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Fluoricum acidum

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Psyche and consciousness
  3. Head, face, and ears
  4. Gastrointestinal tract
  5. Urogenital system
  6. Chest organs
  7. Limbs and spine
  8. Sleep
  9. Fever
  10. Common symptoms
  11. Skin
  12. Modalities
  13. Analogs by action
  14. Included in the composition
  15. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Materia Medica - Adolf zur Lippe

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Psyche and consciousness

 Mind and Disposition.
 Disposition to be exceedingly anxious, causing perspiration.
 Sensation as if danger menaced him.
 Forgetfulness of dates and of his common employment.

Head, face, and ears

 Vertigo with sickness of the stomach.
 [5] сongestion of blood to the head -(forehead).
 Dulness (towards night) in the occiput.
 Sensation of numbness in the forehead.
 Heaviness above the eyes, with nausea, worse on motion.
 Compressing pain in the temples.
 [10] Sensation of weakness, like numbness in the head (and hands).
 Itching of the head. вaldness.
 Violent itching in the canthi.
 Burning in the eyes.
 Pressure, as if it were behind the right eyeball.
 [15] Fistula lachrymalis.
 Sensation of sand in the eyes, or as if fresh wind was blowing on them.
 Itching in the ears.
 Red, swollen, inflamed nose.
 Obstruction of the nose.
 Fluent coryza.
 [20] Heat in the face ; desire to wash it with cold water.
 Perspiration particularly in the face.
 Mouth and Throat.
 The teeth feel warm (left side, upper jaw).
 Fistula (dentalis) (near the right eye-tooth) with great sensitiveness of the upper jaw to the touch.
 Sensation of roughness (lower incisor teeth).
 [25] сarious teeth.
 Acrid, foul taste from the roots of the teeth.
 Increased flow of saliva (with sneezing) (with pricking of the tongue).
 In the morning the mouth and teeth are full of mucus.
 The posterior nares feel expanded during a walk.
 [30] сonstriction in the throat with difficult deglutition ; in the morning hawking up of much phlegm which is mixed with blood.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Stomach and Abdomen.
 Aversion to coffee.
 Eructation and discharge of flatulency.
 Sickness of the stomach, with general heat.
 Nausea, eructations and lassitude.
 [35] Pressure from weight in the stomach, between meals.
 Heat in the stomach before the meal.
 Pinching in the region of the spleen, (extending to the hips) (11 p.m).
 Pressing pain in the region of the spleen and the left arm.
 Sensation of emptiness in the region of the navel, with desire to draw a deep breath ; relieved by bandaging and eating.
 Stool and Anus.
 [40] Soft small stools in the morning after drinking сoffee, and again in the evening with protrusion of the haemorrhoids.
 Watery stools in the morning after rising.
 Frequent passages of flatus and eructations (with construction of the anus).
 Stool pappy, yellowish brown, fetid, with tenesmus and prolapsus ani.
 Protrusion of the anus during an evacuation.
 [45] Itching within and around the anus, in the perineum (evening).

Urogenital system

 Urinary Organs.
 Very frequent discharge of light-colored urine (thirst increased).
 Whitish purple-colored sediment in the urine.
 Genital Organs.
 Men. Increased sexual desire (in old men) with violent erections all night.
 Sensation of fulness in both spermatic cords.
 [50] Women. Menstruation too early and too copious ; the discharge is ; thick and coagulated.

Chest organs

 Itching, redness, swelling of (right) nipple.
 Itching on the left breast and right side of the nose.
 Respiratory Organs.
 Itching in the larynx which causes him to hawk and to swallow.
 Itches under the ribs (left side).
 [55] Difficult respiration (afternoon and evening).
 During respiration wheezing (Hydrothorax).
 In the heart sensation of soreness, jerking.

Limbs and spine

 Rigidity in the nape of the neck.
 Pain (headache) from the nape of the neck extending through the centre of the head to the forehead.
 [60] вruised pain in the os sacrum.
 Upper. Rheumatic pains in the left arm from the shoulder to the elbow, with lameness.
 Trembling in the biceps and triceps of the right arm.
 Pain in the right shoulder-joint.
 Slight lameness in the right arm (has some difficulty in writing).
 [65] The left forearm and hand asleep (in the morning).
 Numbness and lameness in the left forearm and hand (morning).
 Weakness and numbness of the hands and head.
 Constant redress of the hands especially the palms of the hands.
 The nails grow more rapidly.
 [70] Acute prickings, as with needles, in the fingers.
 Lower. Acute stitches in the right hip-bone.
 Lameness in the left hip.
 Pain in the right knee-joint.
 [75] The left leg falls easily asleep.
 Burning stitches under the soles of the feet (in the morning).
 Soreness of all his corns.


 Sleeplessness without inclination to sleep ; a short sleep suffices and refreshes him.


 General heat with nausea from the least movement, with inclination to uncover oneself and to wash oneself with cold water.
 [80] Perspiration, clammy, acid, disagreeably smelling, principally on the upper part of the body, especially on moving in the afternoon and evening, with itching.
 The perspiration favors soreness of the skin and decubitus.
 Less susceptible to the summer heat.

Common symptoms

 Limbs ; go to sleep, although he does ; not lie on them.
 Violent jerking burning pains ; confined to a small spot.
 [85] Increased ability to exercise his muscles without fatigue, regardless of the most excessive heat in summer or cold in winter.


 Old cicatrices become red around the edges ; covered or surrounded by itching vesicles, or they itch violently.
 Burning pains on small spots of the skin.
 Itching of the skin (in the month of March).
 Elevated red blotches.
 [90] Red, round, elevated blood vesicles, resembling little flesh warts.
 Varicose veins on the (left) leg.
 Caries and necrosis.
 Ulcerations ; especially after the abuse of Silicea.


 The extreme heat of the summer and the cold of the winter affect him less and he is able to endure more fatigue ; tires less easily.
 [95] сarious ulcers becoming worse from too large or too frequently repeated doses of Silicia are much improved by Fluor. ar.

Analogs by action

Included in the composition

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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