Other names and synonyms
canch.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Additional facts
Erythraea chironioides. N. O. Gentianaceae. Tincture of whole plant when in flower.
Influenza. Intermittents.
Typical features
This is a popular сalifornian remedy. It is indicated in intermittents of most severe type of hot countries; general sore, bruised feeling, nausea and retching, the skin becomes wrinkled like a washerwoman s. It was proved by Doctor Richter, who experienced the following among other symptoms: Head feels congested. Scalp tight; feels as if drawn together by indiarubber. Stitches, pain, buzzing and roaring in ears. сonstipation, hard, knotty stools. сhills repeatedly down back.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: The Gentians, сhi., Ipec.
Head, face, and ears
Head feels congested. Pressive pains in forehead. Scalp feels tight, as if drawn together with indiarubber.
Burning in eyes, first left then right.
Piercing or stitches in ears. Increased buzzing and roaring.
Burning in eyes, first left then right.
Piercing or stitches in ears. Increased buzzing and roaring.
Mouth and throat
Spitting of white mucus, with trembling and nervousness.
Gastrointestinal tract
Increased appetite. Eructations. Regurgitations. Water-brash.
Flatus. Slight pain by pressure.
Several loose stools a day. - сonstipation. Hard, knotty, morning stool.
Flatus. Slight pain by pressure.
Several loose stools a day. - сonstipation. Hard, knotty, morning stool.
Chest organs
It alleviated a catarrh produced by influenza.
Common symptoms
That kind of pain in head and fingers which is concomitant with the attacks of intermittent fever.
Sleeplessness (from 1st trit.
Chills repeatedly, down the spine and all over, especially in bed at night. Heat in whole body; I could bear, after the proving, the cool trade wind, usually setting in, in San Francisco, in the afternoon, better than before.