Other names and synonyms
sul-ac.Description Source
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Sulphuric Acid. SO3.
Introduced by Hahnemann, proved by himself, F. Hahnemann, Franz, Gross, Langhammer, and Ng., сhronische Krankheiten, vol. 5, p. 405.
Toxicological reports are numerous ; see Allen’s Encyclopedia, vol. 9, p. 417.
Introduced by Hahnemann, proved by himself, F. Hahnemann, Franz, Gross, Langhammer, and Ng., сhronische Krankheiten, vol. 5, p. 405.
Toxicological reports are numerous ; see Allen’s Encyclopedia, vol. 9, p. 417.
- Mental dejection, Russell, в. J. H., vol. 14, p. 550 ; Sensation of lump in canthus, вerridge, Hahn. Mo., vol. 10, p. 111 ; Facial neuralgia, Theobald, Hom. Rev., vol. 16, p. 111 ; Epistaxis, Stens, A. H. Z., vol. 91, p. 196 ; Toothache, вruckner, N. A. J. H., vol. 19, p. 417 ; Aphtha, Ehrhardt, Gross, Hrg., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 513 ; Hirsch, Schmidt, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 225 ; Diphtheria, Kafka, A. H. Z., vol. 90, p. 181 ; Williams, Ill. Trans., p. 143 ; Dipsomania, Hrg., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 555 ; Hiccough, Schneider, в. J. H., vol. 8, p. 458 ; Gastralgia, сooper, в. J. H., vol. 29, p. 704 ; Indigestion, Mitchal, M. I., vol. 4, p. 439 ; Dyspepsia, Kurtz, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 66 ; Williamson, Hah. Mo., vol. 10, p. 46 ; Pain in groin, вerridge, N. Y. J. H., vol. 2, p. 312 ; Hernia, Traub, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 793 ; Diarrhoea, Farrington, M. I., vol. 4, p. 132 ; вuck, Hom. Rev., vol. 20, p. 620 ; Dysentery, Murray, M. I., 1876 ; Vomiting of pregnancy, Morrow, Medorrhinum Adv., vol. 20, p. 356 ; сough, вerridge, Hom. Phys., vol. 6, p. 211 ; Hamoptysis, Rückert, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 225 ; Pleuritic exudation ; Palpitation of heart, Sybel, A. H. Z., vol. 92, pp. 5, 20 ; Phthisis, Stens, N. A. J. H., vol. 22, p. 445 ; Excoriation of thighs, сrushes, Seidel, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 1030 ; Ague, сooper, H. M., vol. 13, p. 59 ; Yellow fever, Wade, Medorrhinum Inv., vol. 7, p. 72 ; Purpura hamorrhagica, Stens, N. A. J. H., vol. 22, p. 451 ; Purpura, Schnappauf, вattmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 207 ; Ecchymoses, Guernsey, M. I., vol. 3, p. 280 ; Pruritus, вuck, Hom. Rev., vol. 20, p. 620 ; Scrofulous eruptions, Johannsen, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 415.
Psyche and consciousness
Mental excitability.
Must do everything in a great hurry ; nothing can be finished quickly enough.
Unwilling to answer ; says yes or no with difficulty ; pulse small and frequent.
Disheartened ; inclined to weep.
Irritable, restless ; fretful and peevish if his work is not done to suit.
Extreme mental dejection ; unfit for work, would sit and weep whole day long ; constant pain at vertex ; after a fall upon head.
Vertigo, in room, going off in open air ; must lie down, as soon as he raises himself dizziness returns.
Must do everything in a great hurry ; nothing can be finished quickly enough.
Unwilling to answer ; says yes or no with difficulty ; pulse small and frequent.
Disheartened ; inclined to weep.
Irritable, restless ; fretful and peevish if his work is not done to suit.
Extreme mental dejection ; unfit for work, would sit and weep whole day long ; constant pain at vertex ; after a fall upon head.
Vertigo, in room, going off in open air ; must lie down, as soon as he raises himself dizziness returns.
Head, face, and ears
Sensation in forehead as if brain were loose and falling from side to side ; worse walking in open air ; better sitting quiet in room.
Rush of blood to head, headache.
Painful shocks in forehead and temples, worse in forenoon and evening.
Headache as if a plug were thrust quickly, by increasingly severe blows, into head.
Gradually increasing and suddenly ceasing headache.
Chronic headache in leuco-phlegmatic people, with relaxed muscles and general debility.
Hair turns grey, falls out ; eruption on scalp very sore ; worse in open air.
Cold sweat on forehead when eating, even warm food.
Pain of outer parts of head, as from subcutaneous ulceration, parts painful to touch.
Eyes fill with tears when reading.
Tension in lids in morning ; difficult to open.
Sensation of a foreign body in right outer canthus, in morning, when walking.
Feeling as of a lump in right outer canthus ; on closing eye seems to move to inner canthus, and to return on opening it.
Deep blue circle under right eye.
Chronic inflammation of eyes ; frequently useful in beginning (later Sulph.
Hardness of hearing ; feeling as of a leaf lying before ear.
Buzzing in right ear ; neuralgia.
Nosebleed ; oozing of dark, thin blood ; evenings ; worse from smelling coffee ; of old people ; in cachectic persons.
Coryza : alternately dry and fluent ; with loss of smell and taste, hunger, sore eyes and tension in forehead.
Face : deadly pale ; feels swollen and as if white of egg had dried on it.
Dry, shrivelled spots in face. θ Hemorrhoids.
Crusta lactea, with stringy, yellow stools.
Gnawing pain commences at 9 P. M. ; affects ramus of lower jaw, and temple of right side, better by warmth and lying on affected side ; comes on gradually and leaves suddenly.
Right-sided neuralgia, affecting face from temple to lower canine teeth, aching and jerking pain, with twitches and contortion of face, and deep blue circle under right eye ; chattering of teeth ; dimness of sight ; black appearance of objects ; wavering of objects.
Buzzing in right ear ; frequent sensation as if skin of cheek and chin were pinched ; pain came gradually and left suddenly ; worse in bed, and from excess of heat or cold.
Shooting, stinging pain in a red scar on lower jaw.
Lips peel off.
Swelling and inflammation of submaxillary glands.
Pain in submaxillary gland, extends to tongue ; tongue feels burnt.
Rush of blood to head, headache.
Painful shocks in forehead and temples, worse in forenoon and evening.
Headache as if a plug were thrust quickly, by increasingly severe blows, into head.
Gradually increasing and suddenly ceasing headache.
Chronic headache in leuco-phlegmatic people, with relaxed muscles and general debility.
Hair turns grey, falls out ; eruption on scalp very sore ; worse in open air.
Cold sweat on forehead when eating, even warm food.
Pain of outer parts of head, as from subcutaneous ulceration, parts painful to touch.
Eyes fill with tears when reading.
Tension in lids in morning ; difficult to open.
Sensation of a foreign body in right outer canthus, in morning, when walking.
Feeling as of a lump in right outer canthus ; on closing eye seems to move to inner canthus, and to return on opening it.
Deep blue circle under right eye.
Chronic inflammation of eyes ; frequently useful in beginning (later Sulph.
Hardness of hearing ; feeling as of a leaf lying before ear.
Buzzing in right ear ; neuralgia.
Nosebleed ; oozing of dark, thin blood ; evenings ; worse from smelling coffee ; of old people ; in cachectic persons.
Coryza : alternately dry and fluent ; with loss of smell and taste, hunger, sore eyes and tension in forehead.
Face : deadly pale ; feels swollen and as if white of egg had dried on it.
Dry, shrivelled spots in face. θ Hemorrhoids.
Crusta lactea, with stringy, yellow stools.
Gnawing pain commences at 9 P. M. ; affects ramus of lower jaw, and temple of right side, better by warmth and lying on affected side ; comes on gradually and leaves suddenly.
Right-sided neuralgia, affecting face from temple to lower canine teeth, aching and jerking pain, with twitches and contortion of face, and deep blue circle under right eye ; chattering of teeth ; dimness of sight ; black appearance of objects ; wavering of objects.
Buzzing in right ear ; frequent sensation as if skin of cheek and chin were pinched ; pain came gradually and left suddenly ; worse in bed, and from excess of heat or cold.
Shooting, stinging pain in a red scar on lower jaw.
Lips peel off.
Swelling and inflammation of submaxillary glands.
Pain in submaxillary gland, extends to tongue ; tongue feels burnt.
Mouth and throat
Toothache : worse in evening in bed, and from cold ; better from heat ; dull, concentrating in right eyetooth, hurts when eating and on pressure ; pain increases slowly, ceases suddenly when reaching highest point.
Dulness of teeth ; teeth on edge.
Destruction of teeth. θ Diabetes mellitus.
Loss of taste.
Talking difficult, as from want of elasticity of parts.
Tongue dry.
Ulcers on inflamed tongue. θ Glossitis.
Sensation of dryness in mouth.
Profuse flow of tasteless or sweetish saliva.
Breath very offensive.
Vesicles on inside of cheek.
Aphthous mouth and gums ; painful yellowish or whitish ulcers. θ Stomatitis ulcerosa. θ Thrush.
Swollen, ulcerated and readily bleeding gums.
Aphthous ulceration of entire inner mouth surface ; sour eructations and heartburn ; longing for acids, especially fresh tart fruits ; pallor of skin ; trembling and weakness all over ; sense of general soreness ; capricious temper ; restless or irritable.
Hemorrhage from mucous membrane of mouth and from gums on slightest motion of tongue, also when speaking, drinking, or blowing nose ; purpura spots over body.
Cancrum oris, not so much sloughing, but rapid extension of ulceration ; parts seem to be eaten away ; ulcers irregular in shape, edges sharp cut and flat ; much bleeding but not violent or long-continued.
Throat sensitive.
Roughness and rawness in throat.
Lancinating pain in throat.
Stinging in chest and throat at same time.
Constricted feeling in throat.
Great difficulty in swallowing.
Throat swollen as if there were a lump in it.
Uvula and root of palate oedematous.
Mucous membrane of palate and pharynx swollen and injected ; several ulcerations.
Thick yellow membrane on fauces, tonsils, teeth and lips, sticks like glue ; impeded deglutition ; voice thick ; parotids swollen, hard ; sopor ; stench from mouth. θ Diphtheria.
Diphtheria ; ulceration of throat, with large exudations, thick, greyish or yellowish, sticky and tenacious ; tonsils bright red ; liquids run out of nose ; speech and respiration difficult on account of accumulation of exudation in fauces ; excessive salivation ; fetor oris ; pulse frequent, small, weak ; apathy, somnolency ; excessive paleness and weakness.
Swelling of mucous membrane of palate and pharynx, with white spots which cannot be removed ; difficult swallowing ; over entire cavity of mouth a thick, white coating ; large, painful swelling of left parotid ; excessive paleness ; weakness, languor ; severe sopor.
On bright-red swollen tonsils a white coating, which changed after a few days to a thick greyish or yellowishwhite substance, also on hard palate and inside of cheeks ; when pressing tongue down a quantity of exudate was squeezed out of fauces ; it feels like paste, and is so tenacious that it can scarcely be crushed between fingers ; very difficult swallowing, all liquids run out of nose ; no appetite ; apathy, somnolency ; child whines when being lifted ; pulse frequent, small ; excessive fetor oris. θ Diphtheria.
On fourth day teeth, lips and inside of cheeks covered with a thick, yellow, membranous substance, which can be removed only with greatest difficulty, and is very sticky ; tonsils cannot be seen ; speech thick, indistinct ; swallowing almost impossible ; frequent loose cough ; both parotids swollen and very hard ; great apathy ; sopor ; very fetid breath ; pulse frequent and weak ; breathing difficult on account of accumulation of exudate. θ Diphtheria.
Hoarseness with dryness and roughness in throat and larynx.
Larynx painful ; feels inelastic, causing difficulty in swallowing.
Dulness of teeth ; teeth on edge.
Destruction of teeth. θ Diabetes mellitus.
Loss of taste.
Talking difficult, as from want of elasticity of parts.
Tongue dry.
Ulcers on inflamed tongue. θ Glossitis.
Sensation of dryness in mouth.
Profuse flow of tasteless or sweetish saliva.
Breath very offensive.
Vesicles on inside of cheek.
Aphthous mouth and gums ; painful yellowish or whitish ulcers. θ Stomatitis ulcerosa. θ Thrush.
Swollen, ulcerated and readily bleeding gums.
Aphthous ulceration of entire inner mouth surface ; sour eructations and heartburn ; longing for acids, especially fresh tart fruits ; pallor of skin ; trembling and weakness all over ; sense of general soreness ; capricious temper ; restless or irritable.
Hemorrhage from mucous membrane of mouth and from gums on slightest motion of tongue, also when speaking, drinking, or blowing nose ; purpura spots over body.
Cancrum oris, not so much sloughing, but rapid extension of ulceration ; parts seem to be eaten away ; ulcers irregular in shape, edges sharp cut and flat ; much bleeding but not violent or long-continued.
Throat sensitive.
Roughness and rawness in throat.
Lancinating pain in throat.
Stinging in chest and throat at same time.
Constricted feeling in throat.
Great difficulty in swallowing.
Throat swollen as if there were a lump in it.
Uvula and root of palate oedematous.
Mucous membrane of palate and pharynx swollen and injected ; several ulcerations.
Thick yellow membrane on fauces, tonsils, teeth and lips, sticks like glue ; impeded deglutition ; voice thick ; parotids swollen, hard ; sopor ; stench from mouth. θ Diphtheria.
Diphtheria ; ulceration of throat, with large exudations, thick, greyish or yellowish, sticky and tenacious ; tonsils bright red ; liquids run out of nose ; speech and respiration difficult on account of accumulation of exudation in fauces ; excessive salivation ; fetor oris ; pulse frequent, small, weak ; apathy, somnolency ; excessive paleness and weakness.
Swelling of mucous membrane of palate and pharynx, with white spots which cannot be removed ; difficult swallowing ; over entire cavity of mouth a thick, white coating ; large, painful swelling of left parotid ; excessive paleness ; weakness, languor ; severe sopor.
On bright-red swollen tonsils a white coating, which changed after a few days to a thick greyish or yellowishwhite substance, also on hard palate and inside of cheeks ; when pressing tongue down a quantity of exudate was squeezed out of fauces ; it feels like paste, and is so tenacious that it can scarcely be crushed between fingers ; very difficult swallowing, all liquids run out of nose ; no appetite ; apathy, somnolency ; child whines when being lifted ; pulse frequent, small ; excessive fetor oris. θ Diphtheria.
On fourth day teeth, lips and inside of cheeks covered with a thick, yellow, membranous substance, which can be removed only with greatest difficulty, and is very sticky ; tonsils cannot be seen ; speech thick, indistinct ; swallowing almost impossible ; frequent loose cough ; both parotids swollen and very hard ; great apathy ; sopor ; very fetid breath ; pulse frequent and weak ; breathing difficult on account of accumulation of exudate. θ Diphtheria.
Hoarseness with dryness and roughness in throat and larynx.
Larynx painful ; feels inelastic, causing difficulty in swallowing.
Common symptoms
Desire : for fresh fruit ; for brandy.
Loss of appetite and great debility.
Chronic alcoholism ; vomiting in morning ; acidity of stomach ; burning in oesophagus and stomach ; sour, acrid or foul eructations. [Obs. Successfully used in subduing craving for liquor by taking for two or four weeks, three times daily, from ten to fifteen drops of a mixture of one part of sulphuric acid with three parts of alcohol.
Aversion to smell of coffee.
Water chills stomach if not mixed with alcoholic liquor.
Ailments from drinking brandy (symptoms are palliated by drinking wine).
After eating, pain in stomach and rising of food by mouthful.
After warm food : sweat.
Open air : soreness in scalp.
Indoors : chilliness.
Warmth : gnawing pain in face .
Heat : toothache .
Cold : toothache.
Cold water : chills stomach ; cough.
Excess of heat or cold : worse faceache.
Sweat : excessive, mostly on upper body ; from motion, continued after sitting down ; sour ; cold, immediately after eating warm food ; mornings ; at night, profuse, better by drinking wine ; with great debility.
Pains across loins, much shaking of whole body, with shivering as from cold, coming in paroxysms ; attacks begin with coldness and trembling, then comes general tremor ; keeps about for two or three days, attacks come irregularly, sometimes in evening, sometimes in morning ; tongue parched, appetite failing, urination painful, much ardor urina and tenesmus ; after cold shivers cease gets warm and perspires ; thirst throughout. θ Ague.
Typhus putridus, with great disposition to hemorrhage from capillaries and rapid sinking of vital forces ; oozing of dark, thin blood ; face deadly pale ; tendency to gangrene.
Black vomit. θ Yellow fever.
Attacks come on regularly : ague.
Commences suddenly, declines gradually : gastralgia.
Gradually increasing and suddenly ceasing : headache ; gnawing pain in face ; toothache.
Climacteric period : hot flushes ; hamoptysis.
For two years : gastralgia.
For seven weeks : attack of gastralgia.
Every Spring : pustular eruption after itch.
Left : swelling of parotis ; hernia ; stitches from chest to shoulder blade ; burning in chest ; pressure on chest.
Right : outer canthus as of a lump or foreign body ; blue circle under eye ; buzzing in ear ; neuralgia in ear ; gnawing pain in temple and jaw ; pain in eyetooth ; pain in groin ; suppurating swelling in neck.
Left to right : pain around hypochondria.
As if brain were loose and falling from side to side ; as if a plug were thrust quickly into head ; as from subcutaneous ulceration in scalp ; as of a foreign body in right outer canthus ; as of a lump in right outer canthus ; as of a leaf lying before ear ; as if white of egg had dried on face ; as if skin of cheek and chin were pinched ; as of want of elasticity of vocal organs ; as if there were a lump in throat ; as if menses would come on ; as of an instrument going through right groin into abdomen ; as if a hernia would protrude ; as if rectum were torn to pieces during stool.
Pain : in submaxillary glands ; in stomach after eating ; in pit of stomach ; in spleen ; in small of back ; in scar on tibia ; across loins.
Terrific pain : across stomach.
Painful shocks : in forehead and temples.
Lancinating : in throat.
Jerking pain : from temple to lower teeth.
Tearing pain : in abdomen ; in knees, joints of feet, arms, etc.
Labor-like pains : in abdomen, hips and back.
Stitches : in liver ; in spleen ; in chest ; about heart ; through upper left chest to shoulder blade ; in shoulder joints ; in finger joints ; in corns.
Shooting stinging : in scar on lower jaws ; in scapula ; armpit and chest.
Shooting : in cervical muscles ; through heart.
Stinging : in chest and throat.
Pricking : in anus.
Gnawing pain : in ramus of lower jaw and temple ; in ulcers.
Burning : in oesophagus and stomach ; in rectum ; in abdomen ; in left chest to throat.
Burnt feeling : on tongue.
Pinching : in abdomen ; in anus.
Contractive pain : in stomach.
Constriction : in throat ; in hernia.
Dull, heavy pain : in stomach.
Aching pain : from temple to lower teeth ; in stomach.
Soreness : general ; between scapula ; of sternum, as if beaten ; of skin.
Rawness : in throat.
Pressure : on left chest ; in pit of stomach ; painful, in different parts, increases slowly, suddenly disappears.
Stiffness : in back.
Tension : in lids ; in forehead ; in elbow joints.
Roughness : in throat.
Tingling : of skin.
Weakness : in abdomen ; in chest ; in back ; of knees ; of ankles.
Trembling sensation : all over body.
Emptiness : in abdomen.
Fulness : in abdomen.
Dulness : of teeth.
Coldness : and relaxed feeling in stomach.
Itching : in varices ; over whole body ; spots on tibia ; of eruptions.
Dryness : in mouth.
Purpura hamorrhagica.
Scars become blood-red or blue, and painful.
Painful sensitiveness of glands.
Veins (of feet) distended ; venous plethora.
Weak and exhausted from deep-seated dyscrasia.
Hemorrhages of black blood from all outlets of body.
Marasmus in nervous, restless, weakly children ; they do everything hurriedly but without vim ; child smells sour despite most careful washing.
In injuries from being bruised or cut, especially when ecchymosed.
Pressing pains in different parts, increasing slowly and suddenly disappearing.
Loss of appetite and great debility.
Chronic alcoholism ; vomiting in morning ; acidity of stomach ; burning in oesophagus and stomach ; sour, acrid or foul eructations. [Obs. Successfully used in subduing craving for liquor by taking for two or four weeks, three times daily, from ten to fifteen drops of a mixture of one part of sulphuric acid with three parts of alcohol.
Aversion to smell of coffee.
Water chills stomach if not mixed with alcoholic liquor.
Ailments from drinking brandy (symptoms are palliated by drinking wine).
After eating, pain in stomach and rising of food by mouthful.
After warm food : sweat.
Open air : soreness in scalp.
Indoors : chilliness.
Warmth : gnawing pain in face .
Heat : toothache .
Cold : toothache.
Cold water : chills stomach ; cough.
Excess of heat or cold : worse faceache.
Sweat : excessive, mostly on upper body ; from motion, continued after sitting down ; sour ; cold, immediately after eating warm food ; mornings ; at night, profuse, better by drinking wine ; with great debility.
Pains across loins, much shaking of whole body, with shivering as from cold, coming in paroxysms ; attacks begin with coldness and trembling, then comes general tremor ; keeps about for two or three days, attacks come irregularly, sometimes in evening, sometimes in morning ; tongue parched, appetite failing, urination painful, much ardor urina and tenesmus ; after cold shivers cease gets warm and perspires ; thirst throughout. θ Ague.
Typhus putridus, with great disposition to hemorrhage from capillaries and rapid sinking of vital forces ; oozing of dark, thin blood ; face deadly pale ; tendency to gangrene.
Black vomit. θ Yellow fever.
Attacks come on regularly : ague.
Commences suddenly, declines gradually : gastralgia.
Gradually increasing and suddenly ceasing : headache ; gnawing pain in face ; toothache.
Climacteric period : hot flushes ; hamoptysis.
For two years : gastralgia.
For seven weeks : attack of gastralgia.
Every Spring : pustular eruption after itch.
Left : swelling of parotis ; hernia ; stitches from chest to shoulder blade ; burning in chest ; pressure on chest.
Right : outer canthus as of a lump or foreign body ; blue circle under eye ; buzzing in ear ; neuralgia in ear ; gnawing pain in temple and jaw ; pain in eyetooth ; pain in groin ; suppurating swelling in neck.
Left to right : pain around hypochondria.
As if brain were loose and falling from side to side ; as if a plug were thrust quickly into head ; as from subcutaneous ulceration in scalp ; as of a foreign body in right outer canthus ; as of a lump in right outer canthus ; as of a leaf lying before ear ; as if white of egg had dried on face ; as if skin of cheek and chin were pinched ; as of want of elasticity of vocal organs ; as if there were a lump in throat ; as if menses would come on ; as of an instrument going through right groin into abdomen ; as if a hernia would protrude ; as if rectum were torn to pieces during stool.
Pain : in submaxillary glands ; in stomach after eating ; in pit of stomach ; in spleen ; in small of back ; in scar on tibia ; across loins.
Terrific pain : across stomach.
Painful shocks : in forehead and temples.
Lancinating : in throat.
Jerking pain : from temple to lower teeth.
Tearing pain : in abdomen ; in knees, joints of feet, arms, etc.
Labor-like pains : in abdomen, hips and back.
Stitches : in liver ; in spleen ; in chest ; about heart ; through upper left chest to shoulder blade ; in shoulder joints ; in finger joints ; in corns.
Shooting stinging : in scar on lower jaws ; in scapula ; armpit and chest.
Shooting : in cervical muscles ; through heart.
Stinging : in chest and throat.
Pricking : in anus.
Gnawing pain : in ramus of lower jaw and temple ; in ulcers.
Burning : in oesophagus and stomach ; in rectum ; in abdomen ; in left chest to throat.
Burnt feeling : on tongue.
Pinching : in abdomen ; in anus.
Contractive pain : in stomach.
Constriction : in throat ; in hernia.
Dull, heavy pain : in stomach.
Aching pain : from temple to lower teeth ; in stomach.
Soreness : general ; between scapula ; of sternum, as if beaten ; of skin.
Rawness : in throat.
Pressure : on left chest ; in pit of stomach ; painful, in different parts, increases slowly, suddenly disappears.
Stiffness : in back.
Tension : in lids ; in forehead ; in elbow joints.
Roughness : in throat.
Tingling : of skin.
Weakness : in abdomen ; in chest ; in back ; of knees ; of ankles.
Trembling sensation : all over body.
Emptiness : in abdomen.
Fulness : in abdomen.
Dulness : of teeth.
Coldness : and relaxed feeling in stomach.
Itching : in varices ; over whole body ; spots on tibia ; of eruptions.
Dryness : in mouth.
Purpura hamorrhagica.
Scars become blood-red or blue, and painful.
Painful sensitiveness of glands.
Veins (of feet) distended ; venous plethora.
Weak and exhausted from deep-seated dyscrasia.
Hemorrhages of black blood from all outlets of body.
Marasmus in nervous, restless, weakly children ; they do everything hurriedly but without vim ; child smells sour despite most careful washing.
In injuries from being bruised or cut, especially when ecchymosed.
Pressing pains in different parts, increasing slowly and suddenly disappearing.
Gastrointestinal tract
Hiccough : violent ; obstinate ; causing great suffering and exhaustion.
Belching after cough : sour.
Chronic heartburn ; acidity of stomach.
Nausea with chilliness.
Vomiting. Of drunkards ; of cachectic persons ; sour, first water, then food.
Rising of mucus so sour that it sets teeth on edge.
Coldness of stomach, with relaxed feeling ; loss of appetite and great debility.
Cold water chills stomach and is rejected unless mixed with alcoholic liquor.
Acidity of stomach.
Gastralgia ; pains contractive and violent or of a dull, heavy, aching character, with pyrosis and much flatulence.
For two years pains in pit of stomach, first with sickness and severe gastralgia ; for months unable to walk about house from excessive weakness and painfulness of limbs and cramp ; pains across stomach terrific, causing him to writhe in agony ; too powerless to get in and out of bed without help ; one attack confined him to house seven weeks, and from this he has never fully recovered ; pain at lower part of chest, commences at left and extends around hypochondria to right side ; comes on every now and then during day so that he can do only very light work, but is worse at night ; pain worse about an hour before going to bed, wakens him before midnight, beginning about 11 and lasting till about 1 or 2 A. M. ; commences very suddenly and with intense severity, and declines gradually ; urine thick and high-colored, with red sediment ; constipation ; teeth loose and decayed, ascribes this to effects of strong medicines he has taken. θ Gastralgia, probably due to metallic poisoning.
Indigestion in a child from too frequent and too rapid feeding ; stool of chopped-up yellow and green matter, held together by long strings of yellowish matter ; irritable, feverish and exceedingly prostrated.
Dyspepsia ; vomiting in morning ; constant acidity of stomach ; empty, sour, acrid, offensive belching ; sour vomiting, particularly after eating.
Dyspepsia, with great debility, constriction of throat, raising of mucus so sour that it sets teeth on edge.
Increased secretion of gastric mucus, which rises into mouth and sets teeth on edge.
Spleen enlarged : hard and painful ; hurts when coughing ; after intermittent fever.
Stitches in liver and spleen.
Weak feeling in abdomen, as if menses would come on.
Labor-like pains in abdomen extending to hips and back.
Lead colic (antidote).
Pain like an instrument going through right groin into abdomen.
Colic, with sensation as if a hernia would protrude.
Inguinal hernia.
Incarcerated hernia in old people, constriction coming on in a very gradual manner ; pinching constricted feeling in hernia ; sensation of fulness in abdomen ; periodical nausea and constipation ; hernia not very sensitive ; incarcerated part not very hard or tense, but has a doughy feel ; incarceration may last for days without symptoms growing severe ; gradual accumulation of flatus, pinching in abdomen, periodical transient tearing pains, constant nausea, belching of sweet, salty or bitter fluid, finally vomiting ; hernia on left side ; melancholic-phlegmatic temperament.
Stools : yellowish-white ; diarrheic, with passage of much flatus ; saffron-yellow ; bright yellow, mucous, looking stringy or chopped (cholera infantum) ; of hard, small, black lumps, mixed with blood, with violent pinching in anus ; green, watery ; black, undigested ; watery and offensive, smelling like rotten eggs ; soft, followed by a feeling of emptiness in abdomen ; soft, pasty, with pressing in anus.
Belching after cough : sour.
Chronic heartburn ; acidity of stomach.
Nausea with chilliness.
Vomiting. Of drunkards ; of cachectic persons ; sour, first water, then food.
Rising of mucus so sour that it sets teeth on edge.
Coldness of stomach, with relaxed feeling ; loss of appetite and great debility.
Cold water chills stomach and is rejected unless mixed with alcoholic liquor.
Acidity of stomach.
Gastralgia ; pains contractive and violent or of a dull, heavy, aching character, with pyrosis and much flatulence.
For two years pains in pit of stomach, first with sickness and severe gastralgia ; for months unable to walk about house from excessive weakness and painfulness of limbs and cramp ; pains across stomach terrific, causing him to writhe in agony ; too powerless to get in and out of bed without help ; one attack confined him to house seven weeks, and from this he has never fully recovered ; pain at lower part of chest, commences at left and extends around hypochondria to right side ; comes on every now and then during day so that he can do only very light work, but is worse at night ; pain worse about an hour before going to bed, wakens him before midnight, beginning about 11 and lasting till about 1 or 2 A. M. ; commences very suddenly and with intense severity, and declines gradually ; urine thick and high-colored, with red sediment ; constipation ; teeth loose and decayed, ascribes this to effects of strong medicines he has taken. θ Gastralgia, probably due to metallic poisoning.
Indigestion in a child from too frequent and too rapid feeding ; stool of chopped-up yellow and green matter, held together by long strings of yellowish matter ; irritable, feverish and exceedingly prostrated.
Dyspepsia ; vomiting in morning ; constant acidity of stomach ; empty, sour, acrid, offensive belching ; sour vomiting, particularly after eating.
Dyspepsia, with great debility, constriction of throat, raising of mucus so sour that it sets teeth on edge.
Increased secretion of gastric mucus, which rises into mouth and sets teeth on edge.
Spleen enlarged : hard and painful ; hurts when coughing ; after intermittent fever.
Stitches in liver and spleen.
Weak feeling in abdomen, as if menses would come on.
Labor-like pains in abdomen extending to hips and back.
Lead colic (antidote).
Pain like an instrument going through right groin into abdomen.
Colic, with sensation as if a hernia would protrude.
Inguinal hernia.
Incarcerated hernia in old people, constriction coming on in a very gradual manner ; pinching constricted feeling in hernia ; sensation of fulness in abdomen ; periodical nausea and constipation ; hernia not very sensitive ; incarcerated part not very hard or tense, but has a doughy feel ; incarceration may last for days without symptoms growing severe ; gradual accumulation of flatus, pinching in abdomen, periodical transient tearing pains, constant nausea, belching of sweet, salty or bitter fluid, finally vomiting ; hernia on left side ; melancholic-phlegmatic temperament.
Stools : yellowish-white ; diarrheic, with passage of much flatus ; saffron-yellow ; bright yellow, mucous, looking stringy or chopped (cholera infantum) ; of hard, small, black lumps, mixed with blood, with violent pinching in anus ; green, watery ; black, undigested ; watery and offensive, smelling like rotten eggs ; soft, followed by a feeling of emptiness in abdomen ; soft, pasty, with pressing in anus.
Acute conditions
Aggravation. In children during dentition ; after eating ; after oysters.
Before stool : pressing in anus.
During stool : burning in rectum.
After stool : empty, weary, exhausted feeling in abdomen ; pressing in anus.
Diarrhoea with great debility and nervous prostration ; a sensation of trembling all over body.
Diarrhoea of yellow, stringy mucus. θ сrusta lactea.
Summer diarrhoea from eating bad or unripe fruit ; commencing with nausea, sweat, violent colic, pinching and burning in abdomen.
Chronic diarrhoea : bowels moved frequently ; during intervals free from pain in abdomen, nausea, etc.
Violent pricking in anus, she has to rise up on account of pain.
Varices feel damp and are painful to touch ; itch violently ; pain at stool, as if rectum were torn to pieces ; stool like sheep’s dung ; piles in hard drinkers.
Before stool : pressing in anus.
During stool : burning in rectum.
After stool : empty, weary, exhausted feeling in abdomen ; pressing in anus.
Diarrhoea with great debility and nervous prostration ; a sensation of trembling all over body.
Diarrhoea of yellow, stringy mucus. θ сrusta lactea.
Summer diarrhoea from eating bad or unripe fruit ; commencing with nausea, sweat, violent colic, pinching and burning in abdomen.
Chronic diarrhoea : bowels moved frequently ; during intervals free from pain in abdomen, nausea, etc.
Violent pricking in anus, she has to rise up on account of pain.
Varices feel damp and are painful to touch ; itch violently ; pain at stool, as if rectum were torn to pieces ; stool like sheep’s dung ; piles in hard drinkers.
Urogenital system
Diabetes ; lassitude ; debility ; despondency, dulness of mind and of sight, itching over whole body ; flatulency ; stitches in hepatic region ; skin completely inactive, cold and dry ; large quantities of sugar in urine ; typhoid condition.
Diminished secretion of brown urine becoming turbid, like loam water, on standing.
Sediment like blood and a cuticle on urine.
Pain in bladder if call to urinate is postponed.
Orchitis, right side.
Menses too early and too profuse, preceded by distressing nightmare.
Oozing of dark, thin blood.
Prolapsus of vagina ; parts look greenish and smell badly.
Leucorrhoea : acrid or burning ; milky or transparent ; of bloody mucus, with sensation as if menses would appear.
Climacteric age, with constant hot flushes, and a feeling of tremor all over body, with great debility, and as if everything must be done in a hurry ; spitting of blood ; constipation ; symptoms are worse by smelling (not drinking) coffee.
Diminished secretion of brown urine becoming turbid, like loam water, on standing.
Sediment like blood and a cuticle on urine.
Pain in bladder if call to urinate is postponed.
Orchitis, right side.
Menses too early and too profuse, preceded by distressing nightmare.
Oozing of dark, thin blood.
Prolapsus of vagina ; parts look greenish and smell badly.
Leucorrhoea : acrid or burning ; milky or transparent ; of bloody mucus, with sensation as if menses would appear.
Climacteric age, with constant hot flushes, and a feeling of tremor all over body, with great debility, and as if everything must be done in a hurry ; spitting of blood ; constipation ; symptoms are worse by smelling (not drinking) coffee.
Plant characteristics
Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.
Sterility ; menses too early and too profuse.
Never vomited food, but could not eat because it increased distress in stomach and vomiting of mucus.
Sterility ; menses too early and too profuse.
Never vomited food, but could not eat because it increased distress in stomach and vomiting of mucus.
Chest organs
Shortness of breath.
Respiration : rapid with shooting in cervical muscles, and movement of wings of nose ; very difficult, larynx moved up and down violently.
Cough : dry, two short hacks, soreness between scapula, tiredness ; from irritation in chest, with expectoration in morning of dark blood, or of a thin, yellow, blood-streaked mucus tasting sour ; followed by belching (phthisis) ; in open air, worse from walking, riding, cold water and odor of coffee ; and hamoptysis after typhus.
Stitches : in chest ; about heart ; through upper part of left chest to shoulder blade.
Sensation of great weakness in chest.
Burning in left side of chest to throat.
Shooting stinging, now in scapula, again in armpit, or in chest.
Pressure on left side of chest and in pit of stomach.
Irritation in chest with cough and expectoration in morning of dark blood, or of thin, yellow, blood-streaked mucus, generally of a sourish taste.
Profuse hemorrhage from lungs. θ Tuberculosis.
Hamoptysis ; after pneumonia ; in climacteric period.
Ulceration in different parts of lungs.
Abundant pleuritic exudation, patient could not sit up, heart displaced ; legs had to hang, otherwise oppression of chest.
Phthisis ; severe hemorrhages ; ulcers in lungs broke and expectoration was exceedingly foul, exhausting sweats, great prostration.
Sternum sore, as if beaten.
Respiration : rapid with shooting in cervical muscles, and movement of wings of nose ; very difficult, larynx moved up and down violently.
Cough : dry, two short hacks, soreness between scapula, tiredness ; from irritation in chest, with expectoration in morning of dark blood, or of a thin, yellow, blood-streaked mucus tasting sour ; followed by belching (phthisis) ; in open air, worse from walking, riding, cold water and odor of coffee ; and hamoptysis after typhus.
Stitches : in chest ; about heart ; through upper part of left chest to shoulder blade.
Sensation of great weakness in chest.
Burning in left side of chest to throat.
Shooting stinging, now in scapula, again in armpit, or in chest.
Pressure on left side of chest and in pit of stomach.
Irritation in chest with cough and expectoration in morning of dark blood, or of thin, yellow, blood-streaked mucus, generally of a sourish taste.
Profuse hemorrhage from lungs. θ Tuberculosis.
Hamoptysis ; after pneumonia ; in climacteric period.
Ulceration in different parts of lungs.
Abundant pleuritic exudation, patient could not sit up, heart displaced ; legs had to hang, otherwise oppression of chest.
Phthisis ; severe hemorrhages ; ulcers in lungs broke and expectoration was exceedingly foul, exhausting sweats, great prostration.
Sternum sore, as if beaten.
Cardiovascular system
Palpitation, without fear or anxiety.
Shooting through heart.
Pulse : small, feeble, accelerated ; affected by alcoholic drinks.
Shooting through heart.
Pulse : small, feeble, accelerated ; affected by alcoholic drinks.
Limbs and spine
Pain in small of back.
Weakness in back, can scarcely stand alone.
Stiffness in back on rising in morning.
Blood-boils on back.
Large suppurating swelling on right side of neck.
Stitches : in shoulder joints on lifting arms ; in finger joints.
Tension in elbow joint.
Blue spots on arms ; purpura.
Chilblains on hands.
Red swelling on back of hands, not painful.
After erysipelas, inflamed swelling of little finger.
Inner surface of thighs red, sore, excoriated after riding.
Knees painfully weak.
Red itching spots on tibia.
Blood-red very painful scar on tibia.
Ankles weak, cannot walk.
Feet cold, swollen.
Distension of veins of feet.
Stitches in corns.
Lying down : dizziness ; on affected side, gnawing in face .
Sitting : could not, pleuritic exudation.
Legs have to hang : otherwise oppression of chest ; pleuritic exudation.
Motion : of tongue causes bleeding of gums ; coughing hurts spleen.
On rising : vertigo returns ; stiffness in back.
On lifting arms : stitches in shoulder joints.
Walking : in open air, brain as if loose ; cough.
Riding : cough.
Bad effects from mechanical injuries, when there are bruises, chafing, lividity of skin.
Scratching seldom relieves itching, but changes its locality.
Touch : scalp painful.
Pressure : pain in eyetooth.
Weakness in back, can scarcely stand alone.
Stiffness in back on rising in morning.
Blood-boils on back.
Large suppurating swelling on right side of neck.
Stitches : in shoulder joints on lifting arms ; in finger joints.
Tension in elbow joint.
Blue spots on arms ; purpura.
Chilblains on hands.
Red swelling on back of hands, not painful.
After erysipelas, inflamed swelling of little finger.
Inner surface of thighs red, sore, excoriated after riding.
Knees painfully weak.
Red itching spots on tibia.
Blood-red very painful scar on tibia.
Ankles weak, cannot walk.
Feet cold, swollen.
Distension of veins of feet.
Stitches in corns.
Lying down : dizziness ; on affected side, gnawing in face .
Sitting : could not, pleuritic exudation.
Legs have to hang : otherwise oppression of chest ; pleuritic exudation.
Motion : of tongue causes bleeding of gums ; coughing hurts spleen.
On rising : vertigo returns ; stiffness in back.
On lifting arms : stitches in shoulder joints.
Walking : in open air, brain as if loose ; cough.
Riding : cough.
Bad effects from mechanical injuries, when there are bruises, chafing, lividity of skin.
Scratching seldom relieves itching, but changes its locality.
Touch : scalp painful.
Pressure : pain in eyetooth.
Nervous system
Great debility ; sensation of tremor all over body, without trembling.
Great exhaustion and nervous prostration.
Restlessness ; does everything hurriedly.
Great exhaustion and nervous prostration.
Restlessness ; does everything hurriedly.
Falls asleep late and wakens too early.
During sleep twitches, especially of fingers.
Morning : tension in lids, difficult to open ; as of a lump or foreign body in right outer canthus ; vomiting, in alcoholism, and dyspepsia ; expectoration of dark blood ; stiffness in back ; sweat.
Forenoon : painful shocks in head.
Evening : painful shocks in head ; nosebleed ; toothache.
At 9 P. M. : facial neuralgia.
Night : gastralgic pain.
During sleep twitches, especially of fingers.
Morning : tension in lids, difficult to open ; as of a lump or foreign body in right outer canthus ; vomiting, in alcoholism, and dyspepsia ; expectoration of dark blood ; stiffness in back ; sweat.
Forenoon : painful shocks in head.
Evening : painful shocks in head ; nosebleed ; toothache.
At 9 P. M. : facial neuralgia.
Night : gastralgic pain.
Frequently chilly during day ; worse indoors, better outdoors when exercising.
Frequent chills running down body.
Heat in evening and in bed.
Flushes of heat, with sweat. θ сlimaxis.
Frequent chills running down body.
Heat in evening and in bed.
Flushes of heat, with sweat. θ сlimaxis.
Distressing itching and tingling of skin with eruptions ; urticaria ; pemphigus ; pruritus vulva.
Scars turn blood-red and hurt.
Blue spots like ecchymosis, or as from suggillation ; purpura hamorrhagica.
Red itching blotches on skin.
Yellow skin, livid spots.
Gangrenous tendency after bruises ; particularly in old people.
Soreness of skin ; chafed when walking or riding ; gangrenous ulceration.
Gnawing pain in ulcers.
Itchiness of skin ; single pustules appear every Spring, after imperfectly cured itch.
Secondary syphilis, aphtha, macula, etc.
Hemorrhages from all outlets of body. θ Purpura.
Boils, bruises, bedsores, contusions, injuries by falling, knocking, etc., chilblains.
Erythema nodosum.
Appearance of small, red spots about ankles, thence spreading rapidly over whole body, becoming grouped, coalescing, forming suggillations as large as palm of hand, at first bright-red, then bluish, violet-colored, finally greenish-yellow ; mucous membrane of nose and mouth affected ; hemorrhages from these parts.
Man syphilitic, taken large quantities of Mercury, and had been salivated ; during war ball entered right eye, destroying it, and remained embedded in brain ; tearing pains in knees, joints of feet, arms and nearly all joints ; purpura hamorrhagica ; gums bleed and fall off in pieces ; at inside of cheeks cancrum oris, with disgustingly foul odor ; whole face swelled and general anasarca ; urine showed seven-eighths albumen.
Scars turn blood-red and hurt.
Blue spots like ecchymosis, or as from suggillation ; purpura hamorrhagica.
Red itching blotches on skin.
Yellow skin, livid spots.
Gangrenous tendency after bruises ; particularly in old people.
Soreness of skin ; chafed when walking or riding ; gangrenous ulceration.
Gnawing pain in ulcers.
Itchiness of skin ; single pustules appear every Spring, after imperfectly cured itch.
Secondary syphilis, aphtha, macula, etc.
Hemorrhages from all outlets of body. θ Purpura.
Boils, bruises, bedsores, contusions, injuries by falling, knocking, etc., chilblains.
Erythema nodosum.
Appearance of small, red spots about ankles, thence spreading rapidly over whole body, becoming grouped, coalescing, forming suggillations as large as palm of hand, at first bright-red, then bluish, violet-colored, finally greenish-yellow ; mucous membrane of nose and mouth affected ; hemorrhages from these parts.
Man syphilitic, taken large quantities of Mercury, and had been salivated ; during war ball entered right eye, destroying it, and remained embedded in brain ; tearing pains in knees, joints of feet, arms and nearly all joints ; purpura hamorrhagica ; gums bleed and fall off in pieces ; at inside of cheeks cancrum oris, with disgustingly foul odor ; whole face swelled and general anasarca ; urine showed seven-eighths albumen.
Patient type and constitution
Frequently indicated for old people, particularly women.
Child sour despite careful washing.
Light-haired people.
In climacteric years, flushes of heat.
When some deep-seated dyscrasia prevails, the child weak and exhausted, with no other symptoms.
Child, at. 2 ; diphtheria.
Child, at. 3 ; diphtheria.
Girl, at. 9, delicate, slender, anemic ; purpura.
Girl, at. 9 ; morbus maculosis.
Young man, at. 17 ; pleuritic exudation and palpitation of heart.
Lady, at. 25 ; facial neuralgia.
Woman, at. 30 ; pleuritic exudation.
French woman, at. 35 ; toothache.
Man, at. 36, during rheumatic attack ; purpura.
Woman, at. 36, always had a very irritable stomach ; during fourth pregnancy, vomiting.
Man, at. 46, apparently strong and healthy, suffering two years ; gastralgia.
Man, at. 49, gardener, fine hearty looking, three years ago fell thirty feet and struck top of head, after which he was unconscious five weeks, since then suffering ; mental dejection.
Child sour despite careful washing.
Light-haired people.
In climacteric years, flushes of heat.
When some deep-seated dyscrasia prevails, the child weak and exhausted, with no other symptoms.
Child, at. 2 ; diphtheria.
Child, at. 3 ; diphtheria.
Girl, at. 9, delicate, slender, anemic ; purpura.
Girl, at. 9 ; morbus maculosis.
Young man, at. 17 ; pleuritic exudation and palpitation of heart.
Lady, at. 25 ; facial neuralgia.
Woman, at. 30 ; pleuritic exudation.
French woman, at. 35 ; toothache.
Man, at. 36, during rheumatic attack ; purpura.
Woman, at. 36, always had a very irritable stomach ; during fourth pregnancy, vomiting.
Man, at. 46, apparently strong and healthy, suffering two years ; gastralgia.
Man, at. 49, gardener, fine hearty looking, three years ago fell thirty feet and struck top of head, after which he was unconscious five weeks, since then suffering ; mental dejection.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by : Pulsat.
It antidotes : lead poisoning.
Compatible : after Arnic.
Complementary : Pulsat.
It antidotes : lead poisoning.
Compatible : after Arnic.
Complementary : Pulsat.
Included in the composition
- 1.9€ Acidum S
- 2€ Antialc (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 2€ Gastropane (ЭДАС)
- 1.9-2.2€ Diab adas (ЭДАС)
- 1.9€ Ацидум нукс (Вербена)
- 3.5€ Санас (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Nux vom-plus (Доктор Н)
- 11€ Flowers Energy №43
- 11€ Flowers Energy №53