Other names and synonyms
kali-ar.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Additional facts
Kali arseniatum. Potassium arsenite. KH2 ASO3. Fowler s Solution, the form in which Kali ars. has been tested, consists of Arsenious acid 1 part, сarbonate of potash 1 part. сompound tincture of lavender 3 parts, distilled water 95 parts. Dilutions should be made from this.
Bright s disease. сancer. Deafness. Diarrhoea. Dropsy. Eczema. Epithelioma. Exophthalmos. Eyes, affections of. Herpes zoster. Jealousy. Measles. Melancholy. Miliary rash. Neuralgia. Neurasthenia. Psoriasis. Skin, affections of. Tongue, neuralgia of. Varicose veins. Ulcers.
Typical features
It is not possible to separate entirely the pathogenesis of Ars. alb. and Kali ars. Kali ars. is the favourite form in which Arsenic is prescribed by the allopaths, consequently the bulk of observations from over-dosing are due to this preparation; and as it is named Liquor arsenicalis it is considered as Arsenic and nothing else. However, a sufficient number of pure observations have been made to warrant a separate consideration. The cases of poisoning with massive doses present nothing to distinguish them from cases poisoned with other arsenical preparations. вut Kali ars. has had a short proving, and a number of cases of medicinal provings in allopathic hands are on record. Jonathan Hutchinson has recorded a number of cases of right-side herpes. One of his patients observed that whilst taking Kali ars. her sclerotics became thick and yellow instead of clear and bluish. The iris which was blue became more grey. Her skin instead of being fair and florid became muddy and older looking. This was a mystery to Hutchinson seeing that he usually gave Kali ars. to make the skin clearer, but he was compelled to record the homoeopathic fact, though, he did not apparently perceive the homoeopathic solution of the mystery. The same authority has put on record cases of epithelioma developing after prolonged medication with Kali ars. for psoriasis. The skin symptoms of Kali ars. are exceedingly well marked. In one case an attack of measles was almost exactly depicted. Itching was.
Dif. diagnostics
In some cases of overdosing Kali iod. proved antidotal. For other antidotes see Arsen., which it greatly resembles, and with which it must be compared. сompare: Levico, Nat. ars., and other Arsen. compounds; сhi. (periodicity) сicut. (fixed eyeballs); Rumex and jug. right (.
Psyche and consciousness
Scolding, morose, retired, quarrelsome, and discontented, jealous, indifferent to everything, scarcely answered questions addressed to her, or replied to them in a peevish tone; eyes had a fixed look, face looked frightened and anxious;
Head, face, and ears
Thought her head felt larger. - headache in left parietal bone, as if it was sore and pressed upon by a hand; behaves like a crazy person. - сonstricted feeling in head, as if there was a wound on parietal bone which was being scratched; the place feels hot; pressure does not . - сrusta lactea.
Startled look, with protruding, brilliant eyes, pale face, and sunken cheeks. Eyes red. Heat and itchiness of lids, followed by swelling and tenderness; conjunctiva becomes inflamed, eye sensitive to light, dark discolouration round orbit. Itching of conjunctiva. Protrusion of eyeballs. Whites of eyes look thick and yellow. Jaundice. The blue iris becomes more grey. - сonjunctiva glassy. Dyspnoea; injected conjunctivae, and eyeballs fixed. Right eye weaker; watery, as after weeping.
Nodular eruption on face; boils. Face pale. - сomplexion muddy. Looks older. Furfuraceous eruption on beard.
Startled look, with protruding, brilliant eyes, pale face, and sunken cheeks. Eyes red. Heat and itchiness of lids, followed by swelling and tenderness; conjunctiva becomes inflamed, eye sensitive to light, dark discolouration round orbit. Itching of conjunctiva. Protrusion of eyeballs. Whites of eyes look thick and yellow. Jaundice. The blue iris becomes more grey. - сonjunctiva glassy. Dyspnoea; injected conjunctivae, and eyeballs fixed. Right eye weaker; watery, as after weeping.
Nodular eruption on face; boils. Face pale. - сomplexion muddy. Looks older. Furfuraceous eruption on beard.
