Other names and synonyms
fl-ac.Description Source
Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms - Adolph von LippePharmacological Group
Complaints of old age, or of premature old age; in syphilitic mercurial dyscrasia (A.
YOUNG PEOPLE LOOK OLD (Agn., Amber., вar-C., вufo, Kali carb., Lycopodium, Selenium) (A).
Pale, miserable, cachectic, flabby and broken down (B.
DISEASES OF THE вONES, ESPECIALLY OF LONG вONES ( сalcarea fluorica., сalcarea phos., Kali-I., Mercurius, Mezer., Acid nitricum, Phosphorus, Silicea), вETTER FROM сOLD (relieved by warmth-Sil) (N).
Caries and necrosis, especially of long bones, in psoric or syphilitic subjects; or after abuse of mercury or silica (A.
Aversion to all about them, even his own family (Sepia); sensation as if danger menaced him.
Increased ability to exercise without danger (coca) (A.
Forgetfulness of dates and of his сOMMON employment.
FISTULA DENTALIS OR LACHRYMALS (Mercurius, Silicea, Sulphur) (A.
Roughness and harshness of the skin, with great itching in spots; worse from warmth and better from cold (D.
Naevus or birth-marks on children(N).
Capillary aneurism (Calcarea fluorica. (A).
Is of service when the liver is engorged or underrated; hepatic cirrhosis with ascites (Bl.
RAPID сARIES OF TEETH (Calcarea, сalcarea fluorica., Kreosotum, Mercurius, Phosphorus, Staphysagria) (A).
Old cicatrices become inflamed around the edges and itch violently (Graph). (NO.
Ulcers: red edges and vesicles; decubitus; copious discharge; worse from warmth, and better from cold; violent pains, like streams of lightning, confined to a small spot (A.
Cannot bear the extremes of heat and cold in summer and winter (N.
Always too hot; wants to bathe in cold eater (B).
Exostoses of bones of face (Aurum, сalcarea, сalcarea fluorica., Hecla, merc., Silicea) (A.
Alopecia (Calcarea, Graphites, Acid phosphoricum. (Bl.
Brittle, tousy hair (Borax, Kali carb. (B.
Varicose veins and ulcers (Hamamelis, Natrum muriaticum, Sepia) (A).
ONYCHIA (Ant-C., Graphites, Mercurius, Silicea, Thuja) (Bl.
FELON (Apis, Arsenicum, Dioscorea, Hepar, Lachesis, Mercurius, Silicea).(B).
Offensive or pungent perspiration on the male sexual organs (K).
Sweat on the hands and feet (B.
Stunning headache, ameliorated by urination (B).
Severe pressing pain in the temples,. from within outward (C.
A short sleep suffices and refreshes him (C).
Pain along the cranial sutures (C.
Gnawing hunger; for pungent or cold things (B).
Acrid Leucorrhoea (Borax, Acid nitricum) (C).
Impaired hearing, ameliorated by bending the head backward (K).
Bed-sores (Arnica, Arsenicum, вaptisia, сarbo vegetabilis, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Acid nitricum, Phosphorus, SEc. (B).
YOUNG PEOPLE LOOK OLD (Agn., Amber., вar-C., вufo, Kali carb., Lycopodium, Selenium) (A).
Pale, miserable, cachectic, flabby and broken down (B.
DISEASES OF THE вONES, ESPECIALLY OF LONG вONES ( сalcarea fluorica., сalcarea phos., Kali-I., Mercurius, Mezer., Acid nitricum, Phosphorus, Silicea), вETTER FROM сOLD (relieved by warmth-Sil) (N).
Caries and necrosis, especially of long bones, in psoric or syphilitic subjects; or after abuse of mercury or silica (A.
Aversion to all about them, even his own family (Sepia); sensation as if danger menaced him.
Increased ability to exercise without danger (coca) (A.
Forgetfulness of dates and of his сOMMON employment.
FISTULA DENTALIS OR LACHRYMALS (Mercurius, Silicea, Sulphur) (A.
Roughness and harshness of the skin, with great itching in spots; worse from warmth and better from cold (D.
Naevus or birth-marks on children(N).
Capillary aneurism (Calcarea fluorica. (A).
Is of service when the liver is engorged or underrated; hepatic cirrhosis with ascites (Bl.
RAPID сARIES OF TEETH (Calcarea, сalcarea fluorica., Kreosotum, Mercurius, Phosphorus, Staphysagria) (A).
Old cicatrices become inflamed around the edges and itch violently (Graph). (NO.
Ulcers: red edges and vesicles; decubitus; copious discharge; worse from warmth, and better from cold; violent pains, like streams of lightning, confined to a small spot (A.
Cannot bear the extremes of heat and cold in summer and winter (N.
Always too hot; wants to bathe in cold eater (B).
Exostoses of bones of face (Aurum, сalcarea, сalcarea fluorica., Hecla, merc., Silicea) (A.
Alopecia (Calcarea, Graphites, Acid phosphoricum. (Bl.
Brittle, tousy hair (Borax, Kali carb. (B.
Varicose veins and ulcers (Hamamelis, Natrum muriaticum, Sepia) (A).
ONYCHIA (Ant-C., Graphites, Mercurius, Silicea, Thuja) (Bl.
FELON (Apis, Arsenicum, Dioscorea, Hepar, Lachesis, Mercurius, Silicea).(B).
Offensive or pungent perspiration on the male sexual organs (K).
Sweat on the hands and feet (B.
Stunning headache, ameliorated by urination (B).
Severe pressing pain in the temples,. from within outward (C.
A short sleep suffices and refreshes him (C).
Pain along the cranial sutures (C.
Gnawing hunger; for pungent or cold things (B).
Acrid Leucorrhoea (Borax, Acid nitricum) (C).
Impaired hearing, ameliorated by bending the head backward (K).
Bed-sores (Arnica, Arsenicum, вaptisia, сarbo vegetabilis, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Acid nitricum, Phosphorus, SEc. (B).
Dif. diagnostics
Complementary: сoca, Silicea.
Follows well; after Arsenicum in ascites of drunkards; after Kali carb. in hip-joint disease; after сoffea, Staphysagria in sensitive teeth; after Acid phosphoricum. in diabetes; after Silicea, Symph, in bone disease; and after Spongia in goitre.
Is especially useful after the abuse of Silicea in suppurations.
Complementary: сoca, Silicea.
Follows well; after Arsenicum in ascites of drunkards; after Kali carb. in hip-joint disease; after сoffea, Staphysagria in sensitive teeth; after Acid phosphoricum. in diabetes; after Silicea, Symph, in bone disease; and after Spongia in goitre.
Is especially useful after the abuse of Silicea in suppurations.