and rhythm ; burning and itching worse from warmth.
Zona, right side, pain going down to right leg, worse at night, necessitating constant change of position.
Cutaneous inflammation and feeling of excoriation at inner side of left natis.
Scurfy eruption over body ; fine scurf on face.
Back of hand is covered with cracks and is hot ; skin hard, rough and stiff.
Epidermis peeled from cheeks, leaving parts hot and rough.
Skin peeled from left hand entirely ; intolerable itching ; skin peeled from all parts affected.
Eczema. Surface raw, excoriated ; thick crusts, oozing and offensive ; if face is attacked there is oedema of loose cellular tissue about eyelids ; burning, itching, tingling pains ; incessant itching and scratching ; the more they scratch the greater the urgency to scratch.
Crusta lactea characterized by thick, heavy scabs, on an inflamed base, with much itching and restlessness, worse at night and from becoming too warm ; green slimy diarrhoea.
Very sore nipples after confinement and an itching, burning papular eruption about nipples on breast, neck, chest, forehead, scalp and hair ; the itching kept just ahead of the scratching, disappearing and burning after, worse during sweat ; profuse sweat on exterior parts of body, but not on parts on which she lay ; restless, continually sought new positions ; better after moving about.
Forehead, face and particularly sides of neck, covered with red nodules, apices being filled with pus ; severe burning.
Pimples like the itch, with burning itching and smarting after scratching, on inner surface of wrist, and on lower portion of cheek.
Hard pimples on hands, with burning-biting itching.
Pimples large, deep-seated and irritable to touch, on nates, especially on median line near os coccygis.
Tetter-like eruption around mouth and nose, at times with jerking and itching burning pain in it.
Pustules, with pus at tips on side of chin, with pain only when touched, as from pressure of a sharp edge and a persistent burning.
Pustulous eruption.
Black pustules, with inflammation and itching, rapidly spreading over whole body.
Urticaria from getting wet ; during rheumatism ; with chills and fever ; worse in cold air.
On the 13th of May, every year, for several years, had been seized with a burning itching of skin that drove her nearly to distraction ; eruption so confluent not a healthy spot could be seen ; eyes closed with oedema of lids ; seemed suffocating and threw off bed coverings ; whole paroxysm lasted twenty four hours. θ Urticaria.
Upper and lower limbs and left side of throat covered with hard, dark-red, circular elevated.
Blotches, in groups and isolated ; skin of affected parts tense and shining, while surrounding skin is swollen and shows an erysipelatous redness ; the wheals are particularly numerous on left index finger, dorsum of hand and forearm ; on neck and left thigh there is a round, elevated red blotch, around which larger and smaller patches were closely crowded ; intolerable itching in affected parts, particularly on index finger ; fine stitching pain in the eruption itself, produced or aggravated by pressure ; patient appears depressed ; eyes closed as in sleep ; fever ; skin moist ; respirations increased, at times rales ; cough not frequent, with tenacious expectoration during day ; pulse 104 ; feeling of weakness ; great heat of head ; vertigo ; nausea ; vomiting ; constant pain about umbilicus. θ Urticaria.
Bluish red, lentil-sized spots over body, with lassitude and repeated hemorrhages from nose and mouth. θ Purpura.
Face and hands appear as if covered with suggillations. θ Purpura.
After catching cold, by exposure to rain, burning and sticking in skin, which began to swell up here and there, particularly on hands, arms and legs ; bright red spots appear, of various shapes and sizes ; rheumatic tearing pains in hip, particularly when at rest. θ Purpura.
Full of bluish dark blood, spots all over body except face and hands ; bleeding from gums ; ice-cold temperature ; pale face and skin ; small pulse.
Carbuncles, bluish, gangrenous.
Hardness of skin with thickening.
Warts : especially on hands and fingers ; large, jagged, often pedunculated, exuding moisture and bleeding readily.
Rhagades, chaps ; chilblains.
Ulcers. As if gangrenous, arising from small vesicles, attended with violent fever ; burning in them or sensation of coldness.
Scarlatina : miliary, rash dark, fever high, drowsiness and restlessness ; especially adynamic forms, child grows drowsy and restless ; tongue red, sometimes smooth ; fauces dark red and have a peculiar oedematous appearance, cervical glands enlarged, and there may be enlargement of left parotid, there may even be impending suppuration of these parts ; cellular tissue of neck inflamed, cutaneous surface having a dark-red or bluish erysipelatous hue ; delirium, mild in character ; secretions altered, acrid ; glands in all parts of body may become enlarged, especially those of axilla ; emaciation ; prostration ; the rash itches violently and there is much restlessness at night ; there is an ichorous or yellow, thick discharge from nose, with swelling of glands of throat ; a bright edge of inflammation surrounds every portion of eruption, and there is much itching, particularly at night ; cases complicated with erysipelatous inflammation.
Skin dark red from head to foot and covered with small vesicles, containing a yellow pus-like fluid ; burning heat ; great thirst ; sopor ; starting and fright ; restlessness ; painful ineffectual urging to urinate ; bowels constipated. θ Scarlatina.
A child, at. 13, threw a shawl, belonging to a child who had died of scarlet fever, over her shoulders ; next day she had high fever ; pulse 140 ; sore throat ; vomiting ; backache ; next day rash appeared on neck and chest, extending gradually over body and becoming red, after pressure, from periphery to centre. θ Scarlet fever.
Delirium, dry tongue, almost complete loss of sleep, repeated bilious vomiting, frequent diarrhoea, temperature of skin 40°C. θ Measles.
Variola : eruption sinks and turns livid ; typhoid symptoms.
Smallpox : typhoid condition ; eruption illy developed ; livid ; burning fever ; extreme prostration ; burning thirst ; roaring in ears ; dry, cracked tongue ; lips and teeth covered with tenacious brown mucus ; meteoric distension of abdomen.
Variola : pustules turn black from effusion of blood within ; diarrhoea, with dark, bloody stools.
Itching all over, worse on hairy parts ; burning after scratching.
Violent burning in skin, twitching, general perspiration at night ; whenever he puts his hands out of bed he is seized with a convulsive cough.
Burning itching here and there.
Stinging and tingling in skin, burning after scratching.
Burning itching eruptions.
Humidity of skin.
Rubbing affected parts increases eruption.
Red flush over whole body, at 2 P. M.
Covered from head to foot with a fine red vesicular rash, itching and burning terribly, especially in joints ; worse at night, causing constant scratching, with little or no relief, felt very hard upon pressure with finger ; skin burning hot.
Some small pimples, coalescing into blisters the size of a split pea, filled with yellow watery fluid, with intense itching ; worse at night after 12 P. M. ; the only relief he can get is to rub it with something rough until the blisters are open.
Numerous vesicles appear on different parts of body, varying from two or three lines to one-fourth inch in diameter ; vesicles dry and disappear by desquamation.
A burning eruption of small blisters, filled with water, with redness of skin of whole body, except on scalp, palms of hands and soles of feet.
Vesicles, most of which contain a milky, but some of which also contain a clear liquid, become confluent ; this condition lasts three days, after which the skin desquamates.
Clusters of vesicles, filled at first with a watery substance, near both corners of mouth on margin of lower lip, with a salty biting sensation, and soreness to touch.
Large blisters containing yellowish liquid, with swelling of arm ; blisters were ruptured carelessly and the liquid flowed over whole arm, after which a very large number of vesicles appeared, so that after eight days whole forearm seemed to be one mass of blisters ; anointing with olive oil seemed to have no effect upon the complaint ; soon the upper arm and then right arm and other parts of body became affected ; whole trouble lasted four weeks.
An eruption of an erysipelatous nature upon face ; the inflammation had extended over forehead and into scalp, both eyes were closed, both ears, cheeks and lips were very much tumefied and pitted on pressure, and the patient’s features were so much disfigured that he was not at all recognizable.
Erysipelatoid eruption affecting hands and arms, feet and legs, face and sometimes the whole person ; it varied in extent and`in severity from a small patch, with trivial itching, to an extended surface with enormous swelling and excruciating suffering ; pruritus, tingling, smarting, stinging burning were the sensations described ; on a red and swollen base of inflamed skin, vesicles and blebs, from the size of a pin’s head to a pea, were crowded together, and when these broke and dried, eczematous crusts remained ; sufficient irritation carried the inflammation on to ulceration.
Bright redness of scrotum and penis ; scrotum extremely flaccid and relaxed, falling half-way to knee.
After the lapse of about twenty-four hours, itching and burning commenced, lasting from half an hour to two hours ; after about thirty-six hours, swelling of the parts, with violent itching and burning, increased on touching or moving parts affected, as if pierced by hot needles ; white transparent vesicles appeared on the highly red and inflamed skin.
Erythema, rapidly progressing to vesication, often accompanied with oedema and with the final formation of pus and scabs ; surface about eruption is red and angrylooking.
Eruption herpetic ; with incessant itching, burning and tingling ; alternates with pains in chest and dysenteric stools.
Scalp, abdomen, lower portion of chest and part of legs and back covered with a moist, burning, itching eruption, which eats into surrounding parts ; large vesicles form which are filled with clear serum, later becoming turbid, which burst and become confluent.
After being poisoned while gathering blackberries ; face presented a perfect picture of facial erysipelas of vesicular type ; hands and forearms were covered with patches of vesicles.
Herpes zoster (shingles) ; burning and neuralgic pains after it.
Herpes preputialis and axillaris.
Pemphigus, each bulla with a red areola.
