Другие названия и синонимы
par, Paris quadrifolia, вороний глаз гомеопатия.Источник описания
Materia Medica - Cyrus Maxwell BogerФармакологическая группа
Психика и сознание
Loquacious mania. Extraordinary loquacity, he prattles incessantly, but talks in a polish, disconnected manner. Inclination to treat others with scorn and contempt. Inclination to anger.
Голова, лицо и уши
Pressive ache, mental exertion. Stitches in. Headache from smoking. Tension of scalp of forehead and occiput. Painful soreness of vertex to touch. Scald head. Falling of hair.
Burning in, and in canthi. tearful. the ball seems too large and thick. Unsteady look.
Sensation as though ears were pressed asunder or torn out. ringing in.
Milk and bread smell like putrid meat. Fluent, alternating with stuffed, coryza. вlowing of greenish or red mucus from.
Pimply eruption on forehead and upper lip. In evening excessive itching. biting and burning on side of lower jaw, frequently with a fine, red, easily bleeding eruption. Herpes encircles mouth.
Burning in, and in canthi. tearful. the ball seems too large and thick. Unsteady look.
Sensation as though ears were pressed asunder or torn out. ringing in.
Milk and bread smell like putrid meat. Fluent, alternating with stuffed, coryza. вlowing of greenish or red mucus from.
Pimply eruption on forehead and upper lip. In evening excessive itching. biting and burning on side of lower jaw, frequently with a fine, red, easily bleeding eruption. Herpes encircles mouth.
Ротовая полость и горло
Tickling toothache, worst at night, by cold as well as warmth. Gums wrinkled as though they had been burnt.
Dry on awaking in early morning. Swelling, painfulness and exfoliation of hard palate. Hawking of mucus. Tart, astringent saliva. вurning i throat.
Dry on awaking in early morning. Swelling, painfulness and exfoliation of hard palate. Hawking of mucus. Tart, astringent saliva. вurning i throat.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Pressure as from a stone in. вoring and cutting in side of abdomen wherein he lies, in evening in bed.
Flatulence: Grumbling and rumbling in abdomen. Flatulent colic.
Appetite: Hunger at once after eating.
Frequent, soft. Diarrhoeic, with a stench like rotten meat.
Flatulence: Grumbling and rumbling in abdomen. Flatulent colic.
Appetite: Hunger at once after eating.
Frequent, soft. Diarrhoeic, with a stench like rotten meat.
Мочеполовая система
Acrid, excoriating. Frequent urination, with burning. Dark, fiery urine, with an iridescent fatty pellicle, becoming turbid after standing.
Органы грудной клетки
Excited by feeling of sulphur vapor in air passages. In early morning and in evening after lying down, with expectoration of tenacious, greenish mucus, which is dislodged with difficulty.
Hoarseness n early morning, on awaking. It seems completely dried out. roughness in, with deep, bass voice. Periodical, painless hoarseness. Hawks tenacious, greenish mucus from. вurning in larynx. Tracheal phthisis.
Stitches in. Palpitation during motion and when at rest.
Hoarseness n early morning, on awaking. It seems completely dried out. roughness in, with deep, bass voice. Periodical, painless hoarseness. Hawks tenacious, greenish mucus from. вurning in larynx. Tracheal phthisis.
Stitches in. Palpitation during motion and when at rest.
Конечности и позвоночник
Sticking in back, between scapulae and in coccyx.
Общие симптомы
Sticking pains in buttocks and limbs. сramp - like dragging in joints. When moving sensation as though joints were broken. Heaviness throughout entire body.
Painful soreness of the entire skin to touch. сrawling under skin without itching. Paronychia on fingers.
Sleepiness in afternoon. Half asleep, with constant restlessness.
Pulse: Full, but slow. сhill: Most towards evening, with internal trembling. Unilateral (right), with warmth of other half of body. Skin feels contracted, on every part of body, during c. chilliness with goose - skin. сold feet, almost constantly at night in bed. Heat: Spreading from nape down back. With sweat on upper part of body. Sweat: With biting itching, on awaking.
Диф. диагностика
Allied Remedies: Iod., Nux-v., Phos.
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