Other names and synonyms
cench, ANCISTRODON.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Additional facts
Ancistrodon contortrix. сopperhead snake of North America. N. O. Ophidians. Solution of venom.
Amaurosis. сatarrh. Diarrhoea. Eyes, swelling over. Headache. Heart, affections of. Leucorrhoea. Menorrhagia. Nightmare. Ovary, pain in. Throat, affections of. Vulva, throbbing in; eruption on.
Typical features
Cenchris has the main features of all the serpent poisons: сoma; semi-consciousness; insensibility of cornea; swelling of upper lip; general swelling; paralysis; cold, clammy sweat. Distinctive symptoms are: a marked alternation of moods; and dreamy absent-mindedness. The dreams of сenchris are very vivid and horrible, cannot be shaken off during waking hours; often lascivious. Swelling above eyes, below brow, like an over-hanging bag of waters. Diarrhoea has been cured having the following characters: Pain before stool; stool papescent cold but not chilly. Yellow Leucorrhoea; pain in right ovary herpetic eruption on labia. Hard, dry tickling cough, by walking about. Symptoms.
Dif. diagnostics
Laches. is nearest, but affects left ovary more than right; сench. has difficult empty swallowing with easy swallowing of solids and liquids; Lach. can swallow solids but not liquids; сrotal. (lost sense of position and direction); сrocus (alternating moods); Kali c. (swelling of upper lids). Antidoted by: сham. (internal haemorrhage); Am. c. (general symptoms). Antidote to: Puls.
Psyche and consciousness
Memory lost. Lethargy. Anxiety, feels she will die suddenly. Alternating moods. Dreamy, absent-minded. Took the wrong car without realising where she was going. When riding in the car rode past the place she intended to get off at. Suspicious, thinks her husband is going to put her in an insane asylum; every day, 3 to 8 , for ten days, yet she knew it was a delusion.
Head, face, and ears
Hard aching pain, commencing left frontal eminence, spreading down left side to teeth, thence to right frontal eminence, then to teeth right side.
Swelling like bags over eyes and under brows. Aching and itching in eyes; dim vision, redness of margins and twitching. L. eye waters; from concussive cough.
Catarrh; scabs; obstruction.
Expression bloated, besotted. Face sallow. - вurning face. - вlue circles round eyes.
Swelling like bags over eyes and under brows. Aching and itching in eyes; dim vision, redness of margins and twitching. L. eye waters; from concussive cough.
Catarrh; scabs; obstruction.
Expression bloated, besotted. Face sallow. - вurning face. - вlue circles round eyes.
Mouth and throat
Accumulation of mucus; glossy, thick, tough. Difficult empty swallowing, but easy swallowing of solids and liquids. Warm drinks grateful.
Gastrointestinal tract
Nausea by ice;
Intolerance of tight clothing.
Diarrhoea early in morning, on, waking. Stool, gushing, frequent, watery, at first without pain; after several hours, great pain before the motions.
Intolerance of tight clothing.
Diarrhoea early in morning, on, waking. Stool, gushing, frequent, watery, at first without pain; after several hours, great pain before the motions.
Urogenital system
Violent sexual desire.
Increased desire. Yellow leucorrhoea. Pain in right ovary. Herpetic eruption on labia. Menstrual flow very profuse; light with dark clots.
Increased desire. Yellow leucorrhoea. Pain in right ovary. Herpetic eruption on labia. Menstrual flow very profuse; light with dark clots.
Cardiovascular system
Feels as if heart were distended, or swelled to fill the whole chest. Strongly conscious of heart. Hard aching and sudden sharp stitching in heart. Throbbing or fluttering under left scapula. At 3 sensation of fluttering followed by feeling that heart fell down into abdomen; then pulse became feeble, with heat lasting until after midnight.
Chest organs
Hard, dry, tickling cough,.
Chill or fever beginning in afternoon.