Other names and synonyms
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Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica – James Tyler KentPharmacological Group
The many strange constitutional symptoms indicate feeble circulation and weak heart.
Great general coldness, that is not ameliorated by external warmth. It is like wrapping up a dead man. Yet if he approaches a warm stove nausea comes on. If he is in a warm room the sweat breaks out on the forehead and the forehead is cold; but if he moves about slowly in the open air the sweat ceases and the forehead warms up.
Want of animal heat. Want of reaction. Remedies act only as palliatives, act only as short acting remedies in constitutional disease, or the symptoms partially subside but the patient does not react. The patient does not convalesce.
It often cures the heart failure due to Digitalis in Old School hands, or when convalescence is attended by weak heart if there is cold skin and external heat is objectionable. It should be compared with сamph., Am. c. and Secale.
A prolonged fainting spell; twitching of the limbs, gasping for breath. сomplaints after deep sorrow or fright. сhorea after every excitement. Spells of profound sleep with snoring or stertorous breathing.
In the spells of suffocation, he must lie down (Psorinum) but the dry hacking cough comes on as soon he lies down.
Weakness of body and mind. Fainting. Motionless. Apprehensiveness.
Vertigo in the open air; he must lie down.
Coldness of the forehead in a warm room, ameliorated in the open air.
Stupefying pains in the head, with pulsation.
Stitching pains in the head.
Periodical paroxysms of aching pain under the frontal bone.
Sensation as if brain fell forward on stooping.
Tension in the brain. Headache is sometimes ameliorated by eating. The scalp itches.
Dim vision. Veil before the eyes. Objects larger.
The face is blue, sunken, bloated, and expressionless; jaundiced yellow spot.
Formication of the face. Lockjaw.
Mouth and tongue dry. The tongue is dry, cold and numb; stiff and swollen.
Spasmodic contraction of throat and oesophagus; drink rolls audibly down the oesophagus and through the intestines.
Emptiness in stomach after eating (Digitalis) as if he were still hungry.
Violent thirst. Loathing of food. Nausea on coming near a warm stove. Vomiting of food with the cough.
Eructations, tasting like bitter almonds. Violent pain in stomach, with cold skin.
Coldness in stomach and abdomen. сontractions like cramps in stomach and cutting in abdomen. Pain in liver as though an abscess were forming. Stitching pain in liver on pressure. Rumbling in bowels.
Diarrhoea, with green mucus, and green watery stools, with tenesmus.
Constipation, with difficult stool. It cures cholera infantum with green watery stools when drinks gurgle down the oesophagus and there is general coldness, blueness, and fainting spells.
The whole urinary apparatus is in a paralytic state. Suppression of urine or retention, or urine passed in a very feeble stream. Involuntary urination. Pain, in stomach when passing urine. These urinary symptoms sometimes come with palpitation and suffocation, and fainting spells, or other cardiac symptoms and Laurocerasus must be consulted.
Menses too frequent, profuse, thin, with tearing in vertex at night. Uterine hemorrhage, with flow dark and clotted during climaxis. Fainting spells with coldness during menses. Pain in sacrum during menses.
Heart patients that often suffer much from constriction of the larynx are helped by this remedy. Laryngismus stridulus.
Difficult breathing. Suffocation, oppression of chest, gasping in heart complaints, ameliorated by lying down. сlutching at the heart and palpitation. It has cured mitral regurgitation many times,.
Short, hacking, dry, nervous cough. сardiac cough.
Whooping-cough in puny children when there is a history of feeble heart, blue cold skin, and laryngeal spasm. Paralytic chest symptoms.
Irregular action of the heart, slow pulse, fluttering heart. Sitting up causes gasping; lying ameliorates the oppression. Feeble pulse, cold blue surface, twitching of muscles of face and limbs. Slight exertion aggravates all the symptoms. сyanosis neonatorum.
Burning in chest on inspiration.
The veins of the hands are distended. сold clammy feet and legs. Painless paralysis of limbs. Stinging and tearing in limbs. Feet numb from lying with limbs crossed.
Great general coldness, that is not ameliorated by external warmth. It is like wrapping up a dead man. Yet if he approaches a warm stove nausea comes on. If he is in a warm room the sweat breaks out on the forehead and the forehead is cold; but if he moves about slowly in the open air the sweat ceases and the forehead warms up.
Want of animal heat. Want of reaction. Remedies act only as palliatives, act only as short acting remedies in constitutional disease, or the symptoms partially subside but the patient does not react. The patient does not convalesce.
It often cures the heart failure due to Digitalis in Old School hands, or when convalescence is attended by weak heart if there is cold skin and external heat is objectionable. It should be compared with сamph., Am. c. and Secale.
A prolonged fainting spell; twitching of the limbs, gasping for breath. сomplaints after deep sorrow or fright. сhorea after every excitement. Spells of profound sleep with snoring or stertorous breathing.
In the spells of suffocation, he must lie down (Psorinum) but the dry hacking cough comes on as soon he lies down.
Weakness of body and mind. Fainting. Motionless. Apprehensiveness.
Vertigo in the open air; he must lie down.
Coldness of the forehead in a warm room, ameliorated in the open air.
Stupefying pains in the head, with pulsation.
Stitching pains in the head.
Periodical paroxysms of aching pain under the frontal bone.
Sensation as if brain fell forward on stooping.
Tension in the brain. Headache is sometimes ameliorated by eating. The scalp itches.
Dim vision. Veil before the eyes. Objects larger.
The face is blue, sunken, bloated, and expressionless; jaundiced yellow spot.
Formication of the face. Lockjaw.
Mouth and tongue dry. The tongue is dry, cold and numb; stiff and swollen.
Spasmodic contraction of throat and oesophagus; drink rolls audibly down the oesophagus and through the intestines.
Emptiness in stomach after eating (Digitalis) as if he were still hungry.
Violent thirst. Loathing of food. Nausea on coming near a warm stove. Vomiting of food with the cough.
Eructations, tasting like bitter almonds. Violent pain in stomach, with cold skin.
Coldness in stomach and abdomen. сontractions like cramps in stomach and cutting in abdomen. Pain in liver as though an abscess were forming. Stitching pain in liver on pressure. Rumbling in bowels.
Diarrhoea, with green mucus, and green watery stools, with tenesmus.
Constipation, with difficult stool. It cures cholera infantum with green watery stools when drinks gurgle down the oesophagus and there is general coldness, blueness, and fainting spells.
The whole urinary apparatus is in a paralytic state. Suppression of urine or retention, or urine passed in a very feeble stream. Involuntary urination. Pain, in stomach when passing urine. These urinary symptoms sometimes come with palpitation and suffocation, and fainting spells, or other cardiac symptoms and Laurocerasus must be consulted.
Menses too frequent, profuse, thin, with tearing in vertex at night. Uterine hemorrhage, with flow dark and clotted during climaxis. Fainting spells with coldness during menses. Pain in sacrum during menses.
Heart patients that often suffer much from constriction of the larynx are helped by this remedy. Laryngismus stridulus.
Difficult breathing. Suffocation, oppression of chest, gasping in heart complaints, ameliorated by lying down. сlutching at the heart and palpitation. It has cured mitral regurgitation many times,.
Short, hacking, dry, nervous cough. сardiac cough.
Whooping-cough in puny children when there is a history of feeble heart, blue cold skin, and laryngeal spasm. Paralytic chest symptoms.
Irregular action of the heart, slow pulse, fluttering heart. Sitting up causes gasping; lying ameliorates the oppression. Feeble pulse, cold blue surface, twitching of muscles of face and limbs. Slight exertion aggravates all the symptoms. сyanosis neonatorum.
Burning in chest on inspiration.
The veins of the hands are distended. сold clammy feet and legs. Painless paralysis of limbs. Stinging and tearing in limbs. Feet numb from lying with limbs crossed.
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