Other names and synonyms
til.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
It causes weakness of the muscles and affects the female genitals and urinary organs. Intense soreness; of the abdomen, uterus etc. вearing or dragging down pains in genito-urinary and rectal region. вed feels too hard. Oedema. Neuralgia. Rheumatism. Haemorrhages, of thin pale blood. THE MORE THE SWEATS THE GREATER THE PAIN.
SWEATING. Draughts. Talking. After sleep. Walking. Sneezing.
In cool room. Walking about in open air.
In cool room. Walking about in open air.
Psyche and consciousness
Love-sick. Dread of society.
Head, face, and ears
Neuralgia (right then left); with veil before eyes.
As of a gauze before eyes. As if a piece of cold iron pressed through right eye causing burning.
Much sneezing with fluent coryza. Epistaxis.
As of a gauze before eyes. As if a piece of cold iron pressed through right eye causing burning.
Much sneezing with fluent coryza. Epistaxis.
Gastrointestinal tract
Soreness with warm sweat which gives no relief. Peritonitis.
Urogenital system
Heavy dragging pain in urethra. Scanty urine.
Intense very sore feeling about uterus; bearing down, with hot sweat; without relief. Soreness and redness of external genitals. Puerperal metritis.
Intense very sore feeling about uterus; bearing down, with hot sweat; without relief. Soreness and redness of external genitals. Puerperal metritis.
Chest organs
Cough from tickling in throat.
Sleepy; worse during pain.
Profuse warm sweat; soon after falling asleep; without relief.
Urticaria. Intense itching and burning like fire after scratching.
Dif. diagnostics
Apis; сalc; Lil-t.