Erysipelatous swelling under eyes and red blotches over body.
Erysipelatous inflammation. Hardness of skin, with thickening ; urticaria ; from getting wet ; during rheumatism ; with chills and fever ; worse in cold air ; burning, drawing ; tearing in face ; teeth feel too long ; restlessness ; face dark red, covered with yellow vesicles ; burning, itching and tingling with stinging ; worse in cold, open air, wet weather, getting wet, or damp, in cold places.
Vesicular erysipelas ; scalp, face and genital organs particularly affected ; affected parts dark red ; inflammation travels from right to left.
Capt. S., six years ago, kissed a child who had scarlatina, and felt it burn his lips ; in a few weeks had boils on his back ; after this was costive ; once fainted, bruising his forehead ; during faint had an involuntary stool ; soon erysipelas appeared on bruised forehead, spreading over face, appearing on scrotum and penis, which suppurated ; has had several attacks since, impairing his sight for near objects ; felt a shock in left external orbital integuments ; about noon, red erysipelatous swelling began there, extending over whole face, neck and scrotum ; vesicles form exuding a fluid which stains linen yellow ; affected parts burn and itch ; when lying at each beat of heart there is a throbbing centrifugally in inflamed integuments of face and forehead ; any moisture to skin brings out erysipelas there, as it always did in those attacks ; must scratch parts, which causes an agonizing pleasure ; scratching of scrotum causes sexual pleasure and an escape of semen, which weakens him ; photophobia ; very restless all last night, no sleep ; walking about stamping, shaking arms, and striking about ; large yellow crusts from discharge on chin ; eyelids closed from swelling ; hands and feet cold ; pulse 50, intermitting in volume and rhythm ; burning and itching worse from warmth.
Zona, right side, pain going down to right leg, worse at night, necessitating constant change of position.
Cutaneous inflammation and feeling of excoriation at inner side of left natis.
Scurfy eruption over body ; fine scurf on face.
Back of hand is covered with cracks and is hot ; skin hard, rough and stiff.
Epidermis peeled from cheeks, leaving parts hot and rough.
Skin peeled from left hand entirely ; intolerable itching ; skin peeled from all parts affected.
Eczema. Surface raw, excoriated ; thick crusts, oozing and offensive ; if face is attacked there is oedema of loose cellular tissue about eyelids ; burning, itching, tingling pains ; incessant itching and scratching ; the more they scratch the greater the urgency to scratch.
Crusta lactea characterized by thick, heavy scabs, on an inflamed base, with much itching and restlessness, worse at night and from becoming too warm ; green slimy diarrhoea.
Very sore nipples after confinement and an itching, burning papular eruption about nipples on breast, neck, chest, forehead, scalp and hair ; the itching kept just ahead of the scratching, disappearing and burning after, worse during sweat ; profuse sweat on exterior parts of body, but not on parts on which she lay ; restless, continually sought new positions ; better after moving about.
Forehead, face and particularly sides of neck, covered with red nodules, apices being filled with pus ; severe burning.
Pimples like the itch, with burning itching and smarting after scratching, on inner surface of wrist, and on lower portion of cheek.
Hard pimples on hands, with burning-biting itching.
Pimples large, deep-seated and irritable to touch, on nates, especially on median line near os coccygis.
Tetter-like eruption around mouth and nose, at times with jerking and itching burning pain in it.
Pustules, with pus at tips on side of chin, with pain only when touched, as from pressure of a sharp edge and a persistent burning.
Pustulous eruption.
Black pustules, with inflammation and itching, rapidly spreading over whole body.
Urticaria from getting wet ; during rheumatism ; with chills and fever ; worse in cold air.
On the 13th of May, every year, for several years, had been seized with a burning itching of skin that drove her nearly to distraction ; eruption so confluent not a healthy spot could be seen ; eyes closed with oedema of lids ; seemed suffocating and threw off bed coverings ; whole paroxysm lasted twenty four hours. θ Urticaria.
Upper and lower limbs and left side of throat covered with hard, dark-red, circular elevated.
Blotches, in groups and isolated ; skin of affected parts tense and shining, while surrounding skin is swollen and shows an erysipelatous redness ; the wheals are particularly numerous on left index finger, dorsum of hand and forearm ; on neck and left thigh there is a round, elevated red blotch, around which larger and smaller patches were closely crowded ; intolerable itching in affected parts, particularly on index finger ; fine stitching pain in the eruption itself, produced or aggravated by pressure ; patient appears depressed ; eyes closed as in sleep ; fever ; skin moist ; respirations increased, at times rales ; cough not frequent, with tenacious expectoration during day ; pulse 104 ; feeling of weakness ; great heat of head ; vertigo ; nausea ; vomiting ; constant pain about umbilicus. θ Urticaria.
Bluish red, lentil-sized spots over body, with lassitude and repeated hemorrhages from nose and mouth. θ Purpura.
Face and hands appear as if covered with suggillations. θ Purpura.
After catching cold, by exposure to rain, burning and sticking in skin, which began to swell up here and there, particularly on hands, arms and legs ; bright red spots appear, of various shapes and sizes ; rheumatic tearing pains in hip, particularly when at rest. θ Purpura.
Full of bluish dark blood, spots all over body except face and hands ; bleeding from gums ; ice-cold temperature ; pale face and skin ; small pulse.
Carbuncles, bluish, gangrenous.
Hardness of skin with thickening.
Warts : especially on hands and fingers ; large, jagged, often pedunculated, exuding moisture and bleeding readily.
Rhagades, chaps ; chilblains.
Ulcers. As if gangrenous, arising from small vesicles, attended with violent fever ; burning in them or sensation of coldness.
Scarlatina : miliary, rash dark, fever high, drowsiness and restlessness ; especially adynamic forms, child grows drowsy and restless ; tongue red, sometimes smooth ; fauces dark red and have a peculiar oedematous appearance, cervical glands enlarged, and there may be enlargement of left parotid, there may even be impending suppuration of these parts ; cellular tissue of neck inflamed, cutaneous surface having a dark-red or bluish erysipelatous hue ; delirium, mild in character ; secretions altered, acrid ; glands in all parts of body may become enlarged, especially those of axilla ; emaciation ; prostration ; the rash itches violently and there is much restlessness at night ; there is an ichorous or yellow, thick discharge from nose, with swelling of glands of throat ; a bright edge of inflammation surrounds every portion of eruption, and there is much itching, particularly at night ; cases complicated with erysipelatous inflammation.
Skin dark red from head to foot and covered with small vesicles, containing a yellow pus-like fluid ; burning heat ; great thirst ; sopor ; starting and fright ; restlessness ; painful ineffectual urging to urinate ; bowels constipated. θ Scarlatina.
A child, at. 13, threw a shawl, belonging to a child who had died of scarlet fever, over her shoulders ; next day she had high fever ; pulse 140 ; sore throat ; vomiting ; backache ; next day rash appeared on neck and chest, extending gradually over body and becoming red, after pressure, from periphery to centre. θ Scarlet fever.
Delirium, dry tongue, almost complete loss of sleep, repeated bilious vomiting, frequent diarrhoea, temperature of skin 40°C. θ Measles.
Variola : eruption sinks and turns livid ; typhoid symptoms.
Smallpox : typhoid condition ; eruption illy developed ; livid ; burning fever ; extreme prostration ; burning thirst ; roaring in ears ; dry, cracked tongue ; lips and teeth covered with tenacious brown mucus ; meteoric distension of abdomen.
Variola : pustules turn black from effusion of blood within ; diarrhoea, with dark, bloody stools.
Patient type and constitution
Rheumatic diathesis.
Child, at. 6 months, scrofulous ; catarrhal ophthalmia.
Infant, at. 8 months, badly nourished, afflicted with ascarides which had been relieved by Podoph. ; abscesses.
Child, at. 1 1/2, has had hives ; erysipelas.
Child, at. 2, scrofulous, suffering since birth ; eruption on head and ozana.
Boy, at. 2, suffering nine months ; ague.
Boy, at. 2 ; scarlet fever.
Boy, at. 2 1/2 ; ophthalmia erysipelatosa.
Boy, at. 3, delicate, pale, head and face covered with an eruption, scrofulous ; ophthalmia.
Girl, at. 3, suffering one year ; scrofulous ophthalmia.
Boy, at. 3, stout, otherwise healthy ; strumous ophthalmia.
Boy, at. 4 ; scrofulous ophthalmia.
Girl, at. 5, scrofulous ; ophthalmia.
Lizzie в., at. 5, healthy child from birth, trouble first noticed five days after birth ; ptosis.
Child, at. 5 ; scrofulous induration of glands.
Boy, at. 6, several weeks ago fell down a high flight of steps ; paralysis.
Boy, at. 7 ; inflammation of knee joints.
Girl, at. 8, ill ten days ; meningitis.
Boy, at. 8, strong, suffering since four weeks old ; eruption.
Girl, at. 9, scrofulous ; ophthalmia.
Girl, at. 10 ; diphtheria of lips.
Boy, at. 10 ; five months ago fell while carrying a bundle of straw ; since then suffering ; lameness of leg.
Girl, at. 12, slender, lymphatic, nervous, had rheumatic pains the year before ; diphtheria.
Boy, at. 12, suffering six months ; ague.
Girl, at. 13 ; affection of eye.
Girl, at. 13, has curvature of spine ; paralysis of lower portion of body.
Girl, at. 13 ; scarlet fever.
Young woman, at. 13 1/2, on third day after a natural labor ; paraplegia.
Boy, at. 14 ; crusta lactea.
Boy, at. 14, blonde, suffering four years ; eruption on head and body.
Boy, at. 14 ; dysentery.
Boy, at. 15, from a violent sprain two months ago ; swelling in elbow joint.
XX, at. 16, badly-nourished and overworked needle-girl ; erythema nodosum.
Youth, at. 17 ; ulceration of cornea.
Boy, at. 17, after exposure to snowstorm while overheated two and a half years ago ; rheumatic lameness.
Girl, at. 18, small, lateral curvature of spine ; mental disorder.
Girl, at. 18, menstruation not yet established ; influenza.
Girl, at. 18, after nursing a person with typhoid fever ; smallpox.
Girl, at. 19, quiet, calm, strongly-built, blonde, rosycheeked ; intestinal catarrh.
Man, at. 19 ; measles.
Girl, at. 19 1/2 ; enteritis.
Laboring woman, at. 20, brunette, fresh, rosy complexion, strained herself lifting shortly after first appearance of tumor, father had scirrhous tumor of groin ; ovarian cyst.
Girl, at. 20, blonde, caught cold year and a half ago, since then suffering ; amenorrhoea.
Young woman, at. 21 ; parotitis.
Man, at. 23, weak, delicate, after typhoid fever ; epistaxis.
Baker, at. 23, of phthisical family, after severe labor in a damp cellar ; swelling of knee.
Man, at. 23, suffering twelve days ; quotidian ague.
Mrs. E. D., at. 24, colored, hysterical, hypochondriacal, suffering since puberty ; dysmenorrhoea.
Miss M., at. 24, slender form, lymphatic temperament, never in good health, suffering four years ; injury to hip.
Miss E. H., at. 24, blonde, clerk in a store, suffering three weeks ; swelling of foot.
Artilleryman, at. 24, small stature, full habit, brown hair ; quartan ague.
Miss с., at. 25 ; dysmenorrhoea.
Man, at. 25, strong, caught cold by exposure to rain ; purpura.
Mrs. H., at. 26 ; boils.
Woman, at. 28 ; rheumatic ophthalmia.
Tailor, at. 28, suffering twelve years ; sciatica.
Man, at. 28 ; several years ago had ague, then smallpox ; typhoid fever.
Woman, at. 30, sanguineous temperament ; inflammation of eye.
Man, at. 30 ; oesophagitis.
Woman, at. 30, thin, healthy, menses absent five years ; pleuro-pneumonia.
Woman, at. 30, married, two years ago sprained wrist, since then suffering ; pain in wrist.
Woman, at. 30, single ; warts on hands.
Woman, at. 30, colored, suffering five years ; rheumatism.
Man, at. 31, slender, muscular, dark complexion, after exposure ; rheumatic lameness.
Man at. 32, robust ; erysipelas.
Man, at. 32, fifteen years after an attack of syphilis ; syphilitic rheumatism and formation of soft nodes.
Woman, at. 33, negro, suffering five years ; rheumatism.
Woman, at. 35, rheumatic, after lifting heavy furniture ; affection of back.
Man, at. 35, sanguine, nervous temperament, suffering six months ; sciatica.
Woman, at. 35 ; erysipelas.
Man, at. 36, lively, intellectual, active, brown complexion, black hair, sparkling black eyes ; facial neuralgia.
Woman, at. 36 ; oesophagitis.
Woman, at. 36, single, blonde, delicate, irritable disposition, lives by needlework ; abdominal inflammation.
Woman, at. 36, poorly nourished, cachectic, six months pregnant ; urinary difficulty.
Josefa Fluch, at. 36, married, born in Spain ; cardiac neurosis.
Woman, at. 37, medium height, corpulent, ill half year ; hamoptysis.
Man, at. 37, professor, nervous temperament ; loss of coordination in legs.
Lady, at. 38, mother of six children ; ague.
Woman, at. 38, well built ; urticaria.
Woman, at. 40, hysterical ; headache.
Woman, at. 40 ; eruption on eyelid.
Man, at. 40, suffering several months, had rheumatism previous to attack ; diarrhoea.
Woman, at. 40, brunette, slender figure, mother of many children, suffered six months ; rheumatic pain and stiffness in wrist.
Man, at. 40, sandy complexion, strong, athletic and vigorous constitution ; strain of thumb.
Man, at. 40, large, muscular, had former attacks, after walking fourteen miles ; sciatica.
Man, at. 40, suffering eight weeks ; suppuration at knee joint.
Man, at. 40, after severe wetting ; pains in legs.
Woman, at. 40, wife of clergyman, has had an attack annually for last seven years ; urticaria.
Woman, at. 40, Irish ; eczema impetiginodes.
Man, at. 41, strong and healthy, works in sugar factory and is exposed to great heat ; вright’s disease.
