Other names and synonyms
ran-a, ranunculus acer.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Ranunculus acris. вuttercup. Goldcup. сrowfoot. N. O. Ranunculaceae. Tincture of whole plant.
Erysipelas. Fever. Gangrene. Lumbago. Neuralgia. Rheumatism. Ulcers.
Typical features
Ranunculus acris is distinguished from R. bulbosus by its slender cylindrical flower-stalk, that of R. bulb. being furrowed. вoth are common buttercups, and have acrid and poisonous properties. R. acris was proved by Franz and Lembke, and the chief skin symptoms were observed in a woman of seventy who applied a handful of the herb to her limbs, with the result of setting up violent constitutional symptoms and fever and intense inflammation, going on to gangrene of the skin of the legs. In the provers a pain of a rheumatic character was experienced in the muscles and joints, especially ankles and wrists, which occurred when walking and also when at rest. Lumbar pains.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: Ran. bulb.
Psyche and consciousness
Head, face, and ears
Headache. Tearing in forehead, in face.
Eyes contained a quantity of fluid blood and showed several livid spots of hard texture (in dog poisoned with the juice).
Red face. Violent tearing in right cheek, towards temples, evening. Skin of right cheek has peculiar feeling as though touched here and there with a cold, thin body; later in left cheek.
Eyes contained a quantity of fluid blood and showed several livid spots of hard texture (in dog poisoned with the juice).
Red face. Violent tearing in right cheek, towards temples, evening. Skin of right cheek has peculiar feeling as though touched here and there with a cold, thin body; later in left cheek.
Mouth and throat
Continuous scraping taste in throat.
Gastrointestinal tract
Frequent eructations of tasteless flatus. Nausea; with much saliva.
Copious fluid stool without pain at 5 and at 7 - Two loose stools, morning.
Copious fluid stool without pain at 5 and at 7 - Two loose stools, morning.
Urogenital system
Frequent micturition during night; urine normal.
Chest organs
Tearing in muscles, right side of chest behind nipple,.
Cardiovascular system
Pulse small and rapid. Heart contained coagulated blood (dog).
Limbs and spine
Pain several times in lumbar muscles on bending and turning the body; and in joints; also when sitting or in motion.
Joints sore. - вoring and drawing pain in right tibia and in elbow. Violent pressing pain in joints of elbow, ankle, and knee when sitting; motion. Tearing in wrists, ankle, and thumb, in walking and resting. Tearing in joint of wrist, ankle, and shoulder, in forehead and in muscles of right chest. Tearing in hip, shoulder, and ankle-joint. Wandering pains in limbs, in joints of hands, knees, feet, and toes.
Heaviness and weakness in legs on walking; also in bed in morning. Tearing in front of tibiae and in temples. Drawing pains in ankle-joints; tearing in left, walking and at rest.
Joints sore. - вoring and drawing pain in right tibia and in elbow. Violent pressing pain in joints of elbow, ankle, and knee when sitting; motion. Tearing in wrists, ankle, and thumb, in walking and resting. Tearing in joint of wrist, ankle, and shoulder, in forehead and in muscles of right chest. Tearing in hip, shoulder, and ankle-joint. Wandering pains in limbs, in joints of hands, knees, feet, and toes.
Heaviness and weakness in legs on walking; also in bed in morning. Tearing in front of tibiae and in temples. Drawing pains in ankle-joints; tearing in left, walking and at rest.
Common symptoms
Tremulous, faint, anxious, restless, small, rapid pulse, red face. Awoke at night with most violent pains.
Obstinate ulcers. Skin (of legs) hot, red, painful, blistered in places; next day gangrenous.
Violent erethistic fever, with intolerable pains in legs and feet, which were burned, blistered, and gangrenous. Intolerable heat and faintness. Head hot and heavy. Heat in head. Skin somewhat moist in morning. Forehead damp.