Mouth and throat
Gums swollen and tender. Tongue clear, red, like raw beef. Tongue coated on edges only with mucous stripes. In middle towards tip of tongue a smooth, red spot with troublesome burning and numbness. Neuralgia of tongue). Tongue swollen, felt too large in mouth. Tongue whitish.
Sensation in throat and larynx as if forced asunder. Throat dry and sore. Throat constricted with copious flow of saliva.
Sensation in throat and larynx as if forced asunder. Throat dry and sore. Throat constricted with copious flow of saliva.
Appetite and food preferences
Appetite lost. Intense thirst.
Gastrointestinal tract
Constant pain and nausea after food; frequent vomiting of ingesta. Weight after eating. For one or two hours, repeated every five or ten minutes, sensation as of a ball rising from pit of stomach to larynx threatening suffocation, by loud belching. From pit of stomach to spine an anxious feeling accompanied by palpitation, not perceptible objectively. Empty feeling in stomach. Sin king at epigastrium with faintness.
Burning pain in bowels; unquenchable thirst; belly tense and painful; involuntary watery stools with sense as if a red-hot iron were in anus. Frequent griping pains in bowels, and almost constant desire for stool; considerable tenderness in whole abdomen, which is distended.
Violent diarrhoea. Stools white, watery, frothy. Sensation as of a red-hot iron in anus.
Burning pain in bowels; unquenchable thirst; belly tense and painful; involuntary watery stools with sense as if a red-hot iron were in anus. Frequent griping pains in bowels, and almost constant desire for stool; considerable tenderness in whole abdomen, which is distended.
Violent diarrhoea. Stools white, watery, frothy. Sensation as of a red-hot iron in anus.
Urogenital system
Urine scanty with pellicle.
Cauliflower excrescence of os uteri, with flying pains, pressure below os pubis, and stinking discharge. Menses absent. Milk entirely arrested (afterwards restored by treatment).
Cauliflower excrescence of os uteri, with flying pains, pressure below os pubis, and stinking discharge. Menses absent. Milk entirely arrested (afterwards restored by treatment).
Chest organs
Some gastric cough, and frequent raking of throat and fauces of a muco-purulent secretion mixed with specks of blood. - сomplete aphonia, following skin affection.
Cardiovascular system
Pulse weak and contracted. Pulse small, scarcely perceptible, rapid.
Limbs and spine
Much pain and tenderness down spine.
Palms and soles spreckled over with corns.
Aching pain in right shoulder and elbow, followed by herpetic eruption.
Knees bent up so he could not move his feet. Varicose veins of legs. - сrampy feeling of lower extremities, with partial loss of motion and sensation, livid in places, tending to slough.
Palms and soles spreckled over with corns.
Aching pain in right shoulder and elbow, followed by herpetic eruption.
Knees bent up so he could not move his feet. Varicose veins of legs. - сrampy feeling of lower extremities, with partial loss of motion and sensation, livid in places, tending to slough.
Common symptoms
Such weakness she cannot sit up in bed; a loud noise or sudden, unexpected motion throws her whole body into a tremor. Emaciation. Tremor. Faintness. Phagedenic ulcers, deep base and turned-up edges. Rheumatic, gouty, and syphilitic pains. Gouty nodosities.
Dry, wilted skin; emaciated to a skeleton. On three different occasions, swelling of face and eyelids, then erysipelas invading whole face ending in desquamation in a week. Acne, appearance like that in early stage of variola. Miliary eruption. Herpes zoster behind right ear, right side of neck, right shoulder, right upper arm, right chest, a few isolated vesicles left side of neck. Severe attack of shingles right side of chest. Eruption covering entire body except scalp, comes out in red papulae, varying in diameter from size of pin s head to that of a three cent. piece; vesicles form on summit, suppurate, crusts form and fall off, leaving a sore which heals; the places occupied by these sores are marked by a dark-coloured cicatrix, and the skin generally has a dusky look; intolerable itching, stinging, and burning, especially on undressing at night; it is.
Temperature of surface diminished. Skin cool, dry. Increase of heat and dryness of skin. Temperature, which before had been normal rose to 101, with malaise and anorexia.