Mrs. в., at. 42, six years previously took a sea-bath and became chilled through and through, since then suffering ; polypus of uterus.
Man, at. 42 ; typhoid fever.
Man, at. 43, small, dark complexion, weight 90 pounds, cabinet-maker, suffering eight or nine years ; lameness of back.
Woman, at. 43, suffering eighteen years ; rheumatism.
Woman, at. 44 ; paralysis of arm.
Woman, at. 44, Irish, married, suffering four months ; eczema rubrum.
Man, at. 45 ; opacity of cornea.
Man, at. 45, small, choleric temperament, nurse, after recovering from an attack of typhoid ; paralysis agitans.
Man, at. 45, strong, confined to bed last three months after exposure ; pneumonia.
Man, at. 46-49, tall, slender, muscular, dark complexion, leather manufacturer, suffering several years with rheumatism of left arm, after exposure to rainstorm ; rheumatism.
Lady, at. 50 ; fear of being poisoned.
Woman, at. 50, pale, emaciated, for years has had a slight hacking cough in Winter, strained back by lifting a heavy weight fortnight ago, since then suffering ; lumbago.
Jewess, at. 51 ; melancholia.
Woman, at. 52, year and a half ago became chilled during a railway journey, since then suffering ; rheumatic ; paralysis.
Woman, at. 53, mild disposition, small stature ; suffering two weeks ; epistaxis.
Woman, at. 55, strong, stout, subject to erysipelatous swellings of face, suffering ten days ; erysipelas bullosum.
Man, at. 55, farmer, strong, large, muscular, sufferer from sciatic rheumatism, which was contracted in the army 1862-63, would have severe attacks every few weeks, induced by overwork and exposure ; sciatica.
Coachman, at. 55, some years ago had a similar attack ; rheumatic sciatica.
Man, at. 56, cabinet-maker, athletic figure, otherwise always well, suffering eight months ; sciatica.
Man, at. 62, five years ago similarly affected ; dropsy.
Woman, at. 63 ; pneumonia.
Woman, at. 64 ; sciatica.
Man, at. 64 ; ague.
Man, at. 66, tall, thin, delicate frame ; facial neuralgia.
K., at. 66, German, from exposure to cold ; rheumatism.
Mrs. G. K., at. 67, suffering several years ; anasarca.
Lady, at. 80, suffering five months ; diarrhoea.
Young man, retired habits, affected with acne punctata, after exposure ; influenza.
Mrs. с., sick for twenty years ; affection of heart.
Bridge-builder, nervous temperament, suffering three weeks, caused by a strain ; lumbago.
Woman, large, strong, suffering six months ; burning in hand.
Stout phlegmatic man, frequently subject to attacks of rheumatic gout ; gonagra.
Child, at. 6 months, scrofulous ; catarrhal ophthalmia.
Infant, at. 8 months, badly nourished, afflicted with ascarides which had been relieved by Podoph. ; abscesses.
Child, at. 1 1/2, has had hives ; erysipelas.
Child, at. 2, scrofulous, suffering since birth ; eruption on head and ozana.
Boy, at. 2, suffering nine months ; ague.
Boy, at. 2 ; scarlet fever.
Boy, at. 2 1/2 ; ophthalmia erysipelatosa.
Boy, at. 3, delicate, pale, head and face covered with an eruption, scrofulous ; ophthalmia.
Girl, at. 3, suffering one year ; scrofulous ophthalmia.
Boy, at. 3, stout, otherwise healthy ; strumous ophthalmia.
Boy, at. 4 ; scrofulous ophthalmia.
Girl, at. 5, scrofulous ; ophthalmia.
Lizzie в., at. 5, healthy child from birth, trouble first noticed five days after birth ; ptosis.
Child, at. 5 ; scrofulous induration of glands.
Boy, at. 6, several weeks ago fell down a high flight of steps ; paralysis.
Boy, at. 7 ; inflammation of knee joints.
Girl, at. 8, ill ten days ; meningitis.
Boy, at. 8, strong, suffering since four weeks old ; eruption.
Girl, at. 9, scrofulous ; ophthalmia.
Girl, at. 10 ; diphtheria of lips.
Boy, at. 10 ; five months ago fell while carrying a bundle of straw ; since then suffering ; lameness of leg.
Girl, at. 12, slender, lymphatic, nervous, had rheumatic pains the year before ; diphtheria.
Boy, at. 12, suffering six months ; ague.
Girl, at. 13 ; affection of eye.
Girl, at. 13, has curvature of spine ; paralysis of lower portion of body.
Girl, at. 13 ; scarlet fever.
Young woman, at. 13 1/2, on third day after a natural labor ; paraplegia.
Boy, at. 14 ; crusta lactea.
Boy, at. 14, blonde, suffering four years ; eruption on head and body.
Boy, at. 14 ; dysentery.
Boy, at. 15, from a violent sprain two months ago ; swelling in elbow joint.
XX, at. 16, badly-nourished and overworked needle-girl ; erythema nodosum.
Youth, at. 17 ; ulceration of cornea.
Boy, at. 17, after exposure to snowstorm while overheated two and a half years ago ; rheumatic lameness.
Girl, at. 18, small, lateral curvature of spine ; mental disorder.
Girl, at. 18, menstruation not yet established ; influenza.
Girl, at. 18, after nursing a person with typhoid fever ; smallpox.
Girl, at. 19, quiet, calm, strongly-built, blonde, rosycheeked ; intestinal catarrh.
Man, at. 19 ; measles.
Girl, at. 19 1/2 ; enteritis.
Laboring woman, at. 20, brunette, fresh, rosy complexion, strained herself lifting shortly after first appearance of tumor, father had scirrhous tumor of groin ; ovarian cyst.
Girl, at. 20, blonde, caught cold year and a half ago, since then suffering ; amenorrhoea.
Young woman, at. 21 ; parotitis.
Man, at. 23, weak, delicate, after typhoid fever ; epistaxis.
Baker, at. 23, of phthisical family, after severe labor in a damp cellar ; swelling of knee.
Man, at. 23, suffering twelve days ; quotidian ague.
Mrs. E. D., at. 24, colored, hysterical, hypochondriacal, suffering since puberty ; dysmenorrhoea.
Miss M., at. 24, slender form, lymphatic temperament, never in good health, suffering four years ; injury to hip.
Miss E. H., at. 24, blonde, clerk in a store, suffering three weeks ; swelling of foot.
Artilleryman, at. 24, small stature, full habit, brown hair ; quartan ague.
Miss с., at. 25 ; dysmenorrhoea.
Man, at. 25, strong, caught cold by exposure to rain ; purpura.
Mrs. H., at. 26 ; boils.
Woman, at. 28 ; rheumatic ophthalmia.
Tailor, at. 28, suffering twelve years ; sciatica.
Man, at. 28 ; several years ago had ague, then smallpox ; typhoid fever.
Woman, at. 30, sanguineous temperament ; inflammation of eye.
Man, at. 30 ; oesophagitis.
Woman, at. 30, thin, healthy, menses absent five years ; pleuro-pneumonia.
Woman, at. 30, married, two years ago sprained wrist, since then suffering ; pain in wrist.
Woman, at. 30, single ; warts on hands.
Woman, at. 30, colored, suffering five years ; rheumatism.
Man, at. 31, slender, muscular, dark complexion, after exposure ; rheumatic lameness.
Man at. 32, robust ; erysipelas.
Man, at. 32, fifteen years after an attack of syphilis ; syphilitic rheumatism and formation of soft nodes.
Woman, at. 33, negro, suffering five years ; rheumatism.
Woman, at. 35, rheumatic, after lifting heavy furniture ; affection of back.
Man, at. 35, sanguine, nervous temperament, suffering six months ; sciatica.
Woman, at. 35 ; erysipelas.
Man, at. 36, lively, intellectual, active, brown complexion, black hair, sparkling black eyes ; facial neuralgia.
Woman, at. 36 ; oesophagitis.
Woman, at. 36, single, blonde, delicate, irritable disposition, lives by needlework ; abdominal inflammation.
Woman, at. 36, poorly nourished, cachectic, six months pregnant ; urinary difficulty.
Josefa Fluch, at. 36, married, born in Spain ; cardiac neurosis.
Woman, at. 37, medium height, corpulent, ill half year ; hamoptysis.
Man, at. 37, professor, nervous temperament ; loss of coordination in legs.
Lady, at. 38, mother of six children ; ague.
Woman, at. 38, well built ; urticaria.
Woman, at. 40, hysterical ; headache.
Woman, at. 40 ; eruption on eyelid.
Man, at. 40, suffering several months, had rheumatism previous to attack ; diarrhoea.
Woman, at. 40, brunette, slender figure, mother of many children, suffered six months ; rheumatic pain and stiffness in wrist.
Man, at. 40, sandy complexion, strong, athletic and vigorous constitution ; strain of thumb.
Man, at. 40, large, muscular, had former attacks, after walking fourteen miles ; sciatica.
Man, at. 40, suffering eight weeks ; suppuration at knee joint.
Man, at. 40, after severe wetting ; pains in legs.
Woman, at. 40, wife of clergyman, has had an attack annually for last seven years ; urticaria.
Woman, at. 40, Irish ; eczema impetiginodes.
Man, at. 41, strong and healthy, works in sugar factory and is exposed to great heat ; вright’s disease.
Mrs. в., at. 42, six years previously took a sea-bath and became chilled through and through, since then suffering ; polypus of uterus.
Man, at. 42 ; typhoid fever.
Man, at. 43, small, dark complexion, weight 90 pounds, cabinet-maker, suffering eight or nine years ; lameness of back.
Woman, at. 43, suffering eighteen years ; rheumatism.
Woman, at. 44 ; paralysis of arm.
Woman, at. 44, Irish, married, suffering four months ; eczema rubrum.
Man, at. 45 ; opacity of cornea.
Man, at. 45, small, choleric temperament, nurse, after recovering from an attack of typhoid ; paralysis agitans.
Man, at. 45, strong, confined to bed last three months after exposure ; pneumonia.
Man, at. 46-49, tall, slender, muscular, dark complexion, leather manufacturer, suffering several years with rheumatism of left arm, after exposure to rainstorm ; rheumatism.
Lady, at. 50 ; fear of being poisoned.
Woman, at. 50, pale, emaciated, for years has had a slight hacking cough in Winter, strained back by lifting a heavy weight fortnight ago, since then suffering ; lumbago.
Jewess, at. 51 ; melancholia.
Woman, at. 52, year and a half ago became chilled during a railway journey, since then suffering ; rheumatic ; paralysis.
Woman, at. 53, mild disposition, small stature ; suffering two weeks ; epistaxis.
Woman, at. 55, strong, stout, subject to erysipelatous swellings of face, suffering ten days ; erysipelas bullosum.
Man, at. 55, farmer, strong, large, muscular, sufferer from sciatic rheumatism, which was contracted in the army 1862-63, would have severe attacks every few weeks, induced by overwork and exposure ; sciatica.
Coachman, at. 55, some years ago had a similar attack ; rheumatic sciatica.
Man, at. 56, cabinet-maker, athletic figure, otherwise always well, suffering eight months ; sciatica.
Man, at. 62, five years ago similarly affected ; dropsy.
Woman, at. 63 ; pneumonia.
Woman, at. 64 ; sciatica.
Man, at. 64 ; ague.
Man, at. 66, tall, thin, delicate frame ; facial neuralgia.
K., at. 66, German, from exposure to cold ; rheumatism.
Mrs. G. K., at. 67, suffering several years ; anasarca.
Lady, at. 80, suffering five months ; diarrhoea.
Young man, retired habits, affected with acne punctata, after exposure ; influenza.
Mrs. с., sick for twenty years ; affection of heart.
Bridge-builder, nervous temperament, suffering three weeks, caused by a strain ; lumbago.
Woman, large, strong, suffering six months ; burning in hand.
Stout phlegmatic man, frequently subject to attacks of rheumatic gout ; gonagra.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by вellad., вryon., сamphor., сoffea, сrot. tig., Mercur., Tenacet., Sassaf., Sulphur, Verbena hastata, Virginiana serpentaria.
It antidotes : вryon., Ranunculus, Rhodo., Tart. em.
Compatible : Arnic., Arsen., вryon., сalcarea ost., сalcarea phos., сhamom., сonium, Lachesis, Phosphorus ac., Pulsat., Sulphur.
Incompatible : Apis.
It antidotes : вryon., Ranunculus, Rhodo., Tart. em.
Compatible : Arnic., Arsen., вryon., сalcarea ost., сalcarea phos., сhamom., сonium, Lachesis, Phosphorus ac., Pulsat., Sulphur.
Incompatible : Apis.
Included in the composition
- 0.9-1.5€ Агри (Материа Медика Холдинг НПФ ООО [Челябинск, ул. Бугурусланская] )
- 1.7-2.1€ Antisol (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 2€ Briorus (ЭДАС)
- 2-2.4€ Briacon (ЭДАС)
- 2.5€ Mial (ЭДАС)
- 2.7€ Algistop (2 firms)
- 3-3.8€ Rhusbricarum (2 firms)
- 2.3-2.5€ Артрокапли (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Герпес (гомеопатический комплекс) (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.8-5€ Ревматал (Фитасинтекс)
- 3.2€ Immukor (2 firms)
- 3.2€ Rhus-plus (2 firms)
- 4.2-10€ Psorilom (3 firms)
- 5€ Артрис (Фитасинтекс)
- 6.8€ Rewma-Gel (Deutsche Homoopathie-Union DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH&Co. KG )
- 5.3-8.9€ Aesculus compositum (2 firms)
- 6.5-184.6€ Zeel t (2 firms)
- — Flowers Energy №11
- — Flowers Energy №31
- 11€ Flowers Energy №39
- 11€ Flowers Energy №72
- — Flowers Energy №75
- — Flowers Energy №76
- 11€ Flowers Energy №83
- 11€ Flowers Energy №90
- 9.2-155.6€ Echinacea compositum sn (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Aconite-plus (Доктор Н)
- — Antiherpes (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Arnica-Heel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Bioline Arthritis
- — Psorizerum (Алкой-Фарм)
- — Артросан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Радикулосан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug