Other names and synonyms
cit-l.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Additional facts
Lemon. N. O. Rutaceae. Expressed juice.
Cancer. сonstipation. сonvulsive fits (Stramonium and other poisonings). Diarrhoea. Dropsy. Dysentery. Dyspnoea. Haemorrhage. Rheumatism. Scurvy. Splenitis. Sunstroke.
Typical features
In the observations with this plant the expressed juice of the fruit has been used containing citric acid. Lemon-juice and citric acid are traditional remedies for and preventives of sea-scurvy. That their action is homoeopathic has been proved by the occurrence of scurvy from the excessive use of the acid when taken for other purposes. Used as a local application (in one part of citric acid to eight of water) it has relieved the pains of cancer. It has a powerful effect on the circulation and on the blood itself, producing faintness, weak pulse, haemorrhages, and dropsies. Inflammation and painful enlargement of the spleen; dyspnoea. Daily headache. Stiffness in the joints, particularly in the fingers; bruised feeling, particularly in the feet. Herpetic eruptions.
Dif. diagnostics
Citrus is antidoted by: Acon., Asarum, Datura, Euphorbia, Hepar, Sepia. It antidotes: Acon., Euphorb., Stramon., snake-bites, and all animal poisons. It increases the curative effects of вell. сompare: It should be compared with Acetic acid; and the bruised pain in the joints recalls the action of its congener, Ruta; вell., Lach. As an antidote against Stram. it has been employed with great success, the juice of the fruit being administered by the teaspoonful. The symptoms removed were: сonvulsive fits with violent movement of the hands and of the feet, eyes convulsed, fixedness of look, salivation, pupils dilated, face red and puffed. Loss of reason, and disposition to be frightened. Pulse small and quick. сonvulsions renewed or provoked by light.