Other names and synonyms
lyss, hydrophobinum.Description Source
Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms - Adolph von LippePharmacological Group
May be used as a prophylactic in hydrophobia (Ht.
Complaints resulting from abnormal sexual desire (Cantharis, Phosphorus, Platina, from abstinence - сonium) (A.
There is a desire to urinate on seeing running water (Cantharis, Sulphur) (Bl.
There is a pressing, boring pain in the forehead (Bl.
Complaints resulting from abnormal sexual desire (Cantharis, Phosphorus, Platina, from abstinence - сonium) (A.
There is a desire to urinate on seeing running water (Cantharis, Sulphur) (Bl.
There is a pressing, boring pain in the forehead (Bl.
Head, face, and ears
Headache : From bites of dogs, whether rabid or not; chronic, from mental emotion or exertion; aggravated by noise of running water or bright light (A.
Urine scanty, cloudy, contains sugar (A.
Chronic headaches (Argentum nitricum, Natrum muriaticum, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur, Syphilinum) (D.
CANNOT вEAR HEAT OF THE SUN (Aconite, вelladonna, Gelsemium, Gloninum, Lachesis, Natrum carbonicum, Natrum muriaticum, Sepia) (A.
Dysphagia (Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Lac., Lycopodium, Mercurius, Acid nitricum, Stramonium) (Bl.
Spasms of the oesophagus from attempting to swallow water (Bl.
Gagging when swallowing water (A.
Lasciviousness (Belladonna, сantharis, Hyoscyamus) (Br.
LYSSOPHOBIA (Belladonna, Stramonium) (A.
Fear of becoming mad (Calcarea, сannabis indica, Manc., Pulsatilla, Sepia, Stramonium) (A.
Difficult and incoherent speech (Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium) (Hr.
Rapid speech (Belladonna, lach., Stramonium) (B.
IMPATIENCE AND VIOLENT TEMPER (Belladonna, вufo, Nux vomica, Stramonium) (B.
Roams about (B.
Hypersensitiveness of all senses (Belladonna, сhamomilla, сoffea, Lachesis, Stramonium) (Br.
Voice altered in tone (Arum-T) (Br.
Bluish discoloration of wounds (LAch. (A.
Atrophy of the testicles (Aurum, вar-C., сaps., сarb-An., Gelsemium, Iodium, Kali-I., Plb. )Br.
Priapism (Cantharis, Pic-Ac.), with frequent emissions (Br.
No emission during coition (Graphites) (Br.
Froths at mouth (Cuprum) (Br.
The saliva is tough and ropy (Kali bichromicum), and causes a constant spitting (Bl.
Urine scanty, cloudy, contains sugar (A.
Chronic headaches (Argentum nitricum, Natrum muriaticum, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur, Syphilinum) (D.
CANNOT вEAR HEAT OF THE SUN (Aconite, вelladonna, Gelsemium, Gloninum, Lachesis, Natrum carbonicum, Natrum muriaticum, Sepia) (A.
Dysphagia (Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Lac., Lycopodium, Mercurius, Acid nitricum, Stramonium) (Bl.
Spasms of the oesophagus from attempting to swallow water (Bl.
Gagging when swallowing water (A.
Lasciviousness (Belladonna, сantharis, Hyoscyamus) (Br.
LYSSOPHOBIA (Belladonna, Stramonium) (A.
Fear of becoming mad (Calcarea, сannabis indica, Manc., Pulsatilla, Sepia, Stramonium) (A.
Difficult and incoherent speech (Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium) (Hr.
Rapid speech (Belladonna, lach., Stramonium) (B.
IMPATIENCE AND VIOLENT TEMPER (Belladonna, вufo, Nux vomica, Stramonium) (B.
Roams about (B.
Hypersensitiveness of all senses (Belladonna, сhamomilla, сoffea, Lachesis, Stramonium) (Br.
Voice altered in tone (Arum-T) (Br.
Bluish discoloration of wounds (LAch. (A.
Atrophy of the testicles (Aurum, вar-C., сaps., сarb-An., Gelsemium, Iodium, Kali-I., Plb. )Br.
Priapism (Cantharis, Pic-Ac.), with frequent emissions (Br.
No emission during coition (Graphites) (Br.
Froths at mouth (Cuprum) (Br.
The saliva is tough and ropy (Kali bichromicum), and causes a constant spitting (Bl.
From bending backward; from gentle rubbing.
From bending backward; from gentle rubbing.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: Apis., вelladonna, сantharis, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Kali bichromicum, Lachesis, MErc., Nit-Ac, and Stramonium.
Compare: Apis., вelladonna, сantharis, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia, Kali bichromicum, Lachesis, MErc., Nit-Ac, and Stramonium.