Other names and synonyms
agn, vitex agnus castus.Description Source
Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica – James Tyler KentPharmacological Group
This wonderful remedy is often overlooked. It should come to mind for old sufferers who are broken from sexual excesses and secret vice.
The pale sickly and sad mortals who lament over their misspent life. It is good for both sexes.
The pale sickly and sad mortals who lament over their misspent life. It is good for both sexes.
Urogenital system
Sexual: Sexual weakness; relaxation of parts. Perversion of all the functions.
A woman who indulged extensively in secret vice, found after marriage that she had no sexual thrill, was cured by this remedy.
Later she was confined and no milk came in her mammae, again Agnus started the belated milk at the end of three weeks.
When the milk ceases after it has started, or becomes scanty when the above history is known, and the woman is said, this remedy will, if not opposed, most likely cure.
It cures uterine haemorrhage, and restores suppressed menses in young women with a history. The vagina is much relaxed, there is often prolapsus, and there is a copious white-of-egg-like leucorrhoea.
But the pitiful, woebegone young man, heart-broken over his early life, now finds himself newly married, and impotent.
He has had gonorrhoea; he has lived in excesses, and now suffers from relaxed and cold genitalia, emissions, prostatic discharge at stool.
His young and beautiful wife excites no erection, though only recently he had a clandestine success, and he has morning erections but no more.
Out of the above cause and condition come many distressing symptoms.
A woman who indulged extensively in secret vice, found after marriage that she had no sexual thrill, was cured by this remedy.
Later she was confined and no milk came in her mammae, again Agnus started the belated milk at the end of three weeks.
When the milk ceases after it has started, or becomes scanty when the above history is known, and the woman is said, this remedy will, if not opposed, most likely cure.
It cures uterine haemorrhage, and restores suppressed menses in young women with a history. The vagina is much relaxed, there is often prolapsus, and there is a copious white-of-egg-like leucorrhoea.
But the pitiful, woebegone young man, heart-broken over his early life, now finds himself newly married, and impotent.
He has had gonorrhoea; he has lived in excesses, and now suffers from relaxed and cold genitalia, emissions, prostatic discharge at stool.
His young and beautiful wife excites no erection, though only recently he had a clandestine success, and he has morning erections but no more.
Out of the above cause and condition come many distressing symptoms.
Psyche and consciousness
Mind: Loss of memory, despair, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, fear and peevishness. These patients suffer from headaches, photophobia and nervous symptoms too numerous to mention. Formication of the skin.
Tearing pains of head, face and teeth. All but the simplest food disorders the stomach, and he complains much of nausea. His muscles are flabby.
He is anemic, and his glands are enlarged, especially, the spleen. lie is growing increasingly flatulent.
The abdominal viscera hang down as a weight. There is a growing weakness of the rectum and constipation, and he presses hard at stool, which often fails and slips back, like Silica, Sanic and Thuja.
The stool is large and hard. Itching, smarting at the anus, noisy flatus of a urinous odor. Excoriated anus. He soon takes on a hacking cough and night sweats.
The limbs are tired and cold. He is sensitive to cold, and wants to remain quiet. Exertion and motion intensify his complaints.
He has been to many advisers, and they have told him he has Neurasthenia. He must have Agnus castus.
Tearing pains of head, face and teeth. All but the simplest food disorders the stomach, and he complains much of nausea. His muscles are flabby.
He is anemic, and his glands are enlarged, especially, the spleen. lie is growing increasingly flatulent.
The abdominal viscera hang down as a weight. There is a growing weakness of the rectum and constipation, and he presses hard at stool, which often fails and slips back, like Silica, Sanic and Thuja.
The stool is large and hard. Itching, smarting at the anus, noisy flatus of a urinous odor. Excoriated anus. He soon takes on a hacking cough and night sweats.
The limbs are tired and cold. He is sensitive to cold, and wants to remain quiet. Exertion and motion intensify his complaints.
He has been to many advisers, and they have told him he has Neurasthenia. He must have Agnus castus.
Included in the composition
- 1.3€ Adam
- 1.6-2€ Млекоин (Материа Медика Холдинг НПФ ООО [Челябинск, ул. Бугурусланская] )
- 2.5€ Эрексил (Фитасинтекс)
- 1.9€ Мастодил (Вербена)
- 3.5€ Финадон (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 3.2€ Agnus-plus (2 firms)
- — Damiana-plus (Доктор Н)
- 3.5-3.9€ Erectin (2 firms)
- 5€ Эрокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 5.8-7.4€ Dysmenorm (Deutsche Homoopathie-Union DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH&Co. KG )
- 7.5€ Млада (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 4.8-12.3€ Mastodynon (3 firms)
- — Flowers Energy №55
- 11€ Flowers Energy №57
- 11€ Flowers Energy №67
- 19€ Testis compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Bioline Nervousness
- — Prostatosan (Гомеопатический медико-социальный центр )
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug