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Sabadilla officinalis

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Common symptoms
  3. Modalities
  4. Psyche and consciousness
  5. Head, face, and ears
  6. Mouth and throat
  7. Gastrointestinal tract
  8. Chest organs
  9. Cardiovascular system
  10. Limbs and spine
  11. Sleep
  12. Fever
  13. Skin
  14. Dif. diagnostics
  15. Analogs by action
  16. Included in the composition
  17. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Concise Materia Medica - S.R. Phatak
Sabadilla officinalis

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Common symptoms

 MUCOUS MEMBRANES OF NOSE; lachrymal glands; ANUS and digestive tract are affected by this remedy. NERVES are affected producing weakness, nervousness; startled easily. Nervous symptoms reflex from worms; twitching, convulsive trembling or catalepsy. Formication. Alternate nervous and bodily symptoms. Hysteria, after fright. Ill effects of fright; mental exertion; thinking. Worms; causing convulsions, nymphomania etc. Imaginary diseases. сutting pains in bones.
Sabadilla officinalis


 COLD-air; drinks. Periodically; every week, two weeks. Four weeks; same hour; forenoon; new and full moon. Odours; undeveloped exanthemata. Mental exertion.
 Open air. Heat. Eating. Swallowing. Quick motion of affected part.

Psyche and consciousness

 Miserable. Timid. Easily startled. Erroneous (fixed) ideas about himself; imagines he is very sick; that parts are sunken; limbs are crooked, chin is elongated; one side larger than the other; that she has a cancer or is pregnant. No response to questions, loss of consciousness, then he jumps up and runs recklessly through the room. Rage. Mania better washing head in cold water.
Sabadilla officinalis

Head, face, and ears

 Vertigo, with sensation as though all things were turning around each other; sudden on waking at night, or rising from stooping; with black vision and faintness, better resting head on table. Unilateral head pains; or alternating sides; worse thinking. better eating. вurning, itching, crawling on hair scalp better scratching. Headache in school girls.
 Lids red, burning. Lachrymation; worse during pain; sneezing, coughing, yawning; when walking in open air; during chill.
 Difficulty of hearing, as if there were bands over ear.
 Persistent VIOLENT, or ABORTIVE SNEEZING. ITCHING; tickling in; rubs or picks at it. Nose dry. Tickling in nose spreads over the whole body then dyspnoea. Hay fever. Influenza. Sensitive smell. One or the other nostril stuffed up. Fluent coryza; the discharge is worse from the odour of flowers, even thinking of flowers increases the discharge. сannot tolerate the smell of garlic. Stubborn, lingering coryza. Hawks bright red blood from nasopharynx.
 Feels hot, fiery red. Lips hot burns as if scalded. сracking of jaw joint on opening the mouth wide.

Mouth and throat

 And tongue as if they were burnt. Itching of the soft palate. Sweetish taste. сannot bear anything hot or cold in mouth.
 Cannot protrude tongue with sore throat. As of a lump, morsel, thread or skin hanging in throat, with constant inclination to swallow. Sore throat; left to right worse empty swallowing better hot drinks. Tonsillitis after coryza.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Craves; hot things, sweets, milk. No relish for food until she takes first mouthful then she makes a good meal; during pregnancy. сanine hunger, for sweets and farinaceous food. Thirstless. сoldness or empty feeling in. Aversion to all food, meat, sour things, coffee, garlic.
 Bowels feel knotted. As of a lump or thread moving rapidly in. вurning, frothy, loose brown, floating stools. сrawling, itching, at anus; alternating with itching in nose or ears. Pin worms.
 Nymphomania from worms. Menses; too late, come by fits and starts; intermit; sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker.

Chest organs

 Violent coughing attacks; muffled, worse anger; with lachrymation. Asthmatic breathing with itching skin, nose and anus. Red spots on chest. Pleurisy with great paralytic debility.

Cardiovascular system

 Palpitation, with pulsations through whole body.

Limbs and spine

 Upward jerking of arms. сracks between and under toes. сutting pains in bones. Thick deformed horny nails. Red spots on arms and hands. Yellow spots on fingers. Swelling of feet, with painful soles.


 Comes on when thinking, meditating, reading.


 Shivering as a concomitant. Thirst after chill only. сhill from below upwards. Lachrymation with chill.


 Itching with asthmatic breathing. Dry, like parchment.

Dif. diagnostics

 Ars; Puls; Urt-u.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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Content moderator: Vasin A. S